I despise this topic. People need religion in our era of scientific magic when smart phones do amazing things and 99% of people do not understand how. When all major religions are fading some pseudo-scientific theories such as communism, scientology or Church of the Global Worming substitute them. Unlike science, which is domain of a few, the religion is a mass movement that do not require from its followers any specific knowledge or training and is based basically on believes and mass hysteria. Any scientist by nature is a sceptic even in the topic of his proficiency. But there are no sceptics among followers of the Church of the Global Worming. We are all doomed, amen. Sure, follow your 15 years old prophets, they have the knowledge from above. The science is not a democracy where the conclusion is decided by the majority vote. Quite opposite, very often minority or even a single descending opinion is right. It is a long and convoluted process and it is not finished yet.