CS or BS Martin. So we agree on almost all yet you respond as a nonsensical contrarian, for kicks as you've said, showing your only purpose is to be a disturber. Congrats, you are Persona Vilis (banned from acknowledgement).
CS or BS Martin. So we agree on almost all yet you respond as a nonsensical contrarian, for kicks as you've said, showing your only purpose is to be a disturber. Congrats, you are Persona Vilis (banned from acknowledgement).
CS or BS Martin. So we agree on almost all yet you respond as a nonsensical contrarian, for kicks as you've said, showing your only purpose is to be a disturber. Congrats, you are Persona Vilis (banned from acknowledgement).
Who is the real disturber here, Merlot?
You and your pals who just posted completely off subject just to bitch that's who. That's how shit-disturbing is defined. You also have at least 1000 posts with nothing in them but chasing and insulting Rumples.
Why Goodell Rigged the Hearing.
Most importantly, it’s unlikely that the Commissioner will fully exonerate Brady because the Commissioner nearly lost his job last year by not going far enough in disciplining a player. When the Commissioner goes too far, eventually having his decisions overturned by some independent party, he suffers little or no P.R. fallout.
That dynamic alone should tell us all which way the wind is howling on this one. And it provides further proof for the notion that last year’s Ray Rice debacle has left the Commissioner hopelessly conflicted in every single one of these cases.
With one path jeopardizing his job and the other path not triggering even a peep of substantial criticism, the smart play for Goodell will always be to uphold a suspension and let the player and his union fight for further reduction or outright elimination of it in court. And that’s the kind of inherent conflict that arguably makes Goodell unfit to be the final decision-maker in any of these cases.
So it comes down to being nothing more than a phony publicity hearing he had to go through. He never had any intent and indeed benefits by cutting out any chance of being fair on the facts. That's Goodell,
...I made 1000 out of my less than 2500 Posts (that's about 40 percent of all of my posts) all insulting Rumps? Really?..
Why Tom Brady will play for Patriots in 2015 NFL season opener[/SIZE][/B]
Let's pause here for a second and recalibrate our timeline. Goodell heard the Brady appeal on Tuesday, June 23. Post-appeal briefs are in by July 1. We find out the NFL's ruling on the appeal Friday, July 10th (around 4:30 p.m. ET, a.k.a. the weekly bad news dump).
Goodell decides Brady will still miss at least two games (please find someone who thinks the Commish will reduce it to a single game or less), maybe three. Or maybe nothing at all. Maybe it's still four.
Either way Brady sues Goodell, Troy Vincent, the NFL and anyone involved that he can fit in the section marked "DEFENDANTS." Throw Ted Wells, Dean Blandino and Bob Kravitz in there too just for the fun of it.
Suddenly Tom Brady has more lawsuits (2) against the NFL than he does Super Bowl wins (1) in the last decade. As with most lawsuits, this particular lawsuit isn't filed immediately after the appeal is denied.
Even if it's already drawn and ready you've got add at least a single day to the timeframe here. More reasonable is Brady ponders the lawsuit a few days/over the weekend, talks to Bill Belichick, talks to Bob Kraft, talks to his wife and makes a call on pursuing legal action some time in the middle of next week, which also serves as the middle of July.
So now we're in front of a federal judge with a lawsuit on our hands and it's the middle of July. The NFL has 30 days to answer said lawsuit and because lawyers almost inevitably take the full 30 days out of a force-of-billable-hours habit, we're suddenly in the middle of August before we're even really starting to heat up in court.
The NFL files a Motion to Dismiss with its response, Brady's side takes close to the full 30 days to answer that while also filing an injunction to grant Brady the freedom to play while this all sorts itself out and suddenly we're at the beginning of September with Brady -- by ruling of a court -- being told he can play football and the NFL and one of its biggest stars battling it out off the field for the length of his suspension.
Under the brightest lights possible, Brady suits up for the Patriots against the Steelers in Week 1 and through the magic of soap-opera level storylines, interest is the highest it has ever been for the NFL's Kickoff. Sure, everyone will lament the shroud of darkness over the Patriots and Brady, but even your mother-in-law will be watching; it'll be can't-miss TV, like the Super Bowl at the start of the year.
Eventually the two sides will reach a settlement in court and Brady will serve a one-game suspension -- you certainly don't want to risk being suspended too late in the year, a.k.a. the playoffs -- with my guess being Week 3 (home against the Jaguars) or Week 9 (home against the Redskins). Ratings and drama for those games will be through the roof, too.
All of this is just a prediction on how this whole thing plays out. Maybe Goodell stared deep into Brady's soul, believed he had only minimal knowledge of PSI and gives him a one-game suspension that Brady accepts. Maybe Brady's suspension is reduced two games so he and Kraft decide it's not worth the effort to fight the league.
Maybe Tom Brady doesn't want his cell phone records and crippling emoji addiction to become part of a public court file. There are plenty of reasons why this all comes undone and Brady's sidelined for the first game of the season.
But my best guess is Goodell sticks to his guns, Brady does the same and this whole thing gets tossed into the maw of the legal process, where everything moves slower than a snail stuck in molasses.
The end result of that is Brady getting to play Week 1 for New England (while Le'Veon Bell sits!) and the NFL raking in massive ratings. A win-win for everyone involved.
I've come to agree partially with the author of a previous article I posted which concluded one reason Goodell won't drop Brady's penalty to the same level as the other matching infractions by the Chargers and Vikings is that the public mob wants to hang him when he's too easy and nobody cares when his decisions get overturned. We can see the mass public mania of Patriots hatred would put Goodell in the same position he was in when he let Ray Rice off the hook with a 2-game suspension. In this case Goodell would be at grave risk of losing his job because of conspiracy obsessed haters. One look at my manically angry Patriot-hating pal above explains all,
Oh well, :noidea:
Honest Emmanuel Sanders says that the New England Patriots should not be Super Bowl Champions, I quote-
"You aren't supposed to cheat, cheating is not good, especially when you've got guys who are working they're butts off for 365 days out of the year and one person cheats -- whether it helps them win the Super Bowl or not, they still cheated and shouldn't be a champion.", God bless you honest Emmanuel Sanders.:thumb:
Honest Emmanuel Sanders....
So Sanders' AGENT gets barred and that makes Sanders dishonest?That logic is http://www.lifeisajoke.com/Pictures/head_up_ass.jpg
The reply wasn't to you. However, if the player has any brains, especially when the issue is his career and it's protection and prosperity, he would look into who his agent is, his skills, his successes, his reputation and record. If Sanders wants to pretend to be informed enough to make a valid opinion about the Patriots then he should certainly be informed enough to know his lawyer is very shady, which is much more accessible to Sander's than knowing anything about what actually happened concerning any actual deflating of the footballs. Sanders had to know his agent was once barred for several years for cheating on deals or he'd be and idiot...and either way his integrity looks very poor.
He chose someone he knew had been dishonest. That alone makes his integrity questionable.
How nice of you. You love this kind of thing don't you. Since you enjoy insulting, and you once sent me the filthy urban dictionary definition of one of you labels, here's what your own source says about the name you chose.
Your source not mine.
Sox fans,
I'm sure it's not his fault, DayDisturber could not see through the thick Koolaid brand glasses.
I'm not too worried about E-Rod. In all the games where he gets past that 4th inning he's very solid, and the previous game where he had only one bad inning was caused largely by errors that kept it going.
BTW: did you know Sabathia is leading the league in ERs allowed (55) and Home Runs given up (17), and only for $23 million per year. i might have sworn the second stat belonged to Porcello, but damn, Sabathia showed me I'm very wrong. Thanks CC.
Anyway, I find your logic twisted by transferring the integrity of his agent to Sanders.