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Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
I wonder if anyone bothered to read the actual text of the Supreme Court's decision. I found the dissent penned by Chief Justice especially illuminating. The legal doctrine on which he is apparently basing his reasoning seems to be accessible to mere mortals, it reads: Kick The Can Down The Road! Why bother, Roberts writes, when Cuomo has agreed to redraw the zones, so those pesky Catholics and Jews should be happy already. Why do we need to do any work when who knows if he reinstates the restrictions or not. If he does, then come back again and we will find another reason to do nothing. Let's have beer and chips or perhaps pinot noir and brie, life is beautiful. (Not his exact words, rather my reading of them.)

In any other line of work, a person writing this document would likely be considered a lazy fuck, but hey, here, as we are reliably informed, we are in the presence of a distinguished legal scholar, so we must memorize it and from now on use it as a reference. Impressive beyond belief, no question.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
I never went to law school but thank you. Look, civil liberties are a beautiful thing my luvs. However, it’s not a license to be an asshole. It’s as plain an simple as that. Now if you will excuse me I need to go pack for my flight...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Sorry but I do not agree with this. The whole fucking world is doing business on Zoom and Churches and Mosques and Temples can't? Strip clubs, bars and gyms can't do online. Houses of worship can. What you are saying is it is OK for a bunch of 70 plus year old technophobes to foist their lazy ass way of doing business down on the rest of the country. It's total bullshit and the vote was 5-4 (with Roberts, the one sane Justice, in the minority) only because Trump succeeded in stacking the Court. We need to have a few of the old technophobes who embrace 20th Century business methods die, so that new blood can be brought in, plain and simple.

I am sorry but God is OK with online services during Covid pandemic and if you say otherwise you are saying God is fucking STOOPID and are guilty of blasphemy 1st Degree.

I never heard of Zoom before March and now all of my business is on Zoom and you are telling me these neanderthals cannot adapt like I did? Sorry- neanderthals need to have happen to them just what happened the real neanderthals- EVOLUTION LEFT THEM BEHIND!

And even my GF who goes to a Pentecostal Church every Sunday agrees with me!!!! Because she understands technology and knows that God does too!
I agree with this as much I agree that a girl that enters a paid financial agreement with a man is a girl friend.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
The group that Trump appointed seem to be different
That would be putting it rather mildly. Gorsuch's concurring opinion is apparently quite critical of Roberts and his political trickery, although it's not easy for an outsider like myself to appreciate just how critical. The decision, however narrow it might appear, is obviously quite consequential. It signals that Trump's appointees are now fully in charge.

Here is an excellent WSJ editorial dealing with the subject.

While the 5-4 order is welcome, it is disappointing that the ruling wasn’t 9-0.



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
What is going on in the United States is insane. Small business, the flywheel of our economy, is watching their businesses figuratively and sometimes literally, go up in smoke. The government does nothing to protect your investment when the mob shows up to loot or burn your investment to the ground. The only thing that you can do is to board your investment up and stencil "WE SUPPORT BLACK LIVES MATTER" on the plywood in an effort to appease the mob only to learn that appeasement is very much like what the great Winston S Churchill said is like feeding a crocodile with hopes that it will eat you last. If your business survives this than the government shuts you down due to COVID. If you are a restaurant you can have outdoor dining. You invest all this money to make an outdoor restaurant. The scientists say that the positivity rate is very low and not a significant contribution to the spread of the virus but the government comes along again and shuts this down because it will make them look like they are doing something even though it makes no difference. They shut schools in the same manner even though the positivity rate is ~0.2% and this makes no difference. The parents, that are lucky to still be working, have no way to watch their kids. Their kids by the way, are no longer learning. All you can do is pray...Now the geniuses want to close places of worship and are ready to back this up by arresting these people that enter a house of worship? You say "WHERE THE FUCK WITH YOU WHEN THE MOB WAS BURNING DOWN MY RESTAURANT?"

The Left doesn't follow the Science. It follows scientists of whom they agree with because it supports a
narrative. If there is no debate, there is no science.
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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Roberts recently did a fancy legal maneuver (I don’t know the term for it, as I am definitely not a legal scholar) where he concurred with the conclusion of other judges in a pro-choice case, but not their reasoning behind it.

It's actually not a fancy legal maneuver, it happens all the time in concurring opinions and is usually the reason for a separate concurring opinion.

Roberts is is an excellent Judge because he understands the role of the Supreme Court Judge. It is no different than a baseball umpire. He used that very analogy and once commented, "it's my job to call balls and strikes, and not to pitch or bat." The problem with you guys is you want to see Judges who pitch and bat, who in effect are tools for the President or else a certain policy agenda. They are not legislators nor are they serving a regulatory function. Nor is it their job to predetermine outcomes or look at a case and say, "we are going to use this to overrule Roe v. Wade." That would be stepping out of the umpire role and grabbing a bat and swinging at a pitch, something umpires are not allowed to do. Their job is to examine and interpret and evaluate a law that has been put in issue whether it be case law, statutory law, administrative law or sometimes executive orders. They evaluate its legal propriety based on the precedent law at hand.

There is a lot more to the Roe v. Wade decision than what you mentioned. They used a scientific analysis of the 3 trimesters of pregnancy and created a series of legal framework analyses for each of the 3 trimesters. Ultimately Roe v. Wade is rooted in the 10th amendment, even though they got there through a privacy right found in the penumbra of rights in the 14th amendment due process clause. Under the 3 trimester analysis, during the third trimester, abortions can be prohibited entirely so long as the state law contained exceptions for cases when they were necessary to save the life or health of the mother. So under that analysis they left it up to the States to regulate it, because the federal government is not involved in, nor should it be, in determining whether someone can abort a fetus/baby/child. They simply set up an analysis for evaluating State laws which do so and each State is free to do what they wish within that framework of analysis.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
If I was Cuomo I wouldn’t take this Supreme Court decision lying down.
He should immediately close down all New York airports in retaliation as it is obvious all these people flying in are Catholics and Jews trying to attend religious services now that the court has ruled in their favour.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
It seems like some are politicizing the Supreme Court decision. Those comparing this to other movements and who may feel as if their “bathed in Jesus blood” are more likely bathing in a pool of their own semen and moisturizer. Even the pope wrote an op ed about how he’s on side of science.

Cuomos decision to take the action he did was based on large, non socially distanced gatherings in the Hasidic Jewish community. There was one wedding with over 1000 people expected to attend, lol. Wtf? You can claim shit like we want to give people the ability to make their own decisions but when they are not, what are you supposed to do? I guess Cuomo coulda shut that community religious gathering down and maintained others who are having gatherings which are socially distanced and having people wearing masks. I’m not really for punishing everyone for one group not goin along

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
They should move the religious sermons into airport waiting areas and have travelling priests and rabbis on airplanes
Problem solved, where there is a will there is a way.
Cuomo is a fucking hypocrite of the highest order, everything he does is to benefit Cuomo at a later stage in his career.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I still don't understand why religions cannot conduct their services through Zoom just as all businesses are. Cuomo did act because NY does have large enclaves of Orthodox Jews in NYC, Westchester and Rockland Counties and they have been assembling in a manner that completely disregards all reasonable Covid protocols. Why do you think we are dealing with the surge we are dealing with? It's because certain people have not followed any reasonable protocols and have caused massive superspread events that become a problem for everyone. It's the same reason that Governor Lamont enacted the $10,000 fine executive order- you have a few bad apples that caused massive super spread events like the Hamden club that allowed a fistfight in their parking lot with 500 maskless onlookers that cops took over 30 minutes to disburse. The Hamden club was shut down but those incidents are why we have the $10,000 fine rule. People were shocked that something like that could happen but this is what happens when people are left to their own devices and laws are not being followed. Organized religions are businesses and they hold events to make money and they should be following the same rules as everyone else and not hiding behind constitutional provisions that have absolutely no application to these circumstances. Theirbright of assembly is NOT being interfered with. Everyone is free to do business and assemble online
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
First I am not religious and have no stake in this but I can understand both Catholics and Jews being pissed at not being allowed more than 10 people in their house of worship ( yes this has been changed but it could have been reversed anytime) while it is ok to have thousands in crowded airport lounges, over 100 on flights with little distancing or none and most box stores operating almost at full capacity and having all schools open to name just a few that make no sense.
Either you try to apply fair rules for everyone and rules that can be understood or it won’t work.

Unfortunately most governments politicians try to apply hybrid solutions that seem to show they are doing something and doing a lot of political posturing as well for future considerations.
Basically Cuomo is a fucking hypocrite and people are wise to him and they challenged him in court.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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First I am not religious and have no stake in this but I can understand both Catholics and Jews being pissed at not being allowed more than 10 people in their house of worship ( yes this has been changed but it could have been reversed anytime) while it is ok to have thousands in crowded airport lounges, over 100 on flights with little distancing or none

OK I will agree with this as I personally flew to Florida end of September due to a family emergency and what you said about airports and flights was 100% correct- I was in 3 airports, Hartford, Philadelphia and Tampa, Philadelphia was the absolute worst as far as crowds and American Eagle flights had zero social distancing. So the airline industry is getting a pass but the only reason I was traveling was an emergency. Honestly I don't know how I traveled through all
of that and didn't get Covid, but I did obtain 2 negative tests and quarantined 14 days on my return, and it was a legit quarantine under our rules.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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One thing though- I don't think the States can regulate the airline industry, the Federal Government does (the FAA) so that comparison doesn't make Cuomo a hypocrite because he has no power to regulate the airline industry as far as I know.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
You are correct the FAA controls the airline industry although I am not sure whether or not a Governor of the sate has the power to shut down an airport due to a pandemic seeing as this situation has never come up.
This is kind of touchy as people coming in and infecting others through airports doesn’t have much to do with the usual stuff the FAA deals with.
It would be interesting to know who has the right to do this.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
One thing though- I don't think the States can regulate the airline industry, the Federal Government does (the FAA) so that comparison doesn't make Cuomo a hypocrite because he has no power to regulate the airline industry as far as I know.
What makes governor Cuomo a hypocrite is having his mother over for Thanksgiving while telling everyone else not to do it. He did walk it back and not have his mother over, but it's total hypocrisy. It's ok for the mama's boy governor to see his mom but not anybody else in the state of NY. Do as I say, not as I do!

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