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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
They never knew where it originated from. The first known case was in the United States. But many theories leads to France or China (again...).

There's some research that shows that the H1N1 flu may have actually started as early as 1915. Many believe it originated from some army base in Kansas in March 1918 but as you mentioned there are other researches which indicate it may have occured first in Europe or China.

According to Trump injecting yourself with disinfectant or bleach may work in killing the virus.

Personally i'd seriously advise against it. Not a good idea!


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
According to Trump injecting yourself with disinfectant or bleach may work in killing the virus.

Personally i'd seriously advise against it. Not a good idea!

You are wrong it works! They should follow is advice and inject themselves disinfectant it will kill the virus for sure as it will kill you as well.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I like the tweet response by Marseille Immunology center:
“In the same way, we suggest that self-immolation by burning could be a useful alternative!“


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
According to Trump injecting yourself with disinfectant or bleach may work in killing the virus.

It will kill the virus , dissolve your organs and turn your eyes white.
How many idiots are going to kill themselves by following his musings.

In Iran there was a rumour that alcohol will kill the virus. 800 died by drinking rubbing alcohol.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Some in the media are doing this too. I used to have more respect for CNN, but their daily pot-shots at Trump show their bias.

Yeah right... And now if you look on Foxnews there is absolutely nothing regarding Trump's ridiculous use of disinfectant to cure yourself... That's incredible but on the other hand maybe they have done that to protect their viewers as they would be stupid enough to follow his advise....


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Indeed, yet another bullshit on Trump's ridiculous use of disinfectant to cure you. I made my comment this morning in another thread about Trump.


Nov 12, 2017
It will kill the virus , dissolve your organs and turn your eyes white.
How many idiots are going to kill themselves by following his musings.

In Iran there was a rumour that alcohol will kill the virus. 800 died by drinking rubbing alcohol.

Less idiot... would that really be a bad thing? I look forward to watching the media ask Trump if he willing to try on himself to show it cause no harm! Gonna be one interesting press conference.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yeah right... And now if you look on Foxnews there is absolutely nothing regarding Trump's ridiculous use of disinfectant to cure yourself... That's incredible but on the other hand maybe they have done that to protect their viewers as they would be stupid enough to follow his advise....

I just watched Fox news talking about it. Please note: He asked a question. It was a stupid one but it was a question. This was not advice. Sort of like chemo. How does that work? True chemo kills everything. Thank God that now there are more targeted treatments. How about vaccines? For vaccines they inject dead virus - oh my!!!! Read about the first rabies vaccine....Oh my!!!

In Michigan we can now go on boats with motors, buy grass seed and paint, plant in our gardens and hire out lawn care and even travel to our remote hunting cabins.


May 5, 2006
I think its inevitable this virus must spread and we should protect the elderly because they die like 97% of them

by isolating them, the time the population catch it and build an immunity system unless you want to stay in quarantine until a vaccine comes out in 12 to 24 months & thats If the virus doesn't mutate. There is just no choice to open up the economy, which mean school because parents have to work. I wouldnt be worry if i was under 70 years old. Its been proven, old folks are at risk.. we have to build a system to ensure they are safe, while we can work and live because the psychology and economic consequences are way worst.

Plus i want a massage :p


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
^we dont even know that there is lasting immunity that develops as a result of an infection. its just speculation

and people under 70 should definitely worry about getting it. there is just no guarantee that youll have mild symptoms. someone at work caught it and was out of commission for 20 days. in his mid50s, got so sick that he almost had to go to the hospital

we cant say indoors forever but things cant resume as they were before the crisis started. massages and seeing escorts just wont fit in the picture for a long while


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
I just watched Fox news talking about it. Please note: He asked a question. It was a stupid one but it was a question. This was not advice. Sort of like chemo. How does that work? True chemo kills everything. Thank God that now there are more targeted treatments. How about vaccines? For vaccines they inject dead virus - oh my!!!! Read about the first rabies vaccine....Oh my!!!

ok then maybe you can drink a bottle of bleach if you catch covid-19 and let us know how that worked out for you after


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I just watched Fox news talking about it. Please note: He asked a question. It was a stupid one but it was a question. This was not advice.

I really don't know why he goes on these ramblings that makes absolutely non sense. I really think he does it to make himself look knowledgeable. He sounds like a senile grand-pa!

Later in the briefing he says the USA have done more testing then all other country combined. It takes 1 second to find the proof this is completely not true. But he does not care about a lying every 3 sentences. In fact he does not know how to say the truth. He has no clue. A life of lying makes you reverse what's a lie from what's true.

He is absolutely really dangerous for America.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
People over 70 are at the highest risk of dying , but the majority of the 20% that end up in the hospital are under 60. Also many of those suffering heart, kidney and stroke complications from covid are under 40.

On another topic . The death rate for different countries as stated by some on this thread is misleading or false. It varies from 0% in some non democratic countries to 10% in Italy and Spain. Germany often quoted as having 0.5% is actually 3.5 % now since nursing home deaths were added in. Obviously 0% is under reported by a fearful government.

BTW Viet Nam has not had one death and its not because of herd immunity. They took the virus seriously back on February the 1st.
Shutting borders to flights, shutting schools and closely monitoring those who fell ill and their contacts. This was happening while Trump was calling the virus a hoax, Canada was letting in people from Iran and Italy with no follow up. Not a fucking care in the world for many. It took way too long for some to figure out that this was more, much more than just another flu.

Just to give you guys some perspective....this thread was started just a week before Viet Nam was taking steps to make them an example of how to do things right.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
ok then maybe you can drink a bottle of bleach if you catch covid-19 and let us know how that worked out for you after

And who the fuck suggested this?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
In Quebec there is 1 460 hospitalized with Covid-19. Who have infected 4000 healthcare workers. Quite incredible when you look at it that way.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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In Quebec there is 1 460 hospitalized with Covid-19. Who have infected 4000 healthcare workers. Quite incredible when you look at it that way.

What you need to ask, and tell us, is whether pre Covid-19 pandemic, there were 460 total empty hospital beds in Quebec. Hospitals should know what their typical bed occupancy rates are. If it is typically 460 or less empty beds, then your system is on the cusp of being overwhelmed.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
EB I wrote 1460 and not 460. But I do not see your point regarding empty beds versus the current situation? Hospital in canada know there capacity perfectly well, and knew they needed to prepare for the worst.

But still that is not the point. The point is for 1 patient hospitalized with the virus nearly 3 health workers caught it. That is a huge problem!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Jalimon it's simple math. If you have 1,460 empty hospital beds in Quebec before the pandemic then you can absorb the cases you have without being overwhelmed. If less than 1,460 then you are on the cusp of being overwhelmed. That's the point. This is what you need to find out and report to us.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Yeah right... And now if you look on Foxnews there is absolutely nothing regarding Trump's ridiculous use of disinfectant to cure yourself...

The presidents statement along with him trying to play it back as a joke was pretty foolish, I agree. But, what’s really happening is that CNN and MSDNC are jumping all over the least important part of the press conference so that the public doesn’t hear about the good stuff that Bill Bryan, the head of the science and technology directorate at the Department of Homeland Security was saying.

There was good news that came out of the press conference, but the Trump haters would rather report the bullshit instead of something good for a change:
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