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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2006
My only point is that there are other states besides Texas, Florida, and South Dakota that could be in the conversation about COVID. And I've never seen so much coverage of the Sturgis bike rally in my life. There's plenty of large gatherings all over the country. There's no doubt why the media picked this event. All large events happening in all of the states is an issue.

Agreed. I think we were lucky that Delta didn't have it's foot in the door yet when the Habs were playing.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Aucune opinion dans ce post, seulement des données. Dans le lien ci-bas vous trouverez les données sur les différents pays.
Je n'ai gardé que le taux de mortalité pour 100,000 habitants. Certains chiffres peuvent à première vue sembler étonnant. Pourquoi si peu de morts en Afrique? Le virus original frappait surtout les gens de 70 ans et plus. Malheureusement l'espérance de vie des Africains est souvent en deçà de 60 ans... Bien sûr, les conditions climatiques peuvent aussi favoriser ou au défavoriser la résistance et la contagion du virus. Les données fournis ne sont pas toujours fiables par manque de moyens ou autres. Perso, j'ai été heureusement surpris que le Canada performe aussi bien qu'Israël.
Je vous laisse tirer vos propres conclusions.
Si vous consulter le site original (John Hopkins University) vous verrez que les pays sont justement classés par le taux de mortalité pour 100,000 habitants.

Source :

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is through exposure to respiratory fluids carrying infectious virus.
Exposure occurs in three principal ways: (1) inhalation of very fine respiratory droplets and aerosol particles, (2) deposition of respiratory droplets and particles on exposed mucous membranes in the mouth, nose, or eye by direct splashes and sprays, and (3) touching mucous membranes with hands that have been soiled either directly by virus-containing respiratory fluids or indirectly by touching surfaces with virus on them.

Prevention of COVID-19 transmission:
These include physical distancing, community use of well-fitting masks (e.g., barrier face coverings, procedure/surgical masks), adequate ventilation, and avoidance of crowded indoor spaces.
These methods will reduce transmission both from inhalation of virus and deposition of virus on exposed mucous membranes.
Transmission through soiled hands and surfaces can be prevented by practicing good hand hygiene and by environmental cleaning.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
Aucune opinion dans ce post, seulement des données. Dans le lien ci-bas vous trouverez les données sur les différents pays.
Je n'ai gardé que le taux de mortalité pour 100,000 habitants. Certains chiffres peuvent à première vue sembler étonnant. Pourquoi si peu de morts en Afrique? Le virus original frappait surtout les gens de 70 ans et plus. Malheureusement l'espérance de vie des Africains est souvent en deçà de 60 ans... Bien sûr, les conditions climatiques peuvent aussi favoriser ou au défavoriser la résistance et la contagion du virus. Les données fournis ne sont pas toujours fiables par manque de moyens ou autres. Perso, j'ai été heureusement surpris que le Canada performe aussi bien qu'Israël.
Je vous laisse tirer vos propres conclusions.
Si vous consulter le site original (John Hopkins University) vous verrez que les pays sont justement classés par le taux de mortalité pour 100,000 habitants.

Source :

I always look at numbers from economically disadvantaged countries with a pinch of salt since they just don't have the resources (physical test kits, labs or personnel) to test their populations completely. In some countries, testing is not free either so poor people can't even afford to get tested.

So the numbers could be dramatically higher. The best measure IMO is to look at excess mortality - the recorded # of deaths above the expected # of deaths.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
^^^^^^^ Your comment is very pertinent. Although in some countries, specially African ones where there are a lot of civil wars and other health issues, it is difficult to conclude from where the difference in global mortality comes from. But I think we can trust numbers and directly compares Canada with US, France, UK, Germany and similar countries with equivalent GDP and health services.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2009
^^^^^^^ Your comment is very relevant. Although in some countries, specially African ones where there are a lot of civil wars and other health issues, it is difficult to conclude from where the difference in global mortality comes from. But I think we can trust numbers and directly compares Canada with US, France, UK, Germany and similar countries with equivalent GDP and health services.

The US #s are suspect since health is a state responsibility and some of the state politicians have a political interest in keeping COVID casualties understated.

Back in June, academics estimated that deaths in the US was 300,000 short of the real #.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Friday in Quebec:

603 new cases
9 dead


Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
Friday in Quebec:

603 new cases
9 dead
I don't know where you saw 9 deaths reported, there was only one death in Quebec that day. Lately we have a daily average of about 1 or 2. Florida which in population is 2 and a half times larger then Quebec (22 millions versus 9millions) has a daily average of 242 deaths !
And yesterday Florida added 901 deaths to his count.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Effectivement au Québec la situation ---en dépit du nombre élevé de cas positifs---on est dans les 600 + actuellement/jour-----demeure encore sous contrôle au niveau des hospitalisations --autour de 130--et les décès sont nettement en baisse ...bonne nouvelle.

MAIS ---comme l'a dit DUBÉ---le mois de Septembre---avec sa rentrée massive---sera crucial.....on croise les doigts....MAIS j'ai grande confiance qu'avec le succès de NOTRE VACCINATION qui continue de s'accroître la situation demeure sous contrôle que la vie

des VACCINÉS puisse se poursuivre dans une '' presque'' normalité. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

The town of Cullman, Alabama is having to shut down five schools after major spikes in COVID cases have made the schools unsafe for anyone.
This is the town where Trump held a rally last week, just days after the city declared a COVID emergency.
There is no doubt that Trump's rally helped spread the virus, though it is impossible right now to tell whether or not it played a role in the school infections.

The poor kids are at the mercy of their witless parents.

These people are emotionally committed to their own ignorance.

It's only a coincidence.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005

COVID cases in South Dakota quintuple after the Sturgis motorcycle rally.
Only 39 of the COVID cases were linked to the motorcycle rally. The rest is from unvaccinated people. Don’t let the previous post con you into thinking a bunch of people riding their bikes outdoors was the cause for the spike in SD’s COVID cases:

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