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Ask us anything part 3

Julia Sky

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
Have you had to use an exit plan just in case things get super creepy when alone with a client?
Don’t really have to go into details

If by "exit plan" you mean grabbing my stuff and leaving, yes, I've done that before.

I don't think it's very nice to ask people questions about (or related to) the potentially traumatic things they've gone through though.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
What do you mean by that?
It means that you can’t really ask “anything” as the title of the thread implies.
That being said common sense dictates that there are some questions that should not be asked and this thread was meant to be an informative thread and much of it is actually helpful.

Julia Sky

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
It means that you can’t really ask “anything” as the title of the thread implies.
That being said common sense dictates that there are some questions that should not be asked and this thread was meant to be an informative thread and much of it is actually helpful.

Yeah, common sense isn't so common sometimes... haha.

My question was rhetorical in a way. I was just wondering where we draw the line because obviously some things don't need to be asked, like "have you ever been alone with a dangerous client?" or "what's your real name?". Asterisk or not, like you said it's just common sense!


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Sep 8, 2020
Nachoy has been mostly asking questions that are immature or not well intentioned. Most of the time I just ignore them.

Yes ask anything but also use your head, most people don’t want to relive their trauma just to satisfy your curiosity.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012

If you send a deposit via X gift card, the SP has to cancel and sends you a Y gift card by mistake instead of a X gift card. Same amount on both cards, would you say you have been ripped off?
??? Unless I'm wrong, it's not a thread about SPs asking questions...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Let’s say at the end of the session, you would like a repeat visit from this client ?
How do let him know?
I just end all good sessions with, I hope to hear back from you soon. I wouldn't say it if I didn't feel like that, I don't leave bad visits saying I hope they contact back.
How often do you sense that a client will repeat?
I don't, when they contact me back I see it as an ego boost that they want me back again, but I always leave a visit assuming it might likely be the last time I ever see them.
And are you right more often than not ?
I get callbacks, so I guess I am right and wrong. For many we are just 1 time trial fun, and for others they are looking for people they can repeat with. It's about being what is needed at the moment, and accepting and being fine with that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2022
Have you had to use an exit plan just in case things get super creepy when alone with a client?
Don’t really have to go into details
Everyone has had the need to use an exit plan at one point or another. This is not a question to be asking, unless your looking for a victim who doesn't have the strength to leave when they feel they should.

A few times I have showed up and left, before even entering the person's appartment, because of the creepy vibe they gave off before even reaching 'behind closed doors'.

Just because someone is willing to pay for time or services, doesn't grant them the right to make an SP uncomfortable, cross boundaries, or even demand acceptance too their poor behavior.
I would hope my sister's, brothers, and other gendered siblings in this line of work, know they do not have to tollerate someone who makes them uncomfortable enough to count as creepy or dangerous, and have the complete right to walk away if they feel that is the right decision for them.

We meet all sorts. And absolutely some need to be walked away from and turned down.

Julia Sky

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Have you had to use an exit plan just in case things get super creepy when alone with a client?
Don’t really have to go into details
Since this is ask anyone anything, I can answer your question from the perspective of my 3 years delivering pizza in a large city while employed as a manager of a pizzeria. Back in my 20s. Which was a long time ago.

I frequently went on the road on Friday and Saturday nights, and I did deliver pizza to some pretty creepy houses, with creepy clients. I did have an exit plan which was to remove the pizza from its thermal pouch, place on the front porch and run to my car, which I would sometimes keep running depending on the neighborhood. This exit plan assumed I was paid up front. If not I would run with the pizza in hand, or drop it if it was deemed to hinder my attempts at emulating Ben Johnson.

One time a guy did try to rob me. I was in a dicy neighborhood. I made the delivery. I was walking back to my car and he was walking behind me. He saw my uniform and the pizza sign on my car. He said "hey! Can you give me a ride back! My brother Billy works there with you." Problem was he didn't know I was manager rather than just driver and I knew we didn't have anyone named Billy on staff either that night or any night. I looked behind me and saw I was way closer to my car than he was to me so I ran to car, got in and floored it!

More often though my exit plan revolved around dogs. I will risk the attendant trauma to relive one such experience. I delivered the pie and on my way back to the car, discovered someone had let their pit bull out. The pit bull saw me, let out a low growl. It was not leashed and I realized this was gonna get hairy. I was between my car and the pit bull and I realized a full sprint to the car would likely beat it. I went into a full sprint and the pit bull went into chase mode. It was just like the movie Fletch. I got in the car just as he got to my car. It didn't jump on the hood like the dog in Fletch did, but just stood next to my car loudly barking and looking at me. It looked like it was daring me to come back out the car. I stuck my tongue out at it, and drove off.

I was shaken by the last experience and didn't go back to that neighborhood for deliveries. Too dicy of a neighborhood and I just told the residents we expanded the no delivery zone and they could pick up their pies. They usually did.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
One time a guy did try to rob me. I was in a dicy neighborhood. I made the delivery. I was walking back to my car and he was walking behind me. He saw my uniform and the pizza sign on my car. He said "hey! Can you give me a ride back! My brother Billy works there with you." Problem was he didn't know I was manager rather than just driver and I knew we didn't have anyone named Billy on staff either that night or any night. I looked behind me and saw I was way closer to my car than he was to me so I ran to car, got in and floored it!

who knows what Billy's brother had in mind for you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
Yeah, common sense isn't so common sometimes... haha.

My question was rhetorical in a way. I was just wondering where we draw the line because obviously some things don't need to be asked, like "have you ever been alone with a dangerous client?" or "what's your real name?". Asterisk or not, like you said it's just common sense!

where do we draw the line. precisely... does it not sppear different for everyone in the audience to varying degrees. so an asterisk would /should minimize these hiccups better than presently nothing. can save from unneeded flareups, not eliminate.

don't offer sorta absolutes when it's not. some people like to test validity of claims with absolutes.

not defending nachboy, dunno of his prior posts/patterns... took his post as only reading the title, he even had a sort of asterisk to his own q about no details...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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who knows what Billy's brother had in mind for you.
Nothing good but most likely robbery. This is why we always told the drivers to turn in the cash once they had over a $200. We did have 2 guys get robbed in the 3 years I was there - both at gunpoint.

I think robbery is an issue outcall SP need to worry about too. Who can forget the Craigs List Killer dude. He specifically targeted SPs late at night when they were at the end of a shift. He assumed they had all the cash made that day on hand. Remember the SP tried to grab his gun and he shot her in the ensuing struggle.
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Julia Sky

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
where do we draw the line. precisely... does it not sppear different for everyone in the audience to varying degrees. so an asterisk would /should minimize these hiccups better than presently nothing.

Are you sure that there isn't a disclaimer (which you'd need to read to know why there's an asterisk anyway)? I may have read the first post wrong then... ;)
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Jul 5, 2008
An ohh shucks Jethro don't forgit to removin them thar fingars b4 shotin da dor


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
Are you sure that there isn't a disclaimer (which you'd need to read to know why there's an asterisk anyway)? I may have read the first post wrong then... ;)
You may have read the first post (of the thread?) but pretty clear not everyone :)

An asterisk is just gonna flag the title of the thread conveniently, irrespective of the page in view (regardless of first to current page)... a person subsequently knows without have to go to whatever page, in your case you are alluding the page 1 of thread, that there is a 'caveat'

to the title " ask me anything (does not mean everything)..."

whether that person then cares to really know by locating the requisite page describing the exact desccribed limitations, .... that's up to them.

Try it, if it doesn't work just remove the asterisk back to square one then.. no harm done beyond which already has been done with the inadvertant flareups.

or course, the asterisk takes away a bit of the allure, of a title "ask me anything"...

doesn' it possibly quite.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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or course, the asterisk takes away a bit of the allure, of a title "ask me anything"...
There is no asterisk, it is "ask us anything", in fact some guy even asked about my experiences delivering pizza in an American city in the 1980s when I had to visit creepy or scary customers, and he liked my response. The only thing I neglected to mention was that all those pizzas were delivered in a 1984 Dodge Omni, which was not exactly the ideal escape vehicle. For those of you who were born after and have no clue about this car, here it is- it's now as extinct as the dinosaurs:

Julia Sky

Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
Clients : what are the 16 digits of your credit card? As well as the expiry date and cvc please.

Also clients : what's your wife first and last name?

Oh what's that? Can't ask this type of question? I thought it was ask anything :(
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