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2014 Official NFL Thread


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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Bob Ryan of the Boston Globe was interviewed yesterday on Primetime Sports. When asked about the fact Boston sports teams had become the new New York....meaning that everybody now hated them for their overspending & arrogance....Ryan admitted that it was true & that their new reputation was much deserved, especially the Red Sox and Patriots. The Red Sox because of their knack for overspending on anything that moves, and the Patriots mostly because of Bill Bellichick's shady tactics over the years. Ryan did say that it was unfortunate for Brady that he had to wind up being caught in Bellichick's world of shadyness....where being linked to a known cheater/someone who constantly pushes the enveloppe makes him look guilty by association. He also admitted when asked that Brady's legacy is very likely tarnished because of the events that happened under Bellichick's watch and the most recent one. He said that he'll still be looked upon as being a great QB by his peers, but history will likely show that his legacy will have many question marks.

Ryan mentionned that the Boston teams' fans don't care what people think. He said that they're basically using the silly excuse "they hate us because we win", which is nonsense to him. He added that in reality, people actually hate them because of how they win (e.g. cheating, etc), not just because they happen to be successful. It's what they do to achieve that success.

It was a very interesting interview, to say the least. Ryan never pulls any punches, and it's obvious he's no fan of Bellichick.

By the way, he did admit that that panel was likely correct in the fact Bob Kraft likely did a side-deal with the league in that if he didn't contest the team's fines, Brady will very likely get a reduced suspension to maybe 2 games. A "wink-wing" type of back deal between the owner and the commish. We'll see...
May 28, 2012
By the way, he did admit that that panel was likely correct in the fact Bob Kraft likely did a side-deal with the league in that if he didn't contest the team's fines, Brady will very likely get a reduced suspension to maybe 2 games. A "wink-wing" type of back deal between the owner and the commish. We'll see...

Yeah, I saw that one coming a mile away. It's only logical that the league doesn't want this becoming more of a case than it already is, so they'll make a deal and Brady will sit out two games.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Yeah, I saw that one coming a mile away. It's only logical that the league doesn't want this becoming more of a case than it already is, so they'll make a deal and Brady will sit out two games.

Bob Ryan was also asked if it was possible that the league had this scenario planned all along when they imposed the 4-game suspension, and Ryan replied that of course the league must have suspected all along that Brady would appeal the sentence. So it's quite possible that in order to let the fine & penalty (draft picks) stick, the league was comfortable giving Brady ONLY two games, but went ahead and gave him four in order to get the other penalties through and reduce Brady's to two (or three).


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

It was a very interesting interview, to say the least. Ryan never pulls any punches, and it's obvious he's no fan of Bellichick.

Of course Brady will be marked by this but not because there was any cause by him. I believe what happened was, like every quarterback he wanted the balls set to a preference within a the rules at 12.5 as he said. After finding his own people probably set the pressure at a very high 16.0 to 16.5 during the Jets game Brady was no doubt enraged at how bad the balls were and let these guys know it. McNally who hates him and Jastremski who cooperated with him were pissed off and then likely set the pressure very sloppily until it was too low, maybe on purpose to spite Brady.

The fact is most of the same people hated Brady and the Patriots long before 2014. For them this has been nothing more than a spiteful opportunity to vent run naked through their hateful feelings like children. Now since Doc (who proposed his hockey team should cheat for advantage) respects Bob Ryan and notes " it's obvious he's no fan of Bellichick" i'll let Ryan speak for what is really going on:

On Sunday’s “The Sports Reporters” on ESPN, Boston Globe sportswriter and frequent guest on ESPN’s “Around the Horn” Bob Ryan reacted to the punishment sent down from the NFL to the New England Patriots. The Patriots were slapped with the loss of two draft picks, a fine of $1 million and starting quarterback Tom Brady suspended for the first four games.

Ryan pointed out that the NFL is using Deflate-Gate as means to get back at Coach Bill Belichick and the Patriots for their past transgressions with the league

This is all about jaywalking and the incredible scope of the punishment does not stand up to the slightest amount of intellectual scrutiny when you look at the nature of the alleged offense so there is something else going on here and what that something else is, is that it’s the Patriots. The league is tired of their stuff and this is a chance to get them back on behalf of the other 31 parties.”

NOBODY on this board would say the penalties that have been imposed are proportional to the offense if it wasn't the Patriots or it had happened to their team. It's ludicrous because apart from the nature of the superficial offense all Wells could come up with is we think it's more than likely he was generally aware. No one on this board would stand for the sentence if he wasn';t stroking himself at the chance to get back at Brady and the Patriots. While the majority of fan and large majority of "avid fans" think the Patriots and Brady did something they agree the offense is minor. The LA Times did a poll asking: Did NFL get Deflategate penalties right? Even with all the hate the poll disagrees with the level of penalties by 53% to 47%. Not resounding but big in contrast to the polls on general guilt.

Many believe that the league is justified in handing down a four-game suspension to Brady. An NFL investigation determined that he probably was involved in a deliberate effort to deflate footballs used in the Patriots' AFC Championship win over the Indianapolis Colts on Jan. 18. However, others feel that the league overstepped its authority by issuing a suspension based on its conclusions that it was "more probable than not" that Brady was "generally aware of the inappropriate activities."

Goodell said he issued the penalties based on "the critical importance of protecting the integrity of the game."

Some fans also are questioning why the team was penalized when the NFL's investigation concluded that Brady and two locker room attendants were the only ones involved. In addition to fining the Patriots $1 million, the NFL took away the team's 2016 first-round draft pick and the fourth-round 2017 selection.

So what do you think about penalties imposed on Brady and the Patriots? Did Goodell make the right decision or did the league go too far?

Many like Doc's source Bob Ryan think everything has been overblown. Local fans of other teams say they don't understand what the big deal has been.




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Of course Brady will be marked by this but not because there was any cause by him. I believe what happened was, like every quarterback he wanted the balls set to a preference within a the rules at 12.5 as he said. After finding his own people probably set the pressure at a very high 16.0 to 16.5 during the Jets game Brady was no doubt enraged at how bad the balls were and let these guys know it. McNally who hates him and Jastremski who cooperated with him were pissed off and then likely set the pressure very sloppily until it was too low, maybe on purpose to spite Brady.

This apologist account or fantasy of how you think things happened is so outlandish. For one, it sure does not fit those text messages, the one that Shady Brady was even willing to hand over.
May 28, 2012
It's come out pretty much as I thought it would. Kraft will accept the penalties to the organization and Brady will get off with either 2 weeks or nothing at all. The real loser here is the kids who idolize Brady. He's supposed to be a role model, yet the only thing he's a model of is winning at ANY COST. The taint will fade off of Brady with a little PR. The guy and the team certainly make enough to buy PR, much like Hillary Clinton does. She and Brady share Slick Willie's affliction, BEING A LIAR. Slick Willie just does it better than both of them. I always said that Slick was such an asset because, .........well ........he didn't have sexual relations with the woman, Monica Lewinski and the definition of the word "is" is is.....:eyebrows::lol:


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It's come out pretty much as I thought it would. Kraft will accept the penalties to the organization and Brady will get off with either 2 weeks or nothing at all. The real loser here is the kids who idolize Brady. He's supposed to be a role model, yet the only thing he's a model of is winning at ANY COST. The taint will fade off of Brady with a little PR. The guy and the team certainly make enough to buy PR, much like Hillary Clinton does. She and Brady share Slick Willie's affliction, BEING A LIAR. Slick Willie just does it better than both of them. I always said that Slick was such an asset because, .........well ........he didn't have sexual relations with the woman, Monica Lewinski and the definition of the word "is" is is.....:eyebrows::lol:

Goodell is taking a huge risk with the public if he sweeps this under the rug. If Brady gets off with nothing when he is obviously GUILTY, the NFL will lose all of its credibility. I say that the 4 game suspension will stand.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Goodell is taking a huge risk with the public if he sweeps this under the rug. If Brady gets off with nothing when he is obviously GUILTY, the NFL will lose all of its credibility. I say that the 4 game suspension will stand.

The NFLPA reportedly refuses to have the appeal decided by Goodell. They'd rather have a neutral arbitrator decide the issue. Brady may actually have to sit the 4 games. However, the number of games he has to sit has become rather irrelevant. His reputation has taken quite a hit and the history books will show that he was a very good QB who was caught cheating to achieve success. Me thinks it may hurt his chances at the hall of fame.


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The NFLPA reportedly refuses to have the appeal decided by Goodell. They'd rather have a neutral arbitrator decide the issue. Brady may actually have to sit the 4 games. However, the number of games he has to sit has become rather irrelevant. His reputation has taken quite a hit and the history books will show that he was a very good QB who was caught cheating to achieve success. Me thinks it may hurt his chances at the hall of fame.

Me thinks that too. Tom Shady will make the Hall of Shame though.
May 28, 2012
Goodell is taking a huge risk with the public if he sweeps this under the rug. If Brady gets off with nothing when he is obviously GUILTY, the NFL will lose all of its credibility. I say that the 4 game suspension will stand.

I agree with your analysis. Think about 2 weeks for failing to cooperate with league officials in their investigation. That takes the stench of "cheating" out of the picture and "his reputation" is unchanged "officially". The fans will grumble, but they'll take it. Remember we live in the age of liars and cheats (a la O"shit"a and Over the Hillary Clinton), so this is nothing in the scheme of things.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
For one, it sure does not fit those text messages...

So the two guys who said in the texts that they hate Brady and screwed up the football in one game (proven and admitted) would never do the same again? Is your logic bought on Pluto or something. Face it DD, you are totally warped with hate and vengeance on this. If the issue was Brady got an improper discount on apples from a corner vendor you'd still claim he is the devil cheating everyone. You are poisoned on all of this.

Goodell is claiming there's no backdoor deal with Patriots owner Bob Kraft to get him to walk away from a law suit that could have ruined Goodell. While Kraft is not the malicious kind it's very hard to believe he walked away from such leverage with nothing. Now Goodell has stopped short of saying he will still act as arbiter when asked. Between the unbelievable idea that Kraft would back off with nothing and the pressure by the NFLPA to have a neutral arbiter Goodell must be trying to leave himself room to step away without looking like a deal was done. If he is called as a witness, which seems to be very likely according to the NFLPA, all these factors may force him to step out of the arbiter's position. Of course it would be the first time someone was posturing to cover a deal.

The guy and the team certainly make enough to buy PR, much like Hillary Clinton does.

There it is again, the disturbingly ugly conspiracy addiction from the other of the two obsessives who keep such in their signatures.

Goodell is taking a huge risk...the NFL will lose all of its credibility.

Goodell's incredible sloppiness and lack of integrity that had already badly discredited accountability in the NFL is deeply involved in the record harshness against the Patriots. Remember when he was determined to convince everyone he had not seen the interior video of ray Rice punching out his wife and pleaded that he had no idea at the time there was any such video. Goodell's penalties have been regularly overturned upon unbiased review. His discipline morals have been a joke for a long time. He couldn't even avoid having some of his judgments overturned with much better proof in the atrocious Bountygate scandal with Jonathan Vilma walking away from the penalties against him. "The NFL determined that Vilma and Smith helped Williams start the bounty program. Hargrove lied to league officials during the 2010 investigation, but later signed a letter to the NFL admitting that he was active participant in the scheme. He also told at least one other player that the Saints had put a bounty on Favre in the 2009 NFC title game. Fujita, who left the team for the Browns immediately after the Saints won Super Bowl XLIV, pledged "a significant amount of money" into the bounty program."

A sticking point is whether Brady had to turn over his texts and whether there was anything more in them.

There's nothing i can find in the collective-bargaining agreement saying a player has to turn over private correspondence to the NFL. In Mueller's investigation, league employees turned over league-issued devices with no mention of personal devices in the report, which makes Goodell's comparison disingenuous. Also, Wells had all of Brady's texts to assistant equipment manager John Jastremski, from Jastremski's phone, and concluded he sent none to officials locker room attendant Jim McNally, so what texts do they think Brady has that will crack the case wide open? Pro Football Talk said the union concedes that players have to "reasonably cooperate" with the league in investigations, but that doesn't mean "jump through every single hoop" either.

So now we see Brady's motivation. One part of his refusal is the NFLPA precedent, which his agent Don Yee has said before. The other is that the NFL has lost its freaking mind as it tries to play FBI. The league is drunk off its own imagined power over the players, and feels bolder with every collective-bargaining win over the union. Even as Goodell spoke, it's pretty obvious that in Brady's appeal that either he gives in to the NFL's wishes to see his texts or else. If you're an NFL player, especially a prominent one like Brady, this has to end somewhere.

Not to mention that Brady's decision to not share texts was vindicated when Wells made the very unprofessional decision to use assistant equipment manager John Jastremski's texts about having Brady sign a football when he passed 50,000 career yards in the report. Those texts had absolutely, positively no bearing on the report ... other than to embarrass Jastremski. Ask Richie Incognito and Jonathan Martin too if they'd share all their texts again, after Wells' report on the Miami Dolphins bullying scandal revealed some that were quite embarrassing and had little to do with the case. Seeing all of that, I doubt Brady has any regret about not sharing his text messages or emails with Wells.

Goodell told us what we needed to know on Wednesday. The NFL has an explicit expectation that its employees turn over personal communications when asked, or the petty league has no problem suspending them and costing them millions of dollars and their reputation. And now we can see why Brady was correct to refuse.




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It shows you that the NE Cheatiots only get the best for their players and equipment managers/workers. :lol:

So the two guys who said in the texts that they hate Brady and screwed up the football in one game (proven and admitted) would never do the same again? Is your logic bought on Pluto or something. Face it DD, you are totally warped with hate and vengeance on this. If the issue was Brady got an improper discount on apples from a corner vendor you'd still claim he is the devil cheating everyone. You are poisoned on all of this.

No, Merlot, I am not from Pluto, sorry to disappoint you. I know you're from another dimension ... as evident in your posts. You have an incredible talent for deflection and twisting the facts. I won't post the texts again ...


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All Pro Darrelle Revis who was generally regarded as the best player on the cheating Pat's last year rips apart his former teammate Tom Brady and the cheating Patriots-

Thank you for the article, Joe.T. Mr. Revis speaks words of wisdom:

"New England's been doing stuff in the past and getting in trouble," Revis said. "When stuff repeatedly happens, then that's it. I don't know what else to tell you. Stuff repeatedly happened through the years. You got SpyGate, you got this and that and everything else. Obviously in those situations in the past, they had the evidence. So they did what they needed to do."

Revis doesn't have any sympathy for Brady's situation.

"If I fail a drug test, then I fail a drug test. If I get a DUI, I get a DUI," Revis said. "If Tom gets caught with a DUI, it's a DUI. ... If they are saying that he did what he's done, then the suspension is the suspension. I'm not the commissioner and don't make the rules. If they want to change (the suspension) based on new information or new evidence, then OK, but it should have nothing to do with Tom being the face (of the NFL)."

What Brady did I find obscene. But do you want to know what is really pathetic. Grown up guys wasting hours and hours writing pages and pages of nonsense defending Millionaires and Billionaires like Tom Brady and Robert Kraft. And they defend them with such childish arguments.

Like Darrelle Revis says in the article Tom Brady needs to take responsibility for his actions, sit out the games and stop making a spectacle of himself, unless there is some new information/evidence showing that Tom Brady that proves Brady is not lying. So far, Brady hasn't disproved the allegations. End of Story.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Oh boy, :rolleyes:

Thank you for the article, Joe.T. Mr. Revis speaks words of wisdom:

"New England's been doing stuff in the past and getting in trouble," Revis said. "When stuff repeatedly happens, then that's it. I don't know what else to tell you. Stuff repeatedly happened through the years. You got SpyGate, you got this and that and everything else. Obviously in those situations in the past, they had the evidence. So they did what they needed to do."

Revis doesn't have any sympathy for Brady's situation.

"If I fail a drug test, then I fail a drug test. If I get a DUI, I get a DUI," Revis said. "If Tom gets caught with a DUI, it's a DUI. ... If they are saying that he did what he's done, then the suspension is the suspension. I'm not the commissioner and don't make the rules. If they want to change (the suspension) based on new information or new evidence, then OK, but it should have nothing to do with Tom being the face (of the NFL)."

What Brady did I find obscene. But do you want to know what is really pathetic. Grown up guys wasting hours and hours writing pages and pages of nonsense defending Millionaires and Billionaires like Tom Brady and Robert Kraft. And they defend them with such childish arguments.

Like Darrelle Revis says in the article Tom Brady needs to take responsibility for his actions, sit out the games and stop making a spectacle of himself, unless there is some new information/evidence showing that Tom Brady that proves Brady is not lying. So far, Brady hasn't disproved the allegations. End of Story.

I see neither of you can read. You also left out this on purpose: ""Everybody's blowing it up because it is Tom Brady," Revis told the New York Daily News on Wednesday. "I understand that. But if (the NFL) feels he did the crime or he did something and they want to penalize them, then that's that. (The Patriots) have a history of doing stuff. You can't hide that. ... Tom was there when they did that stuff in the past."

Revis recognizes it's being blown up out of proportion because of the name involved. He also says IF the NFL thinks so then he back their decision. Nowhere does he say Brady did it. He going by past record but that doesn't prove anything about Brady specifically...except for those who want him found guilty of something EVEN BEFORE ANYTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENED AT ALL. Haters!




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Feb 9, 2004
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Oh boy, :rolleyes:

I see neither of you can read. You also left out this on purpose: ""Everybody's blowing it up because it is Tom Brady," Revis told the New York Daily News on Wednesday. "I understand that. But if (the NFL) feels he did the crime or he did something and they want to penalize them, then that's that. (The Patriots) have a history of doing stuff. You can't hide that. ... Tom was there when they did that stuff in the past."

Revis recognizes it's being blown up out of proportion because of the name involved. He also says IF the NFL thinks so then he back their decision. Nowhere does he say Brady did it. He going by past record but that doesn't prove anything about Brady specifically...except for those who want him found guilty of something EVEN BEFORE ANYTHING ACTUALLY HAPPENED AT ALL. Haters!



No, Merlot, Revis is saying be a man and take the punishment. I have never seen so much apologetic whining from one FAN anywhere. Pages and Pages of it.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
No, Merlot, Revis is saying be a man and take the punishment. I have never seen so much apologetic whining from one FAN anywhere. Pages and Pages of it.

I agree with you on all counts. Revis was absolutely correct in stating that crybaby Brady should basically stop being a drama queen, shut up and accept his punishment. The fact he's been the NFL's poster boy for years shouldn't make him immune to punishment.

And you're correct about the constant whining FAN part also! :thumb:

p.s. However, 'whining' has been his m.o. for years.
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