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COVID's vaccine, by whom, when, effective? all around the vaccine


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
What would be the purpose to segregate the 0,5% of those partially or fully vaccinated. N'est-ce pas couper les cheveux en 4? As we now know COVID affected people are the non-vaccinated one and the majority of partially vaccinated will get there second shot.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
ISRAEL takes the lead again.....starting Sunday preparing 3RD dose to eldelry people---over 60.....after 5 months receiving 2nd dose......they noticed after 5-6 months the protection drops to 60%.....after a third one immunity should b at least at 75%.

Very informative.....fort probablement----agree or not---it will b the way to go.....and if necessary am ready to go .
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Not that surprising considering the USA has has around 350 million people compared to Canada with a mere 37 million. Easier to manage a smaller group of people than a larger one. Congrats.
Canadians are also obedient and in general favor Socialism/Liberalism. Americans value their freedom and are not as quick to bow down to the government.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Americans value their freedom and are not as quick to bow down to the government.
Except for Americans who loved



Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Canadians are also obedient and in general favor Socialism/Liberalism. Americans value their freedom and are not as quick to bow down to the government.
What health has to do with Socialism/Liberalism ?
So Canadians don't value their freedom are quick to bow down to the government.
Do you have that much knowledge ?
Perhaps they are better informed on Covid than some Americans.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Socialists/Liberals are pro-lockdown as we can see on this board and are more ready to accept government control. No one needs knowledge to see that. Canadians are obedient and Americans are not as ready to bow down to the government most give the government a middle finger. It is part of the culture. One last thing it is not about informed it is more about the choice between freedom and security and I will always choose freedom. Governments job is not to play the role of grandma. It has been 16 months of this nonsense and even with vaccines the media is still making fear and governments still threatening to lockdown again. Canada does not have much cases yet we still got to wear masks. Many other countries dropped those rules. Time the politicians let people live their life. We got the vaccine to not have to wear masks and lockdown again.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
. Many other countries dropped those rules. Time the politicians let people live their life. We got the vaccine to not have to wear masks and lockdown again.
Many other countries dropped those rules, , and they all have a very large increase in new cases, and not all of them had been vaccinated.
You don't have to have taken a math class to understand.

We got the vaccine to not have to wear masks and lockdown again.
But the covid has mutated and the delta variant is much more contagious.

Stop being selfish and think about the majority.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Many other countries dropped those rules, , and they all have a very large increase in new cases, and not all of them had been vaccinated.
You don't have to have taken a math class to understand.

We got the vaccine to not have to wear masks and lockdown again.
But the covid has mutated and the delta variant is much more contagious.

Stop being selfish and think about the majority.
No you are the one being selfish. If you got the vaccine then it should not matter if others did not. You are supposed to be protected from covid.
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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
If you got the vaccine then it should not matter if others did not. You are supposed to be protected from covid.
Are you aware of how foolish your statement sounds ? Vaccines were never 100% effective at preventing transmission, especially now with the Delta Variant.
Pre-tweens can`t be vaccinated so everyone should be concerned about their exposure to unvaxxed idiots.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
No you are the one being selfish. If you got the vaccine then it should not matter if others did not. You are supposed to be protected from covid.
Precisely this is very important, because I want us to all get out of it together.

Corey Price couldn't win a game on his own, his teammates have to do their job.
The same goes for the Covid.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Precisely this is very important, because I want us to all get out of it together.

Corey Price couldn't win a game on his own, his teammates have to do their job.
The same goes for the Covid.
In south states of USA, the Delta variant is causing high increase in Covid cases but much more frightening, high increase in hospitalisation.
The less people are vaccinated, the développement of new variants is inevitable.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Are you aware of how foolish your statement sounds ? Vaccines were never 100% effective at preventing transmission, especially now with the Delta Variant.
This statement is very silly if you ask me. That is what the government says. They claim it to be over 90% effective which is very high therefore they should give it up let people live their lives. We took the vaccines to not have to wear a mask and do two meters yet here we are being treated the same as unvaccinated. Of course government will blame the unvaccinated. If you look at history there was never a globally coordinated effort to lock people down against a virus and covid is nothing compared to smallpox. They did for the Spanish flu but after two years they let people live their lives. 16 months is a lot. Give it up and move on.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I really like Cloud 500’s posts because they argue for freedom.

That might sound strange since I signed up for the vaccine like 10 minutes after it opened up for my age range.

But I am being denied a freedom right now. It is the right for me to purchase a third dose of the vaccine.

The data from Pfizer and Israel is pretty convincing that my best protection from the Delta variant is a third dose. And no, the Pfizer researchers are not evil corporate folks like you see in movies produced by left-wingers. They are good people trying to save the world. No one here complains about the other wonder drug, Viagra..

But I can’t buy a third dose. The fucking governments not only controls the market through regulation but also by having exclusive purchasing rights. I still strongly argue that a convertible bond issuance by the Pharma companies would have generated the same cash needed for R&D that the governments provided. And if they were allowed to compensate volunteers, the drug would have been available much sooner, and available to younger persons.

But we have to wait on the third dose that would give us much better protection than trying to convince the unvaccinated to get their first two shots. Biden has floated offering the unvaccinated $100 to get vaccinated. If economics don’t work, then keep your $100 Joe.

If Pharma had sold the doses to customers, you wouldn’t have this mistrust that is invalidly directed at the government. It would have worked so fucking well, too. You start it at $500 a dose, then the price drops as production increases. You let the first customers make donations to a fund for those who couldn’t pay. And at some point, the price drops to like $20. Anything valuable costs money. You actually have more mistrust when something is free. But the charity can cover the cost for those who really don’t have $20. That is the other way Pharma gets the funds for R&D and production - it is allowed to sell its product. Works for everything else. The movie costs more to see it in the theater then the price drops when it has been out for a while. What about the really poor? They are equally fucked in the current system. Rwanda didn’t get much vaccine when the United States did a big contract purchase. At least a charity can give Rwanda citizens the right to buy the vaccine instead of them having their government beg the U.S. for some.excess supply.

And if you eventually still have a hard-core group of unvaccinated that are still greatly burdening the medical system, you simply announce that hospitals will have the right to refuse admission to the unvaccinated who have COVID, if the hospital is full. They are businesses. Why shouldn’t they have the right to make that decision? You might see a big increase in the vaccination rate if that happens.

Government has indeed fucked this up, but not in the way many of you think. More lockdowns and mask requirements and limitations on the right to travel is not the answer, nor is the answer allowing the government to be the sole purchaser of the vaccine. If we had let industry solve this, it would already be over. Almost everyone would be vaccinated, and I would be able to get my third dose.
You nailed what I am saying for so long. I told many people 3 months ago that they will try to sell us a third dose and guess what that is where we are moving to. As much as I was against the vaccine I still took yet I still got to wear a mask and do two meters. I am treated the same way as someone who is unvaccinated. When will all this madness end? Pfizer made over $33 billion with their vaccine. About the 3rd dose at this point it should remain a choice. I personally will not take it. I got jabbed twice I do not want anymore. No thanks. Those who choose to not vaccinate themselves so be it if they get sick it is on them. It is like cigarettes those who smoke know how bad it is but they keep on doing it. They also are the ones that end up very sick. Do we restrict everyones freedom? I am against government playing the role of Grandma. Government is so involved in every aspect of our lives and with each coming year government keeps on growing bigger.

For the medical system crime minister Fidel Trudope rather send millions to foreign countries and import refugees then deliver that money to healthcare. I know it is provincially managed but the Federal government provides a significant amount of funding. Trudope is more concerned to buy votes. I agree they should let the industry solve it not the government. Anything the government touches they ruin. As for those who are refused treatment for covid and are unvaccinated I do not agree that it should be done systematically. It should be based on a triage system where their priority to be treated will be lower depending on how many patients there are.

Freedom is not something to take for granted it is one of the most fundamental right to all life all life want to be free yet only human beings willingly decide to live in a system where government decides how they live their life. And watch a fourth lockdown is coming you will see in October we will all be locked up again. Viagra is a great example government is controlling everything they make it so difficult to get viagra. I have been buying it from others for the past 3 years without any issues.
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The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
My understanding is the data out of Israel suggest that the third booster dose should be given to certain “vulnerable”’populations. R u in one of these? Elderly? Obese? Have any comorbidties like diabetes? If ur vaxed and get the delta variant and get a break through infection, chances are you won’t end up in hospital.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
My understanding is the data out of Israel suggest that the third booster dose should be given to certain “vulnerable”’populations. R u in one of these? Elderly? Obese? Have any comorbidties like diabetes? If ur vaxed and get the delta variant and get a break through infection, chances are you won’t end up in hospital.
For now it stands at this but who knows in a few months they could mandate 3rd doses to everyone.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
As long as children under 12 are not vaccinated we don’t know how this new variant will react if they get infected.
It is not such a big deal to wear a mask indoors, I don’t see why this huge objection to it nor to keeping your distance where possible. These are just common sense things that people can do to protect their kids the old who’s immune system is compromised and themselves as no vaccine is 100% guarantee.
Right now I am able to see family, friends, have a meal in a restaurant if I want to. See my ATF with relatively little risk.
The only thing left is for borders to open and travel to begin for the vaccinated without quarantine or additional testing.
I can wait another 6 months to a year for that without too much of a problem.
For me life is almost back to normal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
For now it stands at this but who knows in a few months they could mandate 3rd doses to everyone.
Then I will get the third dose, I didn’t feel the first two and it didn’t cost me more than making an appointment and 30-45 minutes getting the jab.
I don’t see WTF is the big deal if it will keep me safe and help keep everyone else also, yeah I will take a third and a fourth and one every year just like the flu shot and other vaccines that I needed when visiting certain countries.
Much better option than getting hospitalized and dying I think.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Alarming internal CDC document......Delta variant is very serious, very dangerous, more transmissible virus than ever......yes very contagious with more serious CLEAR enough????.....get the vaccine now...... ;)
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