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2013 NHL Free For All Thread


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Whats the standings say? I said, what do the standings say? Doc, am I wrong or are the Dead Things now TIED with the Leafs in points?

The standings say the Wings are 2 points ahead of the stinkin' leafs...which is EXACTLY why I pointed out to you that although the teams were tied at the time you posted the piece of horseshit quoted here, you had stupidly neglected to mention (or even THINK OF) the fact that the Wings had a GAME IN HAND on your clueless and classless oafs.

Typically, you shot off your mouth too soon and typically it came back to bite you in the ass and show what a know-nothing you are.

You lose AGAIN, junior.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
If the Dead Things lose tomorrow night, what are you gonna say? Daty-suk was sick? Zettyburg was not playing (save the injury excuses, we all have them). babCOCK forgot to take his run after practice in that old horrible arena they call joey-louis? Haha..... speaking of babs, is that a wig or does he just color his hair?

Well, Mister Five By Five, since the Wings DIDN'T lose, I guess we'll never know what I WOULD have said.

Since they WON, however, I'll say the following:

1. I never make excuses and neither do the Wings or any of the other CLASSY teams - only the stinkin', classless leafs and their brainwashed, braindead fans make excuses.
2. Learn to spell "Datsyuk" or give up pretending to be a hockey fan.
3. Pav was not sick...and Henk was BACK. Both were great, as usual.
4. Try to get over your obsession with Doctor Babcock.
5. Too bad about your crappy team.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Current Standings in Atlantic Division

Boston 54 (39 games)
Tampa Bay 50 (38 games)
Montreal 49 (39 games)
Detroit 45 (40 games)

Toronto 43 (40 games)
Ottawa 39 (41 games)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Look Behind You, Toronto!

Eastern Conference, LOWER Part of the Standings:

7th - Toronto 43
8th - Jersey 40
9th - Ottawa 39
10th - Philly 38
11th - Columbus 38
12th - Rangers 38
13th - Carolina 37

Toronto, at 7th with 43 points, is only 6 points ahead of 13th place Carolina with 37!

ALL those teams are scratching at toronto's heels!

Every single one of those teams has a BETTER RECORD THAN TORONTO in the last 10 games, except for the Rangers, who have a record identical to Toronto's (3-5-2).

Ottawa has played one more game than toronto and Jersey has played the same number of games as toronto, but EVERY other team on the list has at least one game in hand on the stinkin' leafs.

Watch it leaf fans - your dream is very close to going up in smoke - AGAIN.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
So the Dead Things squeeze out a lucky win in the good ole south tonight against a awesome Panthers team (haha) and if not for former Leafs goalie, The Monster, whom our resident punching bag, msc (no not montreal sex city) told us for years how this guy sucked (better stick to your day job little one) they would have lost yet again. Your luck is about to run out real fast dead things fans. You dont even deserve to be on the biggest stage Jan. 1 with the Leafs. Even in your own back yard there will be more Leafs fans than dead things fans.



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
So the Dead Things squeeze out a lucky win in the good ole south tonight against a awesome Panthers team (haha)

Please note that in English, we say "an awesome Panthers team." In any case, however, I guess you mean the "awesome Panthers team" that BEAT the leafs the last time they played?

Have you noticed that the team you keep calling "Dead Things" (in your usual lameass attempt at "wit") is ahead of the crapola leafs? If not, you know NOTHING, and if so, then LOGICALLY (I know, I know: logic has no place in YOUR pathetic little world) the stinkin' leafs are WORSE than "dead". You lose either way - comme d'habitude.

Oh, and by the way, could you give some REASONS using FACTS to back up your typically stupid remark about it being "a lucky win"? Right - you CAN'T because you're just spouting your usual horseshit with no justification whatsoever. You really are hopeless, Mister Five By Five.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
if not for former Leafs goalie, The Monster, whom our resident punching bag, msc (no not montreal sex city) told us for years how this guy sucked (better stick to your day job little one) they would have lost yet again.

Yes, it's very true that the Monster sucked when he was in hogtown - so badly, in fact, that he was actually "the Monstrosity".

It's also true that the great Kenny Holland realized that a decent coaching staff could UNDO the damage that had been done by the inept clowns handling things for the leafs. As usual, Mr. Holland was correct, as Doctor Babcock and his staff have turned the liability that WAS "the Monstrosity" in hogtown into the ASSET that is now "the Monster" in Detroit. It's just one more example of a goalie ESCAPING that hellhole in Ontario and subsequently playing great - like Scrivens and Rask (remember him, little man?) have also done.

Sorry - you lose again.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Your luck is about to run out real fast dead things fans.

1. So I guess the Wings have been "lucky" to make the playoffs for 22 consecutive years...and counting? And I guess the leafs have been "unlucky" to make the playoffs only once in the past decade and to have 46 YEARS...and counting...of nothing but failure? Well, maybe it's not "luck" - maybe it's skill, something the Wings HAVE and something the leafs LACK. As usual, Mister Five By Five, only LOSERS like you and your leafs blame "luck" for their repeated abysmal failures, as they look with envy upon their superiors.

2. As usual, you're committing the typically stupid iggyism of shooting off your mouth in advance. After your long and shameful history of public failure, even someone of your virtually non-existent intellect should realize the lunacy of such actions. You've succeeded in revealing your foolishness on countless occasions by bragging BEFORE something happens and invariably being wrong when the event takes place. Poor, poor guy: the only way you can get any attention is by constantly exposing your frailty to the world. True, it does make people PITY you, but that's really not much of a reason to constantly humiliate yourself. (I'm just trying to help you, Mister Five By Five, as the more fortunate often do with the less fortunate. Good luck to you.)


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
1. So I guess the Wings have been "lucky" to make the playoffs for 22 consecutive years...and counting? And I guess the leafs have been "unlucky" to make the playoffs only once in the past decade and to have 46 YEARS...and counting...of nothing but failure?

Funny thing about numbers... Wings made it the last 22 years non stop.
While the Maple Laughs actually made it 22 times in all ever since nov. 22 in 1917.

This means they went DEAD for 10 years between 1922 and 1932... then another 10 years out in the 50`s.
And since have been DEAD and gone since the 60's it means that the only years for being a real hockey fan in Toronto would have been :

The 30's, 40's and 60's.

Now lets say the poor Maple laugh's fan are Lucky to see their team in the playoffs twice in the next 4 years to come.

That means that overall the Maple Laughs will be 1 on 4 for every year they played just to make it to the playoffs.
That's 75 f*ckin' years out of the playoffs altogether.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
BTW... since Curly out here keeps on saying the Wings is only a team from Europe...

Here's something for you... the last good Maple Laugh player was Mats Sundin.

He was awarded the 3 stars on Oct. 11th 2007...
Although the Rocket had been awarded the 3 stars a long time ago in 1944 by scoring all 5 goals against TO on march 23... but that's beside the point.

It actually means that TO suck ever since their roster has been mainly English canadians. Ouch !

I'd say this is something to think about !


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Word has it Jimmy Howard's last cpl weeks have been the happiest time of the season for him, sitting back and watching this old, soft and unskilled dead things team and not having to suit up nightly has cleared his head somewhat, BUT, he knows he will be back soon and the same ole crap starts all ovah again. Lol... (sorry my friend)


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
Word has it Jimmy Howard's last cpl weeks have been the happiest time of the season for him, sitting back and watching this old, soft and unskilled dead things team and not having to suit up nightly has cleared his head somewhat, BUT, he knows he will be back soon and the same ole crap starts all ovah again. Lol... (sorry my friend)

Don't know much about hockey do you ?

Making fun of a proven successful hockey team with one of the best veterans in the game today, shows your scope..........little.

Here is a little homework. Name the oldest (average age ) team in history to win the Stanley Cup. You do know what the Stanley Cup is ?

Of course, you do. Foolish of me.

Look it up and remember, report back.


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
GO PANTHERS GO! Got that one right eh boyz? ;)



No, you did not get it right.

Now, you have reduced yourself to lying, in an effort, to show your hockey prowess.

You were wrong, on Saturday, on two counts. Remember. The Habs and The Red Wings won.

You never mentioned this game....... ever.

Again, name the oldest assembled team, in hockey history, to win the Stanley Cup ?

It's not to difficult.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
With the LEAFS winning again tonight, they are now tied with that has-been franchise named the DEAD THINGS. Scabs lost we come "BOYZ"!!! :D


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
With the LEAFS winning again tonight, they are now tied with that has-been franchise named the DEAD THINGS. Scabs lost we come "BOYZ"!!! :D

The last time you posted a similar moronic comment was only a few days ago. At that time I informed you that the Wings had a game in hand, which you had neglected to mention. The Wings won and your joke of a team was no longer tied with them. As usual, your unintelligent bragging and your big mouth succeeded in making you look like a fool.

To the surprise of no one, you have, as always, failed to learn a lesson, as you have AGAIN neglected to mention that the Wings AGAIN have a game in hand on that lump of shit from Toronto.

By the way, Mister Five By Five, if the Wings are, as you so often say, "Dead Things", and if they are, as you have posted here in your usual juvenile style a "has-been franchise", then why are you thrilled to the point of orgasm that your team is ALMOST (given the game-in-hand factor) tied with them? As usual, junior, you score ZERO on logic, ZERO on hockey knowledge, and ZERO on writing ability.

By the way, it's nice to see that just as I constantly destroy you in the hockey threads, Rumples and others also expose your numerous deficiencies in the baseball and football threads. You are not just my personal punching bag - you are obviously a rag doll that most of MERB pulls apart on an ongoing basis. The strange thing is that you seem to enjoy being humiliated in public. Ah well, to each his own. Have a happy life, little man.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
With the LEAFS winning again tonight, they are now tied with that has-been franchise named the DEAD THINGS.

No wonder you're so happy! With this incredible victory, the leafs:

have now lost "only" 7 of their last 11 games

have now lost "only" 11 of their last 17 games

have now lost "only" 13 of their last 20 games.

Also, with this victory, the leafs have now won:

2 of their last 20 games in regulation time

4 of their last 27 games in regulation time

Quick! Cordon off Yonge Street! Plan the parade!
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