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The Official MERB 2010 Baseball Thread.

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
excellent perspective Doc. indeed. Cheating is also a 2way street, and dont cheaters, especially admitted cheaters deserve a second chance???? for example the person who cheated on their taxes, on a exam or worse, on their spouse? are they doomed for life or should they be allowed another chance? Anyways, i believe we will one day see Arod in the Hall of Fame, and deservedly so, he made a mistake, confessed, and moved on. just like is done most of the time with my 3 examples above, it takes time for forgiveness, and Arod has years left to be forgiven and looked at in a good light.

Cheaters? MLB knew full well that many 'stars' in the 90's & early 200s were juicing themselves. But MLB looked the other way since their two biggest stars at one point, McGwire & Sosa, were saving baseball with their race to the homerun record. MLB didn't care that the likes of Ken Camminety, Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire & hundreds of other players were on steroids & HGH. All it cared about was the profits coming in & the fact fans were returning to the ballpark after the 1994 cancelled season. That's why it only began to test players in 2003....not because it really wanted to, but because of pressure from Congress & baseball fans in general.

So my point is....if MLB didn't take steroids & HGH seriously, why is it considered 'cheating' by those same players whom MLB put on a pedestal at the time?

Where do you draw the line when it comes to 'cheating'? Shouldn't corrective eye surgery be considered 'cheating'? What about players playing on Red Bull? Wouldn't that be considered 'cheating' also? What about players who play for teams offering better training regimen & exercise equipment? Wouldn't this edge they have over other teams be considered 'cheating'? I could go on & on.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

Cheaters? MLB knew full well that many 'stars' in the 90's & early 200s were juicing themselves. But MLB looked the other way since their two biggest stars at one point, McGwire & Sosa, were saving baseball with their race to the homerun record. MLB didn't care that the likes of Ken Camminety, Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, Mark McGwire & hundreds of other players were on steroids & HGH. All it cared about was the profits coming in & the fact fans were returning to the ballpark after the 1994 cancelled season. That's why it only began to test players in 2003....not because it really wanted to, but because of pressure from Congress & baseball fans in general.

So my point is....if MLB didn't take steroids & HGH seriously, why is it considered 'cheating' by those same players whom MLB put on a pedestal at the time?

Where do you draw the line when it comes to 'cheating'? Shouldn't corrective eye surgery be considered 'cheating'? What about players playing on Red Bull? Wouldn't that be considered 'cheating' also? What about players who play for teams offering better training regimen & exercise equipment? Wouldn't this edge they have over other teams be considered 'cheating'? I could go on & on.

Whether I agree with you or not the problem here is anyone can say "SORRY" after being caught. The motivations to be sorry: future earnings, reputation, legacy, and public opinion, are extremely compelling...especially $$$. Saying sorry will never change the fact that an admitted cheater chose to do so.

We can take each case individually and take a close look at the character of the sequence of events that led to discovery and then the player's reactions. The cases with Bonds, Palmiero, Sosa, Clemens, McGwire are all different, and how it is handled after discovery has an effect. In A-Rod's case we can never forget a person who had every probability of being one of the best anyway decided to cheat. He denied, denied, denied, going on 60 minutes to tell everyone the suspicions of cheating weren't true, and only came clean when the evidence became undeniable. If he hadn't been caught he'd still be doing it, and I believe he has not come clean about how long he did it. All of that will weigh in when the time comes.

It doesn't matter how many were doing it, what the atmosphere was at the time, what mistakes or duplicity the MLB leadership and players were involved in, or what enhancements were allowed and what wasn't allowed. Everyone knew the difference, and everyone is responsible for their choices. There are no excuses for going along with everyone in the wrong.

And "Red Bull" or espresso are a long way from anabolic steroids.

maybe life takes a unexpected turn and things are not as rosey as the glasses YOU ARE looking thru.. dipstick

You mean someone may have more important things going on in their lives than the Merb sports thread. Well.....DUH! The only problem is you wouldn’t accept that if it wasn’t about one of your Yankees pals...POOPY FACE.

Thanks SK - Forbes definitely hit a home run with this ALMOST perfect list. I say "almost" because the Yankees fans should be sitting with the leafs fans in exile at the bottom of some other list. Everything else is just right, however, with Wings fans - to NO ONE'S surprise - being the best in all of hockey (thank you, thank you). Also, a well-deserved pat on the back for Sox fans - congratulations all around!

Okay, you can

I have to admit that A-Rod is a very talented ballplayer...and an even more talented chemistry experiment.

If you are going to take cheap shots at the Yankees I will only love you more.

excellent perspective Doc. indeed. Cheating is also a 2way street, and dont cheaters, especially admitted cheaters deserve a second chance???? for example the person who cheated on their taxes, on a exam or worse, on their spouse? are they doomed for life or should they be allowed another chance? Anyways, i believe we will one day see Arod in the Hall of Fame, and deservedly so, he made a mistake, confessed, and moved on. just like is done most of the time with my 3 examples above, it takes time for forgiveness, and Arod has years left to be forgiven and looked at in a good light.

Very considerate and human. But again, everyone knows if this subject hadn't come up because of the question of inducting A-Rod or a Yankee you’d piss on a Red Sox player rather than be considerate or human.

And how is "cheating a 2way street"? In the end the individual chooses to do it...or not do it, no matter what the influence is. Obviously, you really want to make excuses for Rodriguez.

Cheaters? MLB knew full well that many 'stars' in the 90's & early 200s were juicing themselves

‘The early 200s”? I didn’t know you are as old as I. I remember the early 200s very well. Yes, afternoons at the Roman Colosseum, the matinee criminal executions, the warm up feeding of Christians to the beasts, the gladiatorial main events. Remember the finals of 218 between Marcus Galbius and Aelius Labienus Sulla. I still say Galbius got robbed. Persians SUCK!!!

Yes you are correct...MLB and owners looked the other way. It's all about's always about greed. The almightly dollar rules, especially in the short term. Where do you draw the and the players union created the mess...let them fix it. Personally, as I stated earlier...I think the entire era should be * in the record books. Maybe we can get BALCO to put a special wing in Cooperstown...?!

'Nuff said...I could go on, but I will stop here.

Have fun,


That’s the tragedy of it. Selling the competitive integrity to the fans while being duplicitous in the whole lie.


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008

I might slam the likes or Nomar, Ortiz, and several other red sox players who most likely used, but still would believe and feel as though they were deserving of a second chance. Would i make fun of them like red sox fans do about Yankees players? YOU BETCHA! BUT all in the spirit of what it is. To come right out and condemn them for life, never. like i said, as a good example, if a man is cheating on his wife, gets caught, admits his wrong doing, begs her to forgive him, he gets a second chance if she still loves him and can get past the infidelities, then he gets his second chance, IF she gives it to him, baseball on the other hand can be much more forgiving than a woman scorned lol. MLB decided to give Arod another chance , not even suspending him, so we move on and forgive. Now if he were to be caught again, i would never forgive, not even if he is still in the Pinstripes.

Arod was given a second chance because he came clean soon enough to continue with his legacy, had this happened when say he was 39/40 and towards the end of his career and denied it for years and years then i doubt he would make the HOF, but since he came clean and still has alot of productive years ahead, he will go into the Hall.
Very considerate and human. But again, everyone knows if this post didn’t hadn't come up because of the question of inducting A-Rod or a Yankee you’d piss on a Red Sox player rather than be considerate or human.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I have to agree with Iggy here. We've all made mistakes & most of us were granted second (and third) chances. Just looking at A-Rod's physique, he hasn't changed much over the years. It's obvious he's no Barry Bonds.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello all,

To come right out and condemn them for life, never.

There's a big difference between condemning someone for life and making someone pay his due for what he did. I never suggested banning him for life, but he never paid for what he did at all...and only because in the time period he admitted to cheating in no strict code of punishment was in force and the tests were supposed to be confidential and anonymous. But, that doesn't change the fact that...he cheated. Again, if this was over a Red Sox player you'd be pounding this board for some sort of punishment...and more than likely a lifetime ban from the HOF.

I have to agree with Iggy here. We've all made mistakes & most of us were granted second (and third) chances. Just looking at A-Rod's physique, he hasn't changed much over the years. It's obvious he's no Barry Bonds.

We seem to have different definitions of what constitutes a "mistake". Let's just pose a theoretical supposition here for example. Let's say you Doc have a wife and love her deeply. If she has a one night stand or even a brief fling and truly regrets it, do you call that a mistake? Probably. If she steps out with other men time after time after time over several years and regrets it, do you call that a mistake? Probably not. I think you call that proof of a non-monogamous character. Mistakes are regrettable incidents, not greatly extended habits of behavior. A-Rod may regret it, but the proof of his intention, willingness, and guilt is in the long persistence of the act. In my view it's all the less forgivable because he never needed it. I'm not saying I would never vote to let him in the HOF, but I would sure give him a message by withholding the honor of being a first year choice. Saying he's a first round choice after his deliberate cheating over years is just making excuses for individuals who still had the power to choose despite the tainted atmosphere of the era, and it tells everyone that a habit of cheating can be white-washed with a simple "I'm sorry, I take responsibility". Does anyone think that sends the message you want to kids???


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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Maybe I am missing something here. Or maybe I should be doing little adolescent digs like every time I type Yankees, I type yankees like a twit attempting some kind of childish insult...please...what a little baby tactic... lol...Little Guy (or Girl) Needs A nap...:rolleyes:

All the banter in the latests posts is about forgiveness and second chances...WELL ladies, gentlemen and moron...we as baseball fans have already granted the likes of ARod and the other cheaters their second chance...they were not banned from the game; they were not suspended from the game...hell they were not even punished...they were allowed to continue on - THEY ALREADY GOT THEIR SECOND CHANCE. 'Nuff said.

What we had been talking about (before merb's own Jim Baker stepped in) was immortalizing them among baseballs elite in Cooperstown...not a second chance. The question is - Do they deserve a spot in history, among the best of the game - even if they admittedly and intentionally solely FOR MONETARY GAIN - CHEATED? I say - HELL NO!

Just another day at the beach...Have fun.


And remember...for those who find it convenient to be judgmental and self righteous - Judge not, lest ye be judged.

PS Merlot - you are dead on in your last post, I could not have said it better myself. Thanks brother!
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Four days later:
1. Berkman is already on the bench; Kalish is hitting .538 and has an outfield assist.
3. Kerry Wood still sucks.

Congrats to Ryan Kalish (another home grown Epstein prospect) for hitting his first ML blast against the Yankees in the Red Sox 6-3 W on Friday ... anyone know how Berkman is doing?!?

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Congrats to Ryan Kalish (another home grown Epstein prospect) for hitting his first ML blast against the Yankees in the Red Sox 6-3 W on Friday ... anyone know how Berkman is doing?!?
Berkman (2-22) got his first big hit for the Yankees yesterday. He was 0-3 with a third baseman.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Maybe I am missing something here. Or maybe I should be doing little adolescent digs like every time I type Yankees, I type yankees like a twit attempting some kind of childish insult...please...what a little baby tactic... lol...Little Guy (or Girl) Needs A nap...:rolleyes:

All the banter in the latests posts is about forgiveness and second chances...WELL ladies, gentlemen and moron...we as baseball fans have already granted the likes of ARod and the other cheaters their second chance...they were not banned from the game; they were not suspended from the game...hell they were not even punished...they were allowed to continue on - THEY ALREADY GOT THEIR SECOND CHANCE. 'Nuff said.

What we had been talking about (before merb's own Jim Baker stepped in) was immortalizing them among baseballs elite in Cooperstown...not a second chance. The question is - Do they deserve a spot in history, among the best of the game - even if they admittedly and intentionally solely FOR MONETARY GAIN - CHEATED? I say - HELL NO!

Just another day at the beach...Have fun.


And remember...for those who find it convenient to be judgmental and self righteous - Judge not, lest ye be judged.

Hello Jman,

Right on the mark. Maybe for pinstripe idolators a second chance was suppoed to come with a grand Hail-the-God party and a huge 10-foot solid gold staue to worship for an apology that only happened because he got caught. There's that Yankee special entitlement again. That's why they're so pissed A-Rod only got forgiveness.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
AJ Burnett has been scratched from his start against the Red Sox tonight. Doctors are now examining the yellow streak down his back to determine whether or not he'll need to go on the DL.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
In tonights 7-2 Yankees win over the red sox, Berkman aka Tony Stewart, went 3-4 with 2 doubles, 2 runs scored,and 1 rbi, thanks for asking! ,..... seems the j-rump jinx is right on track yet again


ps.kalish went 0-4 with a k, and led all red sox players tonight with 4 men LOB .. just thought i would let you know that also in case you missed the game

anyone know how Berkman is doing?!?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I think you should worry more about the guy in the picture below, seen in happier times, and his 6.21 era. He might benefit with a little more time on that DL himself.... in case you missed his last outing, he only went 4.2 innings giving up 7 earned runs. Do you think francona would pitch him every game the red sox play the Yankees? :)


AJ Burnett has been scratched from his start against the Red Sox tonight. Doctors are now examining the yellow streak down his back to determine whether or not he'll need to go on the DL.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Congratulations to Derek Jeter for surpassing the Bambino on the ALL TIME Yankees hits list, and now well on his way to being the first ever Yankee to reach 3000 hits, which should happen easily next year, barring injury. The future Hall of Famer broke Babe Ruths record tonight against who else, the red sox.



Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
In tonights 7-2 Yankees win over the red sox, Berkman aka Tony Stewart, went 3-4 with 2 doubles, 2 runs scored,and 1 rbi,

Been out of internet let me do a quick catch up...seeing as I did not miss much.

So that makes Berkman what...5 for 26 now as a Yankee ... .192 ... impressive...

Well, Beckett at least had the balls to show up and pitch...too bad A.J. had Sox Spasms or as Rumples put it a yellow streak down his back...another solid Cashman embarrassment.

All in all...Sox go to the big bad house of Ruth and come out with a split...still hanging around, even with all of the injuries...gotta love Tito for Manager of the Year. Even the ESPN trio was signing his praises for doing so much with so little...

And oh yeah, gotta love that Cy Lester gave little Phil a pitching lesson...

Have fun,




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Congratulations to Derek Jeter for surpassing the Bambino on the ALL TIME Yankees hits list, and now well on his way to being the first ever Yankee to reach 3000 hits, which should happen easily next year, barring injury. The future Hall of Famer broke Babe Ruths record tonight against who else, the red sox.



From Iggy's...Oh What A Big Beautiful Bat You Swing erotica collection.

Happy at-bats,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Me thinks you been sipping from your "Vintage 2010 mass" Collection again. please tell me you do not stomp those poor lil grapes all by your wee lil self? bwhahahaahahahaahahahaah!!!



From Iggy's...Oh What A Big Beautiful Bat You Swing erotica collection.

Happy at-bats,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Another maxi-collar for the corpse of Lance Berkman in Texas last night. Meanwhile, the newest Dirt Dog, Ryan Kalish, comes off the bench, rips a base hit, and scores a valuable insurance run late in the game.
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