Montreal Escorts

At some point, the cap gotta stop


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
To who ever booker handle the text messages for them women, Yall gotta Stop with the BS. If a woman I requested an appointment with is not available for whatever reason, just tell me. Dont lie. I wont fuck the SP that opens the door and look nothing like who we agreed too... You waisted both my time and the lady that was in the condo....


Incall Downtown Montreal & outcall anywhere
Supporting Member
Sep 8, 2020
You mean agencies need to stop with the “bait & switch”?

You can ask but their main goal is to make money, some are more honest than others. If you knew the woman you wanted wasn’t available, would you have proceeded with the booking? Probably not. So they think AH it’s better if we say nothing and send him another girl.

P.S: I know it’s not fair and that it sucks. I would be pretty disappointed too if it happened to me


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
You mean agencies need to stop with the “bait & switch”?

You can ask but their main goal is to make money, some are more honest than others. If you knew the woman you wanted wasn’t available, would you have proceeded with the booking? Probably not. So they think AH it’s better if we say nothing and send him another girl.

P.S: I know it’s not fair and that it sucks. I would be pretty disappointed too if it happened to me
Still bad buisness in my opinion because I didn't go foward with the appointment, considering I was duped. That SP could have been available for someone who really wanted to see her. I felt bad for her as it wasn't her fault. But by standing my ground I sent a message. And I beleive that if all man Who gets dupped the say way stand their ground, such practice by the booker in agencies will stop. It was the first time this happend to me aswell. Most booker I delt with will disclose if an SP' available or not.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
To who ever booker handle the text messages for them women, Yall gotta Stop with the BS. If a woman I requested an appointment with is not available for whatever reason, just tell me. Dont lie. I wont fuck the SP that opens the door and look nothing like who we agreed too... You waisted both my time and the lady that was in the condo....
Why don't you call out a specific situation, naming the agency or provider?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
Why don't you call out a specific situation, naming the agency or provider?
It happend once and I still do wanna have an appointment with the SP I selected with this agency. By being specific, I risk of putting myself in jeopardy and sustain retaliation by that booker who wont answer my text message in the future just because I exposed him on that post.

Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
It happend once and I still do wanna have an appointment with the SP I selected with this agency. By being specific, I risk of putting myself in jeopardy and sustain retaliation by that booker who wont answer my text message in the future just because I exposed him on that post.
That's why it'll never stop!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2017
I understand that you don’t want to call them out. But like @Giselle Montreal mentioned, that’s why it will never stop.

I am also fed with some of the crap when dealing with some agencies.
Lately I also became disillusioned with agencies, which is why I have switched to seeing Indy’s. I was also afraid to call them out, for fear of being blacklisted. It’s difficult if only one person criticizes them (for fear of backlash), it would have to be done by many clients who’ve had issues.

The agencies know that there are plenty of clients, so sometimes they don’t care about providing good customer service or being polite, since demand exceeds supply.

I’ll give a couple of examples of issues with agencies, without listing the specific agency.

I heard that sometimes when a popular SP cancels her shift, they leave her listed as available that day. Why? So that when clients try to book her, they’ll say that she’s fully booked and try to let the client book another (less popular) SP. Sad!

Some bookers are quite rude at times, especially during busy times. I heard from others as well. When they’re less busy (winter months), they’ll bend over backwards trying to accommodate the clients. When they’re busy, they couldn’t give a crap (even about supposedly good clients), and they are less patient and less accommodating.

Anyway, I’m booking less with agencies these days. I don’t have the patience to text trying to book a popular SP (along with hundreds of others), only to wait and wait to be told she’s fully booked. SMH.

Much easier to deal with Indy’s, and IMO worth the price difference!
To each their own. My 2 cents!


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
I understand that you don’t want to call them out. But like @Giselle Montreal mentioned, that’s why it will never stop.

I am also fed with some of the crap when dealing with some agencies.
Lately I also became disillusioned with agencies, which is why I have switched to seeing Indy’s. I was also afraid to call them out, for fear of being blacklisted. It’s difficult if only one person criticizes them (for fear of backlash), it would have to be done by many clients who’ve had issues.

The agencies know that there are plenty of clients, so sometimes they don’t care about providing good customer service or being polite, since demand exceeds supply.

I’ll give a couple of examples of issues with agencies, without listing the specific agency.

I heard that sometimes when a popular SP cancels her shift, they leave her listed as available that day. Why? So that when clients try to book her, they’ll say that she’s fully booked and try to let the client book another (less popular) SP. Sad!

Some bookers are quite rude at times, especially during busy times. I heard from others as well. When they’re less busy (winter months), they’ll bend over backwards trying to accommodate the clients. When they’re busy, they couldn’t give a crap (even about supposedly good clients), and they are less patient and less accommodating.

Anyway, I’m booking less with agencies these days. I don’t have the patience to text trying to book a popular SP (along with hundreds of others), only to wait and wait to be told she’s fully booked. SMH.

Much easier to deal with Indy’s, and IMO worth the price difference!
To each their own. My 2 cents!
The problem is that some of these SP in agency are so dead gorgeous I dont understand why they dont go Indy....I know its more simple and shit administrative wise but they could ask for more money indy. I just wanna see one SP in the whole agency and have to through the booker...
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The problem is that some of these SP in agency are so dead gorgeous I dont understand why they dont go Indy....I know its more simple and shit administrative wise but they could ask for more money indy. I just wanna see one SP in the whole agency and have to through the booker...
Trust me it’s not as easy as it seems to be. Someone with zero organizational skills would be a total failure as an indy. Many women in this business have trouble making it to the next day. I’ve met dozens of women in this business over the past 25 years whom i figured could be successful as indys. However they just didn’t feel like going through the bullshit (their words) in becoming & being an indy. Others had other reasons like personal security figuring it was safer for their well-being if they worked for a good reliable agency. Others were afraid jacking up their rates would lead to losing some of their favorite clients. Using me as an example one time i attended an industry party & a girl i had seen a few times through a popular agency approached me & asked me why we hadn’t seen one another in over a year…since she had left to become an indy. She had remembered me being pleased for her that she had made that decision & wished her the best. I told her the truth: the main & only reason i hadn’t tried to see her since was that her rates were now double what they were at the time we used to see one another. That was the reason. She then told me that she may have agreed to see me at a discounted rate. I replied that there was no way for me to know & I wasn’t going to be a cheapo & beg for a discount. That would be beneath me (especially when i could afford her higher rates). I also told her i would likely refuse anyway since i’d feel i’d be taking money away from her when she could see anyone else & make more money than if she’d be seeing me. She took my explanation well & we ended up becoming good friends & we occasionally ended up going out on platonic dinner dates.

And finally many ladies i’ve met over the years who did try the indy route were often overwhelmed with the extra work required & either went back working at an agency or had to hire a secretary to take care of their bookings. So if you factored in their new expenses as indys (paying a secretary, transportation costs, etc) they weren’t making as much as they had anticipated & didn’t really feel as secure since many potential clients were turned off by their screening methods. It’s actually much more simpler to make a one-minute phone call to an agency in order to see someone instead of going through the screening process & having to divulge personal info about yourself.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2020
Trust me it’s not as easy as it seems to be. Someone with zero organizational skills would be a total failure as an indy. Many women in this business have trouble making it to the next day. I’ve met dozens of women in this business over the past 25 years whom i figured could be successful as indys. However they just didn’t feel like going through the bullshit (their words) in becoming & being an indy. Others had other reasons like personal security figuring it was safer for their well-being if they worked for a good reliable agency. Others were afraid jacking up their rates would lead to losing some of their favorite clients. Using me as an example one time i attended an industry party & a girl i had seen a few times through a popular agency approached me & asked me why we hadn’t seen one another in over a year…since she had left to become an indy. She had remembered me being pleased for her that she had made that decision & wished her the best. I told her the truth: the main & only reason i hadn’t tried to see her since was that her rates were now double what they were at the time we used to see one another. That was the reason. She then told me that she may have agreed to see me at a discounted rate. I replied that there was no way for me to know & I wasn’t going to be a cheapo & beg for a discount. That would be beneath me (especially when i could afford her higher rates). I also told her i would likely refuse anyway since i’d feel i’d be taking money away from her when she could see anyone else & make more money than if she’d be seeing me. She took my explanation well & we ended up becoming good friends & we occasionally ended up going out on platonic dinner dates.

And finally many ladies i’ve met over the years who did try the indy route were often overwhelmed with the extra work required & either went back working at an agency or had to hire a secretary to take care of their bookings. So if you factored in their new expenses as indys (paying a secretary, transportation costs, etc) they weren’t making as much as they had anticipated & didn’t really feel as secure since many potential clients were turned off by their screening methods. It’s actually much more simpler to make a one-minute phone call to an agency in order to see someone instead of going through the screening process & having to divulge personal info about yourself.
Good take

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You mean agencies need to stop with the “bait & switch”?

You can ask but their main goal is to make money, some are more honest than others. If you knew the woman you wanted wasn’t available, would you have proceeded with the booking? Probably not. So they think AH it’s better if we say nothing and send him another girl.

P.S: I know it’s not fair and that it sucks. I would be pretty disappointed too if it happened to me
I agree with your statement.

Bait & switch has always been around & will always be part of the business. The business is there to make money. And the client has the option to refuse the replacement if he wishes to. I’ve even met some bookers/agency owners who sent a replacement not necessarily for money but because they didn’t want to disappoint the client, especially of he was an agency regular.

Personally i’ve had a handful of “bait & switches” over the years & i must have been very lucky since every simgle one of them turned out great & even became regulars. Even the top agencies have done this. The first time it happened to me i was supposed to see an average looking brunette & instead a tall absolutely gorgeous blue-eyed blonde showed up. She had just finished her shift at one of Mtl’s top stripclubs & even offered to leave of i chose not to see her. I felt i had struck gold! Another time i wanted to see a regular at xxxtase & Martin called later telling me that she had fallen ill & cancelled her shift. He had someone waiting at home near where i was waiting for his call to go ahead & come & see me. At first i declined bit a few seconds later i changed my mind & told him ok to send her over. OMG! She became my favorite xxxtase girl & for a two-year period i saw her every time i’d be in Mtl & she even introduced me to a couple of her lady friends in the biz! Another time it was with Devilish…the girl i wanted to see cancelled on them. The booker offered to send me a girl they had just hired. I declined. He then said that she was hot & he’d see himself if he wasn’t working. I said really? He replied that she was smoking hot & the best part a very grounded girl. So i figured why not take one for the team. OMG! I think i fell madly in love that night for two hours & ended up seeing her a couple more times at another agency before she quit & moved away!

What bothers me the most are pictures & descriptions that don’t reflect the actual girl. I feel that this does the girls a disservice. It creates expectations that are usually too high & unfortunately the girls end up taking the blame when it’s not really the girls’ fault. One time i saw a girl who had facial pics on the agency’s website. However the girl i saw looked totally different. She was attractive but her hair was blonde instead of darker, she didn’t wear her flasses & facially looked different. She was also smaller bodywise than her pictures indicated. When i met her i asked her if she was the same girl. She promised me that she was. I was skeptical & she told me that when we’d finish the deed she’d show me old pictures she had on her phone. Turns out she was right. It was the same girl but she had changed a lot physically over the past 2 years. I told her maybe the agency could update her pictures but she was leaving the biz to attend college elsewhere in a couple of weeks so it didn’t matter. I remember really hitting it off with her & finding out from her that her mother was aware of the business she was in. I was surprised & she replied that she had her mother’s blessing because her mother had also been an escort. That caught my attention. When i asked when she admitted that her mother was still in the business! Wow! I wondered if i had ever met her mother & she told me i likely had but she refused to give me more details or show me a picture of her. She did say that her mother was now in her late 30’s but could easily pass as being in her early 30’s. She said her mom still looked great! Lol
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"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
This is a clear example of bait and switch. I am unsure which agency you are dealing with. The agency I work with does not give you the runaround and informs you in advance if any issues arise with the service provider. If you wish to avoid being misled, it is essential to engage with a reputable agency.


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
The problem is that some of these SP in agency are so dead gorgeous I dont understand why they dont go Indy....I know its more simple and shit administrative wise but they could ask for more money indy. I just wanna see one SP in the whole agency and have to through the booker...
personally i could not work for an agency because the high volume would bother me, but working at a spa or for an agency has it's advantages.. you are protected (supposedly), you have a space to work in, you don't need to screen clients or even advertise much.. being an indy is mentally exhausting but at least i dont have to see 5-6 clients a day which would lower the quality of my service. i went independent very fast in my career as a sp and i'm still learning a lot. but it's taught me a lot of skills that are really valuable in other areas of my life, like my career as an artist and setting boundaries with people in my life, being more organized and disciplined etc :)


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
personally i could not work for an agency because the high volume would bother me, but working at a spa or for an agency has it's advantages.. you are protected (supposedly), you have a space to work in, you don't need to screen clients or even advertise much.. being an indy is mentally exhausting but at least i dont have to see 5-6 clients a day which would lower the quality of my service. i went independent very fast in my career as a sp and i'm still learning a lot. but it's taught me a lot of skills that are really valuable in other areas of my life, like my career as an artist and setting boundaries with people in my life, being more organized and disciplined etc :)
Indy entails a multitude of responsibilities and tasks, such as booking, advertising, hotel arrangements, and driving, among others. Some service providers ,may lack the patience required to navigate through these tasks. Moreover, Indy may come with a hefty price tag, resulting in slow booking processes, as some service providers prioritize volume and hassles free. In my perspective, if you possess the skills to effectively manage your own business, then it may be a worthwhile endeavor in the long term. You could potentially earn the same amount or even more compared to working for an agency and handling a high volume of customers. Not everyone possesses the patience or mindset necessary to successfully run a business, which is why they opt to work for agencies.
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
Trust me it’s not as easy as it seems to be. Someone with zero organizational skills would be a total failure as an indy. Many women in this business have trouble making it to the next day. I’ve met dozens of women in this business over the past 25 years whom i figured could be successful as indys. However they just didn’t feel like going through the bullshit (their words) in becoming & being an indy. Others had other reasons like personal security figuring it was safer for their well-being if they worked for a good reliable agency. Others were afraid jacking up their rates would lead to losing some of their favorite clients. Using me as an example one time i attended an industry party & a girl i had seen a few times through a popular agency approached me & asked me why we hadn’t seen one another in over a year…since she had left to become an indy. She had remembered me being pleased for her that she had made that decision & wished her the best. I told her the truth: the main & only reason i hadn’t tried to see her since was that her rates were now double what they were at the time we used to see one another. That was the reason. She then told me that she may have agreed to see me at a discounted rate. I replied that there was no way for me to know & I wasn’t going to be a cheapo & beg for a discount. That would be beneath me (especially when i could afford her higher rates). I also told her i would likely refuse anyway since i’d feel i’d be taking money away from her when she could see anyone else & make more money than if she’d be seeing me. She took my explanation well & we ended up becoming good friends & we occasionally ended up going out on platonic dinner dates.

And finally many ladies i’ve met over the years who did try the indy route were often overwhelmed with the extra work required & either went back working at an agency or had to hire a secretary to take care of their bookings. So if you factored in their new expenses as indys (paying a secretary, transportation costs, etc) they weren’t making as much as they had anticipated & didn’t really feel as secure since many potential clients were turned off by their screening methods. It’s actually much more simpler to make a one-minute phone call to an agency in order to see someone instead of going through the screening process & having to divulge personal info about yourself.
it's interesting because i am somebody who really struggles with organization, and being an indy sp has taught me organizational skills that i apply like i mentioned above to several other areas of my life :)... i do deal with a lot of bullshit as an indy but it's also incredibly rewarding. obviously i keep my rates affordable..
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
Indy entails a multitude of responsibilities and tasks, such as booking, advertising, hotel arrangements, and driving, among others. Some service providers ,may lack the patience required to navigate through these tasks. Moreover, Indy may come with a hefty price tag, resulting in slow booking processes, as some service providers prioritize volume and hassles free. In my perspective, if you possess the skills to effectively manage your own business, then it may be a worthwhile endeavor in the long term. You could potentially earn the same amount or even more compared to working for an agency and handling a high volume of customers. Not everyone possesses the patience or mindset necessary to successfully run a business, which is why they opt to work for agencies.
for me it's a question of well-being. when i worked at a spa i was not feeling good mentally and physically. i could not choose my clientele. seeing multiple clients in a row was very hard for me mentally, physically and emotionally. yes a lot of things i deal with as an indy are annoying but at least i have a lot of free time, i get treated very well by my clients most of the time, my mental health is so much better because i have time to recover if a date goes wrong instead of having to deal with another client right after.. when i was working both at a spa and as an indy i didnt even make more money than i do now. i imagine it would be the same if i worked for an agency. to each their own, i totally understand why some people prefer working for agencies but i like working for myself and being my own boss :) this is how i like to function in life.. i've never liked working for somebody, i like doing things my own way and being my unique self.
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