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The Sad Truth: Some Escorts Think We're Losers!

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
The possible ramification in this case would seem to out weigh the benefits.

Pretty much my thoughts. If a guy simply asks himself the following: "How long do I want this person invading my space?", the answers become clear.

BTW - I think if you do not have the money to pay for sex you are a loser.

Not sure I agree with this, but sex usually entails some type of exchange (not always goods, services or money). You just have to be cognicent of what it is....


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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This was a good thread. It was interesting, elicited 5 pages of responses from a diverse group of hobbyists and I believe a few escorts. We all had fun lots of laughs etc. Isn’t this the point of the Lounge? To entertain?

BTW - I think if you do not have the money to pay for sex you are a loser.

I was not evaluating whether the thread was good or not good. I just think that the thread starter came to the wrong conclusion about the SP's statement to him.

I had an SP in Montreal also say the same thing to me, that I could go to a pick up bar instead of calling an agency. She told me what she thought the best pickup places in the immediate area, which I do not remember presently. She was not 18 or 19, but rather in her late 20's. I was in my early 40's or late 30's. It is probably natural for an SP to be attracted to some of her clients and not others.

The thread starter's view of the SP's statement to him is that we are chumps for paying for it. I don't agree with his statement. Most SP's are not looking for a relationship with people they meet while being an SP. They need money and find being an SP fills that temporary need. The SP was paying him a compliment. It has been an interesting thread. Just because I don't agree with the original poster's premise, doesn't mean the subject does not have merit.

As far as not having money to pay for sex = being a loser, well, I don't agree with that. Some guys are great pick up artists. Some are not. Some like to be in a married relationship. Some do not. Some select and succeed in high paying occupations, and some are in modest paying occupations. Everyone's situation is not the same. It does not make anyone a loser.

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Do escorts think we're losers? Well, only one escort ever treated me like a loser. The rest all showed me respect, consideration, friendliness. They're a nice bunch of people, in my experience. I'm kind of surprised that others in this thread (not everyone, but some) seem to think so little of them.

As far as not having money to pay for sex = being a loser, well, I don't agree with that. Some guys are great pick up artists. Some are not. Some like to be in a married relationship. Some do not. Some select and succeed in high paying occupations, and some are in modest paying occupations. Everyone's situation is not the same. It does not make anyone a loser.

I agree. I'll add the thought that looking down on people for not having money shows a lack of class.

Tomato Soup

New Member
Feb 3, 2011
In regular society, you wil have people looking down on you for a variety of reasons.

Red Paul, how is your brother Red John?

Dude from T.O.

New Member
Jun 16, 2009
Hobbying is a simple business transaction. As long as both parties keep their end of the bargain, it's really immaterial what the client and provider feel about each other.

It doesn't matter how much the SP hates me. As long as she does her job and provides service with a smile, then I am a satisfied customer.


New Member
Jun 28, 2009
The «Our Affair» way of seeing things on this one got my two neurones going for a few flashes. Be quiet, they are back to sleep.

The question and their answers made me realize I never cared much about this win-loose scenario and I could sense almost instantly the ones who thought of me as a loser, and those who, like me, didn't give a hoot about that because they enjoyed the moment, and obviously good hard cash.

For consideration : a hobbyist (as it's called), enjoys life as a buffet of pleasures to choose and experiment with. It includes discovering women in other contexes than the sacrosanct couple game.

Épicure, this one is for you !


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
Anyone, anyways, will always be a hero to some, a zero to others.
Why worrying about what ppl think? Lol. Each of us, without exception, is a loser to someone, somewhere...a hero to another one, somewhere else.
Be happy, enjoy the best of what life offers and just forget about those whose intent is just to ruin the life of others. They don't worth one sec of our time! It always go down to what we want to make of it: a sad truth if that's how you'd rather perceive it. A tiny detail of honestly no importance, in my humble opinion.

Happy holidays and remember: only those who love us worth our time!


Nov 12, 2007
The Sad Truth: Some Escorts Think We're Losers!

Change the word some with most and the word Escorts with people and you have a statement closer to the truth.

Not that I give a fuck.


A monk on the loose ;p
Jan 10, 2006
The Sad Truth: Some Escorts Think We're Losers!

Change the word some with most and the word Escorts with people and you have a statement closer to the truth.

Not that I give a fuck.

Rfaol! Totally agree with you, especially with your ending note.

Talking about 'ending note', I'll add an ultimate one to this discussion (this is not directed to you, Wasisname - I totally agree with your point here) : the day I'll spit on someone...whose money I am benefiting from...I'll indeed find this SAD. Very Sad, indeed. And the loser will certainly NOT be who I think it is.
Jun 22, 2010
I believe many women especially attractive ones use men one way or another. There are so many married women who are using their husbands its revolting. Would not want to be in that situation. The reality is most women are with men for comfort and convenience, Today its about the size of your wallet not your heart. If you are involved it will costs thousands or if your with an sp it will also cost. yes, life is unfair.


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
I would think its like any other commodity, They offer a service you agree to pay the fee. If they are a good service provider you go back for more.
If they are a poor service provider you don't. You don't worry about what you auto mechanic thinks about your car just that he services it correctly.
Why concern yourself about what they may or may not think. It does not matter as long as you get a good service.


Sep 24, 2009
I got this impression from an escort that considered guys that called escorts losers for paying for something other guys get for free. She even told me I shouldn't be calling escorts because I could probably get pussy for free.

Of course not all escorts have the same opinion. But it is good insight into what a younger SP thinks of us and she probably isn't the only one that thinks this way.

A 'free' relationship is NOT free. You must invest heavily into the relationship, emotions, time, arguments, jealously heck even money!

In my entire life I've known only one Woman who did not want 'more' after we had been intimate together, so it's not free bro! :)

It's just another type of currency.


Oct 11, 2010
a few sp's asked me why i dont have a gf and i tell them straight that it makes more sense economically to pay for it plus you get better service when you pay. they all tended to agree with me :smile:


Sep 24, 2009
>>> Useless quote removed. Over 10 already tonight... Mod 11.

Indeed Snoodle.

I'm not going to put up with shit from a woman just for free pussy! lol, If I'm going to invest all of that time and energy I have to like her a lot more than just sexually, if not it's off to the SP shop I go. :)
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New Member
Oct 13, 2011
>>> Useless quote removed. Over 11 with this one already tonight... Mod 11.

LOL awesome Blkone!! I have to agree 100% with you. Especially nowadays! Sometimes wasting 200 bucks on it will save you hours of useless conversation and all this bullshit compliments, etc.. Like you said if you really like her then it's ok but otherwise I wouldn't recommend anyone to waste time on that stuff except if it's coming at you and it's a lot easier!
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