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The Joe.T Memorial FM® Yankees Suck Thread for 2009


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
couldnt of said it better myself :) 1918 LIVES ON!!!!!!!

Joe.t said:
Busted! Manny Forever Taints Red Sox Championships

By Phil Allard Staff Writer
May 7, 2009

Live, therefore, and bear about thy doom with thee, in the eyes of men and women
~ Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter

Gentle Reader:

If you see a Red Sox fan this evening, have some compassion. These people waited 86 years for a World Championship, only to see it rendered shallow, illegitimate, and ignoble by Manny Ramirez’ positive drug test, which was officially announced by Major League Baseball today.

You’ll be able to recognize these Red Sox fans quite easily. They will be the ones talking in hushed tones—their enigmatic faces flushed with shame and sorrow—as they ponder what to say to their kids as they tuck them in tonight.

A lot of conversations will go something like this:

“Not only was Manny a fraud, son, but the Red Sox didn’t deserve to win the 2004 World Series after all. Or the 2007 series. You see, all those home runs he hit…well, well, they weren’t real. That is, I don’t know how to say it: The Red Sox cheated. We always thought it was the Yankees who cheated. But it's us, son. We couldn't break that curse without cheating.”

That sound you hear from the Northeast is the crumbling of thousands of Manny posters as they are ripped off the walls in kids’ bedrooms from Burlington to New Bedford, from Bangor to the Back Bay.

No matter how Sox fans spin this, they can never live down the simple fact that the first World Championship in their lifetime is definitively tainted by a positive drug bust. They waited so long…and now it’s dirty, ill-gotten booty.

No amount of manipulation from Peter Gammons or all the other members of the Red Sox propaganda machine in the Media can change the plain fact that Manny has cast a pall on New England the likes of which has not been seen since Hester Prynne bore her illegitimate child.

Make no mistake. This is a sad day for baseball. The only silver lining is it puts an end to the idiocy of so many in Red Sox Nation who thought their boys were clean, that performance enhancers only went down in New York. There is no longer any point in them shouting "Steroids" at A-Rod when their main basher has been convicted.

Boston fans, take it from one of your own, Bill Simmons:

We look at the 2004 banner again. I always thought that, for the rest of my life, I would look at that banner and think only good thoughts. Now, there's a mental asterisk that won't go away. I wish I could take a pill to shake it from my brain. I see 2004 and 2007 and think of Manny and Papi first and foremost. The modern-day Ruth and Gehrig. One of the great 1-2 punches in sports history. Were they cheating the whole time? Was Pedro cheating, too? That 2004 banner makes me think of these things now. I wish it didn't, but it does. This makes me sad. This makes me profoundly sad.

No one in their right mind would suggest that Manny began juicing this year. Would the Red Sox have won in '04 and '07 anyway? Who knows? But we do know this:

Manny cheated. No matter who tests positive in the future, Manny’s name is permanently secured in the Hall of Infamy. It’s his legacy. And those Red Sox championships? They cheated...kind of like the football team.

Hey Matt Damon…How do you like them apples?

Here is the official release from MLB:


The Office of the Commissioner of Baseball announced today that outfielder Manny Ramirez of the Los Angeles Dodgers has been suspended for 50 games for a violation of Major League Baseball's Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program. The suspension of Ramirez is effective immediately.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Cmon Doc, do seriously think Manny is the ONLY redSUCK that used? cmon man, you are smarter than that, about the 104 names, they said every team has a name on it, an active player so if manny is with the dodgers, that means there is at least one more red suck on that list, AT LEAST ONE..... how many homers does Papi have right now????? NONE, as in ZERO!!!!!! after 30 games!

look at his stats from 2004-2006 , astronomical homer numbers , he was juiced, bet the farm on it so to speak!

at least the redsucks made the most of their steroid usage, at least they won (cheated) 2 world series on the juice, thats better than the yanks, i admit :)

Doc Holliday said:
It's never been proven Ramirez has used steroids. He tested positive for a fertility drug (which has often been used by steroids users) and his level of testosterone was abnormally higher. My guess is that it points to steroids use, but it's just a guess & nothing's been proven.


Both Giambi & A-Fraud have been proven to have used steroids. Gary Sheffield. Even Pettite & Roger Clemens!! They not all might not have been there back in 2004, but they were prominent Yankees at around that time or since. You get the picture. Not wanting to take the defense of the Red Sox, but i don't know of a single Red Sox player who's been suspended or proven to be on steroids over the past decade.

The NY Yankees have been known to be cheaters on mulitiple occasions in the past & are known to employ past cheaters. The list is long. Very long.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
just admit it, if the Yanks world series in your mind were "tainted" then there is no doubt the redsux's world series championships (man that sounds so funny to this day, after going 86 LONG years w/o one ) are definately TAINTED.... admit it grape boy, or be a hypocrite, doesnt really matter to me ......
Merlot said:
Hello Doc,

Try not to confuse poor Joe.teenie with the FACTS. In his world anyone in pinstripes could be on video drinking down steroids by the keg and he still couldn't understand the hypocrisy of accusing the Sox while being a deluded Spankee addict. Talk about tainted. Known cheaters Pettitte played with the Spanks 1996, 1998, and both Pettitte and Clemens (good friends) were on the 1999-2000 championship teams. Unfortunately Clemens has gotten around. Then there is A-Roid/A-Fraud/A-Cheater whose presence taints every team he is on or will be on.

No matter how Joe.teenie spins this, he can never live down the simple fact that at least the last 4 Spankee World Championships are definitively tainted by a cheating admissions and proven evidence. These pseudo championships, and any possible future ones with A-Rod on the team are now dirty, ill-gotten booty.




Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Joe.t said:
Petition to strip the Red Sox of their World Series wins in 2004 and 2007-

Let me do the honors and be the first to sign- Joe.T

Be my guest.:)

Let's hope that Selig does the right thing and hands the 04 and 07 Championship to the rightful winners, the Cardinals and Rockies, it would be poetic justice.

First Bilicheat in football and now this, the people of Massachusetts should be ashamed for their sports teams.:eek:
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
yea, but it will never happen, but a lil * next to them would be nice

Joe.t said:
Be my guest.:)

Let's hope that Selig does the right thing and hands the 04 and 07 Championship to the rightful winners, the Cardinals and the Rockies, it would be poetic justice.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
so really, in all essence, if you wanna call the Yankees WS wins Tainted, then your admitting the redsuck '04 and '07 are as well, WHICH again in all essence means your redsux's have now gone 91 years w/o a championship!

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH! ......... guess 1918 does LIVE!!!!!!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
typical typical typical of you and most (easy K, i said MOST) red sucks fans,,,,,,,,, you can spin it anyway your grape loving mind wants to, but you no as well as i do, him as well as little Papi (not the big papi anymore it seems, needs some more juice to ever be the big papi any longer) used and i am sure there are other sucks or former suxs having used the juice as well, i dont think your little dream world is as pure as you might think.... ;)

Merlot said:
Hey Iggy,

Try taking "Thinking 101". Manny got caught for a test sample taken during this years spring training while with the Dodgers. No one on the Red Sox has been shown to be on steroids while with the team. But at least you accept the facts about your sad cheating Spankees who have admitted it or been proven to take steroids. There are so many huge Spanker names on that list. How sad for you.

Your delusional silliness is obviously an attempt to forget how much the current Spanks suck. A-Roid is hitting .182 for $28 million a year, and Texiera is hitting .198 for $21 million a year. Even Ortiz is hitting at a higher average. Sabathia totally sucks except for one good game, and A.J. Burnett is inconsistent.

Seeing all of those tainted big names must be very depressing. I know you need some sort of therapy to calm yourself. So delude on if you will. I know IT'S ALL YOU'VE GOT to control the pain of being a Spankee fan...the saddest species ever!




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
i am fine with the Yanks, they havnt started play like there capable of and there still close to everyone, it's not late August or early sept last i checked, its what, May 11th .....

and do you really wanna no whats sad? you dont but i am gonna tell ya anyways (haha) whats "sad" is the redsuxs in all honesty have not won (without cheating) a WS in 91 years! that my lil purple friend, is indeed SAD

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc Halladay is pitching a gem tonight against the Stankees. He's got a 1-hit shutout going on in the 7th & leading 3-0 against AJ Burnett. Burnett's pitched well, but once again, he's way up in the pitch count. He'll go for 1 more inning before being removed since he'll be over 100 pitches thrown.

The only hit against Doc occurred in the top of the 1st when the turncoat Johnny Damon hit a single, but got thrown out when trying to stretch it into a double.

Stay tuned.....

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
5-1 for the good guys!!!!!!!!!

The Toronto Blue Jays crushed the Stankees by a score of 5-1 tonight on a complete game pitching gem by Roy "Doc" Halladay.

Who's got the best record in all of MLB???

The Jays of course!!!!

Go Jays!!!!!!!!! :D :D

(Pay-Rod & Texeira were awful, once again!!! :D )


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
(Pay-Rod & Texeira were awful, once again!!! :D )
No truer words were ever spoken. I get the clear impression that A-roid, with the needle finally removed from his butt, is less than half the player he used to be.

Meanwhile, the lowly Yankees are rapidly falling out of the pennant race, now 6.5 behind the Jays and 5 back of the Sox.

And thanks to A-Roid, AJ Burnett is only the second most overpaid player in baseball. Well, maybe third if you want to include Derek "Past a Diving" Jeter.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ortiz is now "lil papi"

Speaking of being "less than half the player he used to be" I got one better for you, Ortiz is even worse than half...... Tonight, he was 0-7 with 12 men left on base!!!!!!!!!......... no roids makes papi no GOOD!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

rumpleforeskiin said:
No truer words were ever spoken. I get the clear impression that A-roid, with the needle finally removed from his butt, is less than half the player he used to be.

Meanwhile, the lowly Yankees are rapidly falling out of the pennant race, now 6.5 behind the Jays and 5 back of the Sox.

And thanks to A-Roid, AJ Burnett is only the second most overpaid player in baseball. Well, maybe third if you want to include Derek "Past a Diving" Jeter.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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And the winner of the 2009 MLB bonehead player of the year award is-drum roll....... John(space cadet)Lester, how about a nice round of applause for this dipstick everybody, love that double play that cost the Red Sox the game:D.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Special K said:
Heyyyy...Look who burrowed out of his hibernation hole. Lol. :D Missed ya Beav!!

Missed you too, Beave........and,


:D :D :D
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