Montreal Escorts

Off limits questions [please respect merb’s rules]


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Following merb’s guidelines, what are some questions that SPs/MPs/strippers shouldn’t ask when meeting you for the first time?

What are some questions that could bring the room’s temperature to -30°C ?

Please be respectful, if you need a refresher, here are perbs rules: [I need a refresher]

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
peux-tu me payer tout de suite je vais aller porter l’argent à mon chauffeur/je vais aller fumer dehors..:D

je me suis fait avoir une fois, hahahah

Un classique ! C'est la version "uno reverse" du fameux "j'ai oublié mon portefeuille dans ma voiture". Ça doit être tout aussi frustrant !


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Tu arrives sur les lieux du rendez-vous et elle te demande d’attendre quelques minutes…

10 minutes plus tard tu lui réécris et elle ne répond pas ou à une excuse, elle doit manger, etc

et 45 minutes plus tard s’tu y es toujours…

beau jambon :D

Voilà pourquoi il faut faire affaire avec des professionnelles ;)
Une fois y'a une fille qui m'a demandé si je m'en venais deux heures après l'heure prévu du rendez-vous après un silence radio. F...k off!


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
Some people are more sensitive than others about discussing their relationship status, so it depends. Similarly, I never inquire about the relationship status of the SP’s I see, especially when we are just getting to know each other. But if it comes up naturally in conversation, or she brings the topic up herself, then that is a different story.


Active Member
Jan 6, 2020
If the client is non-white and/or speaks with an accent, asking "where are you from?" could be a little off-putting. I won't say this question immediately kills the mood for me, but it makes me uncomfortable. I can understand the curiosity if this question comes from someone who spends a lot of time with me - colleague, neighbor etc. - but not in a session with an SP where it's in neither party's interest to exchange personal details.

Another question is " are you married? / do you have a girlfriend? " . It's okay if the client brings it up first, but the SP prompting that question could make a client uncomfortable.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
"where are you from?"

I ask it to everyone when I notice their first or last name doesn’t sound typically Québécois. Or sometimes I try to guess it and will ask “Are you from Neverland?” and the person can answer with “No, I’m from Oz.”


Active Member
Aug 2, 2019
Great question. As time has gone by, I am comfortable sharing more about myself without needing to hold back, and I think it helps with building an authentic connection. I share where I am from, my work, relationship status, music and movie tastes, fitness routines, favorite cuisines etc. depending on the flow of the conversation. As @Jaxan said, this could be subjective, so best to adjust - and this is bidirectional. Sometimes SPs will share, and sometimes they don't want to depending on how much of themselves they are willing to reveal. Needless to say, the more times you get to meet, the easier the conversation and comfort level in sharing.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Are you OK with me insisting you wear a condom? Then you won't catch my treatment-resistant gonorrhea.

I think.

Alisha Cantaloupe

Incall Griffintown and Outcall everywhere!
Supporting Member
Jun 19, 2022
Oh this thread is interesting.
PS : I will put the question and the answers or why I hate them.

1- How did you learn « French » ? You speak so well.
(At school duh lol)

2- Do you speak French in your country ?
(This one I let it slide sometimes because some people don’t really know my country is an ex french colony. One of the best countries where you will hear speak a fluent and perfect French with barely no accent)

3- Where your parents poor that’s why you came here?
( Omg I hate this one so much. I’m from a really wealthy family in my country. Unfortunately you can’t compare Dollars Vs FCFA so with time you have to adjust yourself to your environment). People have multiple reasons why they immigrate. Thankfully mine wasn’t a financial issue or a refugee issue or anything like that but it will be too long to explain it in this thread.

4- Is it safe in your country?
(While I do understand the major reason for the question I really hate it. There is this misconception that every country in Africa or third world are in war or it’s insanely dangerous etc. NO; my country is one of the most peaceful places you will see in the entire world and I pray that it stays like this forever especially with all the things happening right now in the world).

5- Do you live in trees ?
( omg I did get that question when I first arrived in Canada. I was shocked.).
Now people ask questions like : How do you use to live in your country?
( I simply answer that I use to live in a big town in a big house with two garage; cars ; a personal driver to pick us from our private bilingual school; a housekeeper; personal teachers at home to help us with our studies both in French and English.)

6- Are you really black?
( I hate this one because I use to think I was really dark in complexion until I arrived here in Canada and people were expecting to see all black people with really dark complexion. NO; we come in different complexions: dark, light, brown etc).
(Even though I do have some old roots from Brazil but that’s another more complex story lol)

7- Why are you so gorgeous? Why are you so freaky in bed?
( don’t ask me that if not I will get emotional and fall in love with you haha! Just joking I love it )
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Two questions I find offensive and I hate when asked.

  1. Do you have a girlfriend? Annoying as hell. If I had one I would not be booking an escort or need to.
  2. Where are you from? I hate this question. I am born in Canada. Just because I do not got white skin or blue eyes does not mean I am not Canadian. I like to leave it as that. As far as I am concerned my country of origin is Canada.
Now this question I find very offensive but only applies to strippers:

  1. They often ask me that I do not drink? I usually order Perrier or Cola. And they are so interested in what I am drinking and think I am an alien from another planet because I am not drinking alcohol. Who cares what I am drinking. Stop asking weird questions about what I am drinking.


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
Following merb’s guidelines, what are some questions that SPs/MPs/strippers shouldn’t ask when meeting you for the first time?

What are some questions that could bring the room’s temperature to -30°C ?

I don’t think a SP would ask you if you’re pregnant unless you are a woman hiring a male SP.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
I don’t think a SP would ask you if you’re pregnant unless you are a woman hiring a male SP.
  • Haha
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