Montreal Escorts

Vip escorts?what should we expect ?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hi all

When the term Vip is added what should we expect ?
Or companion or other synonymous superlative ?
Other than higher rates ?

A better service menu?
Better reviews?
Better looks?
Better education ?
Has incredible achievements?



Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
To be honest i don`t believe in the term ``VIP`` when it comes to escorting. Beauty is relative to the clients eye... In term of service from what i saw it meant not much either.. Its mostly a term used by some agencies to give a focus to certain girls, either to raise there rates(so they don`t switch agencies) or people notice more a specific girl because her pics look better.

But in all my years i noticed that girls with highter rates in agencies never officialy meant better looking or better services. When you look at GG, they don`t need a VIP status for any girl, there all stunningly beautifull.

Now when it comes to indies, thats a different thing. Some girls will put themselves as ``high companions`` but will indeed offer a different service. From the get go i think an agency girl and an indy are 2 very different type of services. The indy one is more personal as a starter...

Now does it justify that a certain girl is 250-300-400/H ? I DON`T KNOW and don`t want to enter that debate. I have a good time with agency girls in the 200-220$ price range, so i mostly stick to this myself. Booking with an indy is a totally different process... I do see one myself on a ``regular`` basic, as regular as i can do lol, but i stick mostly to agencies, especially GG lately. I am very tempted by Maria Star on the other hand i got to admit, and will definately try to book her in a near futur if possible :p


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
To be honest i don't believe in the term "VIP" when it comes to escorting. Beauty is relative to the clients eye... In term of service from what i saw it meant not much either.. Its mostly a term used by some agencies to give a focus to certain girls, either to raise there rates(so they don't switch agencies) or people notice more a specific girl because her pics look better.
Hi all

Exactly some agencies are diluting the meaning of VIP in using to charge higher rates ViP here and there .
Normally it is attributed to clients being serviced saying he has a VIP treatment, or VIP status !
Good encounter with Maria Star




New Member
Jun 21, 2003
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VIP always translate to higher price but does not mean better service, attiude, or social skills from the SP which I would relate to VIP


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
VIP is confusing to me. This is typically a B&S trick to extract an extra 100$/ hour out of some poor slob hobbyist that doesn't know better. You have pictures on your site of 10-12 woman. You can't see their faces and they write "VIP" next to the top 5-6 photos. Those girls are +100$/hour more. Below those pictures are another 5-6 photos of the same girls with their faces blocked out and they are the normal rate. This is my opinion.


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
Sometimes girls will make their clients feel like a VIP... a Very insignificant Prick :smile:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
VIP is nothing more then marketing. It is a strategy to increase value and therefore price.


Aug 8, 2011
From what I have seen, VIP is a way for agencies to make you pay more for SP that asked them more per hour. These SP often think they deserve more than the usual SP. I have seen this when girls had the chance to work in other markets like Toronto and Calgary... Often attitude comes with the VIP fees ;)

At the end of the day, my best meeting were with non VIP girls. For a weird reason, service and often beauty was better with these 'regular' girls! But with VIP independent have better web sites, better photoshoped pics, high-end condos downtown that cost $$$$ per month, better wine and cheeze, etc.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
The real question is: have u met any HDH lady that was worth the extra $ and why?
Hi all
Good question ,but answers might different for every person .I have met some HDH SP's on witch I was very satisfied of their services and have repeated but argue that they would be better for all its a stretch ,they where great for me ,when I pay more I expect a higher level of education ,are they cuter then the agencies girls not necessarily ,the experience is more intellectual then physical
or sexual.

Cute ,sexy ,intelligent and educated ,sophistacated is a great mix it is worth more for me! and I am not talking of VIP labels made by agencies to charge more because thinks she is cuter or better




Jun 17, 2010
The real question is: have u met any HDH lady that was worth the extra $ and why?

HDH is relative for me... HDH rates in Montreal are well below normal rates in LA (where I don't hobby anyways) so I didn't think much of it when I was there last. But by Montreal pricing standards, yes I booked one when I was there last for a couple of hours and would have repeated had someone not regrettably pushed back a business meeting that proved to be unfruitful anyways. Was she worth it? Yes... head-turningly attractive, intelligent, well put together, great conversationalist, and service to match. For reference though, I always tip the normal rate girls, sometimes very nicely if I really liked the meeting.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Maxx....Just an FYI...I do not think that the Montreal rates are out of line. I think that the LA rates are fucking way out of line . Way out of line High!!!! I saw a HDH girl there named Mell Jabour Dec 2012 for $450. She asked if I wanted to go another hour and I said I have never spent this much in my life for one girl for one hour. Mell is charging $600 per hour now!!!!

I don't mean to dump on Mell but go to a Brazilian termas and get similar quality to Mell for about 250$ and that includes an entire night of drinking and grouping and flirting with several girls. (I know she is similar because she worked at Centaurus and L'umo before moving here.) Go down the street from the Termas to a privy and pay about 45$ for 30 minutes with a good looking girl. Go to the state of Santa Catarina and see the most beautiful girls in the world for about 300$ Go to Germany in the FKK and get better looking girls for 50 Euros per 1/2 hour. Go to Thailand and you get a girl for 3 days. Go to Mexico and sexy girls are 60$-90$ per 30 minutes. BA Argentina 3-sum cost me 200$ for two hours. A Chinese girl giving me a FS after an hour message (a good message) as 100$. The red light district in Antwerp is 50 Euros for 20 minutes. Good looking girls in Texas Incall provide anal and swallow for $250-300$....$300 for other parts of the USA...and then there is LA and Vegas and Pay through the nose!

You are right to come to Montreal Max. They are out of line in LA. It is not the other way around.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This thread is full of generalizations and conclusions that don't always apply. Back in the day when Martin was running XXXtase he would only put certain girls at VIP rates, and those rates were usually only slightly higher. This was usually done because the girl was better looking than average. And Martin was right - he knew what girls he could charge out at what rates. That is why Martin was Martin, and you guys are not. He knew what he was doing.

I saw one of his VIP girls, Brittany of XXXtase, in the summer 2010. She was the best looking escort I have seen in Montreal since about 2007. She only worked there for a few weeks and she told me she thought Martin was underselling her at that rate, and that he told her that he could not charge more. Girl was from Ottawa, and probably left for greener pastures of Ottawa/Toronto. But she was a stunningly beautiful girl (Anglophone of French ancestry!!!!!!!!!!) and properly priced by Martin as above average for the Montreal market.

Hannah who worked at Good Girls left that agency and came back as an indy at VIP/HDH rates. From what I saw of her at GG2, she 100% should have been working at higher than normal rates due to looks, personality and (from what others have said) service. 100% she should be higher priced than average.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yes but to each his own EB. Beausty and hitness is in the eyes of the beholder. That is not to say that some girls are in a different class. You talk of Hannah. I had not had the pleasure to meet her. But let us take Hazel and Nikky for example. I broke my fucking neck when Nikky came into the room. And you guys were going gaga over Hazel. I looked at Hazel and I thought "Hmm, nice" which is what you guys were probably saying about Nikky (now Talia). So, should I pay more for Nikky and less for Hazel? how about you? Should you be charged more for Hazel and less for Nikky? I guess a girl can get what ever the wage the market will support. Adam Smith's "invisible hand" will come into play. And Brittany may of found a totally different line of work. (If not can someone give me a 411?)


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Excellent posting, for the rates some guys seems to think that by complaining about higher rates ,the rates will stay down .
It has different effect has the higher class girls will simply not stay .
In my business I am in the need for lawyers many times the rata range varies from $135 a hour to close to $1,000 per hour.
They are called lawyers but the end result is not necessarily the same.
Other examples a executive suite in a 5 stars Hotel ,well you don,t sleep better but you are definitely greeted better .
The prestige of waring a gold Rolex !it doesn't provide better time but you do have better service.

This thread is full of generalizations and conclusions that don't always apply. Back in the day when Martin was running XXXtase he would only put certain girls at VIP rates, and those rates were usually only slightly higher. This was usually done because the girl was better looking than average. And Martin was right - he knew what girls he could charge out at what rates. That is why Martin was Martin, and you guys are not. He knew what he was doing.

I saw one of his VIP girls, Brittany of XXXtase, in the summer 2010. She was the best looking escort I have seen in Montreal since about 2007. She only worked there for a few weeks and she told me she thought Martin was underselling her at that rate, and that he told her that he could not charge more. Girl was from Ottawa, and probably left for greener pastures of Ottawa/Toronto. But she was a stunningly beautiful girl (Anglophone of French ancestry!!!!!!!!!!) and properly priced by Martin as above average for the Montreal market.

Hannah who worked at Good Girls left that agency and came back as an indy at VIP/HDH rates. From what I saw of her at GG2, she 100% should have been working at higher than normal rates due to looks, personality and (from what others have said) service. 100% she should be higher priced than average.
I had a few higher end girls working for me last year before I retired ,I wasn't able to market them has VIP rates where just a little higher but not enough so they would stay in this .
They where not only cutter they where professional models well educated great conversationalist and much more.
Not only the problems comes from the outside (clients) complaining about rates
but from the inside (other girls)
So you need personal drivers and you don't mix them with the others,

What I was referring to here is more the criteria a SP should meet before being referred to as VIP
Some agencies are really dilating the term




Jun 17, 2010
Maxx....Just an FYI...I do not think that the Montreal rates are out of line. I think that the LA rates are fucking way out of line . Way out of line High!!!! I saw a HDH girl there named Mell Jabour Dec 2012 for $450. She asked if I wanted to go another hour and I said I have never spent this much in my life for one girl for one hour. Mell is charging $600 per hour now!!!!

I don't mean to dump on Mell but go to a Brazilian termas and get similar quality to Mell for about 250$ and that includes an entire night of drinking and grouping and flirting with several girls. (I know she is similar because she worked at Centaurus and L'umo before moving here.) Go down the street from the Termas to a privy and pay about 45$ for 30 minutes with a good looking girl. Go to the state of Santa Catarina and see the most beautiful girls in the world for about 300$ Go to Germany in the FKK and get better looking girls for 50 Euros per 1/2 hour. Go to Thailand and you get a girl for 3 days. Go to Mexico and sexy girls are 60$-90$ per 30 minutes. BA Argentina 3-sum cost me 200$ for two hours. A Chinese girl giving me a FS after an hour message (a good message) as 100$. The red light district in Antwerp is 50 Euros for 20 minutes. Good looking girls in Texas Incall provide anal and swallow for $250-300$....$300 for other parts of the USA...and then there is LA and Vegas and Pay through the nose!

You are right to come to Montreal Max. They are out of line in LA. It is not the other way around.

You may be reading a little into what I wrote... I didn't comment on either being out of line. It is what it is... California is expensive, period. $500K won't buy you shit in any decent area in LA or San Francisco, for example, but I understand I can get something decent in Montreal for less. If this girl was indeed $450 when you saw her, I would have considered it a bargain relatively speaking. I don't hobby here, but I have a few SP friends, and the less expensive ones were in the $4-500 range. I don't really keep up on rates here since I'm not really in the market, but I do know that most of the girls who pornscort (I know more pornscorts than regular SP's obviously) are over $1K for an hour... my BFF is billed out at $1,500... and the superstars are often $2K.

I've dabbled in Amsterdam, Prague, Brno, Budapest, and Montreal, so I know what you mean. I will unlikely ever hobby in Brazil as I know the porn guy who was infected in Brazil and ended up infecting the two Canadian girls a few years back. Yes, I know hobbying is theoretically safer, but my point was that there are a lot of dirty girls in Brazil and most of the working girls never get tested from what i understand. If you are comparison shopping, the Central European girls are among the most beautiful I've ever shot, worked, or played with and the rates aren't far off from what you mention and actually cheaper than Montreal. But the one thing that is overlooked is the cost of travel and accommodations. I'm often in Europe because of business, and Montreal is becoming a potential business spot for me (but I originally went to Montreal to see a particular elusive SP as crazy as it sounds). If I have a reason to be there, it's win-win. If not, it can get kind of pricey... I can't do Montreal for less than $1,500 if I were to include all of my travel expenses. If I include lost work, it's that much more expensive. So if I were to theoretically see 15 SP's during my visit, each one will cost me approx. $100 more than a local since if I were to amortize the cost of the trip... so $200-ish/hr now becomes $300-ish. I made some nice friends during my last visit to Montreal, so now I have yet another reason to visit, but at this point, there were only two SP's I'd specifically go back to Montreal to see... my elusive one seems to rarely work nowadays, and sadly I've fallen out of touch with the other, so Montreal is now back to work and hopefully hang out with friends for the time being...


Jun 17, 2010
This thread is full of generalizations and conclusions that don't always apply. Back in the day when Martin was running XXXtase he would only put certain girls at VIP rates, and those rates were usually only slightly higher. This was usually done because the girl was better looking than average. And Martin was right - he knew what girls he could charge out at what rates. That is why Martin was Martin, and you guys are not. He knew what he was doing.

I saw one of his VIP girls, Brittany of XXXtase, in the summer 2010. She was the best looking escort I have seen in Montreal since about 2007. She only worked there for a few weeks and she told me she thought Martin was underselling her at that rate, and that he told her that he could not charge more. Girl was from Ottawa, and probably left for greener pastures of Ottawa/Toronto. But she was a stunningly beautiful girl (Anglophone of French ancestry!!!!!!!!!!) and properly priced by Martin as above average for the Montreal market.

Hannah who worked at Good Girls left that agency and came back as an indy at VIP/HDH rates. From what I saw of her at GG2, she 100% should have been working at higher than normal rates due to looks, personality and (from what others have said) service. 100% she should be higher priced than average.

I understand the logic in this... I'm a very visual person (like a lot of guys for the most part), and if better visuals cost me more I often pay the difference depending on what it is. In this case, if the visual is a hotter looking girl, I'm guessing the difference in VIP vs. non-VIP is what, less than $50? Of course, beauty is relative, but sometimes some girls are unanimously hotter... if that commands a higher price because she can get it consistently (assuming service is relatively equal), I don't see the harm in charging more.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The example I was referring to was Martin pricing a girl $20 higher or maybe $40 at most for a girl who was objectively for most of the male population better looking, which usually meant taller and thinner model like bodies and faces. Martin did it based on judgment and these girls probably asked Martin for even more and he told them I will price you at a rate at which you will get consistently booked. What you guys forget is some girls don't want to be consistently booked and only want a few appointments.

I saw several Martin VIP girls and he was generally accurate in assessing the booking potential of his girls.

I also remember one of Martin's popular girls whom I saw a few times years ago going to Martin originally with her friend. Martin hired the girl on the spot but told the friend he did not think she was attractive enough to work as an escort. Although the girls had hoped to be a "package deal" working together for Xxxtase, and the friend was crushed with depression from the rejection, the girl who was hired told me she got that it was not personal, that it was a business decision by Martin and that life goes on. The truth is Martin probably saved that poor girl from sitting alone in a car all day. You guys never talk or care about the rejected girls but Martin did not take every girl who applied!!!!


Jun 17, 2010
$20 bucks barely buys me a decent meal in Montreal. $40 is more than reasonable for hot+. I've only booked once with XXXtase and their recommendation was better than I expected. I don't know to what extent Martin is involved (I think the girl said another name), but if he is still the one selecting the girls, hats off to him, because the girl that showed up was hot+...
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