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2013 NHL Free For All Thread


I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
The Courage of Dion Phaneuf

He danced with Kreider and ended up flat on his back....but who has the "captain" backed down from this season?

Chara? Lucic? Subban? Scott? Erskine? Who else? (Please feel free to add names.)



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Man, what an absurdly cowardly player Phaneuf is. Pathetic!!

Very true, SK.

But look at all his positives: bad skater, uncontrolled shot, lack of hockey sense, frequent giveaways, $7 million cap hit for 7 years, source of bitterness among more skilled leafs BECAUSE of his ridiculous salary, lack of leadership ability, worst current "captain" in NHL, worst leaf "captain" of all time, ....

Wait! Sorry! My mistake! I just realized those are NEGATIVES, not positives. Come to think of it, there are NO positives for captain pylon.

One other thing: I seem to recall that he had a "fight" with a much smaller Hab earlier this season ...and lost! Was it Brière maybe? I hope one of the Habs fans can provide the answer.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Leaf fans are probably ecstatically planning a parade, since their heroes beat the Devils 3-2 on Sunday night. Yeah, it was in a shootout. Yeah, the leafs were outshot 38 to 25 by a team that only averages 30 shots a game, and yeah, their goalie rebounded from his recent poor play and saved their bacon again (just like old times)....but they DID break their 4 game losing streak, so it's parade time!

With this magnificent victory the leafs have now lost "only" 11 of their last 17, 15 of their last 23, and 17 of their last 26. Unfortunately, since they won in a shootout, they have not improved their record in regulation time wins, and now have 2 in their last 26 games and 4 in their last 33. They have been outshot in 38 of their 47 games this season.


I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
Great story out of Washington over the weekend.

Well done Braden Holtby, Steve Ott and the Caps. :thumb:

P.S. Somewhere in Toronto the yellow captain Dijon Phadure is quaking in his boots. :D



New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Well, well, the leafs managed to win a game in regulation, so you finally found a pair of balls and came out of HIDING, which is where you were when they lost 4 in a row. Just in case there was someone stranded on a desert island somewhere who was unaware of what a craven coward you are and always have been, you've exposed yourself again. You're about as "brave" as Phaneuf!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Leafs beat the bruins, les scabitants lose to Marty B and the Devils at home and the dead things are knocked out of a playoff spot (by the team from the Centre Of The Hockey Universe) = Great Night In The NHL Baby, eh Reverdy? Eh Doc? :thumb:

Lil c, you can now go on a 5 (who we kidding, lol) 10 post rant about whatevah it is that deflects from this great night, but as usual 1) it wont matter, and 2) 3 ppl will read them and 3 ppl "might" skim over them with a big :D to boot, so let er rip! :lol:

Bravo, junior: your pathetic saps are a whole point ahead of the Wings...but as usual, little man, you lack the intelligence to realize that the Wings have TWO games in hand on your piece of shit team. This is the third time in the last few weeks that you've shot off your mouth only to have it bite you in the ass when the game in hand took place...and this time it's TWO games in hand.

Some people never learn...and you're at the TOP of that list, which might also explain why you were never able to master the fundamentals of spelling, grammar, logic, and basic arithmetic. It probably also explains why you know so little about hockey (not to mention football and baseball, where other posters regularly tear you to shreds in those threads).

Enjoy your pathetic little "triumph", junior, because it won't last long. And as soon as your sad sacks start losing again, you'll probably pull another one of your cowardly disappearing acts and go into HIDING again like the chickenshit you've already proven yourself to be.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Leafs beat the bruins, les scabitants lose to Marty B and the Devils at home and the dead things are knocked out of a playoff spot

Now, for the FACTS:

Yes, in one of the great upsets of the current century, the hopeless and pathetic leafs managed to beat a pretty good team. I guess they dominated the game, right? Well, no, actually that's WRONG. Although the leafs managed to "win" 4-3, they were outplayed everywhere except in net. As he has often done, Bernier saved their sorry asses with a decent game in net, whereas Rask unfortunately had one of his worst nights. BUT Boston OUTSHOT the leafs 41 to 26 (no surprise - the wretched leafs are almost ALWAYS outplayed and outshot by a huge margin.) The B's had 27 hits, the cowardly leafs 22. The B's won 37 faceoffs, toronto 34. Boston had 5 takeaways, the leafs 3. The leafs had 10 GIVEAWAYS, the Bruins 6. Any time a goalie does NOT steal a game, the leafs LOSE.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
With the leafs currently riding an amazing (for them!) 2 game winning streak, iggy has emerged from his HIDING place and is orgasmic with pleasure. Let's try to calm him down a little with some COLD HARD FACTS:

The leafs have LOST 11 of their last 18 games, 15 of their last 24, 17 of their last 27. Not good.

The leafs have won ONLY 3 of their last 27 games in regulation time and only 5 of their last 34 in regulation time. Again, NOT good.

The leafs have been OUTSHOT - and usually by a huge margin - in 39 of their 48 games this season. That is not only "not good", it is downright freakin' awful!

Time for some more Koolaid, Corporal.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Eastern Conference

We all know (well, all of us EXCEPT one oblivious leaflover) that the East is the weak sister of the NHL and has been that way for 8 years.

Right now the top 4 teams in the East (Pitt, Boston, TBay, Montreal) are well ahead of the pack. 4th is a full 5 points ahead of 5th.

5th through 13th is so close anything can happen. Let's have a look:

5 Washington 52 points in 46 games
6 Philly 52 in 47
7 Rangers 51 in 48
8 leafs 51 in 48
9 Detroit 50 in 46
10 Ottawa 50 in 47
11 Jersey 50 in 48
12 Columbus 48 in 46
13 Carolina 47 in 46

Little iggy and his ilk (assuming - perish the thought - that little iggy HAS an ilk!) are THRILLED to see their leafs doing SO "well" after 47 YEARS of complete and utter failure. Let's examine the FACTS, however:

There is NO team in the group that has played more games than hogtown and there are SEVERAL that have played less. By winning their games in hand, Detroit, Ottawa and Columbus can all pass the execrable leafs. By winning its game in hand, Carolina can tie the leafs. Of all the teams in the 5-13 group currently below the leafs, ONLY Jersey has no games in hand on hogtown...and Jersey is only one point behind the leafs. Even though he's experiencing the biggest thrill of his life, iggy better keep mainlining Koolaid before someone explains to him that his losers are only 4 points ahead of THIRTEENTH.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hello Real Hockey Fans,

Great game in Toronto tonight. Kessel another 2 points, JVR with the sweet tip in off an amazing pass from Bozak (who has been on fire since returning from injury) big night for Kadri, Lupul, Raymond, Phaneuf and Jonathan "Big Game" Bernier. Red Light Price was as usual, in fine form letting another 4 pucks pass by him. Man, is that Montreal defense horrible or what?



Lol I guess all is well in leafs nation. They are playing better since Bozak's return. But there is a lot of hockey still left to play.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yep, a lot of teams that were not playing well the first half are now finding their game. The Leafs are now within 4 points of the 3rd spot in the eastern division curremtly held by the canadiens and as like last year, a smallish team like Montreal tends to wear down as the season progresses. If the Leafs play continues as has been lately, they can easily catch the team in Quebec.
True, and it looks like the race for the wild card spots is going to be a tight one until the end.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Is Brian Burke still working for the Leafs? Calgary just signed Matt Stajan to a 4 yr 12.5 mil extension. This is the same Stajan that Burke did not want in TO 4 yrs ago and now the Burke led Flames sign a 30 yr old Stajan to another bad contract? (although it is a 3.5 mil paycut) Glad it's Calgary and not with the Leafs is all i can say!
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
at least give the kid some credit he is not a scabs fan, although he seems to be just a Leafs bandwagon fan and not a die hard fan as the pics below prove.




I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
:lol: @ 0.30 seconds.

Even The Biebs isn't afraid of Phaneuf.

Toronto Escorts