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Repeats: Why some do? Why some try to avoid it?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I know someone who repeated hundreds of times with a lady over several years and then she left the business and he was crushed. He couldn't find an adequate replacement. And that's the problem anyone who repeats 100s of time will eventually have. Killbill is set up for the same disappointment when she leaves the business and puts it all behind her. I don't know if we will need to put him on a suicide watch or not, but when she inevitably leaves the business he will be crushed.

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...

That's not my business at all, but permit me to use a contemporary popular term: Please, no amalgam here.

That's so really pessimist that you surprised me.

Even I can understand Killbill007 will certainly be sad, that's not a certitude at the point to commit suicide.

Anyway, that was my humble 2 cents about this. I should not say something, I know.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think you misunderstood my post. My point is simply he is set up for disappointment. I assume his ATF will not be working for the next 20 years-

I also said "I don't know if we will need to put him on a suicide watch", but I personally saw someone suffer through a bad depression and withdrawal after his ATF of some years retired.


Jun 9, 2015
Even I can understand Killbill007 will certainly be sad, that's not a certitude at the point to commit suicide.
Well Maria, look at EB's little nickname - Veteran of Misadventures

He might simply be jealous of other people's happiness, that's all.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Why would you make such a ridiculous comment? And how would you know whether I invest 2 cents in caring to the point of being "jealous" (I don't). My post is based on personal observation of what happened to a friend and nothing more.

You also don't have a clue about why my nickname was chosen and obviously are not much of a board historian.


Jun 9, 2015

Why would you make such a ridiculous comment? And how would you know whether I invest 2 cents in caring to the point of being "jealous" (I don't). My post is based on personal observation of what happened to a friend and nothing more.

No disrespect was meant kind sir, but I think you went too far by talking about suicide. The guy is all happy to share his story and then Bam!, you reply with a post about the woman leaving for good and him being on suicide watch...That's extreme.

Why bring the guy down like that?? Was it necessary? Anyway.... :confused:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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You both totally misinterepreted my words which were carefully chosen. I said the guy was setting himself for a disappointment. It goes without saying that nobody knows how he will handle it, himself included probably.


Jul 8, 2014
Totally off topic

Jon : y a-t-il une raison spéciale pour laquelle tu conserves en mémoire le nombre de filles avec lesquelles tu couches. Je suis juste curieux. As tu un objectif d'accoter Gene Simons ou Tommy Lee :) Si c'est le cas bonne chance lol


Jun 9, 2015
Jon : y a-t-il une raison spéciale pour laquelle tu conserves en mémoire le nombre de filles avec lesquelles tu couches. Je suis juste curieux. As tu un objectif d'accoter Gene Simons ou Tommy Lee :) Si c'est le cas bonne chance lol
*va sur google pour savoir qui sont Gene Simons et Tommy Lee* :lol: Crime que j'connais rien en musique

J'sais pas trop mon chum, j'aime me souvenir des filles que je vois. C'est pas une question de nombre, je veux juste pas oublier ces filles. J'me trouve chanceux de pouvoir coucher avec autant de belles filles, je veux pas en oublier une! J'ai une liste écrite à la mains et une sur mon Iphone, avec les noms et stats (âge, date du rendez-vous, cheveux, poids, personnalité). de tout mes rendez-vous. Tsé, ce mode de vie est encore relativement nouveau pour moi alors peut-être que d'ici quelques années je vais arrêter de compter. Quelques vétérans m'ont dit qu'ils faisaient la même chose à leur début dans le hobby, alors c'est un peu weird mais peut-être pas si weird que ça :) :lol: :)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I don't think there was any malice intended in your response more of a fartherly advice to not set himself up for a possible huge disappointment and heartache when she retires.

This would be correct. There was also some extreme presumptuousness in GJ's retort that I am somehow an old bitter man who has never been in the same position. Nothing could be further from the truth. However in my own case it was a lady whom I only repeated with many (not 100s) of times. An agency girl whose personal info I had. She left the business and entered a relationship with a local man and I didn't frankly handle it as well as I thought I would. Although I eventually did in my own head and moved on.


New Member
Nov 1, 2013
J'sais pas trop mon chum, j'aime me souvenir des filles que je vois. C'est pas une question de nombre, je veux juste pas oublier ces filles. J'me trouve chanceux de pouvoir coucher avec autant de belles filles, je veux pas en oublier une! J'ai une liste écrite à la mains et une sur mon Iphone, avec les noms et stats (âge, date du rendez-vous, cheveux, poids, personnalité). de tout mes rendez-vous. Tsé, ce mode de vie est encore relativement nouveau pour moi alors peut-être que d'ici quelques années je vais arrêter de compter. Quelques vétérans m'ont dit qu'ils faisaient la même chose à leur début dans le hobby, alors c'est un peu weird mais peut-être pas si weird que ça :) :lol: :)
C'est tellement drole! J'ai fait la même chose moi aussi, et je viens de retrouver le spreadsheet Excel dans lequel je prenait toutes mes notes. J'ai les prénoms, agences, ages, couleur des yeux, des cheveux, mensurations, services offerts et une appréciation de chacune d'elles qui couvre une période de 3 ans. Ça fait peur! LOL

En regardant ces notes ca me rappelle quelques bon souvenirs, mais je doit avouer qu'après plus de 15 ans, je ne me souvient à peine d'une fille sur dix de ma liste. Celles dont je me souviens le plus ne sont pas dans cette vieille liste, et je les ait vues plusieurs fois.

Bref, une liste comme celle-ci c'est amusant à revoir après des années, mais c'est pas ca qui fait qu'on se souviens vraiment. Les vrais bons souvenirs se compte sur les doigts d'une main: Sammy (Indépendante), Melanie chérie (FKS), Josee (filles de Mr Jacques), et quelques autres.

Pas besoin d'une liste pour se souvenir des meilleurs moments!



I'm proud of my color
May 3, 2013
Okay. That is a relationship.
I should say friendship when you saw the same girls 2-3 times a week for buisness and more for sharing time out side buisness just to hanging out

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I like to repeat with the SPs that really gave me a wonderous session. The ones that combine beauty and service to the best degree. As said by OP, there is the part of craving for the session on more than just pics or expectations, you know more or less what is coming.

But there is always the craving of "new adventures" as well that sometimes make you want to experience new things. Either you saw the lady in a party, or the pics talk to you a lot, or the description etc etc.

What i try to do is go for 2 new ladies and then a repeat when possible, or sometimes if i had a disapointing meeting, i go see someone i know ill have a great time, that never disapointed. I only go see providers 6-7 times a year nowadays, so im always hoping and trying for the best possible meetings .. So this mean highly reviewed SPs and such most of the time.

In any case would i be more at ease financially, i would have regulars for sure. There is just a chemistry that happen when you see the same provider, she know what you like, how to please you.


Active Member
May 27, 2011
It is simple why not to repeat, you just don't want to fall for them. I rarely repeat with any girl unless they are freaking amazing.
Most bookers that know me know that, but when they are amazing trust me they are.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
It is simple why not to repeat, you just don't want to fall for them.
Or them for you?

I love the thrill of new partners, but the sex is generally better with repeats. Learning about the other's body and responses goes a long way in fine-tuning the experience and making it extraordinary. I also may be more inclined to experiment with someone I know and like.

I recently spent a few days with a repeat client and it was amazing. But after that much time together feelings can come into play. Managing those feelings and keeping things professional isn't the easiest thing to do.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I also may be more inclined to experiment with someone I know and like.

There are people like myself who do not ask for specific things but welcome almost everything hoping the SP would push the limits ( my fault for not asking ). I had a SP ask me my restrictions once and I told her nothing up my butt ( recently the suprise ice cube in the butt was enjoyed ) and I would not like being lit on fire, anything else goes, it was a great session and also my first visit, we did meet again a few times. Moral of the story, push the respected limits. Just my opinion.
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