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With or without the mask?

Sir William

May 22, 2019
You completely misunderstood as usual I wasn’t comparing you to Trump or any successful billionaire.
Cloudsurf said you were a troll and I had no reason to disagree with him.

Oh I'm sorry did I understand just what I wanted to understand that goes for an advantage to me. Like nobody does that in this forum ;)
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Sir William

May 22, 2019
Not at risk ? You are in great company Willy with Boldesaro and that 30 year old healthy American who died of covid. The 30 year old thought he was invincible and went to a covid party ....later on his death bed he admitted that he was wrong to think it was not serious.

I don't base my decisions on an exception, the extraordinary, the sensational, the unexplainable the .000001%.

Was the suggested protocol applied to him or was it when it was "dangerous" to apply it?


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
If you visit a location that 100% at at risk it's common sense to wear a mask. Don't expect to see him wearing a mask in any other circumstance. It's not his advisors that insisted and imposed it to him. He made the decision by himself.

All public places where the two meters is impossible, is 100% at risk.

We will see who is right, I think he will put again the mask.

It's possible that he acted on his own, but for once his decision is considered.

He is ready to do things that are 100% against what he thinks, but if it will win him votes, he is ready to act against these convictions.

It's prostitution, literally speaking.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
He is ready to do things that are 100% against what he thinks, but if it will win him votes, he is ready to act against these convictions.

It's prostitution, literally speaking.

Sorry but this is a horrible comparison,
The prostitutes I know, I prefer to call them courtesans or companions are gorgeous kind people that are fun to be with and bring joy to your life.

Trump on the other hand like every other politician is a scumbag that would sell his mother for a vote.
Don't think that senile idiot Biden has anymore scruples or gives a shit about the people either.
Both should be wearing a mask for the rest of their life to hide their shame of being a politician.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Sorry but this is a horrible comparison,
The prostitutes I know, I prefer to call them courtesans or companions are gorgeous kind people that are fun to be with and bring joy to your life.

Trump on the other hand like every other politician is a scumbag that would sell his mother for a vote.
Don't think that senile idiot Biden has anymore scruples or gives a shit about the people either.
Both should be wearing a mask for the rest of their life to hide their shame of being a politician.

Literally speaking means: To make use unworthy of his talent, his abilities, to degrade himself, to accept compromises.
I was not talking about prostitutes.

Yes that's right, I didn't dare say that, but I thought so too: Trump would sell his mother for a vote.

I agree with you "The two should wear a mask for the rest of their lives to hide their shame at being a politician"


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Don't think that senile idiot Biden has anymore scruples or gives a shit about the people either.Both should be wearing a mask for the rest of their life to hide their shame of being a politician.

100% correct, the election boils down to a lesser of evils selection, as in 2016, and I will not participate in it.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
For masks. During April and May I was in Drummondville, June in Alberta and now in BC. I go out a lot, shopping, restaurants and pubs, my guesstimate is that less than 20% wear masks from what I see. One worksite had over 1,000 people and the only testing done was a temp check when you went through the gate, no masks required on site but in the offices they were required.
For the Sweden comments, give it 6 months and see the results. Look at the NY and NJ cases then and now. Would you rather be in NY or Texas now?

R they wearing masks in Sweden? U could be in a anti shut down mode like them
And still tell people to wear masks? Wearing a mask is independent of whether to keep stuff open or not. The mask does provide benefit. Anyone from the tri state area? Are people wearing masks there? Here in London on the most part they are. It’s not a political issue here like “my body my choice!” Or it goes against my civil
Liberties!” the brits are a bit more blunt, “cant be bothered mate?” Or “it’s a pain in the ass!” There are still some illiterates with the “ oh, if I get it, I get it?” Mentality

I have met a few people who complain that it makes them feel Claustrophobic when they wear the heavy cloth masks. But once you get them into the surgical ones they are feeling much better and say “yea I can do this”. My understanding is that a mask made of a handkerchief is the best one that prevents particles from dispersing. Wonder if there was a study which shows which is the best to protect others?


Gentleman Extraordinare
Nov 14, 2006
Subjugation is the goal, not to protect. Sheep get slaughtered ... learn to think and research for yourselves ... do you wear your little masks in the car? With the windows up or down does it matter? Do yo wear it at home and while you sleep? Perhaps you should if you want the sky not to fall on you!
I really hope you are joking.
The amount of disrespect and hate is massive for a joke tho.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
My understanding is that a mask made of a handkerchief is the best one that prevents particles from dispersing. Wonder if there was a study which shows which is the best to protect others?
Filtration of aerosols through fibrous filters have been seriously studied for more than 50 years. Try to patent your handkerchief idea ;)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Try blowing out a candle through the handkerchief mask. If you can, the Covid 19 protection is low.
Absolutely wrong test Beaver. Good aerosol filters combine high air permeability with ability to efficiently catch and contain micron-size aerosol particles. Your test will kill the best filters on the market :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Subjugation is the goal, not to protect. Sheep get slaughtered ... learn to think and research for yourselves ... do you wear your little masks in the car? With the windows up or down does it matter? Do yo wear it at home and while you sleep? Perhaps you should if you want the sky not to fall on you!

You don’t have to wear a mask if you don’t want. If you don’t like masks then you will love being on a ventilator. Don’t need a crystal ball but I see a Darwin Award with your name on it. LOL.

For me 1000% for a mask. Wearing a mask is not subjugation. It is protect you, the those around you and the people you care about.

Common sense.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Absolutely wrong test Beaver. Good aerosol filters combine high air permeability with ability to efficiently catch and contain micron-size aerosol particles. Your test will kill the best filters on the market :)

It's not my test, I read it on Amazon User reviews as a test for Ascot Masks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
If you decided to wear a mask, then do your research and have a proper one and wear it properly too. A mask needs to be protective to you in the first place. There is a lot of b-shit going around claiming that mask only protects others. Ask yourself than why medical personnel wear it? It needs to be rated to at least 1-5-micron particulates, and hermetically cower your nose and mouth so no air enters on the perimeter. I think uncertified and home-made masks are not reliable as you never know what kind of materials and how many layers have been used. I prefer certified masks and not surgical. Surgical masks give you some protection, but “some” is a critical word here. I am not wearing mask outside if the place is not too crowded, but I put on every time I am entering a building. One good mask is usually certified for about 8 hours of continuous use. So, it may last for a month of occasional shopping. I have several and alternate them so they “disinfect” naturally.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
The handkerchief mask is the best, poo, poo, pa-pooo on all your scientific mumbo jumbo!



Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
The handkerchief mask is the best, poo, poo, pa-pooo on all your scientific mumbo jumbo!

These are the same people who told us 3 months ago that masks are 1) useless (just wash your hands), 2) masks are only good to protect others. Sure, who needs science? Next time they will tell you that the best protection is a fresh manure covering your face. Will you follow?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
All the facts are saying otherwise.

Things like this is why some said you're trolling. All the facts state that masks do not work and may even be harmful? Really? All the facts? Would you like to provide even some of these "facts"?

In any case, people like you won't have a choice after July 18 (or is it 27 in mtl?) If you're in Quebec, you will have to wear a mask and your subjective facts won't matter
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