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Disturbing Tendencies at Agencies

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Sorry about your mother, but unfortunately there will be more cases to come with the way the govt is enforcing the use of French even if the recipient doesn’t understand it. Go figure!
Yes but that is life.
I have worked for many years in a company where 90% of the employees were born in the same country as I was including the owner and let me tell you that the time I spent working with French Canadians was a hundred times better.
It always comes down to individuals not to a certain race or colour. I was lucky enough to travel all over the world live in a few countries and play sports with so many different nationalities.
Racism exists everywhere you just try to stay away from it as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2017
I already said, it's true that people of other races can hate white people because they view us as oppressors. I agree with you on this.
Is this racism? No. The history of racism is complex and race is a social contruct that was created by ppl of european descent to feel superior to certain groups of people and to allow genocides and other types of violence to happen. How do you not understand this? The system here is made by and for white people and for men. I understand that yes, there are ppl who hate white folks because they view us as oppressors like I said. In my opinion this isn't racism. I think it could be discrimination in some contexts tho.

I can't blame for example a black woman for having negative feelings towards me because I get more privileges than she does. It's not fun being disliked by anybody, but it's something I can understand.
Good point, but if you go to Africa or China, they will hate you, because you’re white.

Resident Psychotherapist (Ret.)
Aug 25, 2021
Not totally true. There is systemic racism towards indigenous patients throughout Canada. There was a case all over the media not too long ago in Quebec. The woman died as a result of discrimination. Everyone else waits forever for care, but at least aren’t neglected and insulted.
Yeah she streamed herself live on FB while in the ER screaming in agony. One of the nurses was caught saying something along the lines that she was probably just knocked up again.... Then she died in the next few hours. Terrible.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I went through an agency in Nigeria and most of the girls had a strict policy of "No whites. No Asians." Let me tell you there slim pickings.
Lol Not sure I believe that for a minute. Nigerian women love White men. In fact a White men that goes there, the women will want to marry him. No Asian men I believe that but Asian men are not into Black women at all. Any link to a Nigerian escort agency with that listed? And that would be weird also because the White men would be the one with the money to spend on escorts.

Resident Psychotherapist (Ret.)
Aug 25, 2021
Lol Not sure I believe that for a minute. Nigerian women love White men. In fact a White men that goes there, the women will want to marry him. No Asian men I believe that but Asian men are not into Black women at all. Any link to a Nigerian escort agency with that listed? And that would be weird also because the White men would be the one with the money to spend on escorts.

Except that...


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