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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
My guess is Trudeau will keep the land border closed for a while but will drop the quarantine for air travel for people with vaccination proof. He will rely on the "standard" Europe adopts for proof.

Imagine Europe accepting Americans by plane but Canada not doing so.

But there needs to be a "gold standard" for vaccine proof. Every country will want their standard to be the standard.

Interesting perspective.

If you are correct, then the obvious considerations are the scrutiny that will happen at airports when border security must check proof of vaccination (travelers fumbling through phones, wallets, purses, etc and ensuing arguments about what is acceptable) and what the social scene will look like. Montreal goes into the “green zone” presumably June 28th but even then there will be multiple restrictions inside restaurants.

Personally, I would wait a couple months after any reopening given the anticipated chaos and restrictions.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
the scrutiny that will happen at airports when border security must check proof of vaccination (travelers fumbling through phones, wallets, purses, etc and ensuing arguments about what is acceptable) and what the social scene will look like. Montreal goes into the “green zone” presumably June 28th but even then there will be multiple restrictions inside restaurants.

Personally, I would wait a couple months after any reopening given the anticipated chaos and restrictions.
Maybe the two countries can utilize the NEXUS pass by adding your vaccination status to it, similar to the info found in a states vaccine passport. The Fed has limited access to your state info to get approved for a NEXUS card, maybe they can add your vaccination info. Could also be done for Global Entry for other countries. What better way to trust a traveler who's a trusted traveler?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
Interesting perspective.

If you are correct, then the obvious considerations are the scrutiny that will happen at airports when border security must check proof of vaccination (travelers fumbling through phones, wallets, purses, etc and ensuing arguments about what is acceptable) and what the social scene will look like. Montreal goes into the “green zone” presumably June 28th but even then there will be multiple restrictions inside restaurants.

Personally, I would wait a couple months after any reopening given the anticipated chaos and restrictions.

Another thing that is emerging is the premier of Ontario, Doug Ford, attacking Trudeau for his weak border control. Last week Ford claimed that 1/3 of people bypassed quarantine and brought the variants into Ontario. He didn't talk about how he f'd up paid sick days, but that's another story

Today, the feds, obviously on the defensive are announcing more border controls. The commentator from TVA (french TV) said if you plan to cross the border before Labor Day you will be disappointed. My guess is the vaccination rate on both sides of the border needs to improve.

The 75% double dose keeps being discussed.

But it seems politics will be a bigger factor than common sense or science
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Getting back to a sore point for a lot of people when this was called the China Virus.
I guess it is no problem to call it the UK variant, the Brazilian variant the South African variant, and now the Indian variant.
But of course calling it the China virus is racist even though it originated there, a whole province was locked down, it was hidden from the rest of the world for many weeks, yet their citizens were allowed to travel all over the world and give us this gift that still keeps on giving, has killed probably around 3 million so far, ruined the worlds economy and basically screwed the shit out of all of us for now almost one and a half years.
Covid 19 it is and I am buying everything made in China from now on.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Now there is new US intelligence that there were a number of Wuhan scientists hospitalized in November 2019 and again China is being suspected of a lab escape led to the China Virus outbreak.
Of course these labs are probably non existent by now and all evidence has been destroyed.
Where they experimenting with viruses as a weapon or was it just something that went terribly wrong.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The United States State Department has issued a serious, Level 4 Advisory Against Travelling to Japan, this coming ahead of the Olympics:
It's not clear to me why Japan is having these issues, this is a country that usually has its act together on many things.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Now there is new US intelligence that there were a number of Wuhan scientists hospitalized in November 2019 and again China is being suspected of a lab escape led to the China Virus outbreak.
Of course these labs are probably non existent by now and all evidence has been destroyed.
Where they experimenting with viruses as a weapon or was it just something that went terribly wrong.
The same US intelligence claimed there were Massive Destruction Arms in Irak. Now we all know this was all bullshit. But in this case they might be right as they already warned Trump in early december 2019 that there was something going on in China with a new virus. But Trump decided to play it down and pretended it was just a flew. Just keep our eyes wide open as everybody, specially China and USA are known to play politic with those issues. In 1930, the US government recruited 600 afro-americans in Alabama. Of those 400 were suffering of siphillis, but they did not know... Pretending offering a treatment for "bad blood", they did not treat them (even if penicilline was available) to follow-up the evolution of this disease... They even prevented them to receive a diagnostic or treatment from other doctors... This is now known as the Tuskegee experiment... An other glorious part of the USA history.
I prefer to trust the WHO and the scientists when it's time to talk on the origin of a disease. But always keep our eyes wide open. Being a scientist is not a seal of approval. Scott Atlas is the living proof that ideology sometime gets the upper part.
COVID will remain a serious concern for a while and we should not neglect other as important issues as cancer.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
The United States State Department has issued a serious, Level 4 Advisory Against Travelling to Japan, this coming ahead of the Olympics:
It's not clear to me why Japan is having these issues, this is a country that usually has its act together on many things.
There are lot of unknowns explaining why there is an explosion of cases in different areas. We know a tiny part of the story of COVID and its variants. Only time will tell. That supports that we should continue to be prudent with the re-opening.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
The United States State Department has issued a serious, Level 4 Advisory Against Travelling to Japan, this coming ahead of the Olympics:
It's not clear to me why Japan is having these issues, this is a country that usually has its act together on many things.
Only 3% of population has been vaccinated. This is partly to blame on Japan’s rigid drug approval system, not to mention a hierarchal system with many leaders and local politicians (and their families) cutting the line. Approval is much worse than FDA. And apparently the country is even low on syringes (that one is mind boggling).

I don’t see how Japan hosts the Olympics in July. National pride may force leaders’ hands, but it would take a modern miracle to get their act together in two months. You can’t host a shit show for the world to see.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Meanwhile in Canada, today's number... well yesterday's 2021-05-25

20210525 covid par 1M.jpg


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
The same US intelligence claimed there were Massive Destruction Arms in Irak. Now we all know this was all bullshit. But in this case they might be right as they already warned Trump in early december 2019 that there was something going on in China with a new virus. But Trump decided to play it down and pretended it was just a flew.
True however there were never any mass destructive arms used.
In contrast the virus has been used all over the world and still going strong in many countries. Funny how a country like China came out of it with one of the best death rates in the world compared to its population and their population is packed in real tight in big cities. The leak was definitely not planned but they sure seemed to know what to do real quick to defend against it.

Trump may have down played it in the beginning, but the same people who criticize that are the ones up in arms for it being called the China Virus because all they are interested in are blaming Trump. These same people have never given Trump even a tiny bit of credit that they now have two shots of a vaccine in their arm to keep them and their families safe.
Yes Trump is an egotistical asshole and a disgusting human being and he fucked up royally on the virus situation and it cost him the Presidency but he had a lot to do with having quick and effective vaccines and now millions of people being safe from this virus.
Unfortunately I would not put it past China, the US or many other nations governments for experimenting with viruses for war, I don’t believe for one minute that all work being done in secret labs around the world is for the benefit of mankind.
Probably comes from being a long time James Bond fan lol.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
True however there were never any mass destructive arms used.
In contrast the virus has been used all over the world and still going strong in many countries. Funny how a country like China came out of it with one of the best death rates in the world compared to its population and their population is packed in real tight in big cities. The leak was definitely not planned but they sure seemed to know what to do real quick to defend against it.

Trump may have down played it in the beginning, but the same people who criticize that are the ones up in arms for it being called the China Virus because all they are interested in are blaming Trump. These same people have never given Trump even a tiny bit of credit that they now have two shots of a vaccine in their arm to keep them and their families safe.
Yes Trump is an egotistical asshole and a disgusting human being and he fucked up royally on the virus situation and it cost him the Presidency but he had a lot to do with having quick and effective vaccines and now millions of people being safe from this virus.
Unfortunately I would not put it past China, the US or many other nations governments for experimenting with viruses for war, I don’t believe for one minute that all work being done in secret labs around the world is for the benefit of mankind.
Probably comes from being a long time James Bond fan lol.

Trump dropped the ball early in the Pandemic, and his communication was atrocious, but let’s give credit where credit is due. Do we really think we’d have a vaccine right now but for Trump? I personally don’t because an establishment figure on either side would move like molasses. I can guarantee many at the FDA got knocked upside the head to eliminate bureaucracy. And the green light was given to manufacture unapproved vaccines in bulk anticipating FDA approval. Trump also did a CYA and banned travel as best he could from China and elsewhere, though many foreigners still got through.

In my opinion Trump’s response was a mixed bag, but I doubt any other President would have fared better. Although the communication from the White House might have been more streamlined and articulate. Trump gave way too many press conferences, but was determined not to watch an entire economy collapse. Did many lose their lives unnecessarily? Yes indeed, but a lot of Governors must also share in that blame.

I really think this pandemic was a bio warfare experiment/testing gone horribly wrong. You think WHO wants to get on the bad side of China? Not a chance.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yes, let's recognize that Trump made the vaccines reach us.

There is a big BUT, he did that to get himself elected, and it had been done only for him and he never did that for the well-being of his fellow citizens.

And why did he and his wife get vaccinated in secret?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yes, let's recognize that Trump made the vaccines reach us.

There is a big BUT, he did that to get himself elected, and it had been done only for him and he never did that for the well-being of his fellow citizens.

And why did he and his wife get vaccinated in secret?
So Trump did it to get himself re-elected but of course everything Bidet is doing is because he is such a caring and fabulous guy and a model citizen.
Perhaps It is time to remove the rose coloured glasses occasionally.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
So Trump did it to get himself re-elected but of course everything Bidet is doing is because he is such a caring and fabulous guy and a model citizen.
Perhaps It is time to remove the rose coloured glasses occasionally.
Couldn’t agree more. And now there’s lots of traction in the news about Wuhan and this being a man made pandemic instead some dude in a wet market banging a pangolin in the ass. Secretary of State mentioned this a year ago. But now the CNN’s and the MSDNC’s are on board and airing it nonstop. It’s all spin, China clearly put us all in this position. The WHO will do everything in their power to absolve them.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Park reference. But you already knew I wasn't serious, haters gonna hate.

I knew you weren't serious and it was a joke. I did have to google "pangolin" . I have been to chinese markets a few times and somehow I don't think the idea is that far fetched.
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