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The MERB culture & why I am leaving


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

It is guys like you that girls would target to ripoff. I can imagine an exchange with an annonce123 girl going like this.

Eagerbeaver: Hi how are you?
Girl: Do you got the donation?
Eagerbeaver: Yes. Here it is. Okay do you do BBBJ and CIM?
Girl: Yes I do. I would like for you to take a shower then I will join you in a few minutes.
EagerBeaver: Sure. I will be waiting for you.
EagerBeaver goes in the shower. He is a gullible guy that is being controlled by the girl.
Girl takes her donation and leaves out the front door and runs off with EagerBeaver's money.

How does that sound? Sounds like you.

You remind me of this one popular saying-> There is a sucker born every minute. Lol That is how scam artists continue to scam others.

And welcome back from your suspension. I wonder how long before you get suspended again. You seem to like making personal attacks it is your main specialty. Does it make you feel like a big RICH powerful man?

Mod20 said:
08-04-2014, 09:03 AM #913
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Jan 2014

iii) Personal attacks on others, flames, fights, name-calling, etc...
iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.

duration: one month

Smh! I guess some people will never learn. I give up.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

You know, I just realized I never pay in advance either. Funny how strange gorgeous women getting paid for sex all trust ME. :cool:

It must be due to your incredible good looks and great reputation on Merb.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Just a note;I never ask for the donation, bad manners, I appreciate when it is there and hope history won't repeat itself when it is not.

This is completely different. Honest girls never ask for the money upfront. Whenever they do they are planning something bad. Plain and simple. You are the SP we are the client. We both are looking and protecting our own interests. When dealing with shady characters one cannot be too cautious.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Smh. Loool If you bothered to read the reviews see how many guys got ripped off. I guess that is how con artists will always remain in business.
Hi all

Bringing conclusion with one side of the story only ! Hummmm!

There is many clients riping off girls too !Sadly

Dealing with reputable agencies and well reviewed SP's will put more chances on your side ,




Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

I completely agree with you on this. But when dealing with shady characters from Annonces123 or even strippers one has to protect their own self interests. Unfortunately this is a crooked underground rule where the law of the street prevails. Obviously when dealing with reputable agencies and well reviewed SPs this would not even be needed.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

I completely agree with you on this. But when dealing with shady characters from Annonces123 or even strippers one has to protect their own self interests. Unfortunately this is a crooked underground rule where the law of the street prevails. Obviously when dealing with reputable agencies and well reviewed SPs this would not even be needed.
Certainly it does contain a high risk factor to deal with SP's from free sites and no reviews and no reputable agencies !
Even when you are hiring girls on there first few calls multi -hours I always collected the girl before hand .
Agencies are also robbed by girls and drivers its a risky business for many things !
Its more of a escort culture then a merb culture !




Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Its more of a escort culture then a merb culture !



Agreed which explains the weird responses I am getting from these guys. It is like they never dealt with SPs from independent sites. But hey there is a sucker born each minute. If not these con artists would go out of business. Long live the scam artists.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Honest girls never ask for the money upfront. Whenever they do they are planning something bad. Plain and simple. You are the SP we are the client. We both are looking and protecting our own interests. When dealing with shady characters one cannot be too cautious.

I have never asked for money upfront. However I believe that a provider should have the right to do so if they believe that they may be dealing with a shady character. Clients can be dishonest too, I've been cheated in the past.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It is guys like you that girls would target to ripoff. I can imagine an exchange with an annonce123 girl going like this.

Eagerbeaver: Hi how are you?
Girl: Do you got the donation?
Eagerbeaver: Yes. Here it is. Okay do you do BBBJ and CIM?
Girl: Yes I do. I would like for you to take a shower then I will join you in a few minutes.
EagerBeaver: Sure. I will be waiting for you.
EagerBeaver goes in the shower. He is a gullible guy that is being controlled by the girl.
Girl takes her donation and leaves out the front door and runs off with EagerBeaver's money.

How does that sound? Sounds like you.

You remind me of this one popular saying-> There is a sucker born every minute. Lol That is how scam artists continue to scam others.

And welcome back from your suspension. I wonder how long before you get suspended again. You seem to like making personal attacks it is your main specialty. Does it make you feel like a big RICH powerful man?


You have no idea what you are talking about. Never got ripped off once in this fashion, in more years than you have spent at this. I know how to communicate and more importantly I have a radar that goes off before I ever meet someone who could potentially rip me off.

I earn a living representing people who get ripped off in real life so I have a pretty good idea of how this works. People who have lost their life savings to a scam, not $40 to a crack whore who ran out to get her next fix before you got your blow job.

My post was in no way a personal attack and was meant to illustrate the absurdity of your position. Most people found it funny because they know your position is absurd in many if not most market encounters. Business is simply not done this way as a matter of course by the HDH level agencies and indies and for the most part at the MDH level. We also now see that you are not the only one in this thread with a thin skin.

Bottom line if you are targeting street trash your approach might be advisable. With any of the market price agencies or indies and up you immediately cast yourself as a cheap ass or as a suspicious person and start the session on an immediate negative note. The vast majority of the readers on this board know this without me having to say it. Of course you also overlook that many agency girls are trained to collect the basic donation up front.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Most members here do not go outside of the box when they see a SP and see only secure SP's with no chance of a rip-off, it is not that they have a radar that goes off it is that they do not take risks. It would be the same as going to a restaurant such as Gibbys and knowing you will get a good meal but never venturing anywhere else for a fear of getting a bad meal. I have to agree that when dealing with ann123 or strippers one should not pay in advance especially with out call, incall is a little more secure but not much. Some people like the risks and it may add to their excitement but they know precautions should be made, others like the safe way and are not risk takers. Both are OK.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I agree with you except that there are rip offs in the market agency sector (see the bait and switch sticky thread). Many of those posts are to the effect that because the poster booked with a MERB advertiser, they thought a rip off was impossible, and how dare MERB let them advertise here. In other words, they thought there was no risk at all, simply because they booked with a provider that advertised on MERB. Which is a very naive way for any hobbyist to think or operate, but the dozens of posts to this effect in that thread and elsewhere attest to the fact that people who thought they were not taking a risk found out otherwise.

The radar I am talking about is mostly using Tineye/Google image searches and the like to smoke out such scenarios. But a few times, I talked on the phone to an Indy who was above the CL type or Canadian equivalent you are talking about, and called it off due to a bad vibe. I then read reviews later on that confirmed the bad vibe that I had.

But yeah for the most part I stick with the Gibby's escorts and only take risks when they are well calculated. Seeing an unreviewed escort at a well known agency would be a risk, as far as getting money's worth, but probably not a risk, as far as being ripped off or needing to worry about leaving the donation up front. The biggest risks I have taken have been at hotel incalls in the USA and the risk there is not so much getting ripped off, but LE, and I posted about one encounter in this regard which was a very close call. I really do not take such risks any more, but when I was younger and less experienced I did. See this which occurred over 7 years ago:

I would say half the time when the donation is left up front, I have to remind the girl to take it at the end.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I would say half the time when the donation is left up front, I have to remind the girl to take it at the end.

I would say with me, it is 75 %

I always leave it in an envelope by the table

Caroline @ XXXtase years ago had to come back for the money, and her makeup case :wave:

I now throw the envelope on the floor in front of the door, so she can't leave without it

Best Regards



Jul 4, 2006
I would say with me, it is 75 %

I always leave it in an envelope by the table

Caroline @ XXXtase years ago had to come back for the money, and her makeup case :wave:

I now throw the envelope on the floor in front of the door, so she can't leave without it

Best Regards


smuler, the ONLY reason a girl may forget to take the money is that the only thing on her mind is to "get the fuck out of there as soon fast as possible". In your case 75% may not necessarily be a good thing.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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smuler, the ONLY reason a girl may forget to take the money is that the only thing on her mind is to "get the fuck out of there as soon fast as possible". In your case 75% may not necessarily be a good thing.

It could also be that she is having a good time or is engaged. Or simply forgot about it. In Smuler's case I doubt it is the reason you suggest. You are making wild incorrect assumptions about people you have never met much like Cloud 500.


Jul 4, 2006
well not an assumption, an escort told me a story about how she forgot to take the donation and why. and I'm not talking about smuler , but more in general. Don't rock the boat.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
well not an assumption, an escort told me a story about how she forgot to take the donation and why. and I'm not talking about smuler , but more in general. Don't rock the boat.

Well, maybe that escort's a total idiot. Who knows. I'm sure everyone has their reasons.

I've also had sps almost forgetting to pick up the enveloppe before leaving. A couple actually did forget and the driver had to come and pick it up later. Another time the girl came back 5 minutes later....i had forgot about it also. I sincerely doubt that in those cases, it was because they were in a big rush to leave.

They do this job for money first & hopefully they get a bit of personal satisfaction/fullfillment in doing this kind of work. A girl who doesn't like sex & hates fucking strangers should be doing something else, even if the money's good. A girl who feels the need to 'run away' after a call and forgetting to pick up the money for that reason alone is in the wrong line of work. If i'd be with someone that makes me very uncomfortable, the first thing i'd do before 'running away' would be to make damn sure i collect the money for the stress i'm being put through. Not to 'run away' and forgetting to pick up the donation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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I am always a little sad to see a member leave the board because he has been attacked by other members, that in my opinion should never happen. I know there are those who adore Jenni and that's fine, I saw her a couple of times when she was doing it as an independent in the east end in her basement apt., great attitude, good service excellent price but she received in a shithole lol. I have not seen her since she has been with Diamondz and with the recent increase in price, I assume she is very popular, I for one will NEVER pay the prices they are asking for her, she was good, not THAT good ! As to the donation, I cannot for the life of me understand why someone would stiff (pun intended) a SP for the donation ? One of my favorites who works for an agency in Laval told me a regular of hers came, did the deed and left his shirt with her while he went to the bank machine and never returned ??? So yes it happens, regularly. I never give the donation to the girls I see, this is simply an oversight on my part as I am comfortable with them. I even lft one time and completely forgot, as did she. She sent me a text later and I said I would be there to see her the next day she worked and make good for the time spent, I was there and paid her for both sessions UP FRONT.
I wish Baggynutts all the best, too bad we lost another !

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I would say half the time when the donation is left up front, I have to remind the girl to take it at the end.

I would agree on that, the only time I got ripped off was when I paid in advance ( money put in purse ) and then the services advertised were not given. Too much of a gentleman to head-butt her on the bridge of the nose plus I was a newbie at this when it happened, now I think I would have stopped the session ( it was only 10 min in ) and demand my money back.
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