Montreal Escorts

My family is not broken


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
I have been doing this for a few years now and I always get the same questions: "Have you been ab*sed? Do you talk to your family? Are you single? How's your relationship with your family?

I assume a lot of people think that most of the providers come from messed up backgrounds. I have met a lot of providers and they all have different backgrounds. Some stories would surprise you. I once met a woman who had very wealthy parents but she didn't want to depend on them so she did that instead. As for myself, I come from a good family, my parents and I have a very good relationship. My mother kind of knows what I do for a living and my dad doesn't but he knows I am seeing older men.

To me, this job really is like any other job. There is a lot of stereotypes and taboos which is normal because we are still afraid to talk about it. Just know that providers aren't all in a bad position, some are and I hope they can get all the help they need.

Kyla xoxo


Location: Fantasy Land
Mar 27, 2016
Well said Kyla. It's unfortunate that clients have asked you such personal questions, especially if they're meeting you for the first time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I am happy for you and all that are like you.
These are not questions you should be asking an SP.

Thor Jr

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2008
Asgard Or North America
I dont know what prompts someone to ask a question like " So, are you doing this cause you had a bad childhood?" My questions are usually simple. What is your favorite flower, chocolate, restaurant, are you attending university, and of course the very first question, red or white? LOL. And who am i to ask questions about their family, my family is more screwed up then theres, hands down.. And plus, why ask a question that will make them uncomfortable and worse yet, they answer the question and spend the hour talking about their childhood, that would teach them, ooops, times up buddy, would you like to take another hour.

Kyla, you have my respect and my ear,(among other parts) if you want to have a small chat session, let me know. So, what is your favorite flower? :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Escorts are supposed to be mysterious.

Most civilians watch the movie Taken starring Hollywood's worst all-time actor and they think that is how girls get into this. They are aspiring, innocent, young students that are taking a year off from school to travel to [insert favorite country here] and they are kidnapped and tied to beds where drugs are pumped into them until they are hooked and they are now ready to dedicate what's left of their young lives to turn tricks.

People are interested in the lives of other people. Other hobbyists and escorts wanted to pry into my life too. I took it as a sign that we were becoming friends and it is only natural to ask some of these questions. This always seems funny because you make good friends with people under less than noble circumstances. I have friends from High School, the service, sports teams, work, etc. and some I met through boards like this. This is like the CIA. Don't ask don't tell. I remember my first escort of all time in Charlotte NC. I asked one too many questions and she said to me, Escorts are supposed to be mysterious. I got the message. She actually stayed over time to watch Johnny Carson with me. Pretty cool. We laughed at the monologue together. There were no more questions.


French Ebony
Mar 11, 2019
Kyla, you have my respect and my ear,(among other parts) if you want to have a small chat session, let me know. So, what is your favorite flower? :kiss:

Thank you! I like orchids and roses.

You might be surprised to find out that this also happens to Johns. I can remember one session that actually started with a provider asking about my childhood and what made me interested in this or that.

I totally believe that, it can happen both ways.

Escorts are supposed to be mysterious. .

That's usually why people meet with providers. Sure you could meet someone in a bar or on Tinder, but there's always a risk that it becomes too personal or that one gets attached.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
That's usually why people meet with providers. Sure you could meet someone in a bar or on Tinder, but there's always a risk that it becomes too personal or that one gets attached.

Exactly... And so is time... Tinder, SA or a bar/club/social activities are way too time consuming for many like me. SP are not. Spend a bit of time here. Learn who is hot. 2 or 3 sms and bingo you are in heaven ;)

I personally once ask a girl about her childhood. Then I apologize right away realizing how stupid I was to ask that!


Oct 4, 2018
Speaking strictly of the first world, it is not incorrect to assert prostitues are much more likely to have a history of abuse, or suffered sexual assault in the past, if compared to women in other professions. Within the USA, the data sets support higher levels of past incidences among sex workers. Mind you, it is usually those who were already convicted of solicitation, which provides a make-up of only a certain phenotype, being assessed.. Still, I am aware that in Canada at least, the Aboriginal population of escorts has nigh universally suffered abuse or assault. Here, it is of course worthr noting that the Aboriginal population has levels of abuse, alcoholiism, and drugs, several times that of the rest of other Canadians .In fact, I think their situation is such it is not possible to extrapolate or compare to others. Ultimately though, I feel like human behavior and drives have a tendency to remain fairly predictable across society's. In this respect, I wouldn't find it usual if the rest of Canada had a similar elevation of traumas in its sex workers. At the end of day, it matters not. Whether society thinks everyone is forced in, or everyone who goes in has poor morals, or everyone who goes in is cheating, and so on, it's all consertive ideology that stands the test of time due to shame, ego, jealous, and human inadquecy in the form of reglious dogmas. As a millenial, though I barely qualify as one, I am more opt to believe my peers more often pursue sex work because they understand the advantages of the internet, have embraced the determine your own destiny anti-judgement following social medias boom, and view the increasing hyper competition in society, which was all the craze in older generation ( and ironically reflected within the sealed walls of Instagram and other portraits of moments not in lieu of infinite reality), as a farce. Hence, the drastic increase in sugar babies, which is simply sex work without as much stigma.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ There is a drastic increase in sugar babies because it is tough to live, go to school and enjoy life without making lots of money. No parents to pay your bills or single mothers there is no better way to make that kind of money. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
Now this has been replied before... WTF asks someone these kinds of questions, could not ask what movies you like, music, favorite restaurants, dwarf tossing.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hence, the drastic increase in sugar babies, which is simply sex work without as much stigma.

Haha my god you do touch a interesting point here OnlyDoggy (by the way very interesting post!).

To all sugar babies out there who take money out of arrangement please stop fooling yourself and accept the fact. You are an escort. A prostitute. In french a "pute". Is the terminology here important? And to all men who pursue such arrangement please do also stop fooling yourself. Yes you may be helping a girl with her studies and shit that makes you feel good... But down the road you are the client of an escort.

Accepting the raw facts is the first step to stop being judgemental about sp work.


Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Speaking strictly of the first world, it is not incorrect to assert prostitues are much more likely to have a history of abuse, or suffered sexual assault in the past, if compared to women in other professions.

It's true to a certain degree. Sort of related: I recently read something about how a woman's relationship with her father affects her relationship with men. The real problem is trying to make the global statement that sex workers have abuse or some other issue in their past. Of all the SPs I've seen, I remember just one explicitly mention the underlying psychology of why she's an SP. She mentioned it in the general flow of conversation and not because I asked.

It might be intriguing to know, but ultimately we should all avoid the pitfalls of trying to understand what motivates the SP or the client and just enjoy our time together. The psychoanalysis can work the other way too. I've been asked a few times by an SP why I opt to pay for sex. From the last one, it was a compliment of sorts because according to her, I don't look like the physical archetype of a client (whatever that is). But there's nothing complicated about getting to my favorite thing in the world--women--with the least amount of work required.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Accepting the raw facts is the first step to stop being judgemental about sp work.

I love this post, but now you are going to get all the “love birds” with sweeties from the seeking arrangements thread all over you because of course their SB is in no way a hooker, they are doing it out of pure love and affection lol.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
And to all men who pursue such arrangement please do also stop fooling yourself. Yes you may be helping a girl with her studies and shit that makes you feel good... But down the road you are the client of an escort.


couldnt agree more, I don’t understand the difference sometimes? the other thing I don’t understand is the time an effort a guy put into researching girls and meeting them on this SA stuff, couldn’t you spend that on a regular dating website?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ Agree, escorts also charge by the day or even week of client is willing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
We are getting caught up in semantics.

Johnny Carson used to tell a story that goes like this:

Johnny: Would you sleep with me for $100,000?

Lady: Sure

Johnny: Would you sleep with me for $50

Lady: No way. I'm not a whore.

Johnny: We already established that. Now we are just negotiating price.


ebonylover retired...
Mar 26, 2010
Lady: No way. I'm not a whore.
Johnny: We already established that. Now we are just working negotiating price.

:thumb: as a stripper told me once: they all do it (sex) it is just a matter of price :bounce:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Patron - Yes. Who cares as long as it brings more women into escorting and increases the pool of beautiful babes that can he had. And maybe this is a work around LE sort of like Craig's List was shut down and BP started running adds. Shame on me for not taking advantage. Actually, I have signed up but I have the free useless membership right now. I get to look at pictures.
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