Hey guys,
It must be due to your incredible good looks and great reputation on Merb.
It's simple, as I've said. Treat the ladies like equals, not like a rented sex toy. As I keep saying, don't push the lady. Go with the flow. Be a gentleman, but NOT a chump with them. I'm not against you Cloud, but would you trust anyone not to put the money up front of you when that is the expectation if you were the seller. NO, you wouldn't ever.
I know how to communicate...
We're all happy to have you back after your suspension(s) for name calling.
I would say half the time when the donation is left up front, I have to remind the girl to take it at the end.
I often have to remind the ladies I'm not the one getting paid.

...the ONLY reason a girl may forget to take the money is that the only thing on her mind is to "get the fuck out of there as soon fast as possible". In your case 75% may not necessarily be a good thing.
So that explains happily repeated meetings, significant extra time, special small and bigger favors, and some more unusual offers??? It's all part of the act to get the hell out of there??? Funny how they feel that way and still give out their private numbers.
Your view is a gross over statement. If you had a bad experience(s) don't let it distort your perspective. In the early years I had some occasional encounters where it was likely the lady was being a clock watcher or was otherwise just there for the money. But I only had one bad experience ever that immediately came after a sensational session because of her quirky paranoia. I've never been ripped off per se as described by Cloud 500, but I've had some who bluffed their way through an encounter by trying to chat and cheat their way through it without giving much time for sex. It was an obvious situation, not a successful deception as you infer. Even then these ladies rarely ever took the envelope in front of them until the end of the meeting.
For the last 7 to 8 years I've gotten much better at research and selection. Sometimes the ladies either never take or mention the donation until they are at the door to leave and a few nearly walked out without it. I do not consider these experiences or this type of attitude by the ladies rare at all. I think it's more the norm when clients know how to treat a lady and how to behave with them. For those of you who doubt this, I would guess that either your selection process needs improvement or your own attitude and approach does, maybe both. Sure some guys who do everything right can still have poor experiences or feel ripped off and be justly angry about that. But I'm also sure some of those who have become jaded really need to work on themselves and their own attitudes and expectations.
The whole thing comes down to the wisdom of the client's selection process and how he handles himself. If you are doing it all right a minimum of a pretty good time with a fine lady should be more the norm than not. If that's not your experience it's probably you who needs to refine your choices and approach.
Happy explorations,