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The MERB culture & why I am leaving

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Smh! I guess some people will never learn. I give up.

This was for the suspensions EB and myself both got, I feel they were unwarranted as thick skin is needed on a board like this. Since then I have read quite a few borderline posts what were worse than what had been said. Maybe we just did not put them across in a more elegant manner as the other fine members here.
NOTE: This is not a knock against the mods so do not ban me for saying this...... Please :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I don't understand how someone can have the nuts (baggy or not) to publish a critical review, but take a tantrum (I'm taking my balls and going home) when a bunch of anonymous people are critical of his online persona.

I wish that there were more critical reviews. For example, AngelEscorts once advertised one of its SPs as weighing 125 pounds and later (when she retired) admitted that she weighed 165. I dutifully checked the reviews before booking her and none of them bothered mentioned that rather obvious discrepancy in her description.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I wish that there were more critical reviews. For example, AngelEscorts once advertised one of its SPs as weighing 125 pounds and later (when she retired) admitted that she weighed 165. I dutifully checked the reviews before booking her and none of them bothered mentioned that rather obvious discrepancy in her description.
Hi all Hi anon_vlad
This is very complicated as escort agencies does not weigh the SP same thing with the age or bra size .
The weight often depends on muscular density !
Its more of a evaluation on how she looks and is it believable .
If the service is excellent she is performing well !
For the age if she looks under age I required proof with government picture id!
But if she looks 25 and is actually 30 there isn't much to be done !



jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
This was for the suspensions EB and myself both got, I feel they were unwarranted as thick skin is needed on a board like this. Since then I have read quite a few borderline posts what were worse than what had been said. Maybe we just did not put them across in a more elegant manner as the other fine members here.

I need to grow some thicker skin, my fellow johns just get to me sometimes, i don't know how much more of this i can take. I ask you, how much can one john be expected to bear, but no matter how unreasonable some of you can be, my responses are always polite and friendly. It is just my nature.


Lily from Montreal

Doc is right, I forgot once ( and no he didn't get in touch after to give it) or almost forgot the donations many times but only because I had such a good time,trust me the few time I was not so pleased I might have forgotten to put back my lipstick but not to pick up the donation...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I have had on several occassions where the girl did the kiss-kiss as she was almost out the door only for me to say "wait, you forgot the donation I left on the table" and their response almost everytime was "oops"


Nov 12, 2007
My first time I had my jacket on and was ready to turn out and walk out the door when I remembered at the last minute... oh yeah I didn't pay yet.

Every other time I whip it out first [the cash]. I also prefer that she counts it because even bank tellers make mistakes.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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This is why I repeat this many times on this board to never pay in advance. These girls cannot be trusted and they can change on you on a dime at anytime. Always pay after service is rendered. Had he payed after she would have been motivated to put out. But once they get the money there is no guarantee that you will get your moneys worth.

You know, I just realized I never pay in advance either. Funny how strange gorgeous women getting paid for sex all trust ME. :cool:

Not me i said in another thread before or everywhere ...i dont...i never did...AND I NEVER WILL.

I have never asked for money upfront. However I believe that a provider should have the right to do so if they believe that they may be dealing with a shady character. Clients can be dishonest too, I've been cheated in the past.

I am really really sorry to hear that tiannas :(...if a provider doesnt feel the vibe about that guy...just ask him to give it before is your right and you must...that i agree!!!...But for my part i neverrr do...not because i am Panthere from merb!!...(cause a lot of times i dont say my name)...or that i am from merb...but for me personaly...i know the price we discuss,i know what you are giving me,so it is a business deal,but for sure for the better encounter i pay at the end...cause for me it is the simple logic...but everybody is different you just have to tell the person before the encounter...YOU HAVE TO PAY UPFRONT.....that is it...but for my part i DONT..;)

And welcome back from your suspension. I wonder how long before you get suspended again. You seem to like making personal attacks it is your main specialty. Does it make you feel like a big RICH powerful man?

Smh! I guess some people will never learn. I give up.

:amen: to that!

well not an assumption, an escort told me a story about how she forgot to take the donation and why. and I'm not talking about smuler , but more in general. Don't rock the boat.

Perfect...good thing cause i dont know him a lotttt=just previous encounter and was really nice too chat with him.....but i am pretty sure he is the type of a respectful that doesnt concern him AT ALL... i am pretty sure he is a gentleman with the ladys!!

Anyways, all my 60 reviews in the past 6 months have been deleted.
I got turned off to put time to help guys that don't want to hear the truth.
Good luck guys.
I'm out.
PS. Got PM and questions, I won't answer anything. Enjoy your life.
Dont go or quit Merb for that...:confused:..Cause the truth is always perfect to tell in my BOOK..but never forget that always too side to a story...but the truth always some case;)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all
A few questions comes to my mind with the paying afterward
Who is responsible for paying the agency?
If you are not satisfied of the service what do you do ?
Keep a part of the payment?
No one can guarantee chemistry ?

As for myself , I always pay upfront but I always notify the booker and SP that if the session is good I will add extra hours !
Their is a risk involve I know it and I take it !




Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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Hi BookerL.

For my part...i had some bad experience...and some medium also in the chemistry or service part... i have to say since i use this industry;)..but for my part even if i am not satisfy !!!..i pay NO MATTER WHAT...BUT just to be perfectly clear here...if the girl doesnt do nothing of what she is suppose to do..or publish or else on the business deal...for sure we gonna have a problem...but i dont gonna wait at the end of the session that i previously book.. you know what i mean!!!...if it does happen..i would gonna pay probably like the driver something..but for the agency part or the indy part...**** them...!!!..Cause if the girl is on her period=beurk!! or dont kiss,or not gfe ..or want more money etc..I would stop the session right there..on the spot.

It neverrr happen to me yet and still hope it never will...even if i was not completely always satisfy in the past..i just dont call them anymore...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This was for the suspensions EB and myself both got, I feel they were unwarranted as thick skin is needed on a board like this.

I agree, and I did not complain about the suspension even though I felt it was unwarranted, yet now we have some so called experts citing this suspension who never even read the posts that led to those suspensions (which were deleted by the Mods). And you posting this shows me that you are grown up and capable of putting on the big boy pants and moving on, which is more than can be said for some others.

I have been suspended on this board multiple times and every single time I was suspended it was for criticizing someone for posting something I thought was inappropriate, or unfair. Perhaps harsher language was used than was necessary, but shit does happen. In real life sometimes I swear and lose my temper. I am human. We all have to move on from our human failings sometimes, and those who do not do so are unable to wear the big boy pants.

The "thicker skin is needed" admonition you posted is good advice for the thread starter, and for a few others who have posted in this thread.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey guys,

It must be due to your incredible good looks and great reputation on Merb.

It's simple, as I've said. Treat the ladies like equals, not like a rented sex toy. As I keep saying, don't push the lady. Go with the flow. Be a gentleman, but NOT a chump with them. I'm not against you Cloud, but would you trust anyone not to put the money up front of you when that is the expectation if you were the seller. NO, you wouldn't ever.

I know how to communicate...

We're all happy to have you back after your suspension(s) for name calling.

I would say half the time when the donation is left up front, I have to remind the girl to take it at the end.

I often have to remind the ladies I'm not the one getting paid. :D :thumb:

...the ONLY reason a girl may forget to take the money is that the only thing on her mind is to "get the fuck out of there as soon fast as possible". In your case 75% may not necessarily be a good thing.

So that explains happily repeated meetings, significant extra time, special small and bigger favors, and some more unusual offers??? It's all part of the act to get the hell out of there??? Funny how they feel that way and still give out their private numbers.

Your view is a gross over statement. If you had a bad experience(s) don't let it distort your perspective. In the early years I had some occasional encounters where it was likely the lady was being a clock watcher or was otherwise just there for the money. But I only had one bad experience ever that immediately came after a sensational session because of her quirky paranoia. I've never been ripped off per se as described by Cloud 500, but I've had some who bluffed their way through an encounter by trying to chat and cheat their way through it without giving much time for sex. It was an obvious situation, not a successful deception as you infer. Even then these ladies rarely ever took the envelope in front of them until the end of the meeting.

For the last 7 to 8 years I've gotten much better at research and selection. Sometimes the ladies either never take or mention the donation until they are at the door to leave and a few nearly walked out without it. I do not consider these experiences or this type of attitude by the ladies rare at all. I think it's more the norm when clients know how to treat a lady and how to behave with them. For those of you who doubt this, I would guess that either your selection process needs improvement or your own attitude and approach does, maybe both. Sure some guys who do everything right can still have poor experiences or feel ripped off and be justly angry about that. But I'm also sure some of those who have become jaded really need to work on themselves and their own attitudes and expectations.

The whole thing comes down to the wisdom of the client's selection process and how he handles himself. If you are doing it all right a minimum of a pretty good time with a fine lady should be more the norm than not. If that's not your experience it's probably you who needs to refine your choices and approach.

Happy explorations,



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hey guys,

It's simple, as I've said. Treat the ladies like equals, not like a rented ?
We're all happy to have you back after your suspension(s) for name calling

The whole thing comes down the wisdom of the client's selection process and how he handles himself a minimum of a pretty good time with a fine lady should be more the norm than not. If that's not your experience it's probably you who need to refine you choices and approach.

Happy explorations,

Hi all Hi Merlot
Excellent advice !

Sometimes it seems its always the same having the bad experiences ,when you have mishap at a higher level its probably the time to review your search methodology ,

A proper search in the review section the agency booker other merbites you have plenty of tools to reduce the risk!

Some also expects to much the service he wants the SP does not offer it ,stop insisting you will ruine the mood !

Great encounters are out there,get the right lovely lady for you

Cheers all


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I need to grow some thicker skin, my fellow johns just get to me sometimes, i don't know how much more of this i can take. I ask you, how much can one john be expected to bear, but no matter how unreasonable some of you can be, my responses are always polite and friendly. It is just my nature.


I share your pain, JJ. You're easily the Rodney Dangerfield of this board. You don't get the respect you deserve. ;)


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Hey guys,

It's simple, as I've said. Treat the ladies like equals, not like a rented sex toy. As I keep saying, don't push the lady. Go with the flow. Be a gentleman, but NOT a chump with them. I'm not against you Cloud, but would you trust anyone not to put the money up front of you when that is the expectation if you were the seller. NO, you wouldn't ever.

That maybe the case but unfortunately the lady may treat you like nothing more then a walking wallet to take away from. I would agree with you but this is based on Merb agencies and Merb SPs. When dealing with Annonces123 girls and strippers there are no rules. The rules of the street apply. These girls do not give a rats ass about you except your money neither do they care about repeat business. There are many bad apples. I know the risks I am talking when having take out with strippers and one must practice being street smart. We are dealing with the underground world. I only say this to other members who are hell bent on booking Annonces123 girls. You and I already know on the amount of bait and switch on those sites. There are even a few bait and switch advertisers on Merb. Pictures not real, etc.. But you know what I guess this is how scam artists continue to operate because there are always suckers out there putting their trust in them.

Remember this rule of thumb. Whenever a strippers asks to pay upfront it usually means she is planning something bad. The very few times I booked a Merb agency as I knew the agency is well reviewed I had no hesitation to pay upfront but the funny thing is the girls never asked for it upfront. I left the donation on a table and she never even counted it till the end. See the difference here. Body language and actions will show whether the girl is planning to scam you or not. What I say is out of Merb culture. In Merb culture the game is different.

And one last thing in my experience when dealing with strippers and annonces123 girls, when you pay after they are VERY motivated to put out as they want the money. If they do not put out there is risk of them loosing the money. So trust me they get very worried. Once you pay upfront they can do whatever they want and there is nothing you can do about it. This is a crooked world. It is what it is.
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