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NHL off season thread (trades, signings, etc…)

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I'm Back Baby!
Aug 10, 2003
Quebec City
gohabsgo said:
Tom Kostopoulos says no to Mtl

Cut Doc some slack GHG, that probably came from his "NHL insider".

Unfortunately the "insider" is actually one of the voices in his head, something that's apparently very common with Leaf fans. :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
just get ready to flip flop this year.......Leafs will make the playoffs, while your team will get pushed around all season long and miss the playoffs, most likely..... u have no confidence in your team, lol........ otherwise you would of took me up on my bet :D :D :D

and it's funny you of "ALL PEOPLE" talk about credibility . your a funny man BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHHAHHAA..............

Is it ok to take bets on merb as to when gohabsgo will jump off the "wagon" for the first time in the 09/10 season?....... i say mid Oct :eek:

gohabsgo said:
Tom Kostopoulos says no to Mtl

Yet another factually incorrect statement - he wasn’t offered a contract. His spot will be taken by Moen (who did by the way, say no to Toronto).

It’s too funny listening to Laff fans critique Montreal – maybe if you were a Detroit or Pittsburgh fan (teams that have actually won something – unlike the Maple Losers who haven't made it out of their conference in 43 years!) you might have some credibility. Oh wait, at one time or another you probably were/are a Wings and/or Pens fan too.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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Doc Holliday said:
I figured i'd catch a couple of suckers

The only suckers are Maple Laff fans.

This year’s ESPN “Ultimate Standings” are out and not surprisingly, the Toronto Maple Losers rank dead last in terms of NHL teams and come in almost last overall - finishing 120 out of 122 for all four pro leagues.

The Laffs’ position as hockey's lowest-ranked franchise is the result of more than mere on-ice failure, (four straight seasons missing the playoffs, 43 years without so much as a sniff of the Stanley Cup finals), as this sad sack franchise finished at or near the bottom in almost all eight major categories.

Title Track (TTR): Championships already won or expected in the lifetime of current fans.

Toronto Maple Losers = 28th place out of 30

Bang For The Buck (BNG): Wins during the past three years (regular season plus postseason) per revenues directly from fans, adjusted for league schedules.

Toronto Maple Losers = 30th place out of 30

Ownership (OWN): Honesty and loyalty to core players and local community.

Toronto Maple Losers = 25th place out of 30

Affordability (AFF): Price of tickets, parking and concessions.

Toronto Maple Losers = 30th place out of 30

Stadium Experience (STX): Quality of arena and game-day promotions as well as friendliness of environment.

Toronto Maple Losers = 27th place out of 30

Toronto Maple Laffs = loser team, loser organization, loser fans – no past, no present and no future



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I don't think that list is worth squat. they rank the Habs at number 100 and their ownership at 50? give me a break. The Habs organization is one of the most involved in the community of any sports team.

And the Predators end up at number 37? Yeah, right. ESPN knows nothing about hockey.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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o.k., from a Canadian perspective then,

Why the Leafs stink: What it takes to build a chronic loser.

After 42 years of failure, supernatural explanations start to seem pretty attractive, especially when hard facts are just too painful to face.


The numbers game: Breaking down 42 years of Maple Leafs futility


Missing the playoffs 4 straight seasons – there hasn’t been a playoff game in Toronto since 2003

42 consecutive years – No Stanley Cups and no Stanley Cup final appearances

Tallying it all up: From ill-advised draft picks to bad coaches, Macleans.ca breaks down the reasons the Maple Leafs stink


On second thought... Maple Leafs' general managers have authored some of the most disastrous trades in NHL history



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Place your bets

Doc, i couldnt said it any better myself............. place your bet, when will the guy with blinders on jump off the wagon first this season?

i got oct 20th.......you?

Who cares about the Leafs? I've never said they didn't stink. Of course they do!! They missed the playoffs something like 5 years in a row!! Duh!!!

But at least, they realize that they stink & that's why they fired their GM and their coach 2 seasons ago, hired one of the best GMs in the business who has won a Cup, and have been in rebuilding mode since last season.

The Habs stink as much, were lucky to make the playoffs last season, lost half of their team to free agency, overpaid for second line/underachieving players, let their fan-favorite (Kovy) slip to the rival Ottawa Senators, rely on a young goalie who up to now has shown us that his focus isn't on hockey & rumoured to be in love with the bottle.....overpaid for a league goon who no longer knows what his role is & only played a third of the games due to 2 bulging discs in his back....and fired a top coach who also happened one of the most popular coaches ever (Guy Carbonneau) and replaced him with a defensive-minded coach who has never accomplished much in a long career and to the surprise of many happens to have even less charisma than even his boring GM.

Yes, the Leafs stink & have stunk for the past few seasons....however, they've admitted they stunk, have begun rebuilding & things are beginning to look brighter. The 'stinking' part is starting to be behind them.

The Habs stink, the coach stinks, the GM stinks, the goalie stinks & the money they've thrown at 2nd and 3rd/4th line free agents stinks. But they refuse to admit to the truth & until they do so will likely continue to stink. It will stink to be a Habs fan these upcoming seasons. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

But it will be great once again to be a proud member of Leafs nation. :D

p.s. However, Gainey had no choice but to overpay these bums he signed as free agents, since nobody (even Mtl-born players) wants to come and play for this sad-sack team.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Who cares about the Leafs? I've never said they didn't stink. Of course they do!!

The Habs stink as much.

Yes, the Leafs stink & have stunk for the past few seasons.

The Habs stink. It will stink to be a Habs fan these upcoming seasons. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Well said Doc. Agree completely and have been saying so for years. Both these teams have rotted for years (of course in TO it's MANY MANY years!) and both will keep rotting.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
The Habs stink, the coach stinks, the GM stinks, the goalie stinks & the money they've thrown at 2nd and 3rd/4th line free agents stinks. But they refuse to admit to the truth & until they do so will likely continue to stink. It will stink to be a Habs fan these upcoming seasons. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

But it will be great once again to be a proud member of Leafs nation. :D

And this thoughtful "analysis" (cough cough) is brought to you by the guy who changes his hockey shirt more often than is possible to count and who, in the past, has proven that he is invariably wrong 9 times out of 10 when making "predictions". lollllll


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Instead of making unfounded, child-like accusations & assumptions, why don't you once & for all step up to the plate & post something constructive & legible for once??

Now that's a good one. When I do (see last few pages), it goes right over your head and you invariably fall back on these silly "overpaid! boring! overrated!" non-sensical arguments that are supposed to pass for "analysis", which you keep repeating ad nauseam like a broken record...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Bob, i dont just agree with Doc because he's a LEAFS fan, but if you think Mtl is better off than Toronto, your sadly as delusional as gohabsgo, and the other habs fans wearing blinders over their eyes, gonna be a very interesting season,...... especially if Gainey is done with his off season work........ better hope the kids in the minors step up, and Price becomes the Price he showed a LONG time ago

Now that's a good one. When I do (see last few pages), it goes right over your head and you invariably fall back on these silly "overpaid! boring! overrated!" non-sensical arguments that are supposed to pass for "analysis", which you keep repeating ad nauseam like a broken record...
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New Member
Nov 19, 2004
You don't know what I think...

But this "everything the Habs do is bad vs everything the Leafs do is good" (or vice-versa)black or white stuff, filled with exagerations and hyperbole is ridiculous, meaning it makes reasonable discussion impossible. All it is is a childish pissing contest between sports fanboys...


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
isnt it true? from what i have seen from Gainey and Burke, i would 100% agree its true, as True as the Leafs having a better record this season coming than "Le Habs"

this "everything the Habs do is bad vs everything the Leafs do is good" .


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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But it will be great once again to be a proud member of Leafs nation. :D

Once again? And when was the last time it was proud to be a member of Loser nation? Answer: 1967!

Not too long ago you “guaranteed” the Laffs would make the playoffs and finish ahead of Montreal. How did that work out for you? Unlike fair-weather and fickle Maple Laff fans, Habs supporters have been, are and always will be proud of the “CH”.

As for that over –rated, bag of hot air Burke, lets look at Maple Loser additions and subtractions.


Antropov (21G, 46 Points in 63 Games)
Moore (13G, 41 Points in 63 Games)
Kubina (14G, 40 points in 82 games)


Komisarek (2G, 11 points, 121 pim in 66 games, on a playoff team)
Exelby (0G, 7 points, 120 pim, -2 in 59 games)
Orr (1G, 5 points, 193 pim, -15 in 82 Games on a playoff team)

Take away Antropov, Moore and Kubina’s production and add all the penalty minutes Orr, Exelby and Komisarek will rack up (hence a lot more time on the PK which translates into around 25% more goals against), on a team that is already lousy on the PK (dead last in the league at 74.7%). The Laffs were the worst defensive team in the NHL last season (dead last with the highest goals against, 293 total = 3.5 goals against per game) and will be even more so this season – and this along with an already feeble offense. End result: the Maple Laffs are no where near a playoff team

The Maple Losers have no team leadership. Wilson is an ineffective coach and has failed miserably to light a fire under your team. Moreover, there is no on-ice leadership to compensate for the coach's failure. You have no captain or anybody who can currently become captain and successfully lead by example. The Laffs are a disorganized, dispirited team, with no cohesion to speak of, and no system to define it.

By no stretch of the imagination have the Laffs made themselves into one of the toughest teams in the league nor do they have one of the top D-corps but the Habs actually might have made themselves into one of the speediest teams in the NHL and in the new NHL speed kills. Don't be surprised to see Montreal put up another 20 points more than the Laffs. While Burke was targeting the “best players not playing in the NHL” Bob was busy signing proven NHL performers.

It’s an annual right of passage for delusional Toronto fans to get all full of themselves about how great the Laffs are going to be. For them it is the one time of year that they can get away with it because there is no fear the team will step on the ice tomorrow and make them look foolish. They will have to wait a few more months for that.

Sorry Maple Loser fans, a marginal (at best) upgrade on the blueline (241 more PIM's) and significant subtractions up front (48 goals and 127 points less) DOES NOT = a playoff team
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Unlike fair-weather and fickle Maple Laff fans, Habs supporters have been, are and always will be proud of the “CH”.

Are you sure about that GHG? There's one certain "Habs supporter" here who disappears for weeks on end when "his" team is slumping. Maybe you know who I'm speaking of? :rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
i get a kick out of GHG...... i laugh hysterically at some of his ANALogy.....his posts have no meaning what so ever because a bandwagon fan is NOT A TRUE FAN, so therefore, his words mean zilch, notta, nothing, but they are good for a laugh...... :D

Are you sure about that GHG? There's one certain "Habs supporter" here who disappears for weeks on end when "his" team is slumping. Maybe you know who I'm speaking of? :rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
more embarrassment for the Habs, i love this offseason BWAHAHAHAHAH! GOMILFSGO!!!!!!!!!!!!! (dont get me wrong, i love milfs but not with 14 yr old looking boys)
He's such a L-O-S-E-R!!!!!

And yeah, he does like he's 14 years old!!!


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
One, she's 23. Two she's a friend of his girlfriend.

What's new? Nothing. Leafs fans strike out again.


Habs Fan
Aug 27, 2003
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What's new? Nothing. Leafs fans strike out again.

as they have been for the last 43 seasons! :D


Doesn't look like a milf to me. But what do you expect from delusional Toronto fans who always get it wrong - they actually think the 2009/2010 Maple Leafs will be a playoff team? :eek:
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