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The MERB culture & why I am leaving

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
most important piece of advice i can give you is, if they do accuse you of being one of the two awful blue boys just challenge them, that will have them running for the hills.

I think you mixed that one up a little, no one ran. Most important piece of advice is not to be a troll on the board with every single post you put up. Difference of opinion is always nice. Many slam posts were found to be revenge posts or posts from the competition. People here know who the good posters are and who embellishes a little. I could easily post that I have had many SP's asking to marry me or refuse to get out of my bed unless I start a relationship but then they would meet me and go bull shit..... " If " a SP ever said that to me I would have to had thrown lot's of money at her or just won lotto max.

PS> It was nice to see DT ( Karmabit ) come back to the blue after his absence ( also shortly after the poolguy / C36 ban ) and claim he was not C-36... Never saw anyone here claim he was C-36, am I missing something?


New Member
Jan 3, 2013
Good for you. Wait till the one day you get scammed. Until then do what you feel is right. If you pay any attention at all to this board tell me how many poor reviews you have read from independent SPs from annonces? I would say 50% of them were poor and many tried to scam the clients. Most clients are too naive and gullible. Based on my experience this is what it is. Do you think she likes what she is doing? She hates it and hates the clients even more. It takes a crooked girl to sell her pussy like that. Hate and fear brought them to this business. So yes they are capable of anything. They will get as much cash out of you for the least amount of service. That is the way they think. Regular or not I do not want to be scammed. I work hard for my money and so do they. All I expect is honest service. Girls ask to be paid upfront because they are protecting their own self interests and so do I got to protect my own self interests.

ok first i'v been hobbying for years and i never been scammed maybe my luck or somethinng but it is not because you were once scammed that i will
2)*If you pay any attention at all to this board tell me how many poor reviews you have read from independent SPs from annonces?* well what about review that were fake or made out of hate? what about girls of 123 that have no review at all on merbs? on 123 there is about near 60000 ads made by sp, so you tellin me most of them were reviews?
3)*It takes a crooked girl to sell her pussy like that* i would like to know what the hell that mean??? by your logic i guess every sp or crooked since they sell theirs pussy? then if you assume they are crooked why even see an sp to start with?
4)**Hate and fear brought them to this business** wow that is a big no no, unless you know all them personally i don't know were you find your informations. their so many factors and personals life experience from those women that you can't be really serious with your assumptions.


Jul 4, 2006
It's a good thing you joined in 06 or they would probably be accusing you of being from blue. Although you joined in 06 you don't have a lot of posts and i don't know if you read the board or not on a regular basis but i am going to help you out a bit in case you haven't. Rule no,1,2 and 3 is, you must never disagree with the pack, it puts them on tilt. It is not a pretty sight but the most important piece of advice i can give you is, if they do accuse you of being one of the two awful blue boys just challenge them, that will have them running for the hills.


I am following what you are saying there JJ. I have no idea who you are, but you seem like one of the more knowledgeable members of this board. By pack , do you mean pack of wolves or pack of sheep? No, I did post frquent reviews at one time (deleted), but coming back , I see merb has turned into a shill board as we don't have anymore reviews, just member promos by a bunch or horny hobbyists in order to get a good deal and/or priority treatment by "certain" agenciy/s.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
By pack , do you mean pack of wolves or pack of sheep?
By pack he means the 2 or 3 people who sometimes bother arguing with him (also sheep are flock animals, not pack animals). Strikingly, people who agree with him often begin their posts with a careful disclaimer stating that they don't know him.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
By pack he means the 2 or 3 people who sometimes bother arguing with him (also sheep are flock animals, not pack animals). Strikingly, people who agree with him often begin their posts with a careful disclaimer stating that they don't know him.

You guys are so fucking paranoid it is starting to get funny. Pssst don't tell anyone but Ziggy and Tony are really me.



Jul 4, 2006
By pack he means the 2 or 3 people who sometimes bother arguing with him (also sheep are flock animals, not pack animals). Strikingly, people who agree with him often begin their posts with a careful disclaimer stating that they don't know him.


I have no idea who you are, and you can confirm to everyone here that we never met, I agree with you sheep are a flock, not a pack, but in keeping with the rhythm, we will call it a pack. You are totally off base and it seems you lack "certain" understanding on this topic. I'm not sure, maybe English was not your first language. You shouldn't be ashamed of that, foreigners are (as most would agree) good for Canada.

Note the term "sheep", it will be a recurring theme in discussions to follow.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
I am following what you are saying there JJ. I have no idea who you are, but you seem like one of the more knowledgeable members of this board. By pack , do you mean pack of wolves or pack of sheep? No, I did post frquent reviews at one time (deleted), but coming back , I see merb has turned into a shill board as we don't have anymore reviews, just member promos by a bunch or horny hobbyists in order to get a good deal and/or priority treatment by "certain" agenciy/s.


You seem like a fine upstanding poster and i will take you under my wing and guide you. By pack i mean a pack of wolves, always ready to go on the attack as a group if a fellow john dares to post an opinion about something that does not match the pack opinion.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
ok first i'v been hobbying for years and i never been scammed maybe my luck or somethinng but it is not because you were once scammed that i will
2)*If you pay any attention at all to this board tell me how many poor reviews you have read from independent SPs from annonces?* well what about review that were fake or made out of hate? what about girls of 123 that have no review at all on merbs? on 123 there is about near 60000 ads made by sp, so you tellin me most of them were reviews?
3)*It takes a crooked girl to sell her pussy like that* i would like to know what the hell that mean??? by your logic i guess every sp or crooked since they sell theirs pussy? then if you assume they are crooked why even see an sp to start with?
4)**Hate and fear brought them to this business** wow that is a big no no, unless you know all them personally i don't know were you find your informations. their so many factors and personals life experience from those women that you can't be really serious with your assumptions.

Lol I am not even going to explain myself. But I will say this and maybe you will get the point-> These girls made a business out of selling bullshit and a fantasy ;)

Do not believe a word that comes out of these girls mouth.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Lol I am not even going to explain myself. But I will say this and maybe you will get the point-> These girls made a business out of selling bullshit and a fantasy ;)

Do not believe a word that comes out of these girls mouth.

That would be a sad, sad way of life... I know for a fact not all they say is bullshit Yes they are paid to give a fantasy, and this any normal hobbyist will get it, but they just don't bullshit on everything and everything all the time. If you are a person that care and interest in them, they may share some stuff with you.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Good for you. Wait till the one day you get scammed. Until then do what you feel is right. If you pay any attention at all to this board tell me how many poor reviews you have read from independent SPs from annonces? I would say 50% of them were poor and many tried to scam the clients. Most clients are too naive and gullible. Based on my experience this is what it is. Do you think she likes what she is doing? She hates it and hates the clients even more. It takes a crooked girl to sell her pussy like that. Hate and fear brought them to this business. So yes they are capable of anything.

Cloud, I read where you had been saying how you meet strippers numerous times and try to test out what they think, how they feel, and try to discover how far they might go before trying to have paid sex with them. It seemed to be a well thought out process. I also saw some good points about being very cautious about money when you really don't have the kind of accountability with strippers and Announces123 ladies that you do with agencies. But when I read the above where dealing with these ladies is a cesspool of scammers full of hate and fear who can't stand what they are doing...why are you involved in this filthy mess? If "it takes a crooked girl to sell her pussy like that" then what kind of guys does it take to know this and still want to swim in this river of trash and hatefulness??? You are seeking them out over and over despite every terrible thing you've said. Where's the sense?????



jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Fair enough. But should they believe anything that comes out of our mouths?? I'm sure the girls put up with hearing as much bullshit from the johns as the johns do from them. :rolleyes:

100% They bullshit to the johns and the johns bullshit to them. It is the way this biz works and you have to be either naive or delusional to think other wise.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Cloud, I read where you had been saying how you meet strippers numerous times and try to test out what they think, how they feel, and try to discover how far they might go before trying to have paid sex with them. It seemed to be a well thought out process. I also saw some good points about being very cautious about money when you really don't have the kind of accountability with strippers and Announces123 ladies that you do with agencies. But when I read the above where dealing with these ladies is a cesspool of scammers full of hate and fear who can't stand what they are doing...why are you involved in this filthy mess? If "it takes a crooked girl to sell her pussy like that" then what kind of guys does it take to know this and still want to swim in this river of trash and hatefulness??? You are seeking them out over and over despite every terrible thing you've said. Where's the sense?????


I think it is pretty simple. We are paying for sex and a fantasy. Swimming with the sharks can be exhilarating but one must also take all precautions to protect yourself otherwise risk being bitten and it becomes very unpleasant. It is as simple as that. I like to see things for what they are instead of what I like to see it as. Make your pick.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Fair enough. But should they believe anything that comes out of our mouths?? I'm sure the girls put up with hearing as much bullshit from the johns as the johns do from them.

Who cares what they believe? Besides girls are masters at detecting bullshit. Part of their game is deception. They know who has money and who is pretending to have money. This industry is full of lies. Trouble is most Johns believe a lot of the bullshit these girls tell them and it is usually the Johns that gets played.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
100% They bullshit to the johns and the johns bullshit to them. It is the way this biz works and you have to be either naive or delusional to think other wise.


I agree with this 100% :thumb:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I think it is pretty simple. We are paying for sex and a fantasy. When swimming with the sharks it can be exhilarating but one must also take all precautions to protect yourself otherwise risk being bitten. It is as simple as that. I like to see things for what they are instead of what I like to see it as. Make your pick.

Okay, but the depth of the hate and crookedness you describe isn't taking chances with sharks, it's cutting yourself and diving between the teeth.

I guessed a long time ago that the exhilaration of risk and maybe danger was a big attraction for you. Still, if your view is as accurate as you insist you're walking along the top of a giant meat grinder and the girls are trying to push you in. As you said, you will get bad will happen. If your view is accurate that something bad could be a lot worse someday than just losing your money.

Good luck,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Not naming names but some of you are so negative about women that it is amazing as to why you even see sp's in the first place, why not just go watch porn with a bottle of lotion and save yourself some $, you do not seem to want to be in the company of women the way some of you talk so harshly about them. A handful of you should probably not even be in this hobby as it seems to have clearly jaded you towards women and it is gonna eat you up alive and spit you out, mentally speaking, over time.
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