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Serious relationship with a women in the sex industry?

Would you ever SERIOUSLY date a women who currently works in the sex industry?

  • Hell no, Not even a chance! Pas une chance!

    Votes: 19 10.9%
  • No way, It's cheating. I wouldn't date a "whore". Pas du tout, c'est de la triche.

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Maybe, If she told me right away.Peut-être, si elle m'a dit tout de suite.

    Votes: 21 12.0%
  • Only if she stopped right away.Seulement si elle arrêtait tout de suite

    Votes: 17 9.7%
  • What I don't know can't hurt me.Ce que je ne sais pas ne peut pas me faire du mal.

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Only strippers. Im in denial,they never do "extra's".Seuls les danseuses. ils ne font jamais extra.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, I got bills that need to be paid!Bien sûr que oui, j'ai des compte qui doivent être payés!

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • If it would if it was in her past.Oui il faudrait une partie de son passé pas la présente.

    Votes: 19 10.9%
  • Yes I would, I'm open.Why not.Oui je le ferais, je suis ouvert d'esprit.pourquoi ne pas.

    Votes: 96 54.9%

  • Total voters


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Guys who are not willing to accept their significant others fucking hundreds of different guys over the course of the year are "not decent" "Not understanding" "judgemental" "ignorent" and suffering from a "lack of education". OK I had to put in a few qualifiers to simplify things but still. I can't imagine even these same people judging a female who refuses to date a guy who fucks 20 different girls a weak. If you want to talk double standard, that is a double standard.

When I said one of your statements was a double standard that had nothing to do with whether others have double standards. Many do. SO? is one of the most invasive things you can legally do to another person. This obviously applies more to the female of the species [OK I suppose fisting but still]. Sometimes it is perfectly cromulent to have a double standard.

Why does the effect of being "invasive" apply more to women than men. Sorry but in my view this is pre-sexual revolution chauvinism where basically it was thought proper for men to be unfeeling studs and women to be sensitive chaste matter how matching that up calls out a big contradiction as well as a huge problem of fulfilling either role.

Your statement calls to mind a very old stereotype. I remember one scene from the old movie "Anne of a Thousand Days" with Genevieve Bujold playing Anne Boleyn. Anne is discussing her young life in Paris with her then fiance' Lord Percy Northumberland and his expectations for virtuous women. She admits she wasn't and asks about the same for him. His response is..."I'M A MAN". :D It's so self-servingly hypocritical on any archaic expectation that denies men and women are emotionally and instinctively built much the same.

Your view of "invasive" seems too close to that of machine parts. Most of the female posts on this board related to such issues speak of sex as far more than just the joining of body parts. Invasive includes sensual, emotional, etc. NOT which side is being plugged. Whatever you meant, this idea that women are more prone to feeling because of the difference in genitals has always been ridiculous to me. I've known many men whose reactions to sex were far more complicated than considered standard or macho, and many women who were far colder and brutal than chauvinistic stereotypes to ever apply the word invasive. Sure you can find plenty of individuals either way to match up to stereotypes, I know plenty of them myself, but when you say men versus women the average human being is very close in how they react to the physical and emotional aspects of sex regardless of gender.

Hungry101 wants to be dominated in his fantasy, so would I. LOL! But that is a characteristic sexual fantasy many men and women carry. It's still not the sum total of who they are in depth. I and most others have far more to them in reality concerning the opposite sex than sexual fantasies, and I'm sure it's the same for those who prefer the same sexual gender.

Both genders have feelings that are built in to react regardless of contrived views of machismo versus virginal sanctity. The idea that a man does not feel invaded because he penetrates flies in the face of why many of the men have come to this board. If you've read over time you can see how many have had their feelings hurt by women even though "he" does the physical penetrating.

You've also got to remember that reading this board is dealing with a rigged deck. The nature of the board is to attract those focused on sexual fantasy, purely sexual purposes, not those looking for relationships, and when they do seem to have interest in real relationships they usually get sharply ridiculed for not staying in touch with what the "sex industry" is there for. Yet despite the goals of the clientele and the those who service them so much on this board has still revealed that men and women are much the same in all ways despite some important differences.

Embiggens is a perfectly cromulent word! :p

You guuuyyys. :lol:




Nov 12, 2007
Embiggens is a perfectly cromulent word! :p

It also comes with your choise of toppings, but the toppings contain potassium bezoate.

Why does the effect of being "invasive" apply more to women than men. Sorry but in my view this is pre-sexual revolution chauvinism where basically it was thought proper for men to be unfeeling studs and women to be sensitive chaste matter how matching that up calls out a big contradiction as well as a huge problem of fulfilling either role.
1: Why does it apply. Well you see. Men have a penis. Women have a vagina. When a man and a woman have relations the man puts his penis inside the woman's vagina [or mouth or anus... and usually yadda yadda yadda]. No amount of sexual revolution will change that biological fact. It is one of the reasons why I have to wonder at women who will have the coitus with some asshole. To allow some scum bag to be inside of you... it just isn't the same for a dude.

2: There are exceptions but it is what it is. Even post sexual revolution. This is why in hook up culture men have to get drunk to get the nerves to ask and women have to get drunk to kill the feels. This is why the walk of shame, when you go home knowing he isn't going to call is a female thing. Almost no guy who gets random strange is going to walk home with any shame what so ever. To use a movie example, American Pie, after Jim realises he got used for sex by michelle the band geek played by the adorkable Alyson Hannigan [yum] and is very happy. If the genders were reversed and a female just lost her virginity to some guy who bolted in the middle of the night it would be seen as an outlier. The sexual revolution has changed things for a subset of the female population and it even works well for from estimates I've seen about 20% of them but for the rest promiscuity ends up being a mind fuck no matter how much tough talking they do or how much they get tanked up.

Some people figure it is all the women get preggers and the evolutionary driveto well... standards and dudes are drivin to spread there seed. I suspect that sex by it's mechanical nature is much more personal to the female than the male. Or maybe it is those Amish, I don't trust them. ;)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
1: Why does it apply. Well you see. Men have a penis. Women have a vagina. When a man and a woman have relations the man puts his penis inside the woman's vagina [or mouth or anus... and usually yadda yadda yadda]. No amount of sexual revolution will change that biological fact. It is one of the reasons why I have to wonder at women who will have the coitus with some asshole. To allow some scum bag to be inside of you... it just isn't the same for a dude

This is the physical part ,you had the emotional part you might create a time bomb !
My ex was a escort she was seeing a guy that became madly in love with her . He offered her to elope I was then victim of a murder attempt ,was shot 8 times point blank ,love triangle can become excessively dangerous .

Plus it does create strange conversation




Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Jesus Christ Booker. Who takes things this serious? If I shoot you I would more than likely be taking it up the ass in prison rather than seeing your ex I would think.

I don't know if I believe you (this is hard to believe) but I am would like to hear more.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Jesus Christ Booker. Who takes things this serious? If I shoot you I would more than likely be taking it up the ass in prison rather than seeing your ex I would think.

I don't know if I believe you (this is hard to believe) but I am would like to hear more.

You know I can barely believe it myself ,but I also barely escape with my life ,relationship between man and woman can become highly dangerous ,I still have the bullet entry marks to prove it,
Was definitely the scariest shit that ever happen to me :yield:




Active Member
Aug 24, 2011
hot damn, getting shot over.. like they say, the human being can do very dangerous and extremely stupid things in the name of love. if only love could be like in moulin rouge, instead of shooting people over, you're singing your love


Nov 12, 2005
I would love to fall in love with a smoking hot Montreal SP. I would love for her to use the shit out of me. Use me, use me, use me. Who gives a fuck. It could be a wonderful ride.

:smile: Not sure if you're being sarcastic, but I think all hobbyists have that in them. We all have those unicorns every few years we feel this way about. And a little bit of the Richard Gere fantasy of 'saving' their own (much better looking) Julia Roberts.

This thread cracks me up. Most of the guys who get on a high horse and declare that they would not have a serious relationship with an escort would change their tune if his favorite Montreal escort whispered in his ear that she loved him and wanted to give a try for real relationship with him. She would be driving that relationship bus in a week.

You know it. Truth.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Ladies and Gentlemen,

1: Why does it apply. Well you see. Men have a penis. Women have a vagina. When a man and a woman have relations the man puts his penis inside the woman's vagina [or mouth or anus... and usually yadda yadda yadda]. No amount of sexual revolution will change that biological fact.

You're still inferring the basic premise that a man is just a bolt and a woman is a screw hole, like a man is just a machine, that a man can just go around sticking it in and be immune emotionally. Sorry but this view to me is a sad one that denigrates men as no more than unfeeling dogs only because they are the one with a penis. Your view of the meaning of "invasive" is limited to objects not people. It may fit in well with a basic science anatomy class where a sex act is distilled down to peg A enters slot B but it's a very poor representation of what often does happen between clients and escorts from one person or the other.

Arousal to get that penis hard has a lot more to do with emotion than just finding a place to put it, otherwise why pay for beautiful escorts, escorts that specifically know how to arouse you when any desperate ugly or old woman would do. Because to get that arousal you have to have an emotional reaction in one way or another. It's quite far from just matching any fitting parts together.

This is the physical part ,you had the emotional part you might create a time bomb !

Shot 8 times! Geeeezzzuuuuuzzzzzzzzz! Sounds like someone was a little emotional. All that just to match a peg with a slot. Don't tell WIN about this.

BTW: shot at or hit???




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Shot 8 times! Geeeezzzuuuuuzzzzzzzzz! Sounds like someone was a little emotional. All that just to match a peg with a slot. Don't tell WIN about this.

BTW: shot at or hit???



Hi Merlot

Point Blank chances of a miss slim to none ,I have the entry wounds to prove it !Many escorts that I have seen saw them its been years and years now !
My ex was a bikini model ,a turn around stunner !With incredible stats 5'8" 32G's 22 32 108lbs
Long red hair ,below the ass .
We had a kid together .
The story was the high end Gentlemen Booker and High end courtesan
And it became the Pimp and the Pro.............!

My close friend Booker is also in a relationship with a escort for 5 years now had is third kid yesterday !
Some will work some won't !
Speaking of something from the outside their is many angles that are forgotten !
I have dated other escorts ,it does make for strange conversations!

Good Luck all




Jul 29, 2011
I agree with you Bookert... Love can make you crazy. I was in a relationship( 4yrs) with a high end courtesan many years ago. She dumped me for a client. He dumped her. and she came crying to me for revenge. Needless to say, at the time I was thinking with my little brain and got into a situation I am not proud of. Once she got her pound of flesh from her ex... I was sent packing. What a fool I was.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
One memorable question ?

She ask me right after reminding me that she just had swallowed 7 guys ?
Do you want to kiss me passionately ?DFK with her tongue down my throat!

Hummmmm !Its fun to be a booker :lol:;)




New Member
May 17, 2015
Now obviously the responses to this poll and question are going to be a bit biased because despite the anonymity, I'm pretty sure most of the people who post or vote here already have a certain degree of openness or good experiences towards SPs above the normal population - there's a selection bias here. Adding to this is the fact that this board and the many careful professionals who frequent it also make "sex worker" much less of a general label - MERBers know enough to understand there's a difference between a thoughtful, detailed, peer-reviewed professional with a support network and someone who does it recklessly or without any kind of screening or safety. Heck, the average woman you have sex with is going to have secrets too, and likely not nearly as careful (even if much less frequent) than a professional.

@Valarie I hope things worked out for your friend, but just by association of what it means to be a sex worker, it's undoubtedly something that would be a dealbreaker for most guys. I can just imagine how hard it is to bring up to someone who doesn't know...the longer you wait, the more of a connection you have to lose, perhaps the more trust was built that can be thrown away in an instant. But I just don't think its a secret an SP can or should keep for too long. At some point the person will have to accept you for who you are and the choices you have made, not what the public perceives you to be, especially if she does not want to stop working just yet.

Ironically a client might be more accepting, but could also easily reason: "if she can have feelings for me, why not the next client, or the many she sees every day?" This was mentioned by others in this thread. But would you rather know and trust in the process if the woman continues in her profession, or be in the dark or force her to leave it behind?

Lily from Montreal

''force her''? Really? No healthy relation starts by forcing others to do anything...


New Member
May 17, 2015
Aye, by that I mean what is listed in the poll as pressuring or giving an ultimatum that she should stop or put it behind. I would guess many MERBites, myself included, would rather trust in the process and the woman's ability to look after herself in the profession. This is better, personally, than completely not knowing or pressuring.
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