Greatly lower? Can you please show some evidence of us being able to greatly lower the impact. That is just a bunch of false shit.
Haha I love these homework assignments you give me that never change your mind anyway.
We've been through all this before on this thread.
When i have time I Might look up the recommendations on carbon emissions reductions necessary to prevent the future temperature from rising above a certain level. If it rises above that level, then catastrophic changes will occur.
Look around you, the evidence is everywhere:
Wildfire seasons are like sci-fi movies in Australia, California; States like Alaska, Washington, and Oregon are dealing with wildfires that they have little prior experience nor knowledge how to combat.
Venice is chronically flooding, and its population fleeing piecemeal.
The Great Barrier Reef is almost dead
The huge kelp forests in Tanzania are almost dead too
Glaciers around the world are disappearing
Scientists give us another 10-12 years or so to stop the carbon emissions. If we do that, then the climate change will likely stabilize.
But carbon emissions worldwide hit a record in 2019, breaking the previous record set in 2018.
Aside from the world's increasing population, we are hitting certain tipping points that are accelerating carbon emissions. For example, melting permafrost is releasing previously frozen CO2. And the rampant wildfires do the same.
We need a worldwide coordinated effort to deal with this crisis, and the US is traditionally the world's leader in these situations. But we have a corrupt clown as POTUS, so this next election will actually determine the future of the world in many ways.
You can sit back in cold Montreal, STN, and laugh away at climate change because you are insulated from its effects. But coastal and island cities and nations are scared shitless, as are nations where water is becoming more scarce and temperatures unbearable.
BTW, you want evience? Be a student and google this stuff. Try to understand the world around you, and think about other people's welfare.