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Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
People like me? Are you fucking kidding me.
Show me one instance when I called him a racist. Show me one instance when I was upset that he banned flights from China. He is a lot of bad things but I don`t believe he is a racist.
You on the other hand dude, based on evidence of previous posts, are a racist when you call this a China virus and in a previous comment accusing two thirds of Africans of having AIDS and bringing AIDS to America .

Don't want to touch your quote and get chastised by the Mod, but your last 17 words are the essence of a liberals fake news type of post ... you find it, you post it ... will be waiting. A verrrrry long time

No NB, I never would have posted that ....

Oh "head in the clouds' took "people like you" to mean he did ... guess I hit nerve with the inference ....

Think the media is really banging the drum TOO loudly on bashing this drug that a Jewish doctor in a rural area of NY came up with as a potential aid to people with this china virus in his community ... and Trump, would NOT be speaking out on giving it a try and elevating it;s use if he did NOT have confirmation from respected people - The Media is NOT respected and part of greater agenda ... make different in Canada ... you tell us, but in America the media HAS become the enemy of the people spreading fake news instead of investigating and reporting.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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Seems US Covid-19 shutdowns may be prematurely eased in as early as 4 weeks based on questionable data esp. fr NYC:

Falling Hospitalizations Rates - Nearing capacity, NY emergency rooms r reportedly turning away patients that would have been hospitalized a week ago. Similarly, overextended ambulance personnel are also dissuading would-be patients from going to hospitals. Basically unless a person cannot breathe, he/she isn’t going to be hospitalized.

Reduced Ventilator Usage - The number of people dying at home have spiked. Many elderly people suffering fr serious Covid-19 symptoms r choosing to die at home w/ family closeby rather than alone in a cold hospital room.

Number of Covid-19 Cases - Testing has still not taken off and is understating the true number of cases. Suspected Covid-19 patients r not being tested, often turned away and told to come back only if conditions dramatically worsen. People who die at home r also not being tested. Even frontline medical staff are having problems getting tests. Hospitals are also wary of testing their nurses & doctors for fear of losing too many of them to quarantine.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I agree. I'm quite aware of the dangers of spreading the coronavirus and understand why governments are doing what they're doing. Personally i'm considered an essential worker so i continued to work while i fully knew i have the choice to quit and stay home. But i'm willing to make the sacrifice and i want to enjoy the rest of my life as much as possible instead of being locked up like a dog in my house. The beauty of living in a country like Canada is that i still get to chose for myself.

I am also an essential workers and have to go to work. But you see that is the thing the government is stripping away our choice and using this COVID-19 situation to justify themselves. We do have more freedom then the other places compared what they did in China and Morocco but here they are progressively getting more restrictive. Legault even said to be monogamous. It is moving towards an Orwellian society. That indeed is the beauty is to have the choice to take the risk or not and right now they limited a lot of our choices.

Doc Holliday

Hopelessly horny
Sep 27, 2003
Show me one instance when I was upset that he banned flights from China?

Actually that's another Trump lie. He never 'banned' flights from China. He simply applied restrictions where people from China were not allowed to fly into the US. But Americans were free to flie to & back from China anytime they wanted & after the 'restrictions' were announced at least 40 000 passengers entered the country from China with barely any screening at the airports.

Many countries had already imposed a full-out ban on flights from China before Trump chose to impose his restrictions.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Boris is out of intensive care. Which is good news we do not want an important leader as him or even trump to die from this. It would generate too much fear and panic (and beside I do not want anyone to die...).


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
Actually that's another Trump lie. . . .

Many countries had already imposed a full-out ban on flights from China before Trump chose to impose his restrictions.

It seems the virus went to Europe, particularly Italy, from China, and many New Yorkers traveled to Europe and brought the virus to NYC and the rest of America.

"New research indicates that the coronavirus began to circulate in the New York area by mid-February, weeks before the first confirmed case, and that travelers brought in the virus mainly from Europe, not Asia.

"The majority is clearly European,” said Harm van Bakel, a geneticist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, who co-wrote a study awaiting peer review.

A separate team at N.Y.U. Grossman School of Medicine came to strikingly similar conclusions, despite studying a different group of cases. Both teams analyzed genomes from coronaviruses taken from New Yorkers starting in mid-March."

"On Jan. 31, President Trump barred foreign nationals from entering the country if they had been in China during the prior two weeks.

It would not be until late February that Italy would begin locking down towns and cities, and March 11 when Mr. Trump said he would block travelers from most European countries. But New Yorkers had already been traveling home with the virus.

“People were just oblivious,” said Adriana Heguy, a member of the N.Y.U. team."

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I was in Madrid 27/2 only I think 5 cases and a whole hotel on the Canary Islands was quarantined. I was more concerned about getting stuck in a hotel for two weeks vs catching something. Woke up next day it jumped to 15 cases I think and 7 were in Madrid. Got an email from work essentially saying time to get the fuck out. Wouldn’t be surprised if all that shit in NY came from Europe. That gig in Madrid was once in a lifetime, woulda been fun as fuck and woulda gladly have done it for free, but whatcha gonna do?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
I believe he is into theatrical to get sympathy. He was blamed for his initial position on herd immunity. I do not believe he has it.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Trump: "Big Bang" Reopening of the USA on May 1

This actually is a very shrewd move by Trump:

Trump has no authority to reopen the United States-it's up to the individual Governors, who will probably keep things shut down and be seen by the Cloud500s of the world as the Orwellian bad guys. This will enable Trump to argue, come election time, "hey! I was ready to give you your jobs and freedoms back, but your Governors would not let me." I believe he would actually convince Cloud500 to vote for him with this argument, if Cloud500 was an American. But the point is he will convince many like-minded individuals. The Governors will be the economic hardship fall guys. Trump will be seen as the guy who wanted to give everyone their freedoms back, but was thwarted from doing so.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
I have two questions regarding COVID-19

First question: is it a good idea or not to receive our favorite at home, keeping two meters between us?
We could ask her to undress gradually, like streaptease, and after we talk naked.

Second question: if your answer is yes, what percentage of her regular rate should I give for this type of session?


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Let's say you coughed up the money to buy a Lamborghini and had it delivered to your house. You would sit there and look at it? Not go within touching distance? Have the attendant start it and let you hear those 12 cylinders rumble and sing to life and NOT go sit in it or even drive it? Then watch as they load it back up and haul it away?

If you answered YES to any of that ... go get a mental health screen.

Want to invite a gal over, pay her anything and not bang the gong, ride the pony, flog the weasel ... sit and look at he naked? There's alway Red t Ube dude ... let me introduce you to roses palm ... much cheaper !!


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Look which governors will want their states to remain "closed" for anything and then look to see their party affiliation. If you don't think that this has many undertones about what is happening in the U.S. this year and ultimately on November 5th, you really are in a cave and swim in the river of denial.

Hack, Trudeau has said Canada to remain closed all 2020 ... that should bode real well for all the horn dogs here aching to invite working girls over just to look at them 6 feet apart (eye roll) ....

Did the math for one state - using the number of deaths posted from this chia virus against their state population ... guess what .... equates to .0004% ... want know where it stands against flu, motor vehicle, suicide, and les not forget just they typical gun happy weekend in the hood of the south and west side ...


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
This actually is a very shrewd move by Trump:

Trump has no authority to reopen the United States-it's up to the individual Governors, who will probably keep things shut down . . . Trump will be seen as the guy who wanted to give everyone their freedoms back, but was thwarted from doing so.

I was thinking the same; it seems Trump 2020 Reelection Team has begun running the White House.

I'm torn. Intellectually, I appreciate what the scientists and medical professionals are saying, but emotionally, I'm pissed off and want my local small businesses, including restaurants and gyms, to reopen sooner rather than later, but I'm scared shitless about getting Covid-19, which can cause some victims' immune systems to overreact to the point of shutting down all vital organs leading to death.

The 1918 pandemic had three waves, folks, with each subsequent wave substantially deadlier.

Here's another disheartening news from today:

"SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korean officials on Friday reported 91 patients thought cleared of the new coronavirus had tested positive again.

Jeong Eun-kyeong, director of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), told a briefing that the virus may have been “reactivated” rather than the patients being re-infected.

South Korean health officials said it remains unclear what is behind the trend, with epidemiological investigations still under way."



Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Let's say you coughed up the money to buy a Lamborghini and had it delivered to your house. You would sit there and look at it? Not go within touching distance? Have the attendant start it and let you hear those 12 cylinders rumble and sing to life and NOT go sit in it or even drive it? Then watch as they load it back up and haul it away?

If you answered YES to any of that ... go get a mental health screen.

Want to invite a gal over, pay her anything and not bang the gong, ride the pony, flog the weasel ... sit and look at he naked? There's alway Red t Ube dude ... let me introduce you to roses palm ... much cheaper !!

First, I understand your comparison very well, but my favorites don't compare to a Lamborghini.

And all the guys who are going to answer yes, all have mental problems.
For example, so all the guys who subscribe to OnlyFans and who pay to watch these videos while masturbating in front of their screens, are idiots.

I think that masturbating in front of your favorite, live is much more pleasant.

I am a man who respects the confinement instructions, and you?

It would certainly be nice for me, but for them too, and it would not only be a question of money, but it would help.


Active Member
Sep 22, 2011
Patron ... nothing there indicates an intent to keep Utah closed down now does it ... liberal twist to defray the topic at hand. Typical.

ShyMan .... guess the chosen screen name says it all ... live in fear, die in fear. The sky CAN fall too, a car CAN hit you crossing the street, an undetected aneurysm CAN kill you over night .... or a bad china flu CAN keep you from getting laid.

sene5hos ... agree 1,000% ... those paying to watch some babe on her OnlyFans is truly desperate ... specially when you can tap Red_T ub_e and get the same end result for FREE Not sure what you mean by your favorites are not comparable to a Lambo ... Ferrari perhaps, please don;t say VW Jetta!

And SuitGuy .... you just wait ... white Obama will do to you what our last morin did to us for 8 long years ... grab ankles, and it won't be a SP giving you an 'extra' service either!

jeff teliska

Active Member
Feb 26, 2013
Native Land
There were 3 national polls , between April 2nd and April 7th , ( Quinnipiac , Morning Consult and Monmouth University ) and on average ,

Approval rating on handling the crisis :

Fauci ( 78% )

Governors ( 69% )

Trump ( 44% )

Source : 538
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