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Terrorist attack in Quebec city


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
@Jalimon Mon jugement porte sur le texte du Washington Post. L'auteur y fait du Québec bashing. Québec bashing = racisme.
Ok oui je comprend. C'est juste que je suis pus capable d'entendre ce terme. Chaque fois qu'un autre province ou pays parle un tant soit peu mal de nous on accuse de Québec bashing. Come on on est plus tuff que ca et on devrait commencer à se regarder le nombril comme il faut ;) Cheers,


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009

"First off it is not Quebec bashing, simple facts. Very good chance population could have a lot to do with the numbers, 3 million people in Alberta and 7 million in Quebec, Quebec should have more instances just by the population, nothing to do with being Quebeckers."

Statcan calculates rates per 100000. Hate crime rates are higher in Calgary and Toronto then in Montreal. I'd suggest that these cities have higher rates simply because they are more ethnically diversified. Haters have more people to hate there.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I am a Quebecker...Quebec was populated about 150 years ago by France which sent over all their prisoners, prostitute and lightly mentally retarded...

Jalimon, you need to improve your knowledge of the history of Quebec and its inhabitants. :rolleyes: Laissez-moi vous aider.

The settlement of the Canada part of New France (i.e. today's province of Quebec) by the French took place between the years 1608 and 1759 (mostly in the 1600s). So immigration to Canada from France ended more than 250 years ago when the British army defeated the French army on the Plains of Abraham in Quebec City. After that, it was British subjects who moved to Canada.

It's not true that French immigrants consisted of "prisoners, prostitute and lightly mentally retarded." The male settlers were mainly indentured servants, economic refugees, soldiers, artisans and government officials. There were few early female settlers but in the mid 1600s the French King recruited women from the ranks of poor, unmarried women (many were orphans) and gave them money to move to Canada and increase the population. These early female settlers were known as the "filles du roi," i.e. the "king's daughters."

It's true that the French intentionally sent small numbers of convicts, prostitutes and other "undesirables" to their colony in Louisiana but they did not try to populate Canada in that fashion.

One surprising thing about the French colonization of Canada is how few French settlers came and stayed there permanently. Historians estimate that about 27,000 French arrived in Canada during the years of attempted colonization (1608-1759) but only about one third (9,000-10,000) stayed permanently. The rest went back to France after they served out their contracts or fulfilled their military obligation.

Because of the harsh climate, conflicts with the Amerindians and the British colonists to the south, and the small population, life was incredibly hard in French Canada. Thousands of French gave up and went back to France. At the time of the Seven Years War (AKA the French and Indian War in North America 1754-1763) there were only about 70,000 French in Canada compared to about 1,000,000 mostly British colonists in the American colonies.

Most present day French Canadians (and many Americans whose names are French) can trace their ancestry to members of the relatively small group of permanent French settlers. Obviously the settlers who stayed and their descendants usually had very large families (having more than 10 children per family was not unusual for French Canadians before the 20th Century).

For anyone who would like to learn more about the history of Quebec, I recommend: An Illustrated History of Quebec: Tradition and Modernity


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
I never heard that history Jalimon was talking about either and don't know where that history is written. The history I read said the French lost to the British in 1759 at the Battle of the Plains of Abraham and after that no more French colonization of Quebec as the British took over. Jalimon are you telling me that I should tell my history professors they are full of kaka?

The history I learned was that the British commander Wolfe and the French commander Montcalm were both killed on that battlefield. Montcalm had a very good restaurant named after him, called the Montcalm, in Lake George, NY, which was a great restaurant back in the day. I ate there many times and I daresay General Montcalm would have approved of their food.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Thanks CaptRenault, I like reading your post. No EB you history teacher was not full of shit, I am :) I simply wanted to add a humorist touch to my post. One thing I still don't know is how come "les filles du rois" became known as prostitute... Ask around and most would say so, but it's not the case... Cheers,


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

Most present day French Canadians (and many Americans whose names are French) can trace their ancestry to members of the relatively small group of permanent French settlers. Obviously the settlers who stayed and their descendants usually had very large families (having more than 10 children per family was not unusual for French Canadians before the 20th Century).

All I can say is thank God for this immigration or smattering of immigrants from France. In the past, I have done a lot of business in Maine and New England. As I would drive up the highways and bi-ways on the roads of Maine and stop in dining establishments and restaurants I have never seen so many ugly women. So many fishwives that I wouldn't fuck if they paid me.

As I drive north up to the tip of Maine I can see the French influence. When you get to Frenchville and Madawaska the young ladies become fuckable. I go up into New Brunswick and into Quebec and I see Damsels advertised everywhere. Quebec City is so quaint. I believe it is the most beautiful city in North America with beautiful woman to match. the girl that got me hooked on the hobby is from there. From there, it is is a short drive to 3 rivers and from 3 rivers it is a short drive to Montreal. The best value in North America and the best service on the planet.

For this I want to thank the explorers Cartier, Champlain, Brule, all the King Louies...I should also give a shout out to the little General that posed for photos with his right arm tucked in his shirt, Joan of Arc, Charlemagne, and the Beautiful queen that said "Let them eat cake." Today in Quebec the agency owners and indies would say "let them eat pussy!"

Parisians are not nice people but my colleagues from France once told me that Parisians do not discriminate. They hate everyone including themselves. Americans want to apply this stereotype to the rest of France and to the Quebecois....not even close. I even had a colleague call French Canadians "Rifle Droppers." I had to correct him and tell him that in WWII, the French Canadians were some of the bravest and toughest hombres on the planet during WWII. They killed and beat the hell out of everything! An old friend of mine said you didn't go into one of their bars unless you wanted your ass beat...wait. This is probably not a good thing. But French Canadians are friendly and helpful....that is what I want to say.

Gugu is correct again. There is so much good in Quebec. Let's have capital punishment and hang the SOB and move on.

P.S. I am still working on the baked goods I smuggled out of Montreal. I froze some of the bread and I am eating it today. That Quebecois Ice Wine "Pellar Estates" is great with dark chocolate. Does anyone know were I can get a tall double espresso in the states? Coffee is Yuk here!!!


Jun 14, 2015
One thing I still don't know is how come "les filles du rois" became known as prostitute... Ask around and most would say so, but it's not the case... Cheers,

Les Québécois sont en quelque sorte empreints de fausse modestie et sont prompts à l'auto-dérision facilement. C'est dans la nature québécoise de se rabaisser. La fierté s'affiche très mal chez le québécois, contrairement à l'anglo-nord-américain. Le québécois est habitué à s'effacer devant les autres. Au Québec, on a un petit char, on mange un petit lunch, on a une petite paie, on parle à un petit monsieur ou une petite madame, on est né pour un petit pain...

Demande à un québécois d'où il vient... La réponse ne sera jamais précise. Ça va ressembler à "Montréal" ou "un village pas loin de Québec". Y a peut-être juste les bleuets qui sont fiers (mais ça c'est un autre débat).

Demande à un ontarien ou un albertain et tu peux être certain qu'il va nommer son petit village en premier. Il va afficher une certaine déception si tu ne connais pas à peu près l'emplacement de ce village.

On peut déraper longtemps sur le sujet... Mais c'est pour expliquer que les "filles du roi" sont reconnues à leur juste valeur par les "autres cultures" alors que pour les québécois, c'étaient juste des filles envoyées pour la reproduction.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Te sur tu parle des Quebecois? Serieux on est a peu pres le peuple le plus fiers. Souvent les francais nous apellent "les canadiens" et on est les premier a les corriger, LES QUEBECOIS COLISSE !! lol

La seul affair de vrai la dedans ces le "ptit village" car oui ces plus facile de sortir une ville un peu connue. Quand on me demande d'ou je vien je dit "pres de Sherbrooke" car oui personne sais ou est mon ptit village.

En tout cas toi t'a jamais été dans une Saint-Jean pour penser que les Quebecois sont pas fiers...


Jun 14, 2015

Désolé de t'offenser mais c'est la vérité... La seule fête de la Saint-Jean où un peu voir un début de fierté c'est celle qui se passe à Montréal. Partout ailleurs, la fête de la Saint-Jean est seulement un prétexte pour boire et fumer. C'était quand déjà la dernière parade la Saint-Jean?

Va aux USA et le 4 juillet est presque plus célébrer que Noël...

Si les Québécois étaient si fiers, ils mettraient temporairement de côté leurs intérêts personnels et s'associeraient pour faire un pays...


Active Member
Sep 9, 2015
There were attacks by extremist Muslims before Trump.
There were attacks by Islamophobes before Trump.

There will be attacks by both long after Trump. They will happen in North America and Europe.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally i found the Justin Trudeau speach disgusting.

I am sick of the term "Islamophobia". A phobia is an irrational fear of something. Like Arachnophobia, you see a spider and you jump on the chair, won't get nowhere close to it, when in fact most spiders(at least here in Canada) are 0 danger for you.

I don't have an irrational fear of Islam. I know just damn well the damage this ideology have done and could do here.

I found that article very interesting.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I am sick of the term "Islamophobia". .

I agree, it is not Islamophobia, it is profiling, same as when some people say racist..... again, profiling. Justine just wants the Muslim, illegal and refugee votes.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
That they only eat Kosher meat and avoid pork...

Kosher is for the jews not islam. Altough Islamic do not eat pork as well. Considered as impure. But hey these peoples never tasted my pulled pork, they would change religion ;)


p.s. as I have wrote before I dislike ALL religion as all of them have been invented by the weakness of men and all treat women like shit.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Ideology? Have you read the Coran before saying you are against this religion and any religion, or Ideology in your terms?

Just some parts. The ones about "tuer les mecreans" , and the simple fact that there equivalent of Jesus was a pedophile kinda gives me enough reasons to start on the wrong foot. I am sure there would be interesting parts in it, i mean some peoples have read Mein Kampfs (i didn't) and said despite Hitler's twisted mind there is some parts that do make sense and are interesting. I guess it can be a good read just for the fact of entering the mind of a psychopath. Maybe reading the Coran would be the same.

When i look at the middle east and how things are going, it also gives me an idea of what this religion bring to the world. I am not just talking of djihadist and ISIS etc, but the whole thing. In certain towns there are councils that autorize the rape of a sister for the deeds of the brother, you know that right? Or the many many cases of murders of pakistan girls because they didn't wanted to be forced married or because they slept with another man.

Obviously the muslim here are moderate, they don't really have a choice, we don't accept those things here. But what if eventually they would outnumber us? What if we let them take more and more controls. Some regions in Paris and England are extremely dangerous for non musllim, to a point even the police don't venture there...

I feel its a legitimate thing to be concern about Islam. Not an irrational fear.

Anyway, as Jalimon i dislike all religions as well myself, i feel this is just a pretext for men to be controlling, justify there worst deeds in putting them on the name of some "Higher Being". The catholic church don't have much power here anymore but where they still do sometimes they make pretty fucked up shit too. Less "murderous" but immoral tough. Not to mention all the pedophiole priest in the middle 1900s

As for homosexuality its a completely different debate. Personally who you fuck with is none of my business... i couldn't care less as long as its 2 consensual adults. But i don't want to watch a gay porno either... lol. There will always be peoples being uneased about many things. Some peoples despite being heterosexual it could be to see "exessive demonstration" of affection by a guy and a girl, like french kissing and groping each other. Everybody is different. Personally i can "understand" peoples being uneased by certain things, as long as it does not cause prejudice to anybody.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Québécois are proud, yes, but not the proudest.

How many Québécois pornstars and singers have changed their French names into something Anglophone to be more mainstream and popular? How many civilian Francophones do the same on Facebook, changing their names to something English? Many French SPs do the same too. How many only have English information on their websites despite working in Quebec and being French, or rather put the English version at the top and French version right after ?...

Its for marketing obviously. Same reasons symphonic finnish/swedish metal bands sing in english rather than in there native languages. Escorts gather a lot to foreigner who come here on vacation or for events, so its perfectly logic there website are mostly in english especially since they know most french will understand anyway. As for name, honestly what sound the best when you think sex? Pamela or Marie-Andrée? But then again lots of name work in both languages... Jennifer, Melissa, Julie, Sophie etc . Peoples name there kids what they like. I have a friend who named her kid Akira due to some manga thingy... Thats a japanese name thecnically. But she like the manga... lol.

Maybe the proud time of the 70s and Rene Levesque is not what it used to be, but lots of Quebecois are very proud of there roots and having resisted so many invasions and attempt to be assimilated.

Some peoples tough view Quebec stuff as being holding back or to against them, like the Quebec taxe wich is so much higher than in other provinces. And its true we have a bunch of annoyance... Lotto Quebec has kept us outside of many contest? lol.

But for all the bad, the good outweight it in my opinion.

As for americans and there hollidays, well they actually celebrate just about anything, i mean they have thanksgiving and christmas at like 1 month and a half from each other and they both celebrate them equally. They celebrate the 4th of July because for them its meaningfull as they won a war. It will always remain deep in there roots. Here we may not have won any war, but as i said we resisted english assimilation for so long. The fact tough is the Quebecois pure laine, we are an endangered specie... Peoples who come here as immigrant often do not care one bit about our culture and history. But when they go to the USA, lots of time they want to live "the american dream", they feel so proud of becoming americans. We are just a small number in a country that is so different than us, while americans are all united together. Thats why Quebec has wanted to become its own country for so long. But nowadays its too late. Too much immigration in the last decade + new young adults not being invested in this anymore. They care more about seeing the world than knowing there heritage...


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I do intend to read the Coran because I have no clue what Islam is about in its entirety. All I know is the Ramadan where Muslims do not eat or drink all day for about a month, except before they go to bed... that men are allowed to have 7 wifes (not sure about the exact number)... That they only eat Halal meat and avoid pork... That is all I know about Islam, which is far from it’s entirety and far from being enough for me to judge a Muslim person or the religion of Islam.

Many know that I am monogamous and believe in monogamy, so of course the 7(+) wives is something I do not understand nor agree with. But I couldn’t care less if a Muslim guy marries 7 wives, as long as it’s not me or any of the women I cherish in my life.

That being said, I doubt that many who are against Islam have actually read the Coran and know exactly what is Islam...

Phobia = Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real
I found these very interesting acronyms on the internet and I agree with them.

Religion is taboo, so I will take Homosexuality as an example.

People hate or are scared of what they do not understand, what they do not agree with, what they cannot be or what they cannot have... Sometimes fear has been taught by ones entourage constantly entertaining these hateful thoughts...

Where to start... It is Koran not Coran

You do not need to read it to understand Islam, same as you do not need to read the bible to understamd a christian, both are false beliefs.
Most are not against all Muslims just the radical ones, the ones which want to kill whitey or the ones that want to change Canadian laws to please them. No other race or religion is such a pain in the ass as Muslims, you come to Canada become a Canadian or fuck off.
We hear im the news on a regular basis of the bombings, taking over of parts of cities, hostages which are burned alive, cities they invade the rape rate skyrockets.... Do you really need to read the Koran to figure them out?

Phobia is not a false evidence, the proof is out there. For homosexuality, most do not care anymore, what harms the gays the most is the flamboyant ones who dress up in leathers, massive jock straps and spiked collars who look like they are heading to a fist fucking session.

You really want to learn about Islam, go to one of their countries, report back with a lengthy report.

I welcome all immigrants but get a fucking job and do not leach off our system.


Jul 8, 2005
I read the whole thread and I must say it was a good read. But the bottom line is that 6 human beings died at the hands of some fucked kid. Lives have been destroyed for no good reason (are there good reasons to destroy anyone's life anyway) and for the surviving family members, life will probably never be the same.

I am not going to try and change anyone's mind or views here with my thoughts, opinions and concepts. Just the human tragedy, it behooves me. Everywhere in the world, not only Québec. Everyday, in the news, violence, chaos, bloodshed, bombings, murders, rapes and so on. I can only watch and shiver as this is the world I live in, this is the race I am a part of, above gender, above color, above belief.

And then, I am ashamed of being human. The things we can do to one another, there is sadly no limit to what people come up with. To buy weapons and plan to kill the most people with, how do you even rationalize that? How can you not stop yourself? Just the thought of it is crazy to me.

We all have the right to live and to live how we want, to some extent. My mom used to tell me, "Do unto others as you'd like done unto you" and "My freedom ends where your's begins". I have an idea where she got that from but I, I got it from her and my dad, not the bible.

After all is said and done, there is no real solution and no resolve put forward. The madness just keeps going on. The faces change, the names are not the same but the madness remains and so does the pain. All I can do is hope for the best and have faith in humanity, that one day, with education, care and love, we might evolve from the petty things we think important.
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