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The Sad Truth: Some Escorts Think We're Losers!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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I remember one time a SP told me that if she ever went to see a customer and when he opened the door he looked like Colin Farrell(example she used) that she simply would not charge him, I will always remember this comment that was said to me by the SP.

So you got a freebie? ;-)


Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
Tiger Wood paid for the most expensive pussy in the world.
Have his endorsement deals surpassed his pre-scandal value yet?

Another way to think of paying for Service is that it's just that, another service. I pay my therapist, mechanic, md, cleaning lady, ... if I had a pool, I'd pay for that to be serviced to. Paying for service can be for a variety of reasons too...

variety, certain qualities u may not have access too anymore (youth + looks), do things you normally don't do, want a fantasy/escape, etc.

I'm a guy who likes to update his mental databank of faces, bodies to a lesser extent.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Nothing with a woman is free. There's always some type of "price" attached to it.
How unfortunate for you. This is not the case for most guys I know, certainly isn't for me.


Feb 22, 2010
All women size up every guy's "worth" in less than 30 seconds of meeting you. How you dress, how you're groomed (nails, shoes, jewelry, clothing, teeth), how you speak, how you carry youself, how you engage her, did you clean yourself and use mouthwash, are you drunk and on and on. This is true in the SP world and the real world.

30 seconds or less and that's it. How you physically look (overweight/odd face) is not so important to whether you're judged a "loser."

For every one guy who's got "IT" and seeking easy fun for a night, that same SP sees 10 others who'll never understand what "it" is.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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All women size up every guy's "worth" in less than 30 seconds of meeting you. How you dress, how you're groomed (nails, shoes, jewelry, clothing, teeth), how you speak, how you carry youself, how you engage her, did you clean yourself and use mouthwash, are you drunk and on and on. This is true in the SP world and the real world.

30 seconds or less and that's it. How you physically look (overweight/odd face) is not so important to whether you're judged a "loser."

For every one guy who's got "IT" and seeking easy fun for a night, that same SP sees 10 others who'll never understand what "it" is.

Couldn't agree with you more my friend.

Look, life is not fair and if it was there would be no need for SP's.
Apr 16, 2005
It is interesting that this discussion has gone down the following road. For in the contributions of these posters whom I have quoted below, lies the key to a question most often debated and most often without solution: It is the issue of when GFE is advertised for an escort on a website it is YMMV for one client and GFE for the next even though both clients pay the same dollar and expect GFE as we understand it to be:

Girlfriend Experience (GFE) defined as what one might reasonably expect to receive from a girlfriend including CONNECTION (the feeling that you are not alone in the room), LFK/DFK, , DATY and DIGITS .

Basically, women want to control men with zero personal investment, and maximum return, it`s a natural imperative.

But they do not want to need for anything. They need security without a penis clause ====> $$$$

Solution: vagina auction.

It goes back to female psychology. A woman can get laid anytime she wants. Ever since she was 14, her world is essential a 24/7 drive thru of cock. Every man she has met since that time has been trying to get in her pants. The idea that someone can`t get laid is alien to them. It is sub-human. Someone desperately trying to get laid smacks of neediness and lameness to them.

Kind of increases the bargaining power on her side doesn`t it? Now she can deliver less for more. Indeed, on an instinctive level, feel a lack of value in the object of her service (i.e. Loser).

I remember one time a SP told me that if she ever went to see a customer and when he opened the door he looked like Colin Farrell(example she used) that she simply would not charge him, I will always remember this comment that was said to me by the SP.

There are various forms of currency not just dollars. Women do enjoy sex, but, like men, primarily on their terms. If you check out the following link this is spelled out precisely in the first post of the thread:

Since prehistoric times women have developed their own form of currency. Dollars are just another form of satisfying wants and needs (i.e. protection, resources etc.) Indeed it has become an unconscious process of evaluating the worth of males.

Now this whole argument as I have laid it out is the underlying or root issue often associated with reviews on review boards, The issue of YMMV and when GFE is advertised, is it realistic to think it will not be related to what has been discussed above? So how do we define loser in this context? It is precisely a major part or all of the above.

One of the most impressive examples of this is the school of “fast seduction” ( most often identified with its chief guru who goes by the pseudonym “Mystery.” The entire philosophy of this school of thought is to methodically identify those qualities associated with how women rate the average male in relation to themselves and internalize those qualities which are deemed to create the ideal personal image. Is it an outward sham? Of course! Women aren`t stupid. Eventually their astuteness kicks in. It is only meant to provide the means necessary to get her into the sack. If more comes of it, then so much the better.

So, in all of the banter in all of the threads with escorts, there are a couple of questions:

Are there escorts who for one reason or another are more able than others to provide a greater number of true GFE encounters? (And this means consistently notwithstanding the lateness of the hour or other temporary physical interventions).

If so, what are those qualities which go into making such an escort as opposed to escorts who instinctively evaluate a clients worth (i.e. loser or not) using the yardstick described above, who provide YMMV service on every occasion (though they are classed as full GFE)?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Tiger Wood paid for the most expensive pussy in the world.

What is the most expensive sex Tiger's ever had? The fact that she would seek and take $110 million dollars for a 5 year marriage says a lot about Elin. Victim of Tiger? Sure. If Tiger would have gotten laid every day for five years that translates to $60k per lay ... for that kind of cash, he could have had the entire Vivid roster every night. And who's the whore


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Nothing with a woman is free. There's always some type of "price" attached to it.

I agree. In about every instance this is true. And as Regular Guy said there are jsut differnet forms of currency.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This thread is going in circles like a rabid skunk. We can summarize as follows:

(1) who cares what judgments a 20 year old makes - if one's self esteem is defined by the judgments of a 20 year old then maybe that person really is a loser.
(2) There is no such thing as free pussy, particularly for guys over 40 who want to fuck younger women.
(3) What you are paying for is not the pussy, but for the lady to leave. The guys who supposedly get it for "free" also get the baggage of emotional attachment, neediness, attention seeking etc. and those things must be satisfied at some cost, which is usually both emotional and financial.

There were a few other basic tenets but we are going in circles already. Frankly, I think this thread is stupid. The same guy who started this thread also started another thread asking about whether it is a good idea to receive in one's own residence. People who are really 7 year veteran hobbyists do not need to start threads like this one or the other one because they already know the answer.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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This thread is going in circles like a rabid skunk. We can summarize as follows:

(1) who cares what judgments a 20 year old makes - if one's self esteem is defined by the judgments of a 20 year old then maybe that person really is a loser.
(2) There is no such thing as free pussy, particularly for guys over 40 who want to fuck younger women.
(3) What you are paying for is not the pussy, but for the lady to leave. The guys who supposedly get it for "free" also get the baggage of emotional attachment, neediness, attention seeking etc. and those things must be satisfied at some cost, which is usually both emotional and financial.

There were a few other basic tenets but we are going in circles already. Frankly, I think this thread is stupid. The same guy who started this thread also started another thread asking about whether it is a good idea to receive in one's own residence. People who are really 7 year veteran hobbyists do not need to start threads like this one or the other one because they already know the answer.

I agree that this thread is a little extreme. All this young SP was telling this particular person who started the thread that she thought he could get laid without having to pay for it. I don't know how that translates to everyone who pays for it is a loser?

I bet that the majority of the guys here could go into a popular pickup every day during the week and at the end of the week go home with some woman. She may be close to your age, not the young hot woman that you lust after. And it is entirely possible that you could go home with a daring young woman less than half your age, but the percentages are not riding with you. That's why the SP business exists.

However, seeing SP's or picking up a woman in a bar is not a substitute for an adult man-woman relationship. Those relationships can be drama free, if both people are not caught up in drama. In the May-September relationship, each person's needs are different. The older guy has lust in his heart. The younger woman has material needs and insecurity that goes along with being young.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
This thread is going in circles like a rabid skunk. We can summarize as follows:

(1) who cares what judgments a 20 year old makes - if one's self esteem is defined by the judgments of a 20 year old then maybe that person really is a loser.
(2) There is no such thing as free pussy, particularly for guys over 40 who want to fuck younger women.
(3) What you are paying for is not the pussy, but for the lady to leave. The guys who supposedly get it for "free" also get the baggage of emotional attachment, neediness, attention seeking etc. and those things must be satisfied at some cost, which is usually both emotional and financial.

There were a few other basic tenets but we are going in circles already. Frankly, I think this thread is stupid. The same guy who started this thread also started another thread asking about whether it is a good idea to receive in one's own residence. People who are really 7 year veteran hobbyists do not need to start threads like this one or the other one because they already know the answer.

I agree that this thread is a little extreme. All this young SP was telling this particular person who started the thread that she thought he could get laid without having to pay for it. I don't know how that translates to everyone who pays for it is a loser?

I bet that the majority of the guys here could go into a popular pickup every day during the week and at the end of the week go home with some woman. She may be close to your age, not the young hot woman that you lust after. And it is entirely possible that you could go home with a daring young woman less than half your age, but the percentages are not riding with you. That's why the SP business exists.

However, seeing SP's or picking up a woman in a bar is not a substitute for an adult man-woman relationship. Those relationships can be drama free, if both people are not caught up in drama. In the May-September relationship, each person's needs are different. The older guy has lust in his heart. The younger woman has material needs and insecurity that goes along with being young.

Bottom line is pussy for guys over 40 costs something whether it's the hassle of drama or something simple like $$$. To go back to a story I told on this board quite a while ago. Secretary in a law office beside mine did everything but push me up against the wall to "make it happen". I judged she had too much bagage for even a quickie. Allowed her to befriend me on my Facebook page. Watching her feed, it became clear she had some real issues. When she recently posted a joke highly critical of men, I simply decided to de-friend her. She was reasonably attractive with a well kept body. I'm glad I never touched her. I think both daydreamer & EB have it exactly right. Those who think otherwise are simply delustional idiots.
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Mar 29, 2011
Bottom line is pussy for guys over 40 costs something whether it's the hassle of drama or something simple like $$$. To go back to a story I told on this board quite a while ago. Secretary in a law office beside mine did everything but push me up against the wall to "make it happen". I judged she had too much bagage for even a quickie. Allowed her to befriend me on my Facebook page. Watching her feed, it became clear she had some real issues. When she recently posted a joke highly critical of men, I simply decided to de-friend her. She was reasonably attractive with a well kept body. I'm glad I never touched her. I think both daydreamer & EB have it exactly right. Those who think otherwise are simply delustional idiots.

The possible ramification in this case would seem to out weigh the benefits.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I agree that this thread is a little extreme. All this young SP was telling this particular person who started the thread that she thought he could get laid without having to pay for it. I don't know how that translates to everyone who pays for it is a loser?

This was a good thread. It was interesting, elicited 5 pages of responses from a diverse group of hobbyists and I believe a few escorts. We all had fun lots of laughs etc. Isn’t this the point of the Lounge? To entertain?

BTW - I think if you do not have the money to pay for sex you are a loser.
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