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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
OTTAWA ce jour....JEAN-YVES nous avons repris une vie normale c'est largement dû à la VACCINATION....a rappelé l'importance d'aller chercher sa 3ème et 4ème dose.....prépare une vaste campagne de publicité en faveur de la VACCINATION pour
cet automne....a répété que le virus est toujours présent et que la VACCINATION est la solution pour éviter les maladies graves et décès......well done M.Duclos.

Et BTW encore hausse des cas today au QUÉBEC 13 décès supplémentaires :( :( :( ......est-ce assez clair?????


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

1 month ago, the airports called for a cancellation of mandates:, all Canadian provinces have removed vaccine restrictions, so there is now a different standard for aviation employees and transportation than for other Canadians. Aviation is global. In order to support this industry’s economic recovery and compete globally, Canada must align with the international community and join the list of over 50 countries that have already removed vaccine mandates and COVID protocols for travel.

===> Effect (lmao):

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
For those falsely claiming that COVID targets only 60 years old and older.
Published in JAMA: From January to October 2021, COVID was the leading cause of death among 45 to 54 years-olds in US.
And the third if you consider 2020-2021
It is obvious it is catching up on youngers. Youngers are less vaccinated and have a more defiant behaviour toward COVID.

2022-07-05 COVID main cause of death among 45-54 in USA.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
As I understand it, since covid doesn't exist, Omicron variants don't exist either o_O
And what happened with vaccination police on this board when the COVID cases are rising again? Though I know at least 2 people who had 2 booster shots and ended up in a hospital. Buy the way, the statistic of hospital admissions shows that vaccinated and non vaccinated now simply reflects these numbers in the population. Even my family doctor quietly suggests forgetting about booster shots.
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Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
For those falsely claiming that COVID targets only 60 years old and older.
Published in JAMA: From January to October 2021, COVID was the leading cause of death among 45 to 54 years-olds in US.
And the third if you consider 2020-2021
It is obvious it is catching up on youngers. Youngers are less vaccinated and have a more defiant behaviour toward COVID.

MSM has you brainwashed. Covid/Omicron/ba4-5 variants are all BS. The only thing killing people now is the vaccine and the boosters. Everyone I know, including myself and my family who are unvaxxed, had no issue whatsoever and we all caught the virus once and only once. Everyone I know who has multiple shots keep getting sick over and over again.

All the numbers we were told since the beginning have been lies. QC gov told us so many thousands dies yet experts now were unable to figure out why the excess deaths are less than a 3rd of the reported covid deaths from the gov.

Gov said the Sacre Coeur hospital emergency was overwhelmed. It was even in the news. I had to go to see my dad who was in the emergency ICU. Empty. The place was completely empty.

Keep believing the lies from the gov if you want to, but those that are unvaxxed made a choice same as everyone else and they have every right to be free as before.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
MSM has you brainwashed.
MSM???? My sources are scientific datas and papers, not false propaganda. I never uses MSM.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)​

MSM is a chemical in animals, humans, and many plants. People use it most often to try to treat arthritis. MSM can be produced in a lab, where it is sometimes combined with other supplements such as glucosamine or chondroitin.

I will not comment on the rest of your post! It speaks by itself. Good luck!


Active Member
Oct 12, 2010
MSM???? My sources are scientific datas and papers, not false propaganda. I never uses MSM.

MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane)​

MSM is a chemical in animals, humans, and many plants. People use it most often to try to treat arthritis. MSM can be produced in a lab, where it is sometimes combined with other supplements such as glucosamine or chondroitin.

I will not comment on the rest of your post! It speaks by itself. Good luck!

MSM - Mainstream media


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
CDC and JAMA are not medias.

CDC are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the main health agency in USA. All US governments, democrat and republicans, supported this agency and its credibility was never a question.

JAMA is The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is a peer-reviewed medical journal published 48 times a year by the American Medical Association. This has nothing to do with the government and is well recognized around the world . In fact, it was created in 1883.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
First sensible article written by mainstream media. I think this time around many people will not be ready to bend down for the government with covid mandates. Time to just live with the virus. Two years of forced masks, vaccine passports, and lockdowns have been ineffective. Time to try something different. See all the collateral damage? Rampant inflation, deteriorating mental health, anxiety, businesses closing down, etc.. Such measures are ridiculous to implement especially at this time. Not to mention all the plastic garbage that is created with these masks. Let people decide what is best for them.

Dr. Paul Saba on lockdowns and curfews.



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It was january 20, 2021
Yes I know. But today on CTV news they featured Dr. Paul Saba on his opinion on lockdowns. I could not find anything online on that, looks like CTV News reposted that on TV.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
For those interested in 2022, July 7th news.

La charge virale du coronavirus responsable de la COVID-19 détectée dans les eaux usées des principales villes du Québec pointe vers une explosion de la propagation depuis la mi-juin. Et devant l’augmentation soutenue du nombre de nouveaux cas, une hausse des hospitalisations est prévue au cours des prochaines semaines.
La concentration de coronavirus détectée dans les eaux usées de Montréal, Québec, Laval et Gatineau a quadruplé au cours des deux dernières semaines de juin, révèlent des données de l’Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ) publiées mercredi.

The viral load of the coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 detected in the wastewater of the main cities of Quebec points to an explosion in the spread since mid-June. And given the sustained increase in the number of new cases, an increase in hospitalizations is expected in the coming weeks.
The concentration of coronavirus detected in wastewater from Montreal, Quebec, Laval and Gatineau quadrupled in the last two weeks of June, data from the National Institute of Public Health of Quebec (INSPQ) published on Wednesday reveals.
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Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
MSM has you brainwashed. Covid/Omicron/ba4-5 variants are all BS. The only thing killing people now is the vaccine and the boosters. Everyone I know, including myself and my family who are unvaxxed, had no issue whatsoever and we all caught the virus once and only once. Everyone I know who has multiple shots keep getting sick over and over again.
How do you get around not getting the jab for work? Just curious. Now they want boosters every 9 months. Trudeau planned to buys 10 jabs for every Canadian. His "blind trust" has shares in the company that made the mRNA tech. If he gets $1 for every jab, that's 38 million! Got to jab everyone every 9 months! Do it for Justin!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) advises that there are 32 active inmate cases of COVID-19 at Cowansville Institution, in Quebec.
The health and safety of our employees, inmates, and the public continue to be our top priority. We are closely monitoring the situation, and measures are in place to minimize spread of the virus within the institution.

COVID-19 testing is being offered to inmates and staff.
The number of inmate active cases currently reported for this institution are based on either rapid tests or PCR tests.
The number may change as more testing is conducted and laboratory-confirmed results are available. Inmate testing numbers are available on our website.

This is an evolving situation and we continue to apply and reinforce infection prevention and control measures to prevent and contain the spread of COVID-19, and adapt based on public health advice.
All staff are provided with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including medical masks, respirators, and face shields.
All inmates are provided medical masks and are encouraged to wear them at all times when not in their cells.
Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting throughout the site is continuing.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
QUÉBEC....encore 17 décès hier :( ...DUBÉ et BOILEAU ont confirmé que nous étions au début de la 7ème vague:confused:....les hospitalisations augmentent de beaucoup....les 2 se font rassurant...revient à chacun d'y voir et de prendre ses responsabilités....
c'est vrai MAIS devront le dire SOUVENT haut et fort....sinon le tourbillon va encore nous emporter et le réseau de santé ----toujours si fragile---va encore dé à ce moment là quel discours tiendront-ils????....à suivre.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009

In Ottawa the levels of coronavirus in Ottawa's wastewater are "high and increasing," according to Ottawa Public Health (OPH). As of Sunday morning, there were 62 patients hospitalized with COVID — including patients initially admitted for other reasons. Six deaths were reported last week.

Despite possible immunity, the latest subvariants mean a higher chance of reinfection compared to previous variants from earlier this year, according to Raywat Deonandan, epidemiologist and associate professor at the University of Ottawa.

Pair that with most pandemic restrictions being gone and the jump in COVID-19 infections is not surprising.

"I'm quite concerned that when the fall comes and the days get cooler, people go back inside and schools are open. If we haven't got this under control by then, we may be looking at a bit more serious situation," said Deonandan.

"The pandemic is not over and even if we are tired of COVID-19, COVID-19 is not tired of us. We need to remain conscious of the level of risk of COVID-19 in our community and in our lives," the statement read.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Great explanation as to why some people are willing to give up their freedom in exchange for a false sense of security with covid mandates.


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