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The Joe.T Memorial FM® Yankees Suck Thread for 2009


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
l a m e with a capital L........ :rolleyes:

rumpleforeskiin said:
1996*, 1998*,1999*,2000* - Do the names Clemens, Pettitte, Knoblauch ring a bell?
1977*, 1978* - those boys popped greenies like there was no tomorrow.
1950*, 1953*, 1956*, 1958*, 1961*, 1962* - Whitey Ford had one of the best spitballs in all of baseball.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Its LAME because it comes from a cry baby red suxs fan's L A M E attempt to realise that the last 2 world series championships won by the sux's shall forever have "questions" abound by them..... and also a sox's fan will do anything to make it not be known that in all actuality its been 91, yes, 91 years since you have won a title ..... now does the REAL truth hurt?
Special K said:
Why's that lame Igna, because the truth hurts and it's not coming from your butt pirate friend Joe.t? Stop looking through those rosy glasses.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Special K said:
If those were tainted, tell me when the last Yankees title wasn't? Oh, I can't wait for this one. :rolleyes:
What we're learning here, K, is the difference between a fucking moron® and a bonafide idiot.:D I'll toy with the fucking moron®, the idiot I'll just ignore.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008

i have plenty of red sux fan, friends, and for the most part we go back and forth with the snickering about whos better blah blah blah, you all no exactly what i mean, and then i see red sux fans on the internet, on boards, forums, whatever you wanna call it, i guess the testosterone level runs high when you own a keyboard, and it makes a person who in most cases probably has a little class, act classless , the difference between some red sux friends in real life is they understand the difference, and a couple on here dont

again, the below statement coming from the guy who named the thread, lol..... joking or not, its a classless act and it continues with your words below..... BUT, i shouldnt expect anything less from a soxs fan now should i? its always been that way since the Yanks/Sox started from day one, some have class, some dont, and i'm not just talking about sox fans, there are both sides who have no class at all, it would just be nice if there was a little more here once in awhile

rumpleforeskiin said:
What we're learning here, K, is the difference between a fucking moron® and a bonafide idiot.:D I'll toy with the fucking moron®, the idiot I'll just ignore.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
seriously K, it doesnt really matter about any Yanks or Soxs WS being tainted because nothing will EVER be done about it...... i am just reiterating the fact it was a very very lame attempt by rumproast (sorry he needs a nickname too and its the best i got so far :D ) to "try" to make an attempt 2 scruntinize JoeT's Asterik remark, and was done so in a humorous way like always, some peeps take this stuff way to seriously, its all in good clean fun, thats all my man......

Special K said:
If those were tainted, tell me when the last Yankees title wasn't? Oh, I can't wait for this one. :rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
oh, and btw, none of the Yanks WS Championships, just like none of the red sox's.......... Geez, people cant even joke in this thread w/o drama anymore....... this should be renamed the Merb Baseball DRAMA thread .

i think ppl need to "read between the lines" so to speak, i seriously doubt JoeT is serious about most of what he writes, it's more to poke fun at the red sox fans who take everything so seriously , well i would to if i hadnt won a title iin 86 yrs, umm i mean 91 (see, i just did it there, big deal) but lots of sox fans take that to seriously, maybe each time i make a funny towards the red sox's i should point it out i am not always serious and just "poking fun" , would that work?????? probably, but its more fun to let the sox fans guess and see smoke coming out their ears :mad: .......:D

but it's all in good clean fun,. to bad some see it as personal, its not and never will be coming from me, homie dont play that way :)

Group Hug , cmon rumps, grapes? go ahead, call my iggy pop or ignorant, i am a big boy...... to bad the l is not an i tho,,,,,, HAHA! (and i am the idiot? bwahahahaha)

Special K said:
If those were tainted, tell me when the last Yankees title wasn't? Oh, I can't wait for this one. :rolleyes:
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ummmmmm you my friend are the one who started it and or joined in on the sniping since day 1, and when i came along and played along it kinda put the shoe on the other foot so to speak as you didnt have JoeT out numbered anymore,,,,, thats what it really is all about, just like i always said, you can "dish it out." but if you can, then you better be able to take it as well, thats all i ever said, as per rummpy, i have a great sense of humor, most of my post are on the humorous level, but i also dont like people getting ganged up on either..... thats where and when it's no fun anymore

Man i tell ya tho, you keep me young Merlot, i feel like a high school kid when we go at it, so immature, isnt it great :) haha!

Merlot said:
Hey Ig,

NO, it's not fun. No more of this bitter sniping crap for me. You want to stay and play it's up to you. I see it's been doing just fine without me.


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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The Melkman for comeback player of the year, who else is calling it?.

lgna69xxx said:
i think ppl need to "read between the lines" so to speak, i seriously doubt JoeT is serious about most of what he writes,

Speak for yourself lgna69xxx, I'm dead serious about everything I write, the only thing that I was ever hesitant about posting was when I predicted that David(Benchie)Ortiz would be out of baseball in two years because I thought that it was a bit of a stretch prediction, I can remember rumples taking a hissy fit on that one, but then again how far off the mark will I be with that prediction?.
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Joe, i just heard on Sportscenter that Joba Chamberlain is out for the season with a broken left femur. Ouch!! :eek:


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Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Doc Holliday said:
Joe, i just heard on Sportscenter that Joba Chamberlain is out for the season with a broken left femur. Ouch!! :eek:

I also heard from a very reliable source that it was indeed Terrell Owens who showed up at the last Devilish GT, you missed your chance to get his autograph Doc.:p


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
are you "dead serious" ? :D bwahahahahaha
Joe.t said:
I also heard from a very reliable source that it was indeed Terrell Owens who showed up at the last Devilish GT, you missed your chance to get his autograph Doc.:p

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
lgna69xxx said:
are you "dead serious" ? :D bwahahahahaha

Joe sure thought i was! :D

I guess my info on Joba was wrong, though. Oh well! :D

By the way, Joe...what happened to AJ Burnett tonight? He stunk the joint!! :eek:

However, there's a consulation in all of this.....Bang!! pitched even worse!! :eek:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Doc Holliday said:
However, there's a consulation in all of this.....Bang!! pitched even worse!! :eek:
True, but Bang brought his ERA down to 25.00

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Joe.t said:
Ortiz's bat speed is so gone that it is scary, god he's awful, classic example of
why not to do steroids.:eek:

I've never been sold that Pappi was on the juice, but i must admit that i noticed during their series with the Jays that he looked much smaller than i remembered him. I believe it's also why he adopted a 'baggy' style in his uniform choice....he doesn't seem as small as he really is.

Just a thought....but he does look smaller.
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