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Threats, insults and intimidation directed at MERB from MERC. How do we stop it?

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
The basis and roots of the accusations are that the majority of the posters on merc are people who have been banned permanently here. For the reasons you just have to look for them in the banned members thread. Amazing I know, that there's actually a list of people who get banned and suspended here along with the reasons. A novel concept that. They have a grudge against this board and instead of accepting their ban like men, they started a war. For over a year this shit has been going on with insults, false accusations and personal attacks. And it seems there is no moderation there and Tom has admitted that controlling merc is beyond his ability. Pretty sad admission when two mods here can control a board more than five times as busy. The mods here have never permitted cross board sniping but finally even they have decided that enough is enough and they've allowed us to respond.

Tom doesn't care. I've asked him to get things under control and it seems that so have the mods here and Fred Zed. All with the same result, basically go fuck yourselves. So now we've come to this. If you advertise there or post there, then you must support their views. If not, and you don't stand up against them, you are a hypocrite. Either way you have no pride or self respect to be associated with such people. And nothing you can say can justify posting there. You're either part of the solution or part of the problem. There's no middle ground here.



New Member
Apr 5, 2005
I havent seen such inane, childish behavior since my kids were 10. "he said that, she made me do that, I am going to take my toys and go home, etc, etc, etc" Some of you need to grow up or maybe get a life. However, it is a real shame to drag the SPs into your childish games.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I havent seen such inane, childish behavior since my kids were 10. "he said that, she made me do that, I am going to take my toys and go home, etc, etc, etc" Some of you need to grow up or maybe get a life. However, it is a real shame to drag the SPs into your childish games.
Obviously you haven't read the shit that's been directed at us. Or you're simply amoral enough to not give a shit about anything except your hard cock. When was the last time someone called you a pedophile or a rapist in a public forum. Jeez, some people.


New Member
Apr 5, 2005
Like my children when they were 10 what I am saying is going right over your head. Are what is being said true? If not, why bother, they only make themselves look bad. Anyway just not worth getting upset over trivia and BS. I have many more important things to spend my time and efforts on.
So are you having
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Suggest that those interested check for updated analytics on vs. ******** statistics on last 30 days vs. last 3 months. Very interesting trends......

Many have said statistics can be made to spin everyone`s point of view to their advantage. This is usually done by weighting one stat more than the other, or not even bothering to state various factors/limitations. So posting them here seems to be a sure recipe for "discussion". So perhaps in this case the user should gain their own perspective......

Perhaps this is a very important "SURVEY"??


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Suggest that those interested check for updated analytics on vs. ******** statistics on last 30 days vs. last 3 months. Very interesting trends......
It`s pretty much what you`d expect. Not only does merb get 4 times the visitors, but the bounce rate is 20% lower and the time on site is 20% higher. From these figures, you`d guess the advertising rates would be about 6 times higher. Or, if not, certainly a much better value.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
I could suggest another way to go: The 2 boards owners (Fred Zed and Tom) should make a pacific pact, and they should ban definitively all the trouble-makers of all the boards and don't allow them to come back ever. That could be like a Salomon decision: each part will be for ever not existing on boards, and everyone will be peacefull and could do what we are supposing to do on a Review board like this: talk about the girls, having fun with the girls, and having fun to exchange with each others.
This is really logical, just to condamn those who are implicated, and who are stirring shit. Both side.

Do you like my proposition, Mister the owners? Fred Zed and Tom?

That is a very constructive approach! And I think I can answer in the name of Fred Zed: he agrees. Would you care to post that paragraph on MERC and naming, among all the members you want, minimally Tony and DT. They are trouble makers in your opinion, aren’t they?

The thing who could happen is everyone will lose me.

Each "gang" are effraying to take it so seriously what could be written on a board, at the point to think to hurt people who have nothing to do with their fights, make them a bad reputation or what else? I am like an hostage. And I don't like it.

The bad reputation you are starting to get is the result of your obstinacy to keep your head in the sand, and to continue to advertise on a board sheltering apparent criminal activities and your refusal to put forward some minimal ethical principal for the sole purpose of making money.

I am checking that, maybe I will find another way to advertise, and maybe, other advertisers will go from the 2 boards too, […]

Speaking only for myself of course here, but that’s fine with me.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
Hello Maria,

Both Fred and myself contacted Tom months ago as PMs received from members indicated that this would eventually reach a critical mass. Tom was not interested in any possible solution and refused to even discuss the matter. It is quite obvious from his recent posts that he still has no interest in instituting any sense of order on his board. As others have pointed out, his excuse that he is unable to properly control his members is totally unacceptable. He is responsible for the conduct of the people he permits to post on his board, which he pays for with the money his advertisers pay him for the right to advertise on his board.

I will not accept the banning or suspension of even one MERB member for defending himself against false accusations and attacks which have been continually been posted for at least 7 months on MERC. We have never permitted our members to attack members of the other board and we routinely remove mention of former or banned members who cannot reply themselves. We have done our best over the years to maintain peace between the boards. We did not break that peace. Our members will not be punished for defending themselves.

Mod 8

I could suggest another way to go: The 2 boards owners (Fred Zed and Tom) should make a pacific pact, and they should ban definitively all the trouble-makers of all the boards and don't allow them to come back ever. That could be like a Salomon decision: each part will be for ever not existing on boards, and everyone will be peacefull and could do what we are supposing to do on a Review board like this: talk about the girls, having fun with the girls, and having fun to exchange with each others.
This is really logical, just to condamn those who are implicated, and who are stirring shit. Both side.

Do you like my proposition, Mister the owners? Fred Zed and Tom?

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
I would like to reply to accusations made by Wickerman, whoever he may be. If you can prove your accusations, please do so. I request that you find ONE provider who has ever been intimidated by any moderator or administrator of MERB. They may answer freely on your board if they wish as long as they identify themselves as well as who they are accusing. I also insist that they provide the proof to back up their accusation.

You are suggesting that we are committing illegal practices and that will not be accepted.

Mod 8


Jun 13, 2003
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Anyways, this whole boycott idea is a huge pipedream LOL Basically, to sum things up. 10 members from one board hate about 10 members from this board. There are thousands of registered members on both boards and 99% of us don't even know each other in real life.

So do you really think escorts are going to be boycotted for advertising in more than one place? Escorts or agencies get boycotted for providing dishonest or crap service and not because of a few members that have issues with each other.

Also, it's not the advertisements of escorts that brings traffic to boards, it's the reviews of members that bring traffic to the boards. There are thousands of providers in Montreal and horny guys come read the boards to make their choices easier. So escorts like any businesspeople will advertise on boards that seem popular and where they may find potential quality customers.

Girls are just doing what any smart business does: Increase their visibility by advertising in various places.

Besides, the guys you hate on the Blue are banned from here and vice versa. Everybody has their favorite place to acquire and post information. While others are neutral and look to multiple sources to gather their information. You don't like a particular board, then just don't read it or post there. Like I said, honest and objective reviews bring traffic. That's the bottom line.

If an SP is hot and gives a good service, she will have clients no matter what. Guys won't boycott her unless she is a thief or provides terrible service.

Guys I don't even know in real life fighting against each other has nothing to do with the girls of this hobby. Your handle is just a big fantasy and does not affect your personal life or your hobby life unless you tell your handle to every SP in the city that you see.
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CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
The bad reputation you are starting to get is the result of your obstinacy to keep your head in the sand, and to continue to advertise on a board sheltering apparent criminal activities and your refusal to put forward some minimal ethical principal for the sole purpose of making money.

I think this is quite harsh and judgmental on your part. Let's remember that Maria has supported herself and makes her living with escorting as her business. In these tougher times it's may be more of a "reasonable survival decision" as well. If you had seen many of the things I've witnessed during these turbulent times, I would hope you'd take a more diplomatic stance.

Maria, love your new pics and understand your position. I hope you're able to blend your ethics with the financial realites of today.

CS Martin

P.S. Maria, what does the word "comfortable" mean in your poll? Can't vote, as the choices are quite limiting.
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Mar 26, 2004
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I would like to reply to accusations made by Wickerman, whoever he may be. If you can prove your accusations, please do so. I request that you find ONE provider who has ever been intimidated by any moderator or administrator of MERB. They may answer freely on your board if they wish as long as they identify themselves as well as who they are accusing. I also insist that they provide the proof to back up their accusation.

You are suggesting that we are committing illegal practices and that will not be accepted.

Mod 8


Will you be asking the same thing of HFE with respect to his accusations?

You will gain respect if you do.

Mod 8

New Member
Jun 7, 2007
What accusations, Dee? He is stating his opinion while Wickerman is stating that he heard this as fact. There is a big difference. The first is not actionable, the second is.

I will repeat my offer for anyone who is able to confirm such accusations with verifiable proof to come forward.

Considering your history of being unable to determine the nuances of the English language, and talent for distorting what people actually post, I am not surprised that you do not know the difference.

Mod 8


Mar 26, 2004
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Hello all,

When did you DEE start to care about the ladies????? You have been a blueland member and still are. Your fellow members/friends there have always trashed the ladies as sluts, whores, objects to ridicule and simple serve and obey men like dogs. Your pals OK and Tony are two of the biggest misogynists on any board, and your pal Dissection Tool/Ziggy has tired to legitimize taking money from escorts to pay clients for reviews. When an escort in blueland tried to create a thread proposing to discuss clients, TOM by posing as the WICKERMAN posted teeling don't get it do you... the purpose here is for us (hobbyists) to review you (escorts)...your (escorts) purpose here is to suck our cocks.

Most pointedly in your alleged concerns, they have attacked and ridiculed Maria Divina many times. YOU, who now alleges concern for the ladies and demands respect for their views, both said little or nothing against these abuses of the ladies and joined in to make sport of many of them. I URGE YOU DEE TO SHOW COMPASSION, TO DROP THE HYPOCRISY AND GO TO BLUELAND TO PROTEST THEIR PART OF THIS WHOLE EPSIODE AND THEIR HISTORY OF ABUSE AGAINST ESCORTS.

Your answer?????????????????????????????????

My answer: Huh? The blundermeister has struck again.

I don't answer for everything posted everywhere. You know that. I don't ascribe to you everything that is posted here... stop the pitiful smokescreen... the plain fact is that you are trying to ride 2 horses. Pretending to be fiercely loyal to Maria while telling others to destroy her business. I will be posting another conversation with Heather shortly wherein she suggests a reason for your position. The conversation was interrupted as a gorgeous, nonpro Asiatic wanted to have lunch with me and spend some quality time at my apartment. mmmmm good... but I'll get it posted soon.

You want people to stop seeing Maria... I don't. You think that you should be able to tell her how to run her business. I don't. Ask Maria whose position she prefers; who more closely represents her interests.

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to eel sorry for you.


Sep 19, 2005
It's my sense now that we're spinning in circles and, as such, I've little to add. As far as I'm concerned, we've done what we can and the rest is in the hands of Tom and his advertisers. That's where the power is. Hopefully, the girls and agencies will cancel their merc advertising before the first of December and we will be able to call off our action.

It would be nice if the mods would clean up this thread and delete the off-topic gibberish, designed purely to change and/or obfuscate the subject, posted by Roland and Dee.


It is not up to anybody among us to call off the boycott or as a matter of fact to twist anybody's arm so that people boycott merc. This thread, the way I perceive it, is meant to be an eye-opener to fellow hobbyists and a few unaware SPs and agency owners. The goal is to expose merc's owner pradoxical/hypocrite/stupid decisions and his lack of honor and ethics.

Many insightful posts by credible members have been written here and hopefully such posts will make many merbites and lurkers alike think twice before booking a girl who sponsors a website where misogynist, criminal and anti-semitic posts are published on an-almost daily basis. Also, I see no need to have an ultimatum. Readers who buy our arguments can start the boycott this very same evening.

We lay our arguments here and I am pretty sure that many people are going to listen to us. One thing is sure, this thread got nearly 9000 views in just a single week. A message to all the trolls who are trying desperately to minimize the impact of our action.


Jun 13, 2003
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Many insightful posts by credible members have been written here and hopefully such posts will make many merbites and lurkers alike think twice before booking a girl who sponsors a website where misogynist, criminal and anti-semitic posts are published on an-almost daily basis. Also, I see no need to have an ultimatum. Readers who buy our arguments can start the boycott this very same evening.

I admire your dedication to your cause but do you really think the girls are going to be boycotted? As long as a review board has people posting reviews, they will always have advertisers. For advertisers to dissappear from MERC, the guys who post there would have to stop. Never forget, it's the reviewers that makes boards popular first and foremost. Girls advertise on review boards because clients go there to seek out information about the hobby.

Girls that provide great service WILL NEVER BE BOYCOTTED simply because a dozen or so GUYS are asking. Are you seriously dreaming?

Only way a girl gets boycotted is if her service sucks or she robs her clients, case closed.


Sep 19, 2005
So do you really think escorts are going to be boycotted for advertising in more than one place? Escorts or agencies get boycotted for providing dishonest or crap service and not because of a few members that have issues with each other.

Yes we certainly do, and Wickerman seems to believe it as well, otherwise he would have never bothered to contact Fred Zed to delete this thread.

I am wondering who Wickerman is going to send next over here to defend him. :rolleyes:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Let me make a few points for you.
1. Our goal is not to boycott the girls who advertise on merc or ME. That is a means to an end and hopefully it won't come to it. Our goal is to get them to stop advertising on merc until such time, if ever, Tom cleans up his slimy act.
2. Advertising on merc is a waste of money. Merb has four times as much traffic as merc. 20% of the visitors to merb leave after visiting one page; 25% of merc's traffic leaves after one page. The average visitor to merb spends 5 minutes here; the average visitor to merc spends 3 minutes. When you also consider that a very significant percentage of the traffic on merc is the crap being spewed by Ziggy and Tony, the disparity between valuable traffic here versus there is even greater.
3. Business is very slow this time of year. Speaking only for myself, nearly half of my business over the past year has been given to one agency group that advertises on merc, probably about 8 appointments since the first of the year alone. Right now, in these times, that little bit of business they are forfeiting counts. For my purposes, I also feel better about giving my business to agencies and indies who advertise here. I'm putting my money where my mouth is.

It is not up to anybody among us to call off the boycott or as a matter of fact to twist anybody's arm so that people boycott merc. This thread, the way I perceive it, is meant to be an eye-opener to fellow hobbyists and a few unaware SPs and agency owners. The goal is to expose merc's owner pradoxical/hypocrite/stupid decisions and his lack of honor and ethics.
That's just part of the goal. Beyond exposing Tom's "paradoxical/hypocrital/stupid decisions and his lack of honor and ethics," we also want him to clean up his act and dispatch the slime already posted and to make sure that it isn't repeated in the future.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.

combined views of this thread & the other "threats" thread is 10,000+...

16 votes from 10,000+ views has 5 guys voting for choice #1: "Yes, that's important, and I am comfortable to boycott the escorts/agencies."

the data up to this point kinda says it all, ya think?
Says what all? You can rest assured that many, many others will be taking all of this into consideration when booking. While they may not be actively participating in the boycott, there will be many "to do" lists adjusted with the agencies advertising on merc finding themselves in lower positions than they are today. And others who are being quiet, taking this all in and taking it into consideration when making their bookings.

Also considering that merc advertising is a waste of money, the merc advertisers will find that the business lost will be greater than merc brings in. (See the traffic figures cited above.)

Pretending to be fiercely loyal to Maria while telling others to destroy her business.
Dee, no one is telling anyone to destroy Maria's business. Were telling Maria to adopt a more ethical advertising policy and to stop giving the money she's earning from her clients to the slimeball for whom you seem to be working as an apologist.
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Sep 19, 2005
I admire your dedication to your cause but do you really think the girls are going to be boycotted? As long as a review board has people posting reviews, they will always have advertisers. For advertisers to dissappear from MERC, the guys who post there would have to stop. Never forget, it's the reviewers that makes boards popular first and foremost. Girls advertise on review boards because clients go there to seek out information about the hobby.

Girls that provide great service WILL NEVER BE BOYCOTTED simply because a dozen or so GUYS are asking. Are you seriously dreaming?

Finally, shutting down merc and em is far from being my cause. merc is just another little annoyance that many merbites feel the need to get rid of. Nobody would have bothered posting about merc here if the people over there minded their own business. But, again, if they stop bashing the other boards, then they will have absolutely nothing left to post about. How many genuine reviews a week could a couple of guys post on a single week, close to none?

Only way a girl gets boycotted is if her service sucks or she robs her clients, case closed.

All this makes sense to me, except for one little thing, you can hardly call smurfland a review board. The sole purpose of merc over the past year or so was to review (read attack) other legitimate review boards and this was of course done by copying and pasting reviews (a synonym of stealing) posted on the other 2 boards. Wickerman has absolutely no sense of what Internet Marketing is all about and this guy is "running" his website like any pimp from the eighties would do.

Also, except of a couple of SPs/agencies, all the sponsors of merc and EM have a very questionable reputation, just have a quick look at the list that was posted earlier here. SPs and agencies who seriously care about their business will never accept to be associated with a site that promotes violence and hate, not even for free.
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