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The Official MERB 2010 Baseball Thread.

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
LOL, not really so much that, as a horrific "scam" and "betrayal" to his mass amounts of fans that adore the guy, like JoeT and rumples (cmon rumps, you know your rooting for the good guys!) but hey, if Jeter does not resign with the Yanks, he doesnt right? but he will, Right? ;)
Iggy is indicting the Yankees for their handling of the Jeter contract issue. He's dared to utter pinstripe blasphemy.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
LOL, not really so much that, as a horrific "scam" and "betrayal" to his mass amounts of fans that adore the guy, like JoeT and rumples (cmon rumps, you know your rooting for the good guys!) but hey, if Jeter does not resign with the Yanks, he doesnt right? but he will, Right? ;)
You really think he's going to resign like I suggested? Just a few hours ago you said he was going to re-sign. (BTW, what is your first language? Did it hurt much when you were dropped on your head?)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
In contrast to the world's two dumbest Yankee fans, both of whom managed to find their way into this thread, Keith Olbermann is one the the world's smartest Yankee fans. Unlike Keith, I can't wait until the Yankees sign the corpse of Derek "Past a Diving" Jeter.
Keith Olbermann said:
It would appear that the Derek Jeter mess is down to one escape route.

Jeter should take the Yankees' last offer, adding only one demand to a deal that will already overpay him by 50% or more. To save both his tattered reputation and the equally-sullied one of the Yanks, he should agree to the three years at $15,000,000 per and append to it a deal for an undisclosed figure that keeps him in the employ of the team in some non-playing capacity for ten years or twenty or whatever number they choose to pull out of thin air. Presumably a clause giving him an out in 2014 if he still wants to play (Japan?) could be worked in and boasted about by both sides.

Add one hug, ignore the reality that the Yankees should've spent the winter seeking not to mollify Jeter but to replace him, and everybody's happy - until Jeter hits .238 in 2011.

The urgency of settlement has never been more pronounced than tonight. It's pretty bad when three or four of your four theoretical alternatives to being vastly overpaid in New York disappear on the same day: The Dodgers sign Juan Uribe to play second, the Giants are about to sign Miguel Tejada to play short, the Rays have just put Jason Bartlett on the block to make room for Reid Brignac and Cardinals trade for Ryan Theriot (conceivably leaving the other middle infield spot still open unless the Skip Schumaker fan club prevails) - oh and Troy Tulowitzki just set the real bar for what a superb shortstop is worth (as opposed to what he was worth).

So that leaves Baltimore (Japan?)

Bad day to be Derek Jeter. He and agent Casey Close were said to have met with the Yankees today, were said to have been a little more flexible when they did so, and Jeter supposedly says he and Close will meet again tomorrow. I think, perhaps, they should.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Awwwwwwwww, thats all grumpie has these days? lol...You get "weeker" and weaker in your OLD age grumpie. A boring soul should not try to be funny, so why do you bother? it backfires everytime. ... Face it, Jeter has 1 maybe 2 good years left in him, and maybe 1 more gold glove. (haha) Oh btw, do you think the sox will beat out the Orioles for 4th place this coming season or stay in the cellar? :)

You really think he's going to resign like I suggested? Just a few hours ago you said he was going to re-sign. (BTW, what is your first language? Did it hurt much when you were dropped on your head?)


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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it would take a complete widiot to think Jeter will not be a Yankee next season. With that said, i think 45mil over three years is fair, but the Yanks will up that to near what he made over his last contract, towards 18/19 mil per. And how much would anyone wanna bet he has better #'s than last season, next season? Any takers? (please, only non habs fans as we know they never take a bet...bawk bawk bawk) :)

I wonder who the real “widiot” is.

Baseball fans who don’t follow the hockey threads may not be aware that you pussied out of a real bet I offered (on multiple occasions) with some lame and excuse – you’ve been completely exposed as the poser you are.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
I wonder who the real “widiot” is.

Baseball fans who don’t follow the hockey threads may not be aware that you pussied out of a real bet I offered (on multiple occasions) with some lame and excuse – you’ve been completely exposed as the poser you are.

Hello GHG,
Don't worry...we know...lol.
It's kinda like pushing the repeat button with him...always the same substanceless crap. Like a soap opera...you can go away for weeks and its just picks up where it left off. LOL.

In contrast to the world's two dumbest Yankee fans, both of whom managed to find their way into this thread, Keith Olbermann is one the the world's smartest Yankee fans. Unlike Keith, I can't wait until the Yankees sign the corpse of Derek "Past a Diving" Jeter.

84% of Yankee fans as polled by ESPN said the Yankees were being totally reasonable. All of a sudden all of those "we love Derek" fans are throwing Derek "Past a Diving" Jeter under the bus...the other 16% (which is obviously where iggy falls) are just plain blind and or...

The recent Tulo deal where the Rockies signed one of the best SS in the game at $15.7M a years shows how reasonable the Yankees are being. Jeter is just turning into a classless, aging, defenseless, greedy moron. But since he's been paling around with ARod...that was to be expected.

Have fun,

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
OMG all,


Holy Babe Ruth!!! Hold the presses...HOLD THE PRESSES!!! Iggy is indicting the Yankees for their handling of the Jeter contract issue. He's dared to utter pinstripe blasphemy. Say it ain't so Joe.t. Daaaammmnnn...and I thought the "Big Bang" was an amazing story. I stand corrected. Good thing Georgie Steinbrenner isn't around to see this day.

Yankees to Jeter...





Have fun,

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Iggy, Joe.t,

Sorry for your loss boys...

After a second disappointing stint with the Yankees, Javier Vazquez is returning to the National League. Vazquez has officially signed a one-year contract worth $7MM with the Marlins. He also receives a full no-trade clause, and the team has agreed not to offer the righty arbitration next offseason.


Poor little fella will never have time to develop into that Yankee Ace you guys always saw...but you still have AJ.

Have fun,

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Isnt this the baseball thread? Do you EVER post in the correct thread? seriously? do ya?

Lets recap, "exposed as a poser" hmmmmm, ok, lets see, someone who posts in many threads , helping others with shared experiences, advice and opinons, or someone like YOU who NEVER posts in the correct thread, gets banned because he never learns his lessons, never ever posts to help others in non sports threads and drinks one too many molsons on game nights and then goes crazy in the wrong threads with several rants? Damn, i guess you got me bro!

When you learn to take a bet the way it is offered which was fair to both, then maybe one day someone would bet with you, even my homie Joet wouldnt bet with you or your "twisting bets" loving cronies, as you guys cant be trusted to wuss out on a bet. Now are we done? Can you post something about baseball? Have you ever heard of the game? If not ask rumples, he will gladly tell you.

I wonder who the real “widiot” is.

Baseball fans who don’t follow the hockey threads may not be aware that you pussied out of a real bet I offered (on multiple occasions) with some lame and excuse – you’ve been completely exposed as the poser you are.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Good riddance, it didnt work out, so what? at least he wont be getting anymore losses for the Empire, little joshie beckett on the other hand will still be getting L's for a few more years to come for your 3rd to 4th place minor league team...


Iggy, Joe.t,

Sorry for your loss boys...


Poor little fella will never have time to develop into that Yankee Ace you guys always saw...but you still have AJ.

Have fun,



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Ahhhhhh the "pot" has returned, and i see he is still calling the kettle black lol, .... The hypocrisy continues in jmanland......

Happy Holidays! :)

Hello GHG,
Don't worry...we know...lol.
It's kinda like pushing the repeat button with him...always the same substanceless crap. Like a soap opera...you can go away for weeks and its just picks up where it left off. LOL.

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Ahhhhhh the "pot" has returned, and i see he is still calling the kettle black lol, .... The hypocrisy continues in jmanland......
Why is it, iggy, that no matter what sports thread you're in, you always manage to drag it down to name calling? Could it be that you have nothing to say? Doc Holliday was kind enough to create a safe haven for you. Why don't you just dig a hole in there and stay in it? 3000 posts in two years and in over 2000 you're antogonistic towards somebody. This was a much better place before you came to foul it. The baseball thread actually had some good conversation.* You, singlehandly, have ruined this thread. Why don't you take your act elsewhere?

Doc Holliday started his own Fantasy Hockey thread; why don't you start your own Sports Fighting thread. You could even set your own rules, like Doc did. Rule 1. No intelligent discourse allowed.

*And then there was always Joe.T providing comic relief, the only name calling, of course, his trademarked term of endearment which was never uttered in a bellicose way. You, on the other hand, know nothing but belligerence. I hope you stay out of sports bars; they're dangerous places for people like you.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Why is it, rumples, that no matter what thread your in you have everyone pissed off at you and joking behind your back, as well as in front of it? I think you should look in a mirror along with your cronies and you might see that maybe the cause of your anger is coming from oh i dont know, maybe YOURSELF oh "perfect" and "innocent" one.. eh???? Give it a rest, your foot has been in your mouth more times than you care to believe, and i see from many other threads, if doesnt stop in this one...

Do you know of the wrestler Curtis "Curt" Hennig? I have a question, are you still receiving royalties for providing him with your alter ego, no matter how far off that persona is???? By the way, may he RIP, you couldnt hold his jock on your best day as far as living up to his nickname. Go Yanks! :) OK, bring on the reinforcements! (aka cronies)


PS, unlike YOU, i am the happiest go lucky kind of guy in person as everyone who has met me can attest to, and would do anything for my friends, it is pretty sad when a person is the exact same way in person as they act in here, but hey, thats who you are i guess. I dont put up with BS when i see it, and if you dont like what i send your way, it is simple, dont dish it out. A good clean give and take trash talk in a sports thread is one thing but to continuely deny your not part of it and a main contributor is laughable.

Now, lets get back to baseball ONCE again shall we? I will even let you start...go ahead :)

In the Spirit of the Holidays, I will be the bigger man and offer you a truce, deal?

Why is it, iggy, that no matter what sports thread you're in, you always manage to drag it down.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Now, lets get back to baseball ONCE again shall we? I will even let you start...go ahead :)
BACK to baseball??? When did you ever post anything that had anything to do with baseball. You want a trash talk thread. Start one. Actually, you want nothing but trash talk threads. (And don't start on the personal comments, 'cause I've heard enough about you, pal, and none of it is favorable.)

I'm done. Now I'm sticking to baseball; you can stick you your usual shit-slinging, but please take it elsewhere. And for reference, I'm not looking for a fight here, just for you to go back where you came from or to your own private shit-slinging thread. EVERYONE else who posts in this thread is tired of your crap.
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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
BACK to baseball??? When did you ever post anything that had anything to do with baseball. You want a trash talk thread. Start one. Actually, you want nothing but trash talk threads. (And don't start on the personal comments, 'cause I've heard enough about you, pal, and none of it is favorable.)

I'm done. Now I'm sticking to baseball; you can stick you your usual shit-slinging, but please take it elsewhere. And for reference, I'm not looking for a fight here, just for you to go back where you came from or to your own private shit-slinging thread. EVERYONE else who posts in this thread is tired of your crap.

Amen brother Rump!
When there is a "trash talk thread" he refuses to post in them. Somehow I think he thinks it will ruin his reputation...I site the current hockey free for all as an example...LOL.

Have fun,

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Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Why is it, rumples, that no matter what thread your in you have everyone pissed off at you and joking behind your back, as well as in front of it? I think you should look in a mirror along with your cronies and you might see that maybe the cause of your anger is coming from oh i dont know, maybe YOURSELF oh "perfect" and "innocent" one.. eh???? Give it a rest, your foot has been in your mouth more times than you care to believe, and i see from many other threads, if doesnt stop in this one...

PS, unlike YOU, i am the happiest go lucky kind of guy in person as everyone who has met me can attest to, and would do anything for my friends, it is pretty sad when a person is the exact same way in person as they act in here, but hey, thats who you are i guess. I dont put up with BS when i see it, and if you dont like what i send your way, it is simple, dont dish it out. A good clean give and take trash talk in a sports thread is one thing but to continuely deny your not part of it and a main contributor is laughable.

Now, lets get back to baseball ONCE again shall we? I will even let you start...go ahead :)

In the Spirit of the Holidays, I will be the bigger man and offer you a truce, deal?

Ah cho...BULLsh#t!!!

Let me think where have I heard this song before?
Again, let me think "WHOM" is the common thread every time we hear it? Oh yeah...its the happiest guy in the world, who never starts any shit and is ALWAYS the better man for ending the crap he started in the first place...

Same story, everytime...

Iggy, give it up, will ya?
You must be the most misunderstood guy on the planet.:rolleyes:

Have Fun.
Happy Holidays,

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Lol, i sincerely hope you and rumples are BFF's, you deserve one another ..
Ah cho...BULLsh#t!!!

Let me think where have I heard this song before?
Again, let me think "WHOM" is the common thread every time we hear it? Oh yeah...its the happiest guy in the world, who never starts any shit and is ALWAYS the better man for ending the crap he started in the first place...

Same story, everytime...

Have Fun.
Happy Holidays,



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
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Quote - "Gonzales is 2 years younger than Tex". rumpleforskin

Sorry to burst your BS rumples but Gonzalez is the same age as Tex when the Yankees signed him, so far the Yankees have gotten one excellent year and one good year out of Tex, one of those years(the excellent one) has already paid huge dividends as the Yankees won the World Series, furthermore Gonzalez has not played a inning in a Red Sox uniform and is coming off surgery and judging be the recent aquistitions by Theo the law of averages are against Gonzalez, you know how sensitive a labrum can be.:)
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