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The Death Penalty to 40 years old Vince Li !! See him I have the link !!

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Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Regular Guy said:
I can't quite go 25 minus 1/3. How about he gets out when he is 70? I figure most people can run faster than a guy with a walker.
I'll get back to you on the "meet" part.;)

Here we agree (well, almost). I think the proscribed penalties for murder, served in full, as reasonable for the retribution part.


Looking for White Rabbit
May 6, 2008
Through the looking glass
Regular Guy said:
I can't quite go 25 minus 1/3. How about he gets out when he is 70? I figure most people can run faster than a guy with a walker.
I'll get back to you on the "meet" part.;)

Maybe you cant go there, but that what he get if convicted. Life in psych ward is appealing when you see like that.

Apr 16, 2005
YouVantOption said:
Here we agree (well, almost). I think the proscribed penalties for murder, served in full, as reasonable for the retribution part.
It is the concept of prescribed I wish to emphasize here. As I said to Alice above and I will repeat the phrase: extremely dangerous killers be at least put in prison for life and that no one (no judge, parole board, psychologist etc.) except the Prime Minister with a special pardon can allow them back into society at any time? That is as far as I am prepared to go. I will, however go for the after the age of 70 part.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Techman said:
We do? Who? When? Examples please? We ahve no death penalty as you have pointed out so who is doing the killing and why are they not in jail?

As I understand it, when war is declared it is alright to kill 'the enemy', especially if your name is Bush, in which case mass murder, some might say genocide, is perfectly acceptable. You might not want to try this if your family name is Khadr.

Techman said:
Ah yes. The ever popular statistics. They are so comforting to the family and friends of the 'rare' murderer who does kill again.

There are some fascinating accounts of families who have watched executions. They rarely, if ever, find them at all satisfying. I'll see if I can dig them up online. Thing is, the victim is still dead, incredibly. I know, unexpected, but there you have it. Again, those pesky fact things.
Apr 16, 2005
alice_wonderland said:
Maybe you cant go there, but that what he get if convicted. Life in psych ward is appealing when you see like that.


Are you saying that Li is going to get 25 minus 1/3 if convicted? I will be yelling long and loud to my MP if that happens. As far as I am concerned he is in for life. He is too dangerous to be let out among us ever again. As for the criminally insane, same deal - locked up for life.


Recreational User
Nov 5, 2006
In a house, on a street, duh.
Thanks for all the fish!

Nice arguing with you guys, I'm out for the night but will pick this up in the morning, should anyone care to continue to discuss capital punishment, Alice through the looking glass and implied accusations of pimpery.

here's a quick, and totally irrelevant and self-aggrandizing confession. I am a pimp.

I can think of the most delicious duo ...

First take some Kristy Temptation, run your tongue all over it, slide it down, oooh - eat that cherry! then, suck her nether-region meat into your mouth, allow the juices to trickle down your throat.

Afterwards, get you some Kiki. You'll be amazed at how ripe and firm those puffs are, so succulent, unforgettable. the best you will ever see, so soft on the lips ...

For you haters out there, yeah, I get paid by Kristy and Kiki for my work. Kristy made me an amazing ham dinner tonight, and if you have never tasted the products of Kiki's pastry-chef abilities, you have not lived. These girls got madd skillz well beyond the bedroom.

Because, after all, you do know the way to a man's heart ... and it ain't through his asshat.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
YouVantOption said:
As I understand it, when war is declared it is alright to kill 'the enemy', especially if your name is Bush, in which case mass murder, some might say genocide, is perfectly acceptable. You might not want to try this if your family name is Khadr.

There are some fascinating accounts of families who have watched executions. They rarely, if ever, find them at all satisfying. I'll see if I can dig them up online. Thing is, the victim is still dead, incredibly. I know, unexpected, but there you have it. Again, those pesky fact things.

Where did I ever say that the family had to watch the execution? Guess what, even if the family of a victim wants to forgive the killer I don't give a damn. I want to make sure that no other family will ever have to forgive the bastard for killing one of theirs.

And you are supporting Canada's first family of terrorism? They should have all been deported long ago and their little baby should be hung. Wait, let me guess...they are just misunderstood...they have every right to support terrorism....yeah, right.


Jul 24, 2007
Guys relax a bit plzzzzzzzzz You're so extremist!
Death penalty is one of the most contreversary subject. Personnaly, I'm against death penalty in any case.


Looking for White Rabbit
May 6, 2008
Through the looking glass
Regular Guy said:
Are you saying that Li is going to get 25 minus 1/3 if convicted? I will be yelling long and loud to my MP if that happens. As far as I am concerned he is in for life. He is too dangerous to be let out among us ever again. As for the criminally insane, same deal - locked up for life.

As far as I know, life = 25 year in Canada. I think you get parole after 2/3 if you act good. But I think you can get life without parole if really bad crime. So probably this count as really bad.

Apr 16, 2005
MarathonMan said:
Guys relax a bit plzzzzzzzzz You're so extremist!
Death penalty is one of the most contreversary subject. Personnaly, I'm against death penalty in any case.
Well MM, let me sum it up for you. Justice and the safety of our families comes first. The rights of sadistic killers comes a distant second. Simple as that.


YouVantOption said:
here's a quick, and totally irrelevant and self-aggrandizing confession. I am a pimp.

I never knew you were a pimp, i just thought you were a real bad banker making 100k +++ per year and struggling to get by:)


Jul 24, 2007
To have Parole you've to proove your rehab. This guy is seriously mentally ill...Li's going to stay in for a long time.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
alice_wonderland said:
As far as I know, life = 25 year in Canada. I think you get parole after 2/3 if you act good. But I think you can get life without parole if really bad crime. So probably this count as really bad.


Hello Alice,

I'm not saying this guy should get the death penalty. But if anyone deserved it, he does. Look at this clearly. A guy was sleeping. Doing nothing to anyone and certainly no possible threat. The killer belongs locked away till death at least. And what kind of judicial system doesn't even charge him with first degree murder. To hell with this...the charge we can win on stuff. He deserves it.




Jul 24, 2007
I do agree with you, but keep in mind that we're living in a society and we have to assume collectively the bad seeds generated by the system.

Death penalty is not a solution. Check the stats...USA is one of the most violent country on earth.

Regular Guy said:
Well MM, let me sum it up for you. Justice and the safety of our families comes first. The rights of sadistic killers comes a distant second. Simple as that.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
MarathonMan said:
I do agree with you, but keep in mind that we're living in a society and we have to assume collectively the bad seeds generated by the system.

Death penalty is not a solution. Check the stats...USA is one of the most violent country on earth.

In this case (and in many others) the death penalty would be a solution. Trash should be thrown out as soon as possible and that includes human trash like this piece of shit.

Of course, the usual gang of bleeding hearts will fight to the death protecting the rights of this human excrement, conveniently forgetting that in doing so they are trampling on the rights of all decent people to live without fear of unprovoked random violence.
Apr 16, 2005
MarathonMan said:
I do agree with you, but keep in mind that we're living in a society and we have to assume collectively the bad seeds generated by the system.

Death penalty is not a solution. Check the stats...USA is one of the most violent country on earth.
Well two things MM. First this is a very complex issue and to simply look at the degree of violent crime in the US and blame it on the fact that the death penalty is not a deterrent is to oversimplify the whole discussion. Gun control alone might be a factor.
Second I have covered my argument in previous posts in this thread and my reasons for a tougher approach to violent crime, even to the Death Penalty. To address it again would simply be to go over old ground and I am off for a bit tonight. If you want to challenge me on any points I'll be back.


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
Well, the death penalty is a very controversial issue, and bound to evoke never-ending debate from both sides of the issue.

For me personally, I am opposed to the death penalty for these reasons:

a) Nothing will bring the victims back.

b) It would not serve as a deterrent, unless we were to live in a police state. For example, the Soviet Union, where people were genuinely concerned about the KGB monitoring their every move, in private and in public.

As it stands, by the time the sentence is actually carried out, the crime had already occurred decades ago, and is not fresh in the memory of the public.

c) It is not cheap. A death row inmate will still cost the state money for his room and board. And his constant stream of appeals tie up the courts, and run up legal bills, which usually, the state must also pay for.

d) Risk of mistakenly executing an innocent man.

e) For the government and vengeful families to purposely take away someone's life in an act of vengeance, disguised as punishment, drags society down to the level of the despised monster.

In other words, it makes us as bad as him.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
MarathonMan said:
I do agree with you, but keep in mind that we're living in a society and we have to assume collectively the bad seeds generated by the system.

Death penalty is not a solution. Check the stats...USA is one of the most violent country on earth.

Come on what statistic says the US is the most violent on earth. Is it because of the death penalty? We don't use it enough...maybe thats the problem.

The death penalty should be perscribed for the most heinous cases.
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