Why Tom Brady was MVP last night when we all know it was Joe is beyond me.
Joe indeed has some explaining to do. But it's not about his infallible curse gifts.It's THIS:
Tom Brady and the Patriots faced the challenge mountain of the century.
1. The beast mode running back.
2. A stellar stifling punishing defense,
3. A largely hostile stadium crowd.
4. Two weeks of distractions so intense Bill Belichick and Tom Brady both had to take time off of planning and preparation and practice to answer media questions under the worse kind of pressure that made the Salem Witch Hunts look like a slightly ill-mannered burp.
5. Almost a national will to take revenge.
6. At least 125 million pairs of eyes scrutinizing every micro detail that has anything to do with the game.
7. The NFL officials absolutely seizing control of every football in the game, not 1 but 2 Brady interceptions.
8. Wilson throwing lasers at critical moments.
9. A miraculous catch at almost the last second to forget David Tyree ever existed.
10. A 10- point deficit in the 4th quarter.
11. An undrafted rookie free agent defender NOBODY ELSE WANTED needing to be at the perfect place at the perfect time during daunting momentum for the opposition at the one-foot line with the championship in the balance.
12. All kinds of ex-pro players and so-called experts accusing the Patriots
13. And still the cloud of an investigation questioning all your integrity.
The result:
On defense for New England, Seattle goes PUNT, PUNT, PUNT, PICK on it's last 4 possessions.
On offense Brady gets 2 TDs while going PERFECT on a string of drive and game winning passes with PERFECTLY pressured untampered footballs, while setting the RECORD for pass completions in any Super Bowl EVAH!!! Let's play with those footballs all the time.
Joe.t?????. Explain it Joe. All the arguments for the haters disappear against sensational Patriots resilience and absolutely VINDICATING VICTORY!
CASE CLOSED against all the haters. :nod: :thumb:
Malcolm Butler: ‘I thought I was going to have to wait until next season’ to get 1st NFL interception. 
2/2/2015 6:30 AM
infinite cheers,