let me tell you a true storie...i met this girl from a agency i use to deal with couple months ago...we met two time in the same month via the agency,its was great with alot of great sexe.and then a month later i get a pm from her on merb,she give me her phone number threw merb(big mistake because she had no business sending me a pm)my life was amazing before she send me that pm on merb...so we started seeing each other on the side with out the agency knowing about it.we had some great time together and i would spoiled her with alots of gift because that who i am..so everything went well for 3 months...i was so satisfied with her attitude so i decided to invite her for vacation to cancun..(big mistake#2)let me give you a advice dont ever ever bring a girl that you really like to cancun..i mean i brought alots of girls to cancun in the past but nobody ever disrespected me like her on vacation.this girl was born to be a professional sp..this girl had no pitty for nobody but only herself..on vacation her attitude change complety from the first day i met her.i could tell she was 100% fake and a professional liar.instead of giving me her focus she would give her attention to other guys and would leave me behind like a poor dog on the street.(let me remind you that i paid for the whole trip to cancun and she only open her nasty legs 3 times in the whole trip

)so obviousy we werent really getting along because she just wanted to fuck any guys with a cock...the whole trip was a disaster because she would ignore me,she would talk to me with no respect what so ever,and she forgot who she was(a dumb sp who hit the jackpot with some innocent guy)that girl wanted to party all the time party all the time but i told her that i wanted to go on vacation to relaxe and not party but she told me "DONT WORRY WE WILL ONLY PARTY LIKE TWICE THAT WEEK"so i believe her like a stupid naive moron that i was to actually to believe a dumb sp from outside of montreal

so this was the worst nightmare of my life,i just wanted to be in my bed back home in montreal

but that wasent possible because that was only a illusion because i was stuck in cancun

so the last day of the vacation i could tell this "girl" was interrested fucking another man just by the way she was looking at him.i was getting very nervous because i was asking myself how in the world could i bring a girl on vacation and she flurting with another person on vacation and on top of it right beside me

so the last day she neve came to the room because she was probally getting fuck by that guy and his roomate

how in the world could i trust a professional sp not to imbaressed me on vacation.well she did and she broke my heart,,,even at the airoport she left with him and dint even thank me for the invitation to cancun

before we went on vacation things between her and me was love at first sight but i was probally wrong because these girls are always looking for"THE BIGGER BETTER DEAL"i dint really care about the money i spend on her because im a very rich person

but what i really care that she embarrased me on vacation and most impotrant she disrecpect me

i dated alots of sp`s in stripper in the past but nobody ever disrecpected me like her in the past....so i ended up with a broken heart and beeing miserable because i actualy like her...lol

i saw the devil in her eyes on vacation she wasent the girl she pretended to be and she was 100% fake..
conclusion of the story
dont ever trust a sp and dont ever love them because they will hurt you with no pitty in a heart beat...so now im been very depresse for the last 6 weeks because i actually like her...lol(shame on me and i hope god will forgive me for being so stupid and naive)after reading emmanuelle post from eleganza on merb so now we all know what they thing of us, but let me tell you what i thing of them"we paid them for sexe and plaisir,that it that all)
p.s dont ever pm me and asking me for the name of this sp because i dont snitch and that the way i was raised..so please dont pm me for question because i want answer!!!!i dont want to fuck up her miserable profession!