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Active Member
Feb 7, 2009
NY state
Doc, with most airlines you can probably cancel your flight and get a voucher for a future flight. however, you should wait to the last minute to cancel since if THEY cancel the flight they will likely reimburse you in cash and a lot of flights are being canceled this happen to me- i waited to the last minute to cancel my flight and the airline canceled the flight two days before the scheduled departure- they then reimbursed me for the flight in cash.

this really sucks- in a couple weeks i would have gone up to montreal. i am beginning to think that we should inoculate ourselves against covid 19 like they did for smallpox back in the 17th century. you give yourself a little of the virus and you typically have a mild infection and then are immune. in fact, some think the that seriousness of covid is related to the amount of virus that you were exposed to.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2017
you give yourself a little of the virus and you typically have a mild infection and then are immune. in fact, some think the that seriousness of covid is related to the amount of virus that you were exposed to.

I suspect you're joking, but if you know of a way to only give yourself a "little of the virus", then go ahead!

Of course, that's also the premise of a vaccine... but in smaller amounts than you can give yourself.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
I don’t think he is kidding as there might be a link on how severe the disease will be based on the dose of the virus one is exposed to


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Don't count on it. I had a two-week long trip planned for Montreal from the end of June to the 2nd week of July and i cancelled it yesterday. Cancelled my hotel rooms & still have airfare to cancel but i'll wait to see what happens later in case they may waive the cancellation fee. It wouldn't surprise me if everything is still pretty much closed down by July. With no GP, Jazzfest & Just for Laughs this summer there's no longer a reason for me to spend time in Mtl this summer. The Rogers Cup (tennis) event will also probably get cancelled if it hasn't been already.

Right now there are no cancellation fees for ANY schedule changes impacted by china virus ... have cancelled three separate round trips on AA with no issue ... will get a "credit" for full amount of fare paid to use on future flight - UNLESS the air cairrier cancels the flight, then you get a refund.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I think it gonna be Ben stiller


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Right now there are no cancellation fees for ANY schedule changes impacted by china virus ... have cancelled three separate round trips on AA with no issue ... will get a "credit" for full amount of fare paid to use on future flight - UNLESS the air cairrier cancels the flight, then you get a refund.

Correct but that's AA's policy. I had 4 trips cancelled this spring, 2 on AA and 1 on Delta where I got either a credit or refund. Then one on Air Canada where I did not get anything... Lost 600$

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
TAP is a bunch of bitches, tough to get an email response, tough to get someone on phone. You can always dispute the credit card charge until they give you a credit or $$ back

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Don't count on it. It wouldn't surprise me if everything is still pretty much closed down by July.

Im a Quebec local. I don't need to cross broder or flight. Im thinking by July a lot of services will have restarted. First even Legault said it that the province can't remain shut down forever, economy do have to start back. They want to try to avoid any big gathering so yes festival and such won't happy but local business should be re-open by them. Maybe restaurants will go back to the 50% capacity rule. And im pretty sure escort agencies will open back before July... Lots of these girls want to work because they need the cash.

My only concern is the bus/amigo express services, but i may be able to use the old ways i used to do before (facebook group).

Obviously its also linked direct on the providers and if they will work or not by then.

The whole 1 year/1 year and a half of Trudeau ... screw that !! I remember one year ago very well cause its when i started to loose weight. It feels like a LONG TIME AGO. I will not stay confined that long !! I may not control festivals and events or borders but i do control at least myself and i can tell you that ill be seeing family and friends before 1 year... At some point we can't go insane ...


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2003
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I will not stay confined that long !! I may not control festivals and events or borders but i do control at least myself and i can tell you that ill be seeing family and friends before 1 year... At some point we can't go insane ...

Problem is most people won't tolerate even a portion of that (look outside).
I think the thing to keep in mind is as the most vulnerable are dealt with & extreme cases keep dropping, hospital ICUs won't be as overwhelmed. Eventually, everyone will have to be innoculated, either naturally or via vaccine when available just as with the flu.

Also, as they develop the antibody testing, its gonna be quite interesting to see how many people may have been infected without showing any major symptoms.

Let's not forget, this quarantine was never about protecting people as much as it was about preventing health care system collapse. Keep remembering that while we're at home enjoying the spring weather, doctors, nurses, and a ton of other people out there, are having health and nervous breakdowns for us. So while we may be feeling some cabin fever others a facing much greater issues.

Best opportunity to learn something new. Can't say I really hate it personally.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
If Covid19 acts like a typical cornavirus I'm hoping it sputters out in another month or two. If we are that fortunate I suspect the things we lost first will comeback first, sports (minus the fans), employment, restaurants with reduced seating, amateur sports like golfing with my buddies, etc. Then last, like we lost last, the freedom to travel across borders and travel via planes. Our border will open up soon after sports begin. The cruise ship industry may never make it back, but that's my own personal opinion. Our lives have changed so rapidly in just 2 months give or take. 2 fucking months, that's all!

We went from being told that we would lose millions, then to hundreds of thousands and to recent scenarios maxing us out at around 60,000 people in the USA alone. A big number, and it is truly a tragedy. But nothing close to what the experts were telling us. In perspective, we will lose the same amount of people to suicide or drug overdose every fucking year.

I'm hoping that the world starts to get "normal" again by the middle of June. It will be weird the first time or two we get back to banging the SP's like we used to. Just think about how much you use Purell or how mind blowing going to the grocery store is. But I think that banging SP's will be the easiest thing to get back to normal. At least I hope it will be for me.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017


the stats are above. The drug overdose while alarming and although it’s tough to say one is more of a threat than the other when comparing to covid-19, I cant say that by you providing rehabilitative therapy to individuals who smoke crack cocaine in a 12 step group could result in you coming home and find your family members smoking crack cocaine. So, there’s a bit of a difference


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The cruise ship industry may never make it back, but that's my own personal opinion.

It's an interesting question. Certainly, it has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that a cruise ship is not a pandemic friendly vacation. There can be no assurances that anyone setting foot on a cruise ship will not end up unexpectedly quarantined for weeks, or even months in a strange foreign port city, unable to travel not only to the scheduled ports, but also unable to return home in a timely fashion. It seems to me that a minimum, the cruise ship industry will be out of action a lot longer than anyone else.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005


the stats are above. The drug overdose while alarming and although it’s tough to say one is more of a threat than the other when comparing to covid-19, I cant say that by you providing rehabilitative therapy to individuals who smoke crack cocaine in a 12 step group could result in you coming home and find your family members smoking crack cocaine. So, there’s a bit of a difference

I was only using the drug overdose numbers for a comparison. I wasn't comparing the threat level between Covid19 and drug overdose, I was simply pointing out the number of deaths are similar. Just comparing deaths per year, not about 12 step programs or smoking crack. Deaths per year. Also pointing out that there really hasn't been enough public outrage for these numbers. People die from drug overdose and suicide every year, not just 2020 like covid19.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
I can’t figure that out.

That`s the problem....nobody can figure this out. The ending of this script has not been written yet. Politicians and health care experts are making reactive decisions as they go along....some good some bad and some temporary till a better one comes along . So much we don`t know. Will there be a viable vaccine …..ever. Will the virus peter out or come back every season like the cold or flu. Is there immunity and for how long. Will there be a second and third wave that are worse than the first because of mutations in cv. The only things we know for sure is that that there will be a change both for humanity and nature.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Pretty much your post summarizes the confusion. A lot of people have some expectation that politicians and the medical profession have this figured out and can provide us with answers. They can't. The only thing they know for sure is the economic damage of locking down. They don't know when the lockdown should be stopped or how it should be stopped. These decisions loom as political booby traps for whomever has to make them. Which is why Trump is making drumbeat noise about reopening the country, while knowing full well that the Governors will have to make those difficult decisions as their state's unemployment compensation systems crash from overload. Trump gets to lay back in the weeds and watch as others decide how and when to end quarantine.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Patron, There are millions of prayers heading out to Jesus this very minute, begging him to end this plague....but nothing will happen except that hundreds of the faithful who filled churches to-day will have caught covid-19.
If God is eternal then for Him time does not exist …...He is in the present, the past and the future and the only one who knows how this will end.
I`m an agnostic so I don't have a clue, but I certainly would not risk heading out for a take out hamburger that`s been touched by half a dozen hands.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I`m an agnostic so I don't have a clue, but I certainly would not risk heading out for a take out hamburger that`s been touched by half a dozen hands.

From what I read, a C-19 infected hamburger would be OK to eat provided it's washed down with a lot of water. What would be a problem is, after touching the infected burger bun, Patron then picks his nose without first using a hand sanitizer. In that situation he would probably get infected. But eating the infected burger not a problem if washed down with plenty of water, because stomach acid will kill the virus.
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