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The Official MERB 2010 Baseball Thread.

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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Where would Youkilis play if the Sox obtained Gonzalez? Third base?

Considering the Jays currently don't have a first baseman , i wonder if Alex Anthopoulos wouldn't make a run at Adrian Gonzalez. I'm certain Adrian Beltre is currently on his radar, but Gonzalez? Interesting.
Youkilis would go to third and, in fact, has been working out at third over the winter just in case. As for the Jays getting in on the action, I just don't know. First, I don't know how strong the Jays system is and how willing they'd be to part with the amount of young talent it would take to get the deal done. My thought is that the Sox could get it done for Anthony Rizzo, Daniel Bard and Jacoby Ellsbury, two young and cheap major league talents and one top prospect. Second, it's my guess that neither the Sox nor the Jays nor anyone else would make this kind of deal without negotiating an extension to his contract. Would the Jays be prepared to sign a 6 year, $150 M deal? They spent $97 M in 2008, $80 M in 2009, and $78 M in 2010. They had $46 M come off the books at the end of 2010. (Halladay, Ryan, Overbay, Encarnacion, Downs Gonzalez, Frasor, Buck, Tallet and Accardo.) Bautista, who got $2.4 M in 2010 is going to eat-up a piece of that and Wells gets a $10 M raise. (Sorry.) That takes it down to $30 m off the books and they still have to replace a whole lot of bullpen. Gonzalez is fairly cheap in 2011, $6.5 M, but very expensive after that.

Here's the problem: Wells gets $24.5 M in 2012-2014. Do the Jays have the pockets to pay out $50 M to two players for those three years? I doubt. They really fucked themselves with the Wells deal. JP Ricciardi fucked the Jays for years to come.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
It appears Brad Ausmus is still available guys. With his YEARS and YEARS (41) of experience he might be able to straighten out beckett. papelbon, wakefield etc.... come to think of it, both Ausmus and wakes were on the 1918 team were they not?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
It appears Brad Ausmus is still available guys. With his YEARS and YEARS (41) of experience he might be able to straighten out beckett. papelbon, wakefield etc.... come to think of it, both Ausmus and wakes were on the 1918 team were they not?
You wanna talk about old teams? Mo Rivera threw batting practice for the 1955 Perth-Cornwall Bisons. Andy Pettitte won 16 games for the Drummondville Cubs in 1943. Derek Jeter was diving for balls for the Quebec Capitales in 1935. AJ Burnett was serving up gopher balls for the Oswego Netherlands in 1937. Jorge Posada is still running for third on a ball he hit to left center when playing for the Ogdensburg Colts in 1932.

And as for Brad Ausmus, he may be 42, but he's still a far better option than Francisco "Lil Head/Big Helmet" Cervelli.

Jeezus, you say some dopey shit. EB makes a much better straight man than you'll ever be.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
More bad news for the ig-.t connexion...another fav is gone...

"After a second disappointing stint with the Yankees, Javier Vazquez is returning to the National League.
Well, at least they have AJ Burnett for 3 more years.


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Well, at least they have AJ Burnett for 3 more years.

Yup...and they have ARod until he turns 50. BUT WAIT, I think Pavano is still out there...another 4 Yrs / $40M ... drop in the bucket for Cashdollar...

Read today where Jeter noise is starting on the southside of Chicago...IDK why when they have a real shortstop, but ok...

Have fun,


Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I fucken love the BOLDED part!!! Jeter's such a douche!!!!

From ESPN New York.

NEW YORK -- Negotiations between the Yankees and Derek Jeter are at a standstill until Jeter and his agent, Casey Close, "drink the reality potion," according to a source close to the negotiations.

According to the source, a baseball industry executive who has knowledge of both sides' positions, the Yankees are not budging from the three-year, $45 million offer they made to Jeter earlier this month, nor has Jeter moved off his demand for a longer contract believed to be in the area of $23 million-$25 million per season.

No talks took place over the holiday weekend and none are currently scheduled. Neither Yankees general manager Brian Cashman nor Close immediately returned messages seeking comment early Monday.

Last week, Cashman told ESPN New York: "We understand his contributions to the franchise and our offer has taken them into account. We've encouraged him to test the market and see if there's something he would prefer other than this. If he can, fine. That's the way it works."

A team source said Cashman's statement was not intended to be an ultimatum, but an invitation to comparison-shop around the league, with the belief that no other team would match or exceed the Yankees' offer.

The baseball industry source said the Yankees have provided Jeter and Close with detailed statistical and market analysis to support their contract offer, including comparisons between Jeter and other shortstops and middle infielders throughout baseball.

That is the way Jeter's last contract, the 10-year, $189 million deal that expired with the end of the 2010 World Series, was negotiated, based on Jeter's contention and the Yankees' concurrence that Jeter was the second-best shortstop in the game, behind Alex Rodriguez, who had just signed a 10-year, $252 million deal with the Texas Rangers.

This time, the Jeter side is said to not want Jeter's value to be judged against that of other shortstops, preferring to base his worth on his legacy as an all-time great Yankee. The next highest-paid shortstop, Florida's Hanley Ramirez, is nearly 10 years younger than the 36-year-old Jeter, hits for more power (21 HRs last year) and in 2010, hit 30 points higher, .300 to .270. He will be paid $11 million in 2011.

"They've changed the rules this time around," the source said of the Jeter camp.
Other industry sources have mentioned the Los Angeles Dodgers as a possible Plan B for Jeter and Close, considering Jeter's warm relationship with Don Mattingly, who will succeed Joe Torre as manager for 2011, and his increasingly chilly relationship with the Yankees' front office.

However, the Dodgers' financial situation has changed due to the ongoing divorce battle between owner Frank McCourt and his estranged wife, Jamie. In March 2009, the Dodgers gave Manny Ramirez a two-year, $45 million contract, but placed him on waivers last August, where he was claimed by the Chicago White Sox.

The uncertain financial future of the Dodgers pending the divorce settlement makes a possible Jeter-to-L.A. scenario a long shot at best. Said the source: "There just doesn't seem to be much out there for him besides the Yankees."


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
it would take a complete widiot to think Jeter will not be a Yankee next season. With that said, i think 45mil over three years is fair, but the Yanks will up that to near what he made over his last contract, towards 18/19 mil per. And how much would anyone wanna bet he has better #'s than last season, next season? Any takers? (please, only non habs fans as we know they never take a bet...bawk bawk bawk) :)
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New Member
Jul 26, 2005
it would take a complete widiot to think Jeter will not be a Yankee next season. With that said, i think 45mil over three years is fair, but the Yanks will up that to near what he made over his last contract, towards 18/19 mil per. And how much would anyone wanna bet he has better #'s than last season, next season? Any takers? (please, only non habs fans as we know they never take a bet...bawk bawk bawk) :)

Kind of a funny statement coming from someone who chickened out of every bet he was ever offered...or did you think that the hockey fans don't bother reading the baseball thread and you might get away with this ridiculous statement?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
The only chicken was YOU gsg, and bsallsyday or whatever he calls himself,., as each of you always had to make more out of the bet instead of the one offered to you, and always to your favor, thats not betting, thats called trying to get OUT of the bet which you did soooo well :) now, back to baseball, if you cant post in the correct thread, then dont post, capeche? take it to the free for all thred to S**T Disturb like you soooooooooooo desperately want to ;)

PS, why did you even respond?, i thought you were a wings fan? Bwhahahahahaah! Sucker!

Kind of a funny statement coming from someone who chickened out of every bet he was ever offered...or did you think that the hockey fans don't bother reading the baseball thread and you might get away with this ridiculous statement?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
It would be a complete SCAM if Jeter doesnt come back to finish his career in the fabled and historic, not to mention iconic pinstripes. A scam of epic proportions i tell you, unlike any betrayal ever before should Jeter not end his hall of fame career in the Bronx. :)

You really think Jeter's not going to be a Yankee?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
It would be a complete SCAM if Jeter doesnt come back to finish his career in the fabled and historic, not to mention iconic pinstripes. A scam of epic proportions i tell you, unlike any betrayal ever before should Jeter not end his hall of fame career in the Bronx. :)
He'll end his career much like Willie Mays and Yogi Berra: embarassing shells of their former selves, guys who played three years too long. If Jeter had even the slightest like of class, he'd retire now before he embarrasses himself any more than he did last year.

BTW, do you think Brian Cashdollar is swallowing the notion that Jeter is capable of fielding his position?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
The only chicken was YOU gsg, and bsallsyday or whatever he calls himself,., as each of you always had to make more out of the bet instead of the one offered to you, and always to your favor, thats not betting, thats called trying to get OUT of the bet which you did soooo well :) now, back to baseball, if you cant post in the correct thread, then dont post, capeche? take it to the free for all thred to S**T Disturb like you soooooooooooo desperately want to ;)

PS, why did you even respond?, i thought you were a wings fan? Bwhahahahahaah! Sucker!

I am a Wings fan of course and if I were a Habs fan, as I've said many times, I would be proud to admit it. There is only one hockey team any sane person would be ashamed to be a fan of, and that's the Leafs.

The point here is that I call "bullshit" when I see it, and it's PURE bullshit for you to accuse ANYONE on God's Green Earth of being a chicken when you have demonstrably shown your huge yellow streak time and time again in the hockey threads. The proof is there for anyone interested: you ran like a scalded chicken on at least four occasions when you were challenged to put up or shut up about your pisspoor team. (In your defence, you were right to run every single time, since you would have lost every single bet - no surprise when your team is one of the worst ever to lace up a pair of skates.) But it's typically hypocritical and juvenile of you to accuse others of exactly what you are guilty of.

As for posting in the wrong thread and being a shit disturber, well duh: maybe when you write your barefaced lies about hockey in a baseball thread you are the one being a shit disturber and writing in the wrong place. Yet when you get called out on your total BS, as usual you show your true colors by crying like a little girl and coming up with even more total BS.

If you want to get away with your shit, go back to your little No Truth Allowed thread where you can post all the ridiculous crap you want without any fear of the truth slapping you in the face (since the first post in the thread specifically says that no one is allowed to point out that the emperor has no clothes).


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
OMG all,

It would be a complete SCAM if Jeter doesnt come back to finish his career in the fabled and historic, not to mention iconic pinstripes. A scam of epic proportions i tell you, unlike any betrayal ever before should Jeter not end his hall of fame career in the Bronx. :)


Holy Babe Ruth!!! Hold the presses...HOLD THE PRESSES!!! Iggy is indicting the Yankees for their handling of the Jeter contract issue. He's dared to utter pinstripe blasphemy. Say it ain't so Joe.t. Daaaammmnnn...and I thought the "Big Bang" was an amazing story. I stand corrected. Good thing Georgie Steinbrenner isn't around to see this day.

Yankees to Jeter...


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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You pal, should take note ... As far as Jeter, the old dog has another good season or 2 left in him, this i am sure. The guy has been a class act since he arrived in the Boogie Down Bronx and "IF" he settles for 18 million per season (LOL) then you will see him have a typical Jeter season of .285-.300 avg, 10 homers and 68 rbi's, 90-100 runs scored, and another gold glove (which he won this year, that just kills you doesnt it rumps?) in Yankee Pinstripes.

If Jeter had even the slightest like of class, he'd retire now before he embarrasses himself any more than he did last year.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
i bet you were dropped when you were a baby, weren't you?

I am a Wings fan of course and if I were a Habs fan, as I've said many times, I would be proud to admit it. There is only one hockey team any sane person would be ashamed to be a fan of, and that's the Leafs.

The point here is that I call "bullshit" when I see it, and it's PURE bullshit for you to accuse ANYONE on God's Green Earth of being a chicken when you have demonstrably shown your huge yellow streak time and time again in the hockey threads. The proof is there for anyone interested: you ran like a scalded chicken on at least four occasions when you were challenged to put up or shut up about your pisspoor team. (In your defence, you were right to run every single time, since you would have lost every single bet - no surprise when your team is one of the worst ever to lace up a pair of skates.) But it's typically hypocritical and juvenile of you to accuse others of exactly what you are guilty of.

As for posting in the wrong thread and being a shit disturber, well duh: maybe when you write your barefaced lies about hockey in a baseball thread you are the one being a shit disturber and writing in the wrong place. Yet when you get called out on your total BS, as usual you show your true colors by crying like a little girl and coming up with even more total BS.

If you want to get away with your shit, go back to your little No Truth Allowed thread where you can post all the ridiculous crap you want without any fear of the truth slapping you in the face (since the first post in the thread specifically says that no one is allowed to point out that the emperor has no clothes).


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
and another gold glove (which he won this year, that just kills you doesnt it
Actually, the one it kills is Brian Cashdollar who know that the corpse of Derek Jeter can't get out of his own way, yet is using the GG as a bargaining tool.

You know as well as I do that there's nothing in the world that would thrill Cashdollar more than to see Jeter take his worn out act somewhere else. Like Kansas City, which has a long inglorious history of taking worn-out Yankees.
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