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2014 Official NFL Thread


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

I would agree. I mean just posting article after article is not really a discussion. Then some folks can't converse and have a simple discussion. Unfortunately people tend to immitate "institutions". I learned this reading "From Beirut to Jerusalem". This is why dishonesty is corrosive to a government, sport or any institution. It's not the act, but rather the reaction and results of the act. People will immitate. A classic example is Obama & Liberalism. The effects keep corroding our society. The same can be said of sports. If one team gets away with it or has minimal downside exposure then others will immitate. Even the perception of dishonesty and/or shadiness can be corrosive. Such is the "Bill Belicheat and Tom Shady Brady" debacle. Some idiots think they can just paper over the truth.

Jeez,...Discuss "Football",...

Look at yourself. You never stand by anything you say. "DISCUSS FOOTBALL". Your own kind, Bush Conservatives exonerate Brady and you call your kind idiots. Well, there it is.


May 28, 2012

Look at yourself. You never stand by anything you say. "DISCUSS FOOTBALL". Your own kind, Bush Conservatives exonerate Brady and you call your kind idiots. Well, there it is.



I'm truly sorry for you if you don't see how this relates to football directly at the NFL level. Allow me to put it down at your understanding level. Pro Footballl teams and players are icons and institutions which the public takes its cues from. An example of this is where the NFL players (don't remember the team) came out on the field with their hands/arms up in solidarity with the unfortunate happening in Ferguson. People literally idolize some of these entities. When one does something dishonest or EVEN APPEARS to do something dishonest or "shady" then that impression is transmitted to EVERYONE. And example of these types of tranference can be found in the Cardinals reference above and in college football most famously at the Seminoles, Oklahoma & Penn State. So my post above was directly an illustration about the current state of Pro Footballl. I hate having to actually break something down to a more basic level, but I guess it's sometimes necessary for those with comprehension issues. Hope this helps.....:rolleyes::cool:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I'm truly sorry for you if you don't see how this relates to football directly at the NFL level.

Pure BS!

I don't care how any of your obsessions/phobias possibly relate to this thread. It's a football thread. You were the first to say stick to football, but now because a truly independent entity has in effect cleared Brady and the Patriots, making you and all the hate feeders wrong, you want to be like a certain absent lawyer and deceive yourself about how only you can understand. You were the one who said you really didn't care about any of this yet, here you are making all this effort to pour out another concocted pseudo justification to save yourself. The AEI analysis decision is so hard for you to accept that you'd rather knock down your own than accept facts like a grown man. SAD!!!

All I care about on the so-called Deflategate issue is that there be an honest unbiased look at the situation and a fair evaluation by an unimpeachable party. That has now been accomplished by the American Enterprise Institute's thorough examination. Generally, it agrees with all those who saw the flaws in the Wells Report from the start. That happens to include me. Goodell is now in a very bad position of going against the AEI and looking like a fool, or taking back all of the punishment and looking like a fool. He might save a little bit of "face" by removing the penalties because if he doesn't the case will end up in court making him look like a bigger fool. He did it to himself and he deserves all he gets. .

Now let's look at all this stuff about corrosion:

I just like playing with your head.

You said you don't care about the whole issue, you only played with it for your jollies making you a de facto disturber. So who is acting corrupted, you.

It's not the act, but rather the reaction and results of the act. People will immitate. A classic example is...

YOU! You jumped on the hate bandwagon in a imitation of all the hysterical masses who didn't care about anything but their need to excuse their hate. You imitated every ugly unthinking impulse and corroded right along with the rest into a mass pool of bitterness, still refusing to accept the trutheven though your own philosophical leaders (AEI) has proven the fraudulence of your errors. The results of the act.........your single-mindedness has trapped you in the same faults you denounce.


Last edited:
May 28, 2012
Dude, DD brought it back up. I was just responding and having a conversation. You're way to sensitive for some unknown reason......hmmmm......:lol: I don't intentionally bring it up, but needling you is just a side benefit....LOL

That being said I'll be happy to discuss ANYTHING ELSE in football. I'm particularly interested in where Evan Mathis will end up. This seems to be the lead story among ESPN and others that are talking about football. I wouldn't mind conversing with someone on the new NFL rules set to take effect next year. I'm not sure I like the same teams going to London over and over again. I realize that the NFL is trying to create and guage interest, but it seems like the Fins, the Jets and a few teams teams are consigned to this duty. Seems a bit unfair, but maybe there are benefits I'm unaware of.

The quirkiest story out there is that the Fins recently held practice with the Navy Seals in South Florida and they'll be holding joint workouts with the with the Panthers this year. Seems as though this joint workout theme is picking up steam as a way to keep players sharp.

The dearth of Franchise Quarterbacks is getting to be a major issue and no despite his recent record contract I'm not convinced that Tannehill is a Franchise Quarterback. But I still want to "do" his wife....LOL


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Feb 9, 2004
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Dude, DD brought it back up. I was just responding and having a conversation. You're way to sensitive for some unknown reason......hmmmm......:lol: I don't intentionally bring it up, but needling you is just a side benefit....LOL

That being said I'll be happy to discuss ANYTHING ELSE in football. I'm particularly interested in where Evan Mathis will end up. This seems to be the lead story among ESPN and others that are talking about football. I wouldn't mind conversing with someone on the new NFL rules set to take effect next year. I'm not sure I like the same teams going to London over and over again. I realize that the NFL is trying to create and guage interest, but it seems like the Fins, the Jets and a few teams teams are consigned to this duty. Seems a bit unfair, but maybe there are benefits I'm unaware of.

The quirkiest story out there is that the Fins recently held practice with the Navy Seals in South Florida and they'll be holding joint workouts with the with the Panthers this year. Seems as though this joint workout theme is picking up steam as a way to keep players sharp.

The dearth of Franchise Quarterbacks is getting to be a major issue and no despite his recent record contract I'm not convinced that Tannehill is a Franchise Quarterback. But I still want to "do" his wife....LOL

Yeah, Merlot admonished me in the baseball thread for mentioning football, so I will say it here. Shady Brady is a cheater and deflated footballs to win the super bowl. So how is that different than Arod (do I have to go back to the baseball thread to finish this post? :confused::noidea:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Dude, DD brought it back up. I was just responding and having a conversation.

Your excuse is you imitated an off-subject post thus corroding your integrity. Do you understand what you write?

So how is that different than Arod...

A-Rod found guilty, Brady found not guilty. What's you misunderstanding of this simple fact?

Rodriguez is 100% guilty, not even you deny that. Now that AEI has proven the Wells Report either "FLAWED" or "FRAUD" Brady and the Patriots have been cleared. With that to say otherwise is now a lie. The totally independent and Conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute, the same group that settled the Bounty Gate issue, has basically destroyed the Wells Report on Deflate Gate thus clearing the Patriots and Brady. Denial of a professional unbiased assessment of the TRUTH will not make you look good. Are you now going to reject the findings of the same people who are at the heart of your own political views like verti?

And how is that by now you don't even know what the accusation was, or are you just lying about it? Brady has never been accused of touching the footballs, he's been accused of knowing they were tampered with.




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Feb 9, 2004
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Your excuse is you imitated an off-subject post thus corroding your integrity. Do you understand what you write?

Brady found not guilty.



Merlot? Which alternate Universe do you live in? The NFL found Brady culpable and banned his cheating ass for 4 games. That's a fact, Jack.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth


Merlot? Which alternate Universe do you live in? The NFL found Brady culpable and banned his cheating ass for 4 games. That's a fact, Jack.

You really understand only what you want. The same organization that was the basis of throwing out Goodell's Bounty Gate decision has now thrown out his Deflate Gate decision. The Wells Report is dead already. The only thing that hasn't happened yet is the same official nullification.

I knew you'd dump your own people on this to keep your hate satisfied. Cling to that idiot commissioner if you will. You'll go down together.

One more thing, Goodell would be wise to drop everything against Brady. That way I'm guessing Brady could not bring a case in favor of the Patriots organization itself and that would allow his asinineness Goodell to save face with those team penalties in place.




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Feb 9, 2004
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You really understand only what you want. The same organization that was the basis of throwing out Goodell's Bounty Gate decision has now thrown out his Deflate Gate decision. The Wells Report is dead already. The only thing that hasn't happened yet is the same official nullification.

I knew you'd dump your own people on this to keep your hate satisfied. Cling to that idiot commissioner if you will. You'll go down together.

One more thing, Goodell would be wise to drop everything against Brady. That way I'm guessing Brady could not bring a case in favor of the Patriots organization itself and that would allow his asinineness Goodell to save face with those team penalties in place.



Known as the appeal, Merlot. Goodell is heading the hearing himself, instead of an arbitrator. Prepare for Brady to walk the plank.
May 28, 2012
Does anyone here want to talk about the apparent extreme moves that Chip Kelly is making in Philly? Is the guy just wholesale tearing down the team to create fresh blood? It's not like he was not winning at all. Is it all about salary caps?

The Raiders are making some really good offseason moves, will they finally climb out of the celler of the AFC West? Should they make the move to LA?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Does anyone here want to talk about the apparent extreme moves that Chip Kelly is making in Philly? Is the guy just wholesale tearing down the team to create fresh blood? It's not like he was not winning at all. Is it all about salary caps?

The Raiders are making some really good offseason moves, will they finally climb out of the celler of the AFC West? Should they make the move to LA?

If you want to post something on this go ahead. I have heard about this controversy, but I'm not an Eagles fan with the interest to dig into it on my own. At least this one wouldn't be a bunch of biased BS...I hope.

Known as the appeal, Merlot. Goodell is heading the hearing himself, instead of an arbitrator. Prepare for Brady to walk the plank.

I love your wording. What a gift. And, you are right. He is not an arbitrator in this case, he a hanging judge. The problem with that is the hearing is supposed to be an arbitration appeal on the penalties he imposed, or his minion imposed. You very CORRECTLY identified what that arrangement is as a a 100% setup, A FRAUD by design. It would be the same as your insurance agent deciding to arbitrate your accident claim on their own decision after they decided not to pay it. You nailed Goodell perfectly. This hearing is a FRAME JOB, a lynching. Good one DD. You go boy.




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Feb 9, 2004
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If you want to post something on this go ahead. I have heard about this controversy, but I'm not an Eagles fan with the interest to dig into it on my own. At least this one wouldn't be a bunch of biased BS...I hope.

I love your wording. What a gift. And, you are right. He is not an arbitrator in this case, he a hanging judge. The problem with that is the hearing is supposed to be an arbitration appeal on the penalties he imposed, or his minion imposed. You very CORRECTLY identified what that arrangement is as a a 100% setup, A FRAUD by design. It would be the same as your insurance agent deciding to arbitrate your accident claim on their own decision after they decided not to pay it. You nailed Goodell perfectly. This hearing is a FRAME JOB, a lynching. Good one DD. You go boy.



It's not a fraud or setup. Goodell has said he wants to look Brady in the eye when Brady testifies, because as you well have seen in all of those silly press conferences where everyone who was watching with honest eyes could see Brady was lying through his teeth.

Guilty on Tuesday. Suspension increased from 4 to 8 games.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
I...everyone who was watching with honest eyes...

You got a transplant. Congrats.

...because as you well have seen in all of those silly press conferences where everyone who was watching with honest eyes could see Brady was lying through his teeth.

Even you know you've just been playing games on this whole issue for kicks, just like verti admitted.

Guilty on Tuesday. Suspension increased from 4 to 8 games.

I bet you this won't happen. The bet is the loser stays off the board for a week from the day the decision is announced.C'mon boy, do you have the balls to take this bet...or are you just blowing smoke as usual.

C'mon, bet this,



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Feb 9, 2004
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You got a transplant. Congrats.

Even you know you've just been playing games on this whole issue for kicks, just like verti admitted.


Transplant? No idea what you are talking about, Merlot, as usual.

Nope. No game playing, Merlot. I genuinely think Brady is Shady as they come. So is Belicheat and Kraft, and the rest of the Patriot organization.
May 28, 2012
I bet you this won't happen. The bet is the loser stays off the board for a week from the day the decision is announced.C'mon boy, do you have the balls to take this bet...or are you just blowing smoke as usual.

C'mon, bet this,


M, I'm wiling to take that same bet that Shady Brady will have his punishment ONLY CHANGED OR REDUCED SIGNIFICANTLY, BUT NOT GO AWAY OR BE TOTALLY LIFTED. To quote you, DO YOU HAVE THE BALLS? Are you that confident in your defenses that you're willing to put a week (or maybe a month!!) on the line? I AM. I mean maybe we should nickname you Bruce Jenner (or BJ) for short.


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Apr 29, 2004
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Yup pretty much figured that.

You figured incorrectly.

In fact, it was Joe.T who has been barred from this forum for NOT paying a gambling debt and boasting about it here. As for Merlot, he cancelled a bet with Joe.T on the season after seeing the latter's boast. The cancellation was early in that season when there was no advantage to either party. Stiffer.T voiced no objection to the cancellation until the season was over and then harassed Merlot for payment as the former would have won.

EDIT: What part of my past warnings did you not understand? You are referencing, once again, a past event where you welched on a bet and throwing it in another member's face. If you do this one more time, or post about betting on sports in any way, your next post will be after the World Series is over. As it is, you are suspended for 1 week for acting like a child.



Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

You figured incorrectly.

Joe T. has been barred from this forum for NOT paying a gambling debt and boasting about it here. As for Merlot, he cancelled a bet on the season after Joe boasted about stiffing early in that season when there was no advantage to either party. Stiffer.T voiced no objection to the cancellation until the season was over and then harassed Merlot for payment as the former would have won.

Let's have the actual details cleared up. Joe.t cheated you on a bet of $360 then shamelessly boasted along with his buddy party boy about cheating you. When Joe did that he cancelled the bet automatically. All I did was remind Joe and everyone no bets can exist with anyone proven to be totally dishonorable as Joe did when he welched on you. The basis of any bet is HONOR. Joe never had any honor. But yes, he never disagreed with my factual point until he shamelessly tried to collect. Is there much that's more preposterous than a welsher who got banned from the board for his shameful dishonorable behavior like Joe.t trying to collect anything.

M, I'm wiling to take that same bet that Shady Brady will have his punishment ONLY CHANGED OR REDUCED SIGNIFICANTLY, BUT NOT GO AWAY OR BE TOTALLY LIFTED.

Your syntax is off. You say the "same bet". The same bet is what mr. chicken refused to back up. It's an increase in the suspension to 8 games. I'm waiting for anyone except Joe and his buddy with no honor to say yes to that bet.

What you meant to say is you want the same 1 week punishment terms, but you want to change the bet to something I stated months ago will happen, which is the same suspension or a slight reduction. I'm not going to bet against my own thinking. If you have balls then try something against what I have said, not the same thing. I don't think Goodell has the honor or integrity to do what is right and remove the suspension.

I would bet that if/when Brady takes the case beyond Goodell the entire suspension is removed. DD is now banned from taking part in that because he was too chicken to stand by his own words.


May 28, 2012
Frankly M, your post is so confusing that who would bother to bet with you. If you bother to read my posts in this thread you'll see that I've kept a consistent opinion on the matter. I'm not going to restate it in full here because I actually want you to take 10 seconds and find it yourself. But I'll summarize it, "I think Brady should be suspended for 2 weeks for failing to FULLY cooperate with the NFL, not for cheating". You can sit there all day and yell at the top of your lungs that Brady's not a cheater. Don't f--king care. He deserves two weeks for not properly cooperating, thus he's an ASSHOLE, not a cheater. But then many of the folks I post with on various chat boards are ASSHOLES.

P.S. The reality and fact is, regardless of his innocence or guilt, the nickname "Shady Brady" is going to be around for a while. After this issue is over, expect to see a full court press by the Pats and Brady's people to promote an honest perception of him just like Hillary is doing right now. The only difference is that I don't think Brady got anyone killed....:amen:

P.S.S. I've updated my signature just for you M.
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