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2014 Official NFL Thread


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
Butler played a great game. The Kearse catch was miraculous, but it was Butler who was the defender on that play, and, barring the miracle, he should've had a pass-defended on that throw, he played it well. He also made a great leaping pass knockdown earlier in the game, too. Altogether, 3 passes defended and 1 interception. The kid picked a helluva time to play the game of his life.

Classic Belichick - no-name player shines in a critical moment.

Grady deserved MVP for coming into the 4th quarter 10 down against Seattle defence and winning it for the Patriots but Butler saved it.

You could see he read the play. I hope Brady gave him the truck, he deserved it.

Great game !!

Congratulations to the Patriots and thank you for the nail-bitter of a game.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The Red Sox share the love. City of Champions is "our fucking city."

Mike Napoli ✔ @MikeNapoli25
Sudden urge to rampage down Boylston!!! Who is with me???
11:08 PM - 1 Feb 2015

David Ortiz ✔ @davidortiz
Thats how we do it!!!!! Congrats to my boys the @Patriots on winning the superbowl #cityofchamps #bostonstrong
10:09 PM - 1 Feb 2015

Dustin Pedroia ✔ @15Lasershow
Best Corner in the League has a Ring Now! #I'mHappyBro

Shane Victorino ✔ @ShaneVictorino
#Patriots #Patriots #Patriots
Congrats #SuperBowlChamps

Brock Holt ✔ @BrockStar4Lyf
I love @Edelman11. #4Lyf


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Got to love this from Gisele:

Gisele BündchenVerified account ‏@giseleofficial

Let's go, Let's go pats!!!! Touchdown!!!! ����������

Gisele BündchenVerified account ‏@giseleofficial

Lets go daddy!! Let's go Pats !!✨✨✨✨ Vamos papai !! Vamos Pats!!

Gisele BündchenVerified account ‏@giseleofficial

Yeeeeeeeeeeeaah!!!!!!!!!!!! ������������������������

Gisele BündchenVerified account ‏@giseleofficial

We are so proud of you daddy!!! Congratulations!!!! #gopats #superbowl #sb49 ❤️��❤️ Estamos muito orgulhosos de você papai! Parabéns!!!! #vaipats


Lastly, millions of people from fans to experts to former players are blaming Pete Carroll for the WORST DECISION EVER. Still, Russell Wilson had to decide if, when, and where to throw that ball. Without that Carroll's choice goes nowhere either way. It was a choke worthy of Tony Romo.

Deion SandersVerified account ‏@DeionSanders

That was the worst play call in the history of the Superbowl!!! Worst QB decision Ever!!!!! Ever Ever! Naw I mean Ever!

Now for the parade in THE CITY OF CHAMPIONS!!!!! :D :thumb:

Cheers BOYZ,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.


Congrats to the Patriots and their fans. Good game I just do not understand why the Seahawks passed the ball when they have Lynch and Wilson who could run the ball. I agree with you guys the worse call in super bowl history. Was so upset last night. The only thing good was we got to see more of Gisele!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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The stupidest call that I have ever witnessed in professional sports, Carroll needs to be fired just for the stupidity of the call, he handed the Patriots the win on a silver platter, he has one of the best running backs in the league and he pulls a stunt like that(could a fix been in the works considering the amount of money bet on the game?), I think that I have had it with the NFL, it's full of thugs(Aaron Hernandez, Ray Rice, etc), convicted Cheaters(Billicheat, fined and stripped of a first round draft pick), liars(Shady Brady), the Patriots(always surrounded by controversy) and stupid people(Carroll), I think that I will stick to baseball, hockey and the CFL, from now on.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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I thought that there was no edge to either side and therefore intended not to bet the Superbowl.

Joe T., on finally finding a WIFI network he could access from under the bridge where he lives, forced me to put money on the Patriots by suddenly reappearing on this forum and announcing his preference. I therefore am not angry about the result.

However, I think that you are all result merchants to criticize Carroll's call. As great as Lynch is as a football player, he might well have lost yards given that the Patriots put 8 men on the line. Carroll figured that if the quick pass was incomplete, no yards and little time would be lost. He would then have two more opportunities to run Lynch and the Patriots might not stack the line on succeeding downs, seeing the pass attempt. Most interceptions after all occur on much longer passes when the defender has more of an opportunity to react.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
it was only a bad call because the ball was intercepted. Hindsight is always 20/20.

This reminds me of my favorite quote by Teddy Roosevelt:

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Congratulations to the Patriots who moments after they looked like they gave the Superbowl away came up with the big interception to win the game. I am a Lions fan and I will never see my team in the Superbowl but I can appreciate good play by others.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Exactly H101. Had Kearse made that catch and went into the end zone all would have been hailing Pete Carroll as the next great thing, it just didn't work out that way. Given that it was 2nd down and they had 1 time out remaining had Lynch not made the end zone they would have had to throw the next time anyway after burning their last timeout.

I liked that Pete Carroll took the blame and stood tall in his assessment of what needed to happen there. I am however ecstatic that it worked out in the Pats favor for once, especially after that ridiculous catch Kearse made on the 5 yard line, shades of David Tyree and a curse were abound at that point.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Just like when Mookie hit the ball to Buckner

We were sure it was over

Best regards



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

...had Lynch not made the end zone they would have had to throw the next time anyway after burning their last timeout.

Numerous sources reported the same information. Lynch had faced the exact same situation 5 times during the year, and he only succeeded once. That's a 20% chance of success based on numbers alone. What many miss is the Butler interception was NOT really a fluke as many suggest. He had made several key plays from the 3rd quarter on, being involved in plays that helped directly in stopping two Seattle drives. This was going on exactly when the Patriots began a succession of 4 straight successful drive stops against the Seahawks...PUNT, PUNT, PUNT, INT. Butler being there at the last Seattle play was no accident. He had well earned his place. There's no way he is on the field at the most critical juncture of the game if he hadn't been very good. Remember, it was he who defended Kearse needing three miraculous bounces to get the ball.

The idea that a seemingly bad decision is the only thing this game turned on is plain NUTS.

I am a Lions fan and I will never see my team in the Superbowl but I can appreciate good play by others.

It will come Hungry though it can seem eternal. I got through 30 tough years with the Patriots and 38 with the Red Sox. Look at us now. :D

The stupidest call that I have ever witnessed in professional sports, Carroll needs to be fired just for the stupidity of the call, he handed the Patriots the win on a silver platter, he has one of the best running backs in the league and he pulls a stunt like that(could a fix been in the works considering the amount of money bet on the game?), ...

You kill me. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :crazy: YOU MAD JOE!!! What an obsession with conspiracy you have. If you don't like something it's a conspiracy. This time the Seahawks, the refs, the NFL or just everyone and everything. At least it's an equal opportunity paranoia. Oh wait, I get it. The bookie won..again. Seeinh what was going on and being in the right place to jump the route for an interception against a guy who has 20 to 25 lbs on you is brilliance with toughness, NOT being handed anything.

Football analysts defend Seahawks’ controversial play call

Everyone from fans to reporters to former NFL players is ripping Seahawks coach Pete Carroll’s play call in the closing seconds of the Super Bowl.

Yet there are a few brave souls who have come out to defend Carroll’s decision, saying that despite conventional wisdom, Carroll’s call made statistical sense. The ultimate result, Malcolm Butler’s spectacular interception of Russell Wilson at the goal line with 26 seconds left, sealed the Patriots’ 28-24 victory.

MORE: Must-see Super Bowl photos | Butler seals Super Bowl with INT | Russell Wilson: 'We thought we had 'em' | Watch fans react to Wilson's game-ending interception

Brian Burke, founder of Advanced NFL Stats, defended the decision in a column Monday on, noting that, "Had Seattle run on second down and failed, it would have had to use its final timeout. This would mean that New England would know a pass was very likely on third down. If that had happened, the Internet would now be bashing Carroll for an entirely different reason.”

Burke echoed Carroll’s statement after the game that the Seahawks had their passing set on the field (three wideouts) facing the Patriots’ goal-line defense, making a pass much more likely to succeed.

MORE: The Tuck Rules: No, it was the worst call ever

Burke isn’t alone in the NFL statistical universe in defending the controversial play call. Alok Pattani, analytics specialist for ESPNStatsInfo, tweeted that, “Execution, i.e. Butler’s great play, had MUCH bigger impact than call, based on prior knowledge. Easy to second guess knowing result.”

Other statistical odds were in the Seahawks favor by passing on that play. First, five times this season, the Seahawks gave the ball to Marshawn Lynch on the 1-yard line; four times he failed to get into the end zone. ESPN also reported Monday that NFL teams this season on the 1-yard line were slightly more likely to score a touchdown by passing than running; teams that passed scored a touchdown 61 percent of the time, versus a 58 percent success rate for running the ball.

Finally, there had not been an interception thrown from the 1-yard line by an NFL quarterback all season.

Then, there is the factor few are talking about: Butler made an exceptional read, break to the ball and interception. It’s the type of play that defies any analysis of probable outcomes.

“We were going to run the ball in to win the game, but not on that play,” Carroll said Monday. “I didn't want to waste a run play on their goal-line guys. It was a clear thought, but it didn't work out right. The guy (Butler) made a play that no one would have thought he could make.”

IE - Butler the defender was an unknown with very real talent. You just don't walk on as a total unknown to a team like the Patriots and be on the field at the most critical moment of the season without having shown a heck of a lot. No way Belichick allows that otherwise, never mind any other coach would feel the same.




Nov 12, 2005
You never know

Best Regards


Oh, Lions fans know... I'm a Brady fan first, Belichick too; and a Lions fan second.

The Lions will be entertaining, but as long as it's in the Ford family, it's cursed. This Ford is not as bad as the last Ford leading the franchise, but still... Detroiters, in all likelihood, can only cheer for Mike Ilitch championship teams, and the accolades are well deserved for that owner, not the Fords.

Caldwell won't take us to the promised land. Calvin Johnson is getting old and showing lots of wear. Suh is just embarrassing with how he conducts himself on the field. Stafford reminds me of Romo, and until he gets smarter, we'll never get out of the first playoff round. Too many good teams in the NFC.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

From the world of the CITY OF CHAMPIONS...would you think the Boston police had a sense of humor? We're having the big VICTORY PARADE on Wednesday because of the double snow storms that made conditions terrible on Tuesday and here is their caution to anyone planning to attend:

Boston Police Dept.Verified account ‏@bostonpolice

#BPDSafetyTip: Tire pressure should be checked in cold weather. Low temps lead to deflation & an unfair competitive advantage for drivers.

LUV IT!!! :lol: :D :cool:


Gronking with Brady.


Julian Edelman and Malcolm Butler going to Disney World

VICTORY is sooooooooooooooooooo SWEEET!!!




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth


Richard Sherman, the blustering wannabe bad ass of the Seahawks gets hit with how it feels. Karma???


I know how this feels, as a fan at least. The Red Sox in "86". The Patriots in "07" and "11". If Buckner fields...If Tyree drops...If Welker catches. Damn that feeling SUCKS. But I wonder how much more it hurts when you make it your mission to be an arrogant bad ass who thinks acting like a jerk is "ALL GOOD" then maybe karma steps in and says..."deal with this". Remember Sherman taunting Brady face to face, and Sherman's tweet: "U Mad Bro!" Of course Brady had done his part by telling Sherman previously the Patriots would win that game in 2012. They didn't and Sherman taunted. Now that the shoe is on the other foot after a much MUCH bigger VICTORY by the Patriots...reconciliation and mutual respect rules??? Probably. Probably always did but competitive juices on both sides made it look otherwise for a while. Now that they each have to deal with being on both sides of winning and losing the big one maybe respect wins.


Sherman has removed his taunting tweets.

Of course someone couldn't help creating a little payback comment:

Now that both know how it is to win BIG and lose BITTERLY..........




Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Ricardo Lockette Blew Super Bowl XLIX???

Don't blame Pete Carroll he only put in the play. Sure he had Marshawn Lynch, who had failed in the same situation 4 of 5 times. Maybe you can't blame Russell Wilson as much as you might want to for deciding to make that throw. When you see that play from the Seahawk backfield the pressure by the Patriots defense had pushed back the Seattle line and made a nice large open clear area to throw a pass to a quick slanting Lockette who looked wide open from Wilson's view. So what the hell happened. Lining up on the play you can clearly see Malcolm Butler mirroring Lockett. THAT"S his man come hell or high water. As the smallest things can change the world Butler has since said he saw Lockette turn his foot telegraphing the direction he was about to run. Butler decided to go with that and you can see he didn't hesitate to go right out and jump the route he believed was coming. A split second late and Lockette almost certainly scores.

Is Lockette really the one who blew it? Belichick amazingly let the clock run. I was stunned, but with so little time that would be left I knew whatever was left would not matter. Belichick decided to let the clock go and make Seattel with one time out rush their play choice. Maybe it was the miracle of Wilson throws against Green Bay that made Seattle say...PASS. Maybe it was the numerous laser throws by Wilson in this game. But there it was Wilson throwing to Lockette. So who lost the game for Seattle??? MALCOLM BUTLER. He saw a clue he believed in and had to choose what to do based on the smallest quirk of a clue. If he is a millisecond late starting off, at the very least Seattle gets another shot and YOU KNOW IT'S Marshawn Lynch this time.

Butler was made to face this play scenario over and over in practice. He was trained to make the read and he DID IT. The haters can make all the excuses they want that Seattle blew it. The truth is BUTLER and the Patriots training TOOK THE SUPER BOWL.



DEFLATE THIS!!! :thumb:

Brady Giving MVP Prize Truck to Malcolm Butler.

A very grateful Tom Brady has promised to give his MVP prize 2015 Chevy Colorado to Malcolm Butler the undrafted walk on free agent from 2nd division University of Western Alabama who sealed the fate of Super Bowl XLIX.


Why not, Butler deserves it and there's plenty left over for Super Brady.







Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Seahawks' Pete Carroll explains ill-fated call in Super Bowl XLIX

I drew the What Was Pete Thinking? straw -- and while every synapse in my brain suspects that Carroll was overthinking the situation, I'm going to tell you what was going through his head.

"Really wish that guys that understand can teach why that situation happened!" Carroll texted. Before we go there, let's set the scene: The Pats had gone ahead by four on Brady's 3-yard touchdown pass to Julian Edelman with 2:02 remaining.

The Seahawks countered immediately, with Wilson finding Lynch on a beautiful over-the-shoulder sideline pass for a 31-yard gain. An 11-yard completion to Lockette on third-and-10 gave Seattle a first down at the Patriots' 38. Then, in a surreal play that caused bad flashbacks all over New England, Wilson went up top to Kearse who, despite tight coverage by Butler, stayed with and somehow managed to catch Wilson's pass while laying on his back -- on the fifth time he touched the ball.

Given that the Belichick/Brady Pats, after winning three championships in a four-year period that concluded a decade ago, subsequently lost a pair of Super Bowls to the New York Giants on the strength of unfathomably difficult catches (David Tyree, XLII; Mario Manningham, XLVI), the apparent completion of this tragic trifecta was too much for anyone associated with the Patriots to bear.

Carroll, with one remaining timeout, did the math and erred on the side of ensuring a maximum amount of chances to get the ball across the goal line while limiting the chances that the Pats would have enough time to counter.

On first-and-goal with one timeout from the 5, Lynch (24 carries, 102 yards) took a handoff to his left and powered inside the 1, and the notion of him not getting the ball again seemed unthinkable. Belichick, with two timeouts remaining, inexplicably elected to let the clock run down, simultaneously eschewing both the let them score on purpose strategy (which he'd employed against the Giants in Indy three Super Bowls ago) and the try to keep them out but save Brady as many seconds as possible tack.

Carroll saw a front stacked against a power run and a matchup he felt he could exploit with a short route against a rookie corner who had zero career interceptions. And he didn't want to run, get stopped short, burn his final timeout and be boxed into calling a pass on third down.

"You could run on 2nd down, call timeout, have to throw on third and score, or incompletion and have to choose (run or pass) on the final down," Carroll texted. "That's ball logic, not 2nd guess logic ... you never think you'll throw an interception there, just as you don't think you would fumble."

And yet: Wilson (12 for 21, 247 yards, two touchdowns), who'd thrown four interceptions in the Seahawks' stunning NFC Championship Game victory over the Green Bay Packers, served up the most painful pick of his short, luminous career. While Seahawks offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell complained in postgame interviews that Lockette "could have been stronger through the ball," give Butler credit for beating him to the spot.

"You see how he jumped it, though?" Irvin said to Seahawks linebacker Bobby Wagner as they stood at their adjacent lockers. "Like he knew it was coming."

As Carroll and I continued our late-night text conversation, I thought I knew what was coming -- until the coach made a point that, while not completely altering my perspective, at least got me thinking. He did it by referencing Wilson's 11-yard touchdown pass to Chris Matthews on a ball that was snapped with six seconds left in the first half, completing a five-play, 80-yard, 29-second drive (you read that correctly) that tied the game at 14 just before Katy Perry took over the field.

"The logic and reasoning (of the second-and-1 pass) is why you throw a TD pass with six seconds left in the half," Carroll said. "You've trained your players to do the right thing, and I trust them to do right."

OK -- I get that, at least.

Get it?

Bill Belichick on Pete Carroll criticism: 'Out of line'

In a Wednesday interview with WEEI-FM in Boston, coaching counterpart Bill Belichick came to Carroll's defense while castigating the most emphatic Monday morning quarterbacks.

"I think there's been a lot of criticism that's I don't think anywhere close to being deserved or founded," Belichick said. "That football team is very good and they're very well coached. Pete does a great job. Malcolm (Butler) and Brandon (Browner) on that particular play just made a great play.

"I think the criticism they've gotten for the game is totally out of line -- and by a lot of people who I don't think are anywhere near qualified to be commenting on it."




Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Exactly H101. Had Kearse made that catch and went into the end zone all would have been hailing Pete Carroll as the next great thing, it just didn't work out that way. Given that it was 2nd down and they had 1 time out remaining had Lynch not made the end zone they would have had to throw the next time anyway after burning their last timeout.

I liked that Pete Carroll took the blame and stood tall in his assessment of what needed to happen there. I am however ecstatic that it worked out in the Pats favor for once, especially after that ridiculous catch Kearse made on the 5 yard line, shades of David Tyree and a curse were abound at that point.

It wasn't that Carroll selected to pass the ball. It was that the pass was in the middle of the field and it should have been a low pass that only the receiver could have caught. The Seahawk offense was tentative at play call.

They had 1 timeout so a failed run would not have been a disaster. They have the best running back in short distances in the NFL.

As I said before, both teams played extremely well. New England came back and took the lead in a game that Seattle could have put away in the third quarter.

If Seattle did not have Marshawn Lynch, I think that Seattle's decision to pass would have been less surprising. But since they passed, the pass should have been towards the sidelines.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

If Seattle did not have Marshawn Lynch, I think that Seattle's decision to pass would have been less surprising. But since they passed, the pass should have been towards the sidelines.

If you look at the video from Wilson's point of view in the backfield starting at 0:43 in slow motion you will see that Lockette appears to be in front of any Patriots and open. From that view it looks at first like a good move to throw. I think what went wrong was Lockette got surprised and out-muscled by a smaller defender because he was trying to make sure he looked the ball in and never saw Malcolm Butler to be ready for the impact that Butler won.


Such are the little things the turn the world.


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