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The MERB culture & why I am leaving


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
While I could still be in contact with many of them, I actually chose to allow one of most intelligent and unique retired ones access to my personal Facebook page. It's proven to be a good move and I enjoy her friendship. She's done well for herself in the business world because of her unique personality and intelligence. So not all of them are bad news, just the vast majority. I've had two of them ask me to marry them and one meet me across the country on her own dime. This in no way should negate the fact that most of them hustle for a living. Most are so full of it that they don't even know it...They think they know what they're doing and saying but really don't. It's hilarious....LOL I even had one refuse to get off the bed and go away until I agreed to have a "relationship" with her (note: last time I saw her).
JJ can now officially harass someone else.

I'd really like to see all the Johns on this board begin to skip the GGs and hide their handles from the gals. Adopt a delay period in their reviews, etc...etc... The GGs are nothing more than the agency's methods of identifying and exchanging info on clients. I guess the ego gratification that these losers get from the GGs outweighs the good sense at being discreet.
I don't get it? Why would Mike want to identify and exchange info on any one of us? What would he have to gain by doing this? Please enlighten me?

I realize it is probably a little more challenging to write a negative review if you use an agency exclusively and you are friendly with the owner but I'm not Simon Cowell. I can write a negative review and do it constructively. I have done it and only a few MERBites criticized me. I had to think that their experience was different than mine. I just will not recommend this particular girl and I would have appreciated it if she would have turned around and walked out the door rather than stay and soldier on.

You may have a point about avoiding sharing your handle with anyone. The first rule about ISG is to not talk about ISG. But North America is different. For example, how do you hobby in the USA without sharing your handle and even more personal information than your handle? It is almost impossible to do this. I see no more than a half dozen girls in the good ole USA every year. You have to share information in order to see them. You can still write a negative review. In fact, I had one SP last December contact me. She asked me to remove a TER review because I said she was a 6 for looks.

Of course when you belong to several review boards, read reviews, PM hobbyists you trust, identify the good agencies, the good indies...than there are a lot less surprises. There is little need to write a bad review.


Jul 4, 2006
Its all sad and pathetic how some boast about the special favors and treatment they receive from these young girls who are for the most part immature , emotionally and mentally unstable but are experts in the art of hustling. I think JJ's point is that we are all tired of these hobbyists who remain nameless and faceless and could run their mouths without having to give any proofs or substantiate anything.

We are tired of the nonsense. You want to treat the experienced hobbyists as fools ? They will just laugh at you, attack you and show you for the fool you are every time. You have certain johns who have been the butt of jokes on this board and on the blue. Such members know who they are, and now you know why.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Its all sad and pathetic how some boast about the special favors and treatment they receive from these young girls who are for the most part immature , emotionally and mentally unstable but are experts in the art of hustling. I think JJ's point is that we are all tired of these hobbyists who remain nameless and faceless and could run their mouths without having to give any proofs or substantiate anything.

We are tired of the nonsense. You want to treat the experienced hobbyists as fools ? They will just laugh at you, attack you and show you for the fool you are every time. You have certain johns who have been the butt of jokes on this board and on the blue. Such members know who they are, and now you know why.

Steb, I don't know how it works on the blue board. On this board you can click on a members handle and this will take you to their page. You can put them on your ignore list or you can stay on the blue board. You do not have to read such tripe. Another option would be to read a book?


Jul 4, 2006
Steb, I don't know how it works on the blue board. On this board you can click on a members handle and this will take you to their page. You can put them on your ignore list or you can stay on the blue board. You do not have to read such tripe. Another option would be to read a book?

You lost me..


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
your sick and tired of the nonsense....than why waste your time reading it? If the hobbyists knows who they are than you know who they are. Put them on ignore. That is what I do. It was just a suggestion.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Most of the johns that post on this board buys into everything the escorts tell them. They lap it up hook, line and sucker. If i read one more time the girl has an exit plan i may run into the washroom and barf. The majority of girls wether they are strippers or escorts leave this biz dead broke or with a few months worth of money in there pockets. That is why you see girls all the time retire but a few months later re-appear. When the dust settles they have nothing to show for it except a bunch of brand name purses and shoes that they couldn't sell for a $1000.00 dollars. The ones that actually leave with something to show for what they put themselves thru is like looking for a needle in a haystack. My fellow johns hate hearing this because they want to pretend that the girls love there job and they have a successful exit plan. I guess it makes them feel better about paying for sex. Instead of just admitting the escort is using them for money and they are using the escort for sex. Reality breaks the fantasy. I have been around a long time and i have yet to meet a wealthy escort or stripper despite all the tax free money they make.

Hi all

Having been in the escort business for very long ,I can say that I have never seen a escort leave the business rich even if they where making above $5,000 a week .
Most of them spend what they make no after escort career plans no savings nothing but nice cloths sometime nice cars .
But the analysis is still wrong because it has nothing to do with sex or shit some johns might make them believe as nothing to do with immaturity.
Even long successful escort agency owner have the same problem and they do not have sex for money .
The fact is simple for everyone easy done easy gone ,many very highly paid professionnal athletes went backrupt after their illustrous career,famous actors the same, well renone criminals that where filthy rich as Al Capone, or John Dillinger here in Quebec Maurice Boucher ,
When you do not have financial skills it is very hard to manage your money it has nothing to do with escorting or the merb culture it has to do with having the neccessary skills required to retire rich .
Blaming immaturity and sex for money is not consistent with the rest of history in other fields ,

Can they be good chemistry sometimes between a escort and a paying client it does happen .

Do we have good chemistry with all our neighbors? it does happen !
The money is their for the introduction ,I had some of my clients who dated for no money some of my girls .
I have seen it many times .
Even if it is fantasy and phantasm for the guys ,for the girls the money is real and many time better then flipping burgers.
By the way has any one became rich at flipping burgers?

Warmest Regards



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

I had thought the last stripper that you run into all the problems with, that you wrote about recently, that you left the club with her but i could be mistaken. If you are lining up the strippers to meet you the following day at a motel/hotel then what is the problem with having the money in an envelope on the counter for them. I have done this with every stripper i have ever met and i have never had any of them come into the room and put the envelope right into there purse. They always took it after the date was over. As a matter of fact i don't even remember any more then one or two of them even counting the money in front of me after the date was over but if they all had of, it sure as heck would not offend me. They need to know also that they are not going to be ripped off.


Not at all. I decided to see her almost after one month since I meet her. I have to take some blame for this one as this girl was sketchy from the beginning. Having said that my reference to being scammed if in terms of the services I demand. In most strippers head they think agaffe style that is CBJ and FS but no DFK or DATY. I am very clear from the start I state bluntly that I want DFK and DATY. DFK is the most important considerations for me. I used to leave the envelope in front before this one girl that I knew for six months we even went out clubbing a few times back in 2011 who completely scammed me. She asked to be paid upfront and I did. Then after I payed her she said she has a cold and cannot do DFK and she knew the importance of DFK to me. I told her to leave. I gave her $300 and she returned $120. She was perfectly justified to rob me like that as from what she said I got a stable job with regular income and she does not. After this incident I lost all trust with sex workers. After this I stopped paying upfront. These girls are capable of anything. If I start taking girls from the moment I meet them who knows maybe there is her pimp waiting for me to mug me. But these were the only two incidents ever where I had a problem. All others went smoothly. And none of those girls EVER asked for money upfront. When I had them the money I count the bills in front of them so they know I am paying them exactly what I told them I would pay. But you know we each have our own reality. This is mine. So I continue to pay after service is rendered especially with a girl I am having my first take out with. And for them for those who seemed worried about me ripping them off I show them the money before all the bills then put it back in my pockets. So they know damn well I am good for the money. This is a crooked world and I will not give any trust to them. Do you know how many reviews I read on this board about independents from annonces123 of guys getting scammed. Bait and switch does not always have to be different girl from the picture. Also advertizing as GFE and not giving DFK is a BIG NO for me. I do not accept that ever. This is also bait and switch to me.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
heuu totally don't agree with CLOUD 500 **Remember this rule of thumb. Whenever a strippers asks to pay upfront it usually means she is planning something bad. The very few times I booked a Merb agency as I knew the agency is well reviewed I had no hesitation to pay upfront but the funny thing is the girls never asked for it upfront. I left the donation on a table and she never even counted it till the end. See the difference here. Body language and actions will show whether the girl is planning to scam you or not. What I say is out of Merb culture. In Merb culture the game is different.

And one last thing in my experience when dealing with strippers and annonces123 girls, when you pay after they are VERY motivated to put out as they want the money. If they do not put out there is risk of them loosing the money. So trust me they get very worried. Once you pay upfront they can do whatever they want and there is nothing you can do about it. This is a crooked world. It is what it is**

when you pay pay after they are very motivated heuuuuuuuu no
look i know alot of sp( and in their personal lives to) and it don't have nothing to do that she in on ann123 or whatever, it'just that you are paying for a service from an independant provider, of course alot of the girls will ask to pay before and i never had any problems with that and i never been robbed also. it is perfectly normal that a girl ask to get paid first, i mean c'mon imagine you ask for full service , you get suck, you fuck etc after that the girl wait for the money, possible scenario, the guy don't have money or less then the fee session. scenario 2) guy ran away. etc we are not dealing about a regular type of service here, the girl don't sell you a product (separated from herself)she sell herself so she is more implicated more than ever in this operation. If a guy is afraid to pay first well he should stick to agency girls because most girs will not say yes to this. the only thing i agree with you* Once you pay upfront they can do whatever they want and there is nothing you can do about it. This is a crooked world. It is what it is.** you cannot always try to limit the risks but you can't eliminate them all. So if the sp don't want to accept this offer it doesn't mean she is shady but you got to understand her position too and vice versa

first of all

Good for you. Wait till the one day you get scammed. Until then do what you feel is right. If you pay any attention at all to this board tell me how many poor reviews you have read from independent SPs from annonces? I would say 50% of them were poor and many tried to scam the clients. Most clients are too naive and gullible. Based on my experience this is what it is. Do you think she likes what she is doing? She hates it and hates the clients even more. It takes a crooked girl to sell her pussy like that. Hate and fear brought them to this business. So yes they are capable of anything. They will get as much cash out of you for the least amount of service. That is the way they think. Regular or not I do not want to be scammed. I work hard for my money and so do they. All I expect is honest service. Girls ask to be paid upfront because they are protecting their own self interests and so do I got to protect my own self interests.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Bottom line is the girls and their pimps will use and do whatever is necessary to make a gain or save a "reputation". Frankly most of the guys here are such pussies that they buy it. The legendary Good Sam had it right, keep totally confidential. If I ever come back to the hobby (and I probably will), and if I decide to actually write a review, it will be well over a month after the fact. By then the girl and the agency will have gone through hundreds of tricks. Don't post things that identify the session.

It's mainly these pussies that do these attacks on other members that are the real problem. Somehow they think the girl or the agency gives a shit about them. They buy the BS that the agency or the hooker puts out and perceive themselves to be some kind of White Knight. My famous Poutain Review was widely reviled by the likes of Doc and many of his like that are as two faced as that jerk in the Whitehouse. What were they really protecting? There perceived special privileges from the female pimp. Multiple times when I tried to blow the whistle on some of these scam artists and scam organizations on this board and previous boards like the canine board, I got attacked and reviled. I thought truth and reporting the facts to my fellow hobbiests was important. It's not.

As far as retiring goes, Go. It's that need to be the gallant White Knight going softly out into the night and fade away (wait that was General MacArthur's line, I had to give him credit). What a crock of s__t!!!

In closing the moderation on this board has improved dramatically since the "computer"man left and the "Brothers Grimm" man was kicked off the board. In closing, in the past I've told this board about scam artists and scammers in the hobby. I also told everyone about the biggest scammer in the White House. Everyone attacked, everyone demeaned, most were the usual poor examples of manhood that they are, ....EVERYONE WAS F__KING WRONG AND I WAS RIGHT AS USUAL.....AND SO IT GOES......

I applaud this post. You could not have said it better. I was indirect but you were blunt. I like it :thumb: You see how I get attacked for giving these guys pointers to protect their own interests. Instead they attack and they believe the lies these girls tell them. Why bother to use tineyes? You call them pussies I just call them nerds. Too naive and gullible. And if these guys were not naive and gullible these scam artists would be history. But they continue to survive and continue scamming clients because they believe they are dealing with good honest people who believe in honesty and following the rules. Lol


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Most of the johns that post on this board buys into everything the escorts tell them. They lap it up hook, line and sucker. If i read one more time the girl has an exit plan i may run into the washroom and barf. The majority of girls wether they are strippers or escorts leave this biz dead broke or with a few months worth of money in there pockets.

This is not news to me. I been telling lots of guys this for years. Majority of sex workers are broke. What is more many are stuck deep or return to this business. Their frivolous nature, unreliability, and drugs keeps them there. They also live on a day to day basis.

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
JJ can now officially harass someone else.

You talk about me harassing someone but you fail to point out all the shots that he takes at me. If i make a post simply expressing a different opinion then the pack he goes on the attack. I have no problem with that, i just put on my big boy pants and take him on. Case in point, in the poll thread i started about terrorism he brought escorts into that thread not me. What place did escorts have in that thread none but he brought them into it for one reason and one reason only to take a shot at me. What did i do in response, i took him him on and will continue to take him on every time he quotes one of my posts and tries to cause shit like he always does.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I'd really like to see all the Johns on this board begin to skip the GGs and hide their handles from the gals. Adopt a delay period in their reviews, etc...etc... The GGs are nothing more than the agency's methods of identifying and exchanging info on clients. I guess the ego gratification that these losers get from the GGs outweighs the good sense at being discreet.

Speak for yourself, I go because I am bored out of my fucking mind out here and enjoy a drink with well anyone. As for being discreet who really cares what I do or who I am, it makes no difference to me. What info could the agency use? I get no spam e-mail or pre-recorded phone message that I won I trip to somewhere after the event.
EDIT: The only way for GG to gain something from this is for us to see and meet the girls ( a visual is nice ) and book an appointment on a later date, other than that I can see nothing that can harm anyone, makes good business sense to have these. To all involved thanks for having the GT.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
You may have a point about avoiding sharing your handle with anyone. The first rule about ISG is to not talk about ISG. But North America is different. For example, how do you hobby in the USA without sharing your handle and even more personal information than your handle? It is almost impossible to do this. I see no more than a half dozen girls in the good ole USA every year. You have to share information in order to see them.

With the new law criminalizing only clients here, it will be different. People will be less eager to share personal info with someone who is not herself criminalized. Maybe more merb members will start to keep they handle secret.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
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I'd really like to see all the Johns on this board begin to skip the GGs and hide their handles from the gals. Adopt a delay period in their reviews, etc...etc... The GGs are nothing more than the agency's methods of identifying and exchanging info on clients. I guess the ego gratification that these losers get from the GGs outweighs the good sense at being discreet.

Are you f****** serious seems you are trashing a lotttttt of people mister!! this dude!!! have seriously have to go buy yourself a mirror RIGHT NOW!!

P.S.that is consider in my book...
iv) Lack of respect to either client, escort or other board members.


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Its all sad and pathetic how some boast about the special favors and treatment they receive from these young girls who are for the most part immature , emotionally and mentally unstable but are experts in the art of hustling.

This is a fine example of doublethink: they are totally immature and mentally incompetent, yet they are super-intelligent manipulator who can control dozens of grown-up men. I hear they also have pimps with magical mind control abilities. In fact, I'm sure they all share a hive-mind and they are taking over the world.


Active Member
Dec 30, 2013
Bottom line is the girls and their pimps will use and do whatever is necessary to make a gain or save a "reputation". Frankly most of the guys here are such pussies that they buy it. The legendary Good Sam had it right, keep totally confidential. If I ever come back to the hobby (and I probably will), and if I decide to actually write a review, it will be well over a month after the fact. By then the girl and the agency will have gone through hundreds of tricks. Don't post things that identify the session.

Makes sense. But who is "Good Sam?" I did a search and could not find anything.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Speak for yourself, I go because I am bored out of my fucking mind out here and enjoy a drink with well anyone. As for being discreet who really cares what I do or who I am, it makes no difference to me. What info could the agency use? I get no spam e-mail or pre-recorded phone message that I won I trip to somewhere after the event.

Same here, who wouldn't want to be in a room full of so many gorgeous, hot, women, it's not like it happens everyday, I also enjoy a drink and a smoke with just about anyone.:thumb:

jeff jones

Mar 23, 2009
At cleo's
Its all sad and pathetic how some boast about the special favors and treatment they receive from these young girls who are for the most part immature , emotionally and mentally unstable but are experts in the art of hustling. I think JJ's point is that we are all tired of these hobbyists who remain nameless and faceless and could run their mouths without having to give any proofs or substantiate anything.

We are tired of the nonsense. You want to treat the experienced hobbyists as fools ? They will just laugh at you, attack you and show you for the fool you are every time. You have certain johns who have been the butt of jokes on this board and on the blue. Such members know who they are, and now you know why.

It's a good thing you joined in 06 or they would probably be accusing you of being from blue. Although you joined in 06 you don't have a lot of posts and i don't know if you read the board or not on a regular basis but i am going to help you out a bit in case you haven't. Rule no,1,2 and 3 is, you must never disagree with the pack, it puts them on tilt. It is not a pretty sight but the most important piece of advice i can give you is, if they do accuse you of being one of the two awful blue boys just challenge them, that will have them running for the hills.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I think you seriously misapprehend what goes on at the GG parties. First of all you are starting out with the inaccurate presumption that these parties are nothing more than a gathering of a bunch of brainwashed sheep who are essentially tools of the agency. Not true. The guys I have met at the GGs have candidly, albeit privately, exchanged info on the GGs and on indies in attendance. You will also learn more accurate info from going to the parties and meeting and interacting with the girls, than you will by reading anything on MERB, period and end of story. Girls who are not social/not good performers cannot hide it, it eventually comes out, and there have been quiet partings of the ways with such SPs which have not been "highly publicized." However the parties are a good way to gauge whether chemistry may be good or bad, and usually my instincts are pretty good in that regard and I can say the same for veterans like Special K, Doc Holliday, Cloudsurf et al. It is certainly a foolproof method of determining physical attraction in advance. Also there is a smorgasbord as far as the types of ladies involved and that means something is available for everyone - all tastes.

Second there are a bunch of guys who attend that have no agency allegiance and will see many girls from many agencies including girls who shuffle between the agencies. Delta and Reverdy are examples, but there are many others. I have gotten the straight dope from them. Even ManApart James, before and after becoming an insider, has always been a straight shooter. These guys will tell it like it is from their perspective.

Third it is low key, I am sure some guys advertise their handles, some don't, me personally I do not. Regardless of that guys who are bad clients, just like girls who are bad performers, eventually become known because you can't hide who you are as a person, the girls talk to each other etc. and it is like that at EVERY agency.

If you don't go to the GG parties you are lagging sadly behind the informational curve on the GG girls, on the indies who are invited, and what they are all about, and that is a FACT that I do not think is even capable of being disputed.
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