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DFK - Am I the only one who dont mind the no kissing?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
In the light of a recent hottie from a well known agency who seem to refuse DFK, it give me the idea to post about DFK.

From the past 6 years, each girl I saw, I either told them directly that I do not mind not to be kissed. Or I simply do not initiate any kissing, just some very light lfk.
Or some lfk while I massage them a bit.

The ONLY girl who voluntarily when deep down DFK with me was Taylor. All other still gave me the full GFE/PSE nomenclature there is without the DFK, or just a bit of lft, which is fine.

I can now conclude that given the choice, girls much prefer not to kiss.

And for me it makes perfect sense. I see an encounter with an escort as a physical sexual activity. Nothing more, nothing less. But the idea of deep kissing a pure stranger is weird to me.
Kissing is too intimate I think. I prefer to keep the intimacy out and concentrate on the daty, blowing and banging ;)

I know some will completely disagree as for them DFK is what it's all about.

But if you do not believe me just try it. Next girl you see, as soon as you meet her say something like:
"Listen you are completely my type of girl. I want to have good sex with you so bad. It's ok if there is no kissing, I dont' mind. But for the rest I will eat you up. Were cool?"

And check her reaction and go to the shower. I am telling you, you won the girl over saying something like that and all will be just positive vibes, and good sex :)

Am I the only one?


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
DFK I am not a fan of, lip nibbling and light kissing is fine with me.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Maybe I should stop seeing young agency or indy girl... Does it have to do with maturity?

(I want to leave the bad breath or bad mouth hygiene out of the equation in this thread, as I completely understand that this is a NO GO for everyone! Not just the girl!)



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I'm always looking for GFE girls.
GFE for me is, as a minimum standard, DFK, BBBJ, DATY.

DFK is mandatory to repeat.
If I'm told no kissing during the booking by sms, I stop right there.
In front of a girl for the first time, I ask if GFE will be honored. If she says I do not kiss I leave unless I'm very horny and she's pretty. But I will not repeat.

DFK is what makes me hard. This is my viagra.
DFK often defines the session and initiates the chemistry.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Not everyone is into kissing. When I was married it was almost no oral and no kissing (my choice). Only fucking and more fucking.
After I divorced and had my first g/f I found out what I was missing and really got into kissing and oral. Got really good at it and truly enjoyed the intimacy and passion.

I find that girls who love sex are without exception into kissing and the only thing that will sometimes stop them is sewer breath.


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
I agree with UB. DFK has become a must for me. The encounter feels empty without it. I dont need to dfk for hours, but at least a few times during the encounter, because to me it completes the connection I am trying to make with the provider...Mind you, I have to be attracted to the person, or else I dont want to. And if I don't want to, I probably should not have stayed for the session...

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Personally i have a tongue condition that prevent me from attempting DFK. No no don't worry its not a disease lol. My tongue is actually hold by the tip. Its really hard to explain it in english but basically i can't really pull my tongue out, it kinda roll on itself. I can still lick an ice creme or something like that, but plunging my tongue in a girl's mouth is impossible. My dentist often offered me to have have it surgically "fixed" but since it does not bother me for speaking, eating or whatever, i never wanted to go do it.

So pretty much i can only hope the escort i am with will initiate DFK herself. I love it, but if she does not plonge her tongue in my mouth.. well nothing really i can do on that departement.

For me its been a mix of LFK and DFK over the years... and honestly if its only LFK its alright, as long as the lady is a good kisser. Some are, some are not as much, or maybe its just they don't put the effort.

Kissing for me is an absolute must... this is how the session start... i mean its when i get hard.. Maybe i have been gravitating too much in the sex industry over the years between porn, strippers and escorts but seeing a naked lady is not enough for me to go hard, no matter how beautifull she may be.

I do get hard at the strip club (private contact lapdances) if the girl is really good and very beautifull, but its been years since i got there so maybe i changed and even this wouldn't do it anymore. But i think really hot dances with lots of touching and some grinding could do it, but this set up is rarely reproduced in an hotel room with escorts. As a matter of fact lots of escorts i seen do not really like to do lap dances or something. I don't ask for it anymore but when i was younger and starting to see SPs , when i was more a strip club guy, i asked for it and most of the time the SPs said they where not good at it, or they where too shy to do that etc etc.

So what im trying to say is that if either of these 2 things are not allowed... well i don't like pulling my pants down on a limpy dick... its kinda weird. Sure as she start playing on it and sucking it , it will get hard but i just prefer "quand la tente est monté"

And honestly its just so nice to kiss. Actually lots of the time i wish it would last longer... lol. I mean im eager to get suck, don't get me wrong but kissing can be so good too. lol


Feb 16, 2013
An encounter without DFK, with all due respect, I don't understand.

No go! Maybe it's just raw sex, but it's not for me.


Oct 21, 2016
I think the OP has a point. In my experience many ladies would prefer not to DFK. I do with my three regulars but at least one is less than enthousiastic about it (ie is somewhere between D and L) and another will get into it but would never initiate. OP is also right in seeing this as a function of intimacy and really the divide here is broader and has to do with the difference between clients who are totally focussed on sex with emphasis on penile ejaculation and those who need the lady to appeal and cater to their emotional needs. I fall into the latter group. Strong emotional connection is indispensible to my experiencing pleasure with a lady. I like to start with LFK progressing to DFK then DATY as far as the foreplay is concerned. Funny thing is of the three the lady who most pulls at my heartstrings is not only reluctant about DFK but also DATY and BBBJ, all of which is consistent IMO. Other than all that she is actually very proficient and given her beauty thats probably more than enuf for younger clients who probably require less stimulation. I gues I should feel priveleged since I have heard from others that she won't kiss them at all. Not surprisingly the real value of my relationship with her is that we get to spend time together away from the "office" doing ordinary things that folks do all the time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
For me...DFK is one the most important parts of an encounter......if not.....big big turn off for me. IMHO GFE services should absolutly include kissing.......à moins d'une raison two cents.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Interesting guys... As I read, I am pretty much on my own I guess ;)

That said, many here mention how crucial DFK is for them, but failed to write about the girl. Are the girls really into it? All of them? My feeling and experience makes me repeat with girl that love what they do, that just love sex. But that said, many would much prefer to leave out DFK as when given the choice, they do not do it.



Oct 21, 2016
Interesting guys... As I read, I am pretty much on my own I guess ;)

That said, many here mention how crucial DFK is for them, but failed to write about the girl. Are the girls really into it? All of them? My feeling and experience makes me repeat with girl that love what they do, that just love sex. But that said, many would much prefer to leave out DFK as when given the choice, they do not do it.


Again I think you have a point. Even with a lady who will DFK, which is important for me, if I know that she would rather not it is a definite turn off. That is why, ironically, my encounters with the lady I am most attracted to physically and on a personal level are not as satisfying as those with the ladies who can enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Exact the same views which Unclebob described. DFK, DFK and DFK


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Interesting guys... As I read, I am pretty much on my own I guess ;)

That said, many here mention how crucial DFK is for them, but failed to write about the girl. Are the girls really into it? All of them? My feeling and experience makes me repeat with girl that love what they do, that just love sex. But that said, many would much prefer to leave out DFK as when given the choice, they do not do it.


I don't ask if she likes it or not.
I like it, she provides it or not.
Usually, a SP that do not like it will not provide it and will tell at the booking.
Many will wait until you start kissing to tell you they don't provide it or only LFK... (Those wont see me again usually)
Even in their ads, some will tell if they do not provide it.
Some will even tell they provide GFE but No Kissing lol...
Usually, Ads that tell "SAFE GFE" will lack of most GFE items, starting with DFK...

But some will try, and you will see if she's good at it or not.
Some provides a mechanical DFK. They make the effort probably because this sells well and it brings money.
Some provides passionate DFK, you can tell they love DFK as much as you do.

"My feeling and experience makes me repeat" with girls that seem to love what I do :) (That provide sex the way I like it)

The best SP's are the ones that adapts to all (or most of) the different tastes/characters/bodies/age found in the population of johns.

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
To me DFK & DATY are a must anything wlse I am alright not doing. For example: fingers, anal it's alright as long as I get the two I mentioned I am alright, and yes the FS is why I am going.
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