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2013 NHL Free For All Thread

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
There's a difference between being honest and being disrespectful. Burke was very unclassy (as well as inaccurate) in stating his opinion (yes, opinion, NOT fact!) about Ryan. Then, ONLY Poile had the decency to apologize - yes, classy (as you said) of Poile...and Burke was ABSENT in that regard.

Also, Ryan did NOT overreact - HE was merely responding honestly (and very graciously, considering the circumstances) to a reporter's questions.
I respect your opinion on this. Don't get me wrong, i'm no fan of Burke's. I liked him when he was with the Leafs even though he was a bit of a blowhard, but most of the players would have went through a wall for him. But now that he's no longer with the Leafs organization, i don't give a crap about him and i actually kind of look at him as a clown.

HNIC could very easily replace Don Cherry with Burke, but Grapes knows more about the game of hockey.

Both Burke and Ryan spoke honestly. But there are times when Burke should keep his mouth shut. I suppose he hasn't figured out why he got fired by George Cope and MLSE.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
I respect your opinion on this. Don't get me wrong, i'm no fan of Burke's. I liked him when he was with the Leafs even though he was a bit of a blowhard. But now that he's no longer with the Leafs organization, i don't give a crap about him and i actually kind of look at him as a clown.

NNIC could very easily replace Don Cherry with Burke, but Grapes knows more about the game of hockey.

Both Burke and Ryan spoke honestly. But there are times when Burke should keep his mouth shut. I suppose he hasn't figured out why he got fired by George Cope and MLSE.

And in complete honesty, I REALLY respect YOUR opinions expressed here. Bravo, Doctor!:thumb:


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
What ? ... no post from the bandwagoneers lurking Merb 24/7 ?

Well at least they got got 1 in... something' to be proud for a Maple Leaf fan ! no ???

Little iggy will probably say it was a good learning experience, like he does every time they lose. Then he'll add some horseshit about how they're a young team. Then he'll go into the kitchen to have some more potato chips and Koolaid.

The problem with little iggy's theory is that the leafs have been having "learning experiences" like this for the last 47 YEARS.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Kessel and Bozak was writing about 24/7 and mentioned how Bozak lives with Kessel for free. Here's what they had to say:

"Bozak....signed a five-year $21 million contract this past summer, but he doesn't have to pay any rent or mortgage because Kessel likes having him as a roommate."


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Joffrey Lupul - An Honest Man

Based on his history, Lupul might be one of the most fragile players in the NHL. He also just escaped a suspension - even though he is a repeat offender.

Give the man credit though: he is very honest.

After the leafs were DESTROYED by the Rangers, Lupul said very honestly:"Getting booed off the ice in the first period, second period and the end of the game - and we deserved it. We were not good in any aspect. We don't feel very good about ourselves right now. Tonight we did nothing well. We're not proud of the game. It's embarrassing. I apologize to people who paid money to see us play like that."

In reference to Clarkson and Gunnarsson leaving the game with injuries, Lupul said, again very honestly:"No offence to those guys but I don't know if they would've been helping tonight."


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Season Stats for 3 of the leafs

Colton Orr: 31 games played, ZERO goals, ZERO assists, ZERO points

Frazer McLaren: 20 games played, ZERO goals, ZERO assists, ZERO points

But David Clarkson is doing MUCH better.:thumb: He SHOULD be doing much better, since, at almost 30 YEARS of age, he is in the FIRST year of a 7 YEAR contract paying him $35.7 million.

His MUCH BETTER stats are: 31 games played, 3 goals, 5 assists, 8 points.

Way to go , leafs! Way to go, Mr. Nonis!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Aw shucks, after their 7-1 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) lambasting by the Rangers, the leaf hot streak appears to be over. (No iggy, "lambasting" is not something you eat before dessert.)

The leafs have now:

Lost 8 of their last 13
Lost 12 of their last 19
Lost 14 of their last 22

Won 2 of their last 22 in regulation time
Won 4 of their last 29 in regulation time

Been outshot (usually BADLY outshot!) in 35 of their 43 games

Maybe it's time to at least THINK of cancelling the parade. Maybe there can be a sidewalk sale on Yonge Street instead. (But I don't think anyone would want to buy any of the leafs: you probably couldn't even GIVE them away!)


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
As usual, the leafs were badly outshot in their 7-1 humiliation at the hands of the Rangers. This time it was by a margin of 50 to 26.

Unfortunately for the leafs their goalies didn't save their asses this time, as they have done in just about every game where the leafs have squeaked out an undeserved win after being badly outplayed and badly outshot.

No, tonight "Tie Game" Bernier was yanked after allowing 5 goals on 32 shots for an .844 save percentage.

James "Who? Me? You're letting ME play, coach?" Reimer came in and did a little better, allowing another 2 goals on 18 shots for an .889 save percentage.

You can't blame the goalies though. All the leaf skaters ROTTED, as they have done all season long. They got what they deserved by NOT being saved by their goalies.

It was also great to see Phaneuf flat on his back after his dance with Kreider. Phaneuf was "brave" with a stick in his hand, as he slashed and speared Kreider (maybe Dion's been taking "stick lessons" from Phil?) but when sticks and gloves were dropped the better man ended up on top.

I guess Dion will have to add Kreider to his rapidly-growing list of players that he has to stay FAR away from (Scott, Subban, etc......). Poor, poor Dion!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Atlantic Division

Boston 58 points in 42 games
Tampa Bay 54 in 41
Montreal 53 in 43
Detroit 48 in 43

Toronto 47 in 43
Ottawa 45 in 44



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
What ? ... no post from the bandwagoneers lurking Merb 24/7 ?

No surprise. Little iggy is famous for hiding like a corpulent coward every time his poster boys do poorly...and a 7-1 humiliation is very poor. Plus, he can't rag on the Wings because THEY beat Dallas 5-1 and moved ahead of the leafs again. So, as usual, little iggy's got NOTHING.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Season Stats for 3 of the leafs

Colton Orr: 31 games played, ZERO goals, ZERO assists, ZERO points

Brian Burke's first move as Leafs g.m. was signing this pylon as a ufa to a 4 year deal - a rather telling move I would say. Of course our two village idiots were enamored with this signing and started planning the parade ...

Season Stats for 3 of the leafs

But David Clarkson is doing MUCH better.:thumb: He SHOULD be doing much better, since, at almost 30 YEARS of age, he is in the FIRST year of a 7 YEAR contract paying him $35.7 million.

His MUCH BETTER stats are: 31 games played, 3 goals, 5 assists, 8 points.

3 goals for Clarkson = less than half of Danny Briere's goal production this season.

Season Stats for 3 of the leafs

Way to go , leafs! Way to go, Mr. Nonis!

The combined Kessel and Phaneuf extensions along with Clarkson's contract will be an anchor for many seasons to come - yes, way to go Mr. Nonins (Burke Lite™ )


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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No, tonight "Tie Game" Bernier was yanked after allowing 5 goals on 32 shots for an .844 save percentage.

James "Who? Me? You're letting ME play, coach?" Reimer came in and did a little better, allowing another 2 goals on 18 shots for an .889 save percentage.

Poor Reimer - Carlyle pulls him after only letting in 2, but yanks Bernier after 5 !


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Easy on the promotions, pal. He's still just Corporal Corpulent.

My apologies for the error, but - in my defense - I had heard that he was upgraded due to his proficiency in kissing ass. However, as you have now confirmed that the rumor was incorrect, I will be careful to use the proper designation in future.

You know, I almost feel sorry for the little fellow. No matter how much Koolaid he puts away, it must be tough for him to accept that his team's residency on Misery Street, which began 47 YEARS ago, is destined to last forever.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
The combined Kessel and Phaneuf extensions along with Clarkson's contract will be an anchor for many seasons to come - yes, way to go Mr. Nonins (Burke Lite™ )

Don't forget the extension for Kessel's roommate, Tyler "Rent-Free" Bozak.

Kessel: 8 years, $64 million
Phaneuf: 7 years, $49 million
Clarkson: 7 years, $35.75 million
Bozak: 5 years, $21 million

That's just over $24.3 million each year for at least the next 5 years, for just these 4 players. The 47 YEARS of complete and utter failure are obviously guaranteed to continue.

Sure, it's a lot of money but leaf management doesn't care: they'll just raise the highest ticket prices in the NHL and their Koolaid-drinking fans will pour more cash into Canada's National Embarrassment. Mind you, there is that little thing called a salary cap...but I guess the wizards in leafland didn't bother thinking of that.

By the way, you might have noticed that poor little Tyler has the lowest number of years on his contract ("only" 5) and also earns the least money (an average of "only" $4.2 million per year) both per year and in total. Good thing he lives rent-free because his close friend Phil enjoys having him as a roommate.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Don't forget the extension for Kessel's roommate, Tyler "Rent-Free" Bozak.

Kessel: 8 years, $64 million
Phaneuf: 7 years, $49 million
Clarkson: 7 years, $35.75 million
Bozak: 5 years, $21 million

That's just over $24.3 million each year for at least the next 5 years, for just these 4 players.

That's a lot of cash, but not much flash.
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