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Climate change


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
I despise this topic. People need religion in our era of scientific magic when smart phones do amazing things and 99% of people do not understand how. When all major religions are fading some pseudo-scientific theories such as communism, scientology or Church of the Global Worming substitute them. Unlike science, which is domain of a few, the religion is a mass movement that do not require from its followers any specific knowledge or training and is based basically on believes and mass hysteria. Any scientist by nature is a sceptic even in the topic of his proficiency. But there are no sceptics among followers of the Church of the Global Worming. We are all doomed, amen. Sure, follow your 15 years old prophets, they have the knowledge from above. The science is not a democracy where the conclusion is decided by the majority vote. Quite opposite, very often minority or even a single descending opinion is right. It is a long and convoluted process and it is not finished yet.

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
When all major religions are fading some pseudo-scientific theories such as communism, scientology or Church of the Global Worming substitute them.

I think you are making some good points, but I don't agree with this one. I don't think that the global warming bullshit is meant to substitute religion. In my view, it aims to be a substitute for other left-wing theories, like communism, that were thoroughly discredited. And it does indeed attempt to masquerade as science, true.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I despise this topic. People need religion in our era of scientific magic when smart phones do amazing things and 99% of people do not understand how. When all major religions are fading some pseudo-scientific theories such as communism, scientology or Church of the Global Worming substitute them. Unlike science, which is domain of a few, the religion is a mass movement that do not require from its followers any specific knowledge or training and is based basically on believes and mass hysteria. Any scientist by nature is a sceptic even in the topic of his proficiency. But there are no sceptics among followers of the Church of the Global Worming. We are all doomed, amen. Sure, follow your 15 years old prophets, they have the knowledge from above. The science is not a democracy where the conclusion is decided by the majority vote. Quite opposite, very often minority or even a single descending opinion is right. It is a long and convoluted process and it is not finished yet.

I promise that this will be my last post in this thread. ^^^This is the greatest post I have seen on MERB regarding the climate crisis. Can I use this MinutemanX? I couldn't agree more. BTW Bred - If you read Sapians, Noah Harari talks about political movements as if they are modern religions. He considers the religion of communism as a complete disaster. The latest religion is liberalism.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ You need balls to join.
Aug 18, 2019
I despise this topic. People need religion in our era of scientific magic when smart phones do amazing things and 99% of people do not understand how. When all major religions are fading some pseudo-scientific theories such as communism, scientology or Church of the Global Worming substitute them. Unlike science, which is domain of a few, the religion is a mass movement that do not require from its followers any specific knowledge or training and is based basically on believes and mass hysteria. Any scientist by nature is a sceptic even in the topic of his proficiency. But there are no sceptics among followers of the Church of the Global Worming. We are all doomed, amen. Sure, follow your 15 years old prophets, they have the knowledge from above. The science is not a democracy where the conclusion is decided by the majority vote. Quite opposite, very often minority or even a single descending opinion is right. It is a long and convoluted process and it is not finished yet.

Excellent critical take on this complex subject. I especially enjoyed the “church of worming” comment, lol.
I for one don’t really know what will happen in the next 50 years or so and probably the majority of us will not be here to see the consequences of man’s influence on this small planet. But I suspect there will be changes lol.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Think about this. A massive asteroid is about to crash into earth killing mankind ( ok, peoplekind ). The UN decides to impliment an asteroid tax and the world will be saved.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Think about this. A massive asteroid is about to crash into earth killing mankind ( ok, peoplekind ). The UN decides to impliment an asteroid tax and the world will be saved.

you have too much faith.
powers would do what they do best ,crunch numbers and probably realize tehere is nothing they can do.
so the elete would be hurried to underground bunkers and we would be left literally in the dark till ground zero.
prior to that they would delare a emergency on gas and make the price a zillion times more expensive to get as much before the end
is a scheme which always worked in the past.
and the blind sheep would pay.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Sitting in Drummondville having my morning coffee, watching the news about the snowstorm in California while it is raining heavily outside. Wonder how much the carbon tax needs to be increased so this never happens again.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
Sitting in Drummondville having my morning coffee, watching the news about the snowstorm in California while it is raining heavily outside. Wonder how much the carbon tax needs to be increased so this never happens again.
well the lat ice age was casued by what exactly if carbon cant be blamed
this enviroment bullshit is like them jacking the price of gas for no reason because they can do it and get away with it

next thign they will have a sex tax adn when people astain from that they will implament a mastrubation tax

we already have a stupidity tax the quebec lottery


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Between global warming and falling iguanas I guess it’s not the best time to be visiting Florida , but if already there a hat or a helmet should do the job ... only the sunshine state can come up with nutty stories like this one !!


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
I wonder why any guys still buy tickets to go see the Auto show this year? and why still Formula F1 in Montreal huh ? if you said cars pollutes then boycott them !
ten Thousands of people go down the streets protesting climate change, and the same people go to auto show and go to Formula 1 ! bunch of hypocrites ! How dare you! How dare you !


Nov 1, 2019
I despise this topic. People need religion in our era of scientific magic when smart phones do amazing things and 99% of people do not understand how. When all major religions are fading some pseudo-scientific theories such as communism, scientology or Church of the Global Worming substitute them. Unlike science, which is domain of a few, the religion is a mass movement that do not require from its followers any specific knowledge or training and is based basically on believes and mass hysteria. Any scientist by nature is a sceptic even in the topic of his proficiency. But there are no sceptics among followers of the Church of the Global Worming. We are all doomed, amen. Sure, follow your 15 years old prophets, they have the knowledge from above. The science is not a democracy where the conclusion is decided by the majority vote. Quite opposite, very often minority or even a single descending opinion is right. It is a long and convoluted process and it is not finished yet.

With views like that, please tell me you are not a scientist. Science isn't based upon skepticism; it's based on the scientific method, based on evidence. When 97-99% of scientists believe human induced global warming to be real, the remaining 1-3% aren't skeptics; they're either stubborn, or dishonest unless they can develop and publish research to the contrary.


Nov 1, 2019
Sitting in Drummondville having my morning coffee, watching the news about the snowstorm in California while it is raining heavily outside. Wonder how much the carbon tax needs to be increased so this never happens again.

Ask the Australian citizens if climate change is real. Their continent and koala bears have been fried to a crisp with wildfires, with the resulting smog affecting large parts of the world
Aak California vineyard owners about climate change, as their growing seasons get warmer and force them to alter their winemaking processes. That is, if their vineyards haven't been burnt to the ground by ever worsening wildfire seasons.
Just thought I'd check in here again, and yes you guys are still in the dark lol

Bred Sob

New Member
Jan 17, 2012
Science isn't based upon skepticism; it's based on the scientific method, based on evidence.

Wow, this seems to be a real breakthrough. Or is the distinguished professor by any chance singing from the wrong sheet? His prior invaluable contributions to this thread (those he made before committing his ritual self-immolation) all but convinced us that science is based on total disregard for common sense, logic and factual accuracy. And of course repeating the same delusional claims over and over again no less than 15 times. Way to go, professor!

But of course we need to give the guy credit where it's due. Science isn't based upon skepticism. Everyone knows that science is based upon marching with the herd and following the party line. Four legs good, two legs bad.

C.B. Brown

Nov 29, 2019
Right here
With views like that, please tell me you are not a scientist. Science isn't based upon skepticism; it's based on the scientific method, based on evidence. When 97-99% of scientists believe human induced global warming to be real, the remaining 1-3% aren't skeptics; they're either stubborn, or dishonest unless they can develop and publish research to the contrary.
Please when a group scientists get together and present their theories they never look at other facts nor can they all agree on the below 5 points.

1. Do clouds intensify climate change?

2. Sea levels are rising – but how fast?

3. Should we be worried about carbon in soil?

4. Will oceans keep absorbing carbon dioxide?

5. Just how much are we responsible for all this?

as well if a theory does not suit them you are shunned in the scientific community when you could be the 1 person who is right and the others wont budge on their point of view.
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