Every French girl must live with a English Guy
Sounds good to me, as long as she speaks good English.
Every French girl must live with a English Guy
Très bon article! Moi qui habite à côté de ce métro en particulier et qui le fréquente parfois, ça fait drôle de lire une journée dans la vie de nos passeurs qui, soit dit en passant, ne me font jamais un "air de boeuf" lorsque je prends mes billets loll
And how does serving someone in English in Montreal prevent you or anyone else from being served in French? Why does it always have to be either/or in this city? Why can't it be both? Why is that such a threat? Like you said...GET OVER IT! Grow the fuck up and lose the insecurities.
Ask Celine Dion how bad it is to learn English. If she had limited herself to only singing in French she would be no bigger on the world stage than any other Quebec artist, which means that her career basically wouldn't exist compared to what she has achieved. Ask her if she regrets learning English or if she feels any less a Quebecoise.
Let's just keep Quebec unilingual French and let it separate. Then we can watch as it becomes a little backwater curiosity where only the business leaders, who will deal with the rest of the business world in English because they have no choice, will be successful and the rest of the population will be trapped with no options to leave and earn a living elsewhere. A nice little captive workforce which is exactly what the language xenophobes want. In the next referendum, you've got my vote.
Tu sais pkoi Véro, probablement pcq tu es polie...avec la douceur on obtient tout
Et les résidents eux, trop difficile d'apprendre le francais ??
Non, tu n'as pas raison.Et entre "Anglais" et "anglais" dans le post en question, il faut utiliser la majuscule puisqu'il s'agit du nom de la langue (la minuscule s'il s'agit de l'ajdectif). En fait, idéalement il faut dire "la langue anglaise".
don't turn this around; you sound like a politician. the guy is a visiting student from abroad. a public servant should be able to communicate in both official languages.
It sounds like you don't understand the verbs eitherI new what he was asking but I didnt understand the hours.
don't turn this around; you sound like a politician. The guy is a visiting student from abroad. A public servant should be able to communicate in both official languages.
It sounds like you don't understand the verbs either
Et les résidents eux, trop difficile d'apprendre le francais ??
La loi 101, ca te sonne une cloche ??
Yes we all know about this bill and how it came about. This bill is unconstitutional and absurd. These kind of laws does not exist anywhere else except here. This goes against democracy. People should have the choice to speak whatever language they like and operate a business in the language that best suits the business .
Yes we all know about this bill and how it came about. This bill is unconstitutional and absurd. These kind of laws does not exist anywhere else except here. This goes against democracy. People should have the choice to speak whatever language they like and operate a business in the language that best suits the business .
Then bring it to court if its unconstitutional you gonna win no? ...ah true some people did it already and they didn't win... so why you stay in a place that your persecuted? Nobody holding you here... If I would live in a place that I fell persecuted I would probably move away.
Also please note that in MANY stores downtown it's difficult to be served in french. If I start a thread everytime it's append to me I would probably be Merb largest poster.
En fait je pense que tout les francophones ici devrait faire ainsi comme ça les anglophones verrait qu'il sont pas seul sur leur petite planète et c'est SURTOUT PAS sur merb que ce genre de problème va se regler....
Premierement elle n'est pas anti-constitutionnelle, pcq le Québec n'a pas signé le rapatriment de la constitution, cadeau de votre bon ami PET.
Deuxiemmennt: Des états comme le texas et la californie, ont voté des lois semblables pour protéger l'anglais de l'espagnol.
Je me demande qui est le plus xénophobe, celui qui veut protéger sa langue qui est parlée par 80% de la population du Québec, ou celui qui refuse de s'intégrer et qui se cantonne dans son gettho en refusant de s'ouvrir a la culture et la langue du territoire ou il habite ?
I do not believe this at all. I shop downtown and you get served in both English and French which is the way it should be.
If the states in USA have this law then it is also anti democratic and am against just like the bill in Quebec. Forcing a language on anyone is anti democratic and goes against freedom.
That may be true or not. However I can say this much that Anglophones are not Xenophobic and are much more tolerant of what is different then Francophones. We do not go around enforcing English in the other provinces of Canada.