General Gonad said:honesty is overrated, and some things are best kept to one's self. Hurting a loved one by telling them the truth is more despicable than prancing around with SPs to escape and enjoy life.
I was thinking like that before and hid many things from my wife in the last 7-8 years of our relation. Until a point where I had no choice but tell her the truth about at least one woman. And while telling her about that specific woman, I also told her about others ones, the fact I had been seeing escorts, etc... Let me tell you, it was lightning in the house!
At first, the wife was devastated that I was not the faithful man she always thought I was, but after some time she accepted the fact I did it, and HIGHLY valued the fact I told her the truth. She would even have been willing to continue the relation if I had not decided on my end that it was over. In fact, she s still in love with me. Its obviously more complicated than that but it confirmed something I always knew:
TRUTH IS GOLD. And that is true in every type of relation in my opinion. Business, friendships, love, everything. You either build your life on trust and honesty, or you dont.
Before you all send me to crucifiction, yes, I saw hundreds of SP in my years of hobbying and cheated my wife in more ways than many here, so Im not here to tell a lesson to anyone. I probably was one of the worst! But that episode with the wife changed my vision drastically. Its incredible how someone can forgive when true love exist. Of course as long as the situation causing the grief ends.
When the relation in healthy and the two persons love each other, they want to learn from each other and please each other. If theres a need to cheat, theres always a reason behind it and its something that can be talked about, discussed, and I now believe that it can only end up positively. You might end up being a more open-minded couple
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