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Halloween was yesterday, did you give out treats for the kids?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I remember when I was a kid every house gave out candy for the kids, now it is about every tenth house. For those of you who gave treats for the kids good for you, for those who did not why? Did you not enjoy dressing up and getting treats as a kid? We had about 40 kids in Ft.Mc ( could not make it home as planned ). Talked to one parent and the houses giving candy is less and less so some do not bother going out with the small kids as the walk for treats is too far for them, sad really.


Nov 21, 2010
Well I would have given treats to the kids... if they would have bothered to come to my house!
When I was younger, there would would be 70-100 kids coming to my parent's house each Halloween and we would gladly give out sugary treats! But as the years stacked on, less and less kids seemed to pass by... Sometimes less than 10!
The positive would be: a surplus of candy for me and my siblings!
But the trend continued and my parents just stopped making decorations and handing out treats and , as it was not worth the trouble.
I guess the demographics changed a bit?
...Less kids by household, the parents started to drive the kids around instead of going through the neighborhood on foot, the parents started to only go to rich people's houses (ones with crazy outdoor decorations!), that's that!

A bit sad really... My friends say that their kids actually enjoy more their day at school in costume than when they get to actually go trick or treating!


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Ususally get 60-75. This year we had very bad weather, cold and pouring rain. Only got about thirty kids.
Gave out Toblerones or little bags of Famous Amos cookies, their choice.
Some kids got both.
I felt so sad for some kids. There were two together with their moms trying to hold umbrellas over them. Poor kids were about four years old, cold and wet and crying. Gave them two of each.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
My first year at my Drummondville house ( 7 yrs ago ) I had 250+ kids, if the weather is poor we get about 100 if the weather is good we get around 200, small town in a newer neighborhood.
I see vans full of kids getting dropped off in my area, probably know that many families with young kids live there.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
In this day and age, would you let your kids eat candy of an unknown origin?

The fear factor, we are in the age of pussies, too politically correct and afraid to offend someone, keep indoors and do not venture out.

Sad world we live in.


New Member
Mar 28, 2016
One girl I work with, her step son got a blade in his bag of candies. They called the police and everyone was freaking out!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The fear factor, we are in the age of pussies, too politically correct and afraid to offend someone, keep indoors and do not venture out.

Sad world we live in.

Yes, and do not dress up as any ethnicity but your own or you will be in trouble with the liberal thought police.

I helped hand out treats and I enjoyed the little hob-goblins. I also enjoyed the MILFS.
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