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So how do the Bookers get the really hot girls to work for them?


Sep 4, 2006
On the issue of 'testing', one SP I had been with frequently spoke to me about it. She said that they booked her with a trusted regular of the agency, and that it was a paid engagement.

I always wondered what happened to Eleganza, its nice to see at least part of the truth come out here.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There is very little link to your Hitler analogy to this situation... lol.

It was not meant to be an analogy, it was meant to point out that "paid testers" sometimes have risks, like food tasters for political leaders thought to be at high risk for assassination by food poisoning. The new escort tester also has risks, as you yourself acknowledge- the session can, and sometime does go "ape shit" to use your term. If the agency owner is paying for the test, he ain't gonna get comped if the apeshit experience happens. He takes one for the team, the team being his own agency. The trusted client who has the same experience may get comped, but the risk is that he could end up wasting time and not seeing someone he would rather have seen, which is lost opportunity cost. There is no compensation for the wasted time or the lost opportunity cost. On the other hand, as you have pointed out, some of the trusted clients who are in effect "paid testers" are actually stoked and get off by having that "tester" role assigned to them, so they know that the "ape shit" experience is what they signed up for, if it happens. And the stoking itself has value which offsets any losses taken by the tester due to a session that goes "apeshit."

I was a "paying tester" on one occasion with a new girl at an agency who was not yet on schedule nor were pics available publicly. The agency owner sent me pics of her, I circulated them among 3 other guys who I did an escort party with, and we all agreed to take her at the party and that I would be the one to "test" her. I was her very first client. She passed the test. I should note that I did not get any kind of discount- I paid full value, assumed the risk, got my money's worth.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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i would think SPs would gravitate towards the better agencies.

The new ones don’t know who the better agencies are. One lady I know who is still working started at Satanic. I asked her why she chose them, and she said “what did I know about one agency from the other?” Most of the SPs who have worked for a while know who the good agencies are. The ladies who are new to the business generally do not know. Especially not if they’ve been recruited by someone other than a friend already working at the agency..

Maria Divina

Adorable libertine
Apr 10, 2007
Around Montréal...
Back then (a bit more than 11 years of that) , at my very beginning, I did not know where to begin and I choose my first agency by the way they have written their ads to recruit new talent in my local newspaper. (surprising as it may sounds)

I had read all the "freakening recruiting ads" in Journal de Montreal, and well, it just gave me nausea, I couldn't believe I would ever offer myself to work with what look to be mysoginistic people (that hate and degrade women)

So yes I have always been quite selective in life, and a good spelled and respectuous offer is always a very good start even in the choice of an agency.

I have heard that the agency who used to have always very new and young talents was just using and attracting young ladies using their personal social media... So you can't be sure that I informed all my friends that are mothers of teenagers to be sure and impose/monitoring their children strict accounts settings. There is a big difference between recruiting like "innocent teenagers" and lure them with a luxury life... and letting people coming to you by themselves when they choose so.


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Jan 28, 2004
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I have had bookers let me know that if I see a girl at another agency who might fit the type they have they would give me a finders fee for the referral, I have done it and have used the finders fee for time with the girl I sent to them


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I hope the anonymity of your handle is good and agencies don’t know your bookings by handle, because you have just admitted to double dealing, and most agencies actually prefer loyal clients to those who are double dealing or self dealing. You would be viewed by any agency who catches you as a poacher.


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Jan 28, 2004
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I've never stuck with one agency and it hasn't happened all that often. I just find that agency girls sometimes talk, perhaps a little too much to their clients as to the compen$ation they receive and I have had a girls ask if there is another agency I go to . I have no idea what the agencies pay the girls and really don't care but if a girl is asking I will give her the name and number of an agency I frequent. I also know the agencies don't like clients to have the cell # for the girls but they will give their number after a couple of visits simply to be able to see you if they leave, (assuming they like the way you treat them ) I do not circumvent the agency and book a girl directly and don't poach girls from one agency to another. If they ask, I will tell them who I think are good ( my opinion ) as far as bookers asking me to send girls, the ones that most frequently are looking are the independents who realise that advertising, booking and ensuring a stream of loyal agency clients is better than sitting around all day making zero


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If you accept a "finder's fee" to refer a girl from one agency to another, the agency losing the girl is gonna view you as having been complicit in having poached that girl and you will be a poacher in their eyes. I am just stating the facts, not making any judgments on what you are doing. I get it. I am just here to tell you that if I am agency owner A and I find out agency owner B paid you a "finder's fee" to hire away one of my girls, you poached her ass away as much as the dude who paid the fee. Just trying to keep it real here and look at things from the other side instead of the client side. In the eyes of agency owner A you betrayed his ass, just as surely as Judas took some coin to give up Jesus to the Jewish High Priests, and ultimately, the Romans. No difference at all, functionally- it's a purchased betrayal, to the person who is betrayed.

Rosie Sparkles

Supporting Member
Sep 14, 2016
Well I did have sex with my Booker but it wasn't during my interview lolIf the agency is well managed, professionnal and seems to care about the well being of their employees, I'm sure they don't have to run after girls. In our agency for exemple, it's mostly friends of girls that were already with Jas and those first girls went to her themselves. I sure did! It's a job, we like this job but it's supposed to be a job. If we want decriminalization people have to be professionnal and not predatory like I read in this thread (like going on social media) but there is def. some people who do that. I think this manner is outdated and people should wait for the girls to contact them. It sure work for unicorns!

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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In the eyes of agency owner A you betrayed his ass, just as surely as Judas took some coin to give up Jesus to the Jewish High Priests, and ultimately, the Romans. No difference at all, functionally- it's a purchased betrayal, to the person who is betrayed.

Can we get Hitler's food tasters into this?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I heard that oatmeal cookies is the hook that gets them in.

The Ayatollah

New Member
Jun 17, 2009
That wasn't the issue. It's who he contacted that was

As such I can see this practice being risky .

Minors of course and on top of it she was connected . I believe this also took place while he was on probation for the same offence which resulted into his incarceration.

Further to the topic of hiring isn’t it the same reason why Good Girls , James and Mike promptly closed the doors and had every single post removed from Merb ?
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Further to the topic of hiring isn’t it the same reason why Good Girls , James and Mike promptly closed the doors and had every single post removed from Merb ?

For minors, no.
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