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2014 Official NFL Thread


Nov 12, 2005
From ESPN:


Meanwhile, HeadSmart Labs in Pittsburgh conducted a study that indicated the pressure in the footballs used in the AFC Championship Game could have dropped 1.95 PSI from weather and field conditions alone.

HeadSmart said it tested 12 new footballs that were inflated to 12.5 PSI in a 75 degree room to imitate the indoor conditions where the referees would have tested the footballs 2 hours
and 15 minutes before kickoff. The footballs were then moved to a 50-degree environment
to simulate the temperatures that were experienced throughout the game and were dampened to replicate the rainy conditions.

“Out of the 12 footballs we tested, we found that on average, footballs dropped 1.8 PSI when being exposed to dropping temperatures and wet conditions,” the lab's report states.


In Brady (and Belichick too) we trust. :D

TBD and likely we'll never know the truth of it, but this is a fact - if you lower the temperature of an ideal gas, it contracts (volume decreases). That a drop in temperature from 75F to 50F created that a 15% drop in pressure, doubtful. But who knows what else happened to decrease the pressure further? Maybe the referee's room was even warmer, maybe the wet conditions made it a little easier for the air to leak out, Gronk spiked a few balls for fun, who knows? Freakish things happen. After Belichick's very direct and strong press conference on Saturday, I feel better about giving the Patriots the benefit of the doubt. Haters will always hate. I'm at peace with it, and the matter is done as far as I'm concerned. Onto the game.


For what's it worth,Madden 2015 predictions New England will win the super bowl. I hope the game is wrong like last year.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

:amen: to sharkman and Merlot. You should just challenge Doc to a bet, and then there will be silence. :D ;)

WHY??? He just did a perfect job of silencing himself...and I wasn't even involved.

I'm not interested anyway. When someone positions himself so adamantly on one side on the issue, especially when there has only been supposition and no proof I don't see honorable intentions, surely not those to respect the terms of a bet...which we are not supposed to be allowed to make anyway because of previous acts that became a big display of in your face dishonor.

Robert Kraft expects NFL apology for DeflateGate

I've heard a number of times that Patriots owner Bob Kraft and NFL commissioner Goodell are good friends. So I'm wondering why Kraft would put Goodell in the position of requiring an apology. Of course Kraft is very upset about having his brand damaged, but it seems a little heavy handed to require an apology from Goodell...or maybe not. Is Kraft only very upset about the tarnish on the brand name, or does Kraft know where the investigation is going and feels he's got very good leverage. I think it would be foolish for Kraft to make such a requirement if there was any doubt left about the outcome. Maybe Kraft is just trying to protect the brand by showing toughness, but maybe he knows what the results will be and feels he can get that apology.

New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft addressed DeflateGate in a press conference on Monday, reiterating his team's innocence first and foremost. But on top of that, Kraft also said that he expects the league to apologize to the team, head coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady once the investigation has wrapped up.

That is to say, Kraft said that if the league cannot find clear proof that the team was in the wrong in this situation, that the league should apologize for what the team, Belichick and Brady have been put through over the past week due to the investigation.

Kraft said that he believed "unconditionally that the New England Patriots have done nothing wrong," and that it bothers him "greatly" that the integrity of the Patriots organization is in question.

The owner did not stay at the podium for long and he did not stand for questions following his statement. Belichick took the podium after Kraft and had very little to say about the investigation, which is unsurprising given the last time he was up there he said that he had no plans to discuss the matter further.

It's pretty clear at this point that it's going to be tough to get anyone from the Patriots to answer any more questions about the scandal or its investigation, at least in the media.

Cheers, :thumb:



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Sherman: "Conflict of Interest"

BOYZZZ!!!!! (and the lovely ladies of Merb as well) :)

Suddenly things seem crystal clear. Kraft and Goodell are buddy-buddy, and things make much more sense now :rolleyes:

The picture after the video was at Kraft's home BEFORE the AFC Championship game........ what a joke Goodell has become as commish of the nfl.




Nov 12, 2005
Inquiring minds want to know: Who is that striking tall blonde on Kraft's arm?!? :D Her head/face is a little squarish, but still, pretty mouth, long elegant fingers, glowing skin, beautiful blonde locks, classy taste in dress.

Oh, and it looks like Goodell wet himself. Badly. Hahaha...


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The picture after the video was at Kraft's home BEFORE the AFC Championship game........ what a joke Goodell has become as commish of the nfl.
And if the Championship Game had been in Dallas (as if it ever would), the picture would have been taken at Jerry Jone's little studio apartment. Does the term "grasping at straws" mean anything?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
One thing I can't understand. If it is easier to grip and kick a football that is of lower air pressure than why not allow it?

If this is such a big deal why don't they do what the MLB, NBA, and NHL does and have done and adopt an official ball/puck and then have the league hold and furnish them at the game?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth


He did it, he caught the Patriots RED-HANDED. You GO BOY! All those conspiracy theorists and much maligned haters couldn't be wrong. You had to know where there is smoke there has to be an underhanded conflagration of evil going on, and Jay Glazer has proven it . YES!!! :D It was reported all of yesterday that the wizard of sports scoops had critical inside info that the hopes and dreams of the HATERS were about to be completely vindicated. Jay Glazer anxious to claim the credit and the glory puffed up his feathers and made ready the great coup to put the indelible brand of CHEATER on the New England Patriots. Glazer boasted in a tweet: Jay Glazer Verified account ‏@JayGlazer Breaking news: sources tell @FOXSports the NFL has zeroed in on a locker room attendant w Patriots who ...

The eagerly drooling hungry hounds of conspiracy started lining up (hello Doc H) to rip out their piece of meat from the feast of impending validation right behind that paragon of NFL legitimacy...the HERO...TAA DAA...Jay Glazer. Says that stalwart sports icon The Right Scoop...BREAKING! Video discovered of Patriots’ attendant taking TWENTY-FOUR BALLS from officials to bathroom! Damn it, we caught a Patriots attendant caught with those NFL ...balls in hand. The best yet is every rotten cheating moment is on video so you can revel in your GLORY over and over again.

CONGRATULATIONS everyone. YOU DID IT HEROS!!! You caught a bonafide Patriots attendant stopping with those actual game balls...IN A BATHROOM STALL TAKING A PEE. :lol: :lol: :lol:.

Patriots Ball Attendant Just Using the Bathroom

First off, let me start by saying, "AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA."

The Jay Glazer report from earlier stated that the "NFL has zeroed in on a locker room attendant [with the] Patriots who allegedly took balls from officials locker room to another area on way to field. Sources say they have interviewed him and additionally have video. Still gauging [sic] if any wrong doing occurred with him but he is strong person of interest."

It was poorly phrased and was laden with heavy words and implications of pending guilt.

Pro Football Talk has more to add on the subject:

First, per a league source, the other "area on way to field" is a bathroom. The bathroom consists of one toilet and one sink and a door that locks from the inside.

Second, according to the same source, the person carried two bags of balls into the bathroom: the 12 balls to be used by the Patriots and the 12 balls to be used by the Colts.

Third, from the same source, the evidence comes from a surveillance video that was discovered by the Patriots and given to the NFL early in the investigation.

Fourth, again from the same source, the video shows the employee in the bathroom for approximately 90 seconds.

So this video was actually of the Patriots staffer going to the bathroom for 90 seconds- clearly not enough time to perfectly deflate 12 footballs- and the footage was submitted by the Patriots themselves.

The whole argument is grasping as straws at this point. Now it's just funny.

:crazy: Can't a guy take a leak without being branded the devil. :lol:



:nod: :cool:

Happy peeping BOYZ!



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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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How easy is DeflateGate? News reporter shows that 12 balls can be softened in just 40 seconds

After a report that a Patriot assistant took game balls into a bathroom, we tested whether they could all be deflated in 90 seconds. They can be.

BY GERSH KUNTZMAN NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Tuesday, January 27, 2015, 9:58 PM

You don’t need 90 seconds to screw with some balls in a bathroom.

I did it in 40!

Like any football fan, I’ve been obsessed with DeflateGate — so when I heard that a Patriots locker room attendant reportedly took 12 AFC Championship game balls into a bathroom for 90 seconds, I decided to see if it was even possible to please Tom Brady in so little time.

So I pulled out the corporate card, bought 12 top-of-the-line balls and inflated them to the manly, 13 pounds per square inch.

Then, curious to see how long it would take to deflate one ball to Brady’s liking, I stuck in a pin, heard the tell-tale “Pssss” for 2.2 seconds and rechecked the pressure with a gauge. It was 11 pounds per square inch.

Do the math: Deflating 12 balls would be easier than toasting Jet cornerback Darrin Walls.

So I loaded the dozen fully inflated pigskins into a big IKEA bag and did what I do best: Take my balls into the bathroom to simulate what the Pats assistant possibly did.

My personal DeflateGate took just 40 seconds. Add in a few bobbles and the time it took to get in and out of the bathroom stall, and the entire affair took me just 77 seconds — well under the 90-second deadline.

Afterwards, I handled the equipment and immediately realized the advantage of softer balls. Even just a pound or two of pressure — which is not easy to detect by just picking up the ball — made them much easier to pass and catch.

Tossing one over to Sports Editor Bill Price, I felt like Mark Sanchez — and not the bad Mark Sanchez who made me want to burn my season tickets, but the good Mark Sanchez who once made me believe in miracles.

But I digress.

Bottom line? Clearly, a Patriot assistant who is quite accustomed to handling Tom Brady’s precious balls could easily have turned the Jan. 18 conference championship game into a joke.

All he needed was 40 seconds, a men’s room stall and deflated ethics.

No balls were harmed in the Daily News’ simulated DeflateGate test. We’ll be sending the fancy footballs to 12 lucky after-school programs across the city.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
How easy is DeflateGate? News reporter shows that 12 balls can be softened in just 40 seconds

Sorry, pal, look back about five posts and you'll see an article where a LABORATORY in Pittsburgh proved that the ball could lose 2 lbs. of pressure simply by being moved from one atmospheric condition to another. This story now has as much life in it as Benghazi.

It's called SCIENCE.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

How easy is DeflateGate? News reporter shows that 12 balls can be softened in just 40 seconds

After a report that a Patriot assistant took game balls into a bathroom, we tested whether they could all be deflated in 90 seconds. They can be.

DD, the test is utterly ridiculous. I just watched the video to the link you posted.

1. A guy takes a bag of balls into a bathroom stall and races to stick a pin into each air receptacle as quickly as he can.

2. He does it so fast he has no idea how much air he took out or what pressure resulted, he just sticks the pin in for a second or two then moves to the next one, sometimes barely allowing one second for each ball.

3. He never uses a pressure gauge to check the results, in fact he never checks at all.

4. Then the tester heaves the ball out of the video picture frame across the room laughably as if he could simulate a professional quarterback and claims mission accomplished though we couldn't anything about the resulting pressure.l :lol:

5. Much has been made of all quarterbacks preference for the pressure in a football, especially Brady. These preferences are precise. If the goal is precision for comfort then the test shown is nothing more than a sloppy joke for publicity, one no doubt that obsessed conspiracy addicts/Patriots haters will lap up eagerly. Like you DD. No finicky quarterback, like Brady is supposed to be, would accept this kind of shoddy result if he relies on a preferred precise pressure.

6. Anyone who has ever had to refill a tire knows sticking the air hose on the tire and filling it correctly is a matter of often repeating filling and letting air out again until pressure is right. I've watched many experienced mechanics, which the Patriots or any team attendant is not, have the same problem.

Sloppy try bud. :lol:

This is all besides the fact that ESPN's own test showed less advantage when passing with a slightly deflated ball....NOT an advantage. Despite that disadvantage Brady has one of the lowest interception rates in the history of the game. As for the lack of fumbles, Belichick is notorious for benching players who fumble for games at a time. Some have been traded or released. Lesson - DON'T FUMBLE!

The Great Deflate Gate IRONY: Did the NFL Rob the Colts???

Did NFL run sting operation on Patriots to trigger deflate-gate?

Forget all about the most debated topics that have stemmed from the New England Patriots' use of deflated footballs in the AFC championship game – did Tom Brady order it, did Bill Belichick know about it, is Bill Nye the Science Guy even a scientist?

The question that has clues but no conclusion, the one that could prove to be the biggest and most historic of them all is this:

Did the NFL run a sting operation on the Patriots?

And if so, shouldn't the Indianapolis Colts, and the rest of the league, be more upset about the league's investigative tactics than anything New England has been accused of doing?

Reports have emerged during the past week that NFL teams, including the Colts, complained during the regular season and perhaps playoffs about the Patriots using underinflated footballs. Fox Sports' Jay Glazer reported that in response to those complaints, the league always planned on checking New England's footballs at halftime. ESPN's Ed Werder reiterated that suggestion on Twitter on Sunday.

If so then the NFL was willing to let New England use a deflated football to its advantage for the first half of a game with the Super Bowl on the line, rather than stop the contest immediately and check, or even just warn the Patriots of their concerns prior to kickoff to make sure everything was fair and square for all 60 minutes.

This would be … astounding.

More astounding than if it was definitively proven that Brady himself took the air out of the ball. Competitors have sought advantages ever since there has been competition. A player working the equipment over for an edge is nothing new. A league letting it happen, letting one guy break the rules because it was trying to play cops and robbers would be a whole new twist.

So is it true?

Officially, the league has only said, "the investigation began based on information that suggested that the game balls used by the New England Patriots were not properly inflated to levels required by the playing rules."

Let's get this out in the open. The Colts and the NFL office KNEW they were going to remove balls the Patriots were using once the game started. Instead of removing a supposedly under-inflated ball from the Patriots at the start of the game to give both teams an allegedly equal chance the NFL waited until halftime. The result Colts 7 Patriots 17. Aha, it fits, despite the fact Brady was 2 of 8 passing in the second quarter. But so far it works out to the NFL CHEATING the Colts by sticking them with the supposed disadvantage in the middle of a game to determine which team goes to the Super Bowl..a disgraceful cheating of any team that deserves a fair shot in any game.

Now at halftime the balls have been switched to NFL approved pressure checked footballs and both teams allegedly are equal. Result, Colts 7 Patriots 45...or Colts 0 Patriots 28 in the second half using the NFL approved and tested footballs. Pressure Advantage THEORY DEAD ON ARRIVAL!!!

What this all comes down to is the BIGGEST NATIONAL WHINE IN HISTORY against a franchise that despite all the complaints is still cited by even all the conspiracy jerking analysts as THE model team of the last 14 years.

Don't worry about the Colts complaining to the NFL about the timing of the football switching. Indy knows it just got it's ass kicked and no pressure difference would have changed that.

Deal with it, :thumb:



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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From ESPN, 3 ex-football players speak about the veracity of Tom Brady of the Cheatriots:


"I do not believe what Tom Brady had to say", this emotional statement by long time well respected NFL QB Mark Brunel speaks volumes, you also add that future hall of famers Bus Bettis and Brian Dawkins do not believe Brady pretty much seals the deal "GUILTY", thanks for the link DD.

"Patriots are habitual line stepper(Cheaters)" - Ravens defensive end Chris Canty.

This is what I'm really, really, really praying and hoping comes from this ordeal, it will teach the habitual lying cheats a lesson-


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Boyzzzzzz! and more specifically, JOE!

In a perfect world that scenario would be awesome but sadly it will never happen over a deflated set of footballs. But if Belicheat is caught, this will be the second time and that will be a major black eye on the cheaters resume thus maybe he wont make it into the hall of fame but the hall of shame surely awaits. With that said, after seeing the pictures of Wild Bill and Goodell "hanging out" together, I would bet you anything that nothing happens to him even if the real investigation turns out that he did in fact know all about the deflated balls. Goodell is a dirty comish and buddy buddy with Belicheat, sickening.

Welcome Back Mr.T! Another voice of reason around here besides Doc and DD41 (and of course moi) :thumb:

We are ALL patiently awaiting your pick for the game!
This is what I'm really, really, really praying and hoping comes from this ordeal, it will teach the habitual lying cheats a lesson-


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Media to Marshawn Lynch: "Why do you have to be a JERK to everyone???"

"I do not believe what Tom Brady had to say",...

WELCOME BACK MY BUDDY!!! I missed you soooo much.

You don't believe Tom. SHOCKING!!! :lol:

So who will you pick?

1. Seattle

2. Seattle

3. Seattle

4. Anyone but the Patriots

I predict a Joe.t special guaranteed annihilation of the Patriots, Seattle in a historic landslide. Want to bet a $$$million$$$ on it. ;)

Ahhhhhh the Patriots haters club is complete.




Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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My predictions for the big game.

Super Bowl winner- Seattle, tough, tough defence to penetrate, I see Brady's line something like this, 289 yds, 2 tds, 2 picks, 2 fumbles, one fumble lost, 5 sacks.

Super Bowl MVP- Marshawn Lynch.

Super Bowl goat- Tom(SHADY)Brady who has earned his new nickname like no other before him.:thumb:

"I don't believe Tom Brady", - Mark Brunell.:thumb:

Thanks for the welcome back boys.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Paying for all those bad sports bets!!!!!...Eh!
You should see the shine on Joe's bookie's new Lexus.

Welcome back, Joe, from both me and your bookie. You've been missed.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
BOYZZ! And Joe.T,

All very realistic predictions and I hope you are correct!

Give us a score Mr.T.... btw love the new tom brady nickname :thumb: it reminds me of a famous eminem song:

"My Name is, What? My Name is, Who? My Name is......... TOM SHADY! :D

My predictions for the big game.
Super Bowl winner- Seattle, tough, tough defence to penetrate, I see Brady's line something like this, 289 yds, 2 tds, 2 picks, 2 fumbles, one fumble lost, 5 sacks.
Super Bowl MVP- Marshawn Lynch.

Super Bowl goat- Tom(SHADY)Brady who has earned his new nickname like no other before him.:thumb:


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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BOYZZZ!!!!! (and the lovely ladies of Merb as well) :)

Suddenly things seem crystal clear. Kraft and Goodell are buddy-buddy, and things make much more sense now :rolleyes:

The picture after the video was at Kraft's home BEFORE the AFC Championship game........ what a joke Goodell has become as commish of the nfl.



Inquiring minds want to know: Who is that striking tall blonde on Kraft's arm?!? :D Her head/face is a little squarish, but still, pretty mouth, long elegant fingers, glowing skin, beautiful blonde locks, classy taste in dress.

Oh, and it looks like Goodell wet himself. Badly. Hahaha...

Sorry, pal, look back about five posts and you'll see an article where a LABORATORY in Pittsburgh proved that the ball could lose 2 lbs. of pressure simply by being moved from one atmospheric condition to another. This story now has as much life in it as Benghazi.

It's called SCIENCE.

I looked 5 posts above, rumps and all I saw was lgna and Wolfie's posts.

Let's see. The NE equipment manager moved the balls from the New England Patriots' locker room to the field. I have never been to the Patriots' stadium. Is the locker room on top of a Big Hill or Mountain sitting over the stadium? How does the atmospheric pressure change that much? It couldn't just be the temperature?

Did you know that the temperature, rumps, at the beginning of the game was in the low 50s, and dropped no lower than the high 40s by the end of the game?

Now, with room temperature at 68 in the locker room, those balls experienced a shocking change in temperature of about 20 degrees at most.

I know it gets cold in New England, rumps. What happens to balls when the temperature is like 10 degrees? Those balls Tom Shady was throwing, by your logic and this very SCIENTIFIC study you quote (how many posts up, rumps?) would be completely flat if the temperature was 10 degrees.

But you are correct about Benghazi, rumps. No one did survive while your man was in the White House. :nod:

One more item. If the temperature was the cause of the balls being deflated, why were not one of the Indianapolis balls deflated? GUILTY.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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BOYZZ! And Joe.T,

All very realistic predictions and I hope you are correct!

Give us a score Mr.T.... btw love the new tom brady nickname :thumb: it reminds me of a famous eminem song:

"My Name is, What? My Name is, Who? My Name is......... TOM SHADY! :D

33-17 for the good guys.:thumb:

BOYZZ! And Joe.T,

All very realistic predictions and I hope you are correct!

Give us a score Mr.T.... btw love the new tom brady nickname :thumb: it reminds me of a famous eminem song:

"My Name is, What? My Name is, Who? My Name is......... TOM SHADY! :D

The Patriots have alienated themselves with their cheating ways, they have been punished by the NFL in the past for cheating with fines and losing draft picks and I am expecting the same after the NFL concludes their investigation, honesty, decency, respect, integrity go a long way with me and the Patriots get a big F in these departments, sad.:eek:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Recent posts remind me, one thing I did NOT miss was two guys kissing up to each other over and over.

The Patriots have alienated themselves with their cheating ways,...

What has been very revealing is just how deep of an inferiority complex everyone else has toward the Patriots when such a thing as 1 psi creates such endless resentment. I know dedicated Patriots haters who think people like that are full of "stupid" pettiness and are absolutely out of their minds.

...they have been punished by the NFL in the past for it with fines and losing draft picks and I am expecting the same after the NFL concludes their investigation,...

I'd love to lay money against this. The NFL has a lot of guess work and a guy taking a pee in a bathroom stall. Last time they had evidence and an admission. This time...SQUAT!!! We also now know the referees responsible for approving the footballs for play on the field never did much more than say...yeah, this one's okay. There's no empirical record of what the pressure was and that shows a huge fault in the system for which the NFL office is the one responsible.

Not only didn't the refs record the pressure of the footballs they approved, the irresponsible morons didn't record the alleged deflation numbers of the footballs said to be below regulation pressure, thus robbing all the haters of any empirical proof of what happened. Don't be surprised when Goodell comes out and says there is no proof of anything, hell there might even be a half-ass apology to the Patriots.

NFL didn’t log the PSI of each Patriots football

What was the precise PSI of each of the 12 footballs the Patriots’ offense used in the AFC Championship Game? We’ll probably never know.

NFL head of officiating Dean Blandino confirmed today that the NFL didn’t log the exact PSI of each football. According to Blandino, when officials inspect footballs to see if they’re properly inflated, they simply approve them or disapprove them.

In other words, although the Patriots did play with under-inflated footballs, the NFL hasn’t kept detailed records of whether those footballs were slightly under-inflated (which could be the result of a change in temperature) or significantly under-inflated (which would indicate that someone purposely let air out of the footballs).

The NFL will apply a low standard of proof to the Deflategate investigation, which means that the NFL doesn’t necessarily need an air-tight case to conclude that the Patriots broke the rules. But anyone who wants the NFL to get to the bottom of this should want the NFL to be as careful as it possibly can to preserve every piece of evidence it possibly can. And a detailed log of the inflation levels of each football is a piece of evidence the NFL should have.

This is the basic problem with the entire episode, the utter sloppiness with which the NFL sees to it that it's rules are followed...or not. The real disgrace is that the NFL operates to emphasize profits and bases what it calls integrity on what is good for improving the bottom line rather than having real honesty, decency, respect, integrity...and most of all honor. The failure to deal with wife and child beatings with any intent to serve justice proved that a long time ago. The failure of officials in handling so-called deflate-gate is just a carry over from basic overall FAILURE. Expect the NFL to once again succumb to image pressures rather than do what is right and just in this case where there is NO REAL EVIDENCE, and what there may have been was lost with extreme negligence.

Actually I wonder if the NFL didn't fail to get this evidence on purpose because the Patriots after everything are the 2nd most profitable team in the league. Good old Goodell...THE BUCK STOPS...IN HIS BANK ACCOUNT. :D

...honesty, decency, respect, integrity go a long way with me ...

Yeah right. :lol:


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