Montreal Escorts

STM bus driver refuses to speak English to passenger, calls police

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Horny B said:
There is still a lot of place available in the 9 other Province for those who want to be fully serve in English and 1 Province in Canada for those who fully want to be served in French.

And how does serving someone in English in Montreal prevent you or anyone else from being served in French? Why does it always have to be either/or in this city? Why can't it be both? Why is that such a threat? Like you said...GET OVER IT! Grow the fuck up and lose the insecurities.

Ask Celine Dion how bad it is to learn English. If she had limited herself to only singing in French she would be no bigger on the world stage than any other Quebec artist, which means that her career basically wouldn't exist compared to what she has achieved. Ask her if she regrets learning English or if she feels any less a Quebecoise.

Let's just keep Quebec unilingual French and let it separate. Then we can watch as it becomes a little backwater curiosity where only the business leaders, who will deal with the rest of the business world in English because they have no choice, will be successful and the rest of the population will be trapped with no options to leave and earn a living elsewhere. A nice little captive workforce which is exactly what the language xenophobes want. In the next referendum, you've got my vote.:rolleyes:

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005

Question de tempérer le débat, note que l'étudiant en question est venu étudier non pas au Québec dans une université francophone mais bien dans une université anglophone. McGill est d'ailleurs un fleuron de l'enseignement universitaire dont le rayonnement est international. Cet étudiant n'a sûrement pas le désir de s'établir ici après ses études; il n'est - en toute vraisemblance - que de passage. Parler une langue étrangère n'est pas une nécessité lorsqu'on parle déjà l'Anglais. (Libre à lui de demeurer moron.)

Il est facile de faire appel au «bon sens» quand on utilise des argument factieux. Il ne faut pas oublier que Montréal est autant une ville anglophone que francophone. L'épithète décrivant pompeusement Montréal comme la seconde ville francophone est une monumentale arnaque. Montréal a été, est et sera toujours une ville cosmopolite où cohabitent deux solitudes pour reprendre ce terme éculé.

Je suis davantage agressé par les gens qui massacrent la langue française que par ceux qui l'ignorent. Les vrais traitres - ces perfides ennemis - ne sont pas ceux qui ignorent sciemment notre belle langue mais ceux qui la traînent dans la fange en la triturant, en l'abâtardissant, en l'avilissant d'une façon ignomieuse.

Je ne vise personne en particulier sur ce forum de discussion mais je parle en général de notre soi-disant intelligentia ou de nos thuriféraires d'opérette et du peuple qui se vautre dans la complaisance de parler joual et qui cultive l'art peu reluisant d'écrire un sabir plus digne d'un style «petit-nègre».

Le massacre de la langue française? The massacre of the English language.
Patates - 'taters.
C'est quoi ton but dans cette mer de slogans touristiques et de cliches pseudo-intellectuels?
Tu ne vises personnes en particulier?
En passant, «moron» n'est pas un mot français. Mieux vaux dire « crétin » ou «abruti».

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
In that case the driver should be nervous and call 911 whenever a French speaking Quebecer gets on her bus because the only terrorist bomb attacks that have ever occured in Montreal, or Canada as a whole for that matter, were committed by French Quebecers. :cool:

People here we have another example of Techman's mistakes and lie

Despite that I told him a week or two ago that someone is bombing natural gas facilities out in the Canadian west.
Despite the jewish school in Montreal was firebombed by an Islamic kid (the Montreal police arrested him).


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
Visit site
Le massacre de la langue française? The massacre of the English language.
Patates - 'taters.
C'est quoi ton but dans cette mer de slogans touristiques et de cliches pseudo-intellectuels?
Tu ne vises personnes en particulier?
En passant, «moron» n'est pas un mot français. Mieux vaux dire « crétin » ou «abruti».

Tiens, voilà la mouche du coche....

Lorsqu'on reprend quelqu'un sur le choix du langage on s'efforce soit même de présenter une réplique bien écrite. cliches (sic), ne vises personnes (sic), mieux vaux (sic).

Ignoti nulla cupido....

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Tiens, voilà la mouche du coche....

Lorsqu'on reprend quelqu'un sur le choix du langage on s'efforce soit même de présenter une réplique bien écrite. cliches (sic), ne vises personnes (sic), mieux vaux (sic).

Ignoti nulla cupido....

Ton orthographe n' est pas si bonne non plus. Les accents? Regardes tes apostophes pauvre minet.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
People here we have another example of Techman's mistakes and lie

Despite that I told him a week or two ago that someone is bombing natural gas facilities out in the Canadian west.
Despite the jewish school in Montreal was firebombed by an Islamic kid (the Montreal police arrested him).

Some kid tossing a Molotov cocktail hardly qualifies, he was not charged with terrorism, and it was not a bomb. And pipeline attacks in the wilderness by environmental nuts are not the same as attacks directed at a populated area with the intent of killing innocent people as were the bombs set by the FLQ in mailboxes.

You just don't get it do you? You will never eradicate the English language no matter how hard you try. You will always need it to survive in the international business world.
Even if Quebec were to separate and close it's doors to all immigration, Quebec would lose because the birthrate isn't high enough to replace those who die. Without immigration, Quebec and it's culture will die out. With immigration, eventually the Quebec culture will become so diluted that it will cease to exist in major centers of population, beginning with Montreal. As much as Quebec attempts to assimilate immigrants, Quebec will eventually itself be assimilated into the far greater North American multi-culture of future generations.

Anyways, I've had enough of this endless 'discussion' with xenophobic racists who will only be happy in a unilingual French state that no matter what they do, no matter how hard they wish upon a star, will never exist in their or anyone else's lifetime. The only thing they will succeed in doing is slowing down the growth and progress that we could all be making if we worked together in both languages instead of being stuck in the same old petty arguements and watching the rest of the world pass us by.


Active Member
Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
Visit site
Anglais / anglais
moron / crétin
davantage / d’avantage
intelligentia / intelligentsia

Bravo, tu mérites une petite étoile dans ton cahier. Je t'enlève quand même un point pour « davantage ». Bel effort, mon grand. Un jour tu réussiras.

Prochaine leçon : niveau de langage.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
People here we have another example of Techman's mistakes and lie

Despite that I told him a week or two ago that someone is bombing natural gas facilities out in the Canadian west.
Despite the jewish school in Montreal was firebombed by an Islamic kid (the Montreal police arrested him).

Is Islamic a nationality? While I understand Islam is the basis for some theoracies, I wasn't aware they had declared themselves a nationality....EE & Techman, can you help here??

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Bravo, tu mérites une petite étoile dans ton cahier. Je t'enlève quand même un point pour « davantage ». Bel effort, mon grand. Un jour tu réussiras.

Prochaine leçon : niveau de langage.

Touché. Pour davantage. Grace à toi je suis un peu plus intelligent aujourd`hui que hier.
Pour la leçon, as-tu un prof à nous suggérer?


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Is Islamic a nationality? While I understand Islam is the basis for some theoracies, I wasn't aware they had declared themselves a nationality....EE & Techman, can you help here??

Islam is a religious belief, not a nationality or race.

Oh yeah, Mike Mercury...can I assume that you have reserved your front row seat for the reading of the FLQ manifesto next weekend in Quebec city? :rolleyes:

Mike Mercury

Sep 10, 2005
Islam is a religious belief, not a nationality or race.

Oh yeah, Mike Mercury...can I assume that you have reserved your front row seat for the reading of the FLQ manifesto next weekend in Quebec city? :rolleyes:

Islam is NOT a religious belief. Again I have to correct your mistakes.
Islam is a religion. As for its beliefs that depends on who is talking.

Who said it was a race or nationality?
With help like you who needs hindrances?:D
Unlike you I don`t attach a lot of credence to your posts.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Islam is a religious belief, not a nationality or race.

Oh yeah, Mike Mercury...can I assume that you have reserved your front row seat for the reading of the FLQ manifesto next weekend in Quebec city? :rolleyes:

Hello all,

Isn't this fun. Some guy asks a bus driver the time and instantly we are into Separatist bombings, Islamic terrorism, and best of all another excuse for our favorite pastime...the French/English ...ooops...( didn't want to offend either side by putting their nationality second ) I meant English/French culture war. I love how a fairly inconsequential bus stop argument has become a spark for an exercise in Canadian cultural fratricide on this board.

You know...I look around the U.S. and see all the silliness and stupidity, all the back biting and in-fighting and I say ...maaaaaannnn, we are some fucked up. Then I look north of the border and see how quickly so many of you get into the same bitter craziness I see in the U.S., and start projecting all you frustrations and anger onto a minor incident with two people who couldn't handle a very small matter civilly, and I think...damn, they're just as crazy as us. If Canadians can be that nuts then we in the U.S. can't be all that bad either. Thanks for showing Americans we're only as crazy as the rest of the world...including Canadians; though I still love em.

But hell, if there's nothing better to do on a holiday...bicker.

Hugs kids,

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Mike Mercury said:
Islam is NOT a religious belief. Again I have to correct your mistakes.
Islam is a religion. As for its beliefs that depends on who is talking.

Who said it was a race or nationality?
With help like you who needs hindrances?:D
Unlike you I don`t attach a lot of credence to your posts.

Religious far as I am concerned, they are the same thing. There are many different religious sects under the islamic umbrella just like there is under the umbrella of christianity. I consider christianity to be a belief and catholicism to be a religion. Maybe it should be the other way around, don't know and don't really care.

But in any case, I'm the wrong person to discuss religion with as I have no religious beliefs at all and look at all religious zealots in much the same way as I look at language zealots. In other words, I think they're all delusional at best and dangerous at worst.:cool:

And just to let you know...I don't I attach a lot of credence to your posts either. I just enjoy seeing you display your true anti anglo colours. :D
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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Rosa Parks

Hello all,

Isn't this fun. Some guy asks a bus driver the time and instantly we are into Separatist bombings, Islamic terrorism, and best of all another excuse for our favorite pastime...the French/English ...ooops...( didn't want to offend either side by putting their nationality second ) I meant English/French culture war. I love how a fairly inconsequential bus stop argument has become a spark for an exercise in Canadian cultural fratricide on this board.

You know...I look around the U.S. and see all the silliness and stupidity, all the back biting and in-fighting and I say ...maaaaaannnn, we are some fucked up. Then I look north of the border and see how quickly so many of you get into the same bitter craziness I see in the U.S., and start projecting all you frustrations and anger onto a minor incident with two people who couldn't handle a very small matter civilly, and I think...damn, they're just as crazy as us. If Canadians can be that nuts then we in the U.S. can't be all that bad either. Thanks for showing Americans we're only as crazy as the rest of the world...including Canadians; though I still love em.

Hugs kids,


Quick to forget about the impact of refusing to take nonsense from bus drivers:

Not saying that this incident is on the same level BUT ................

Everyone should take a time out.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Quick to forget about the impact of refusing to take nonsense from bus drivers:

Not saying that this incident is on the same level BUT ................

Everyone should take a time out.

Right EE, :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, we're not talking bickering here, it's a cultural reformation in progress. ROFLMAO! You were going for a big laugh right. :D

Chordles and guffaws,

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